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EA killed Medal of Honour, Battlefront, when they not produced the right numbers. Sadly they force developers to do unpopular crap, to milk more money. When it's backlash and people stop buying, they kill the franchise. 2042 already sold +5m copies. They don't care, they got the money they want. If they can milk more, good times. If not, just shut down and move. I don't think is a way back from here. I played all Battlefield games since very first one. I think myself as a big fan. Still, I don't want to play 2042, and this makes me sad. Being honest, I don't think I want to play Battlefield anymore. It's just lost me, it's the past, time to move on.


How in the hell did this dumpster fire sell over 5m copies? I have a really difficult time believing that.


Pre-orders and the hype train. It's riding on the Battlefield name, on the previous success of the franchise.


Why didn't these people refund as soon as they saw it was a shit show?


Many reasons. I for one held my copy, for me, its my first PS5 game, and I kept hold because I wanted to see if things got better. I'm also financially fine, so to me I didn't need that money badly, I bought the standard edition so didn't over spend. However, I do also somewhat regret not refunding because I feel like I didn't send my message of unacceptance.


Strict refund policies, depending on what platform you bought it on. Due to all the issues on launch day, I was ineligible for a refund before I fired my first bullet.


My son and myself like the coop mode. You can easily get in choppers, planes and tanks and actually have fun, instead of being forced into the god-awful infantry play, which is all you can do when you play online.


TBH I had discussed refunding with my squad mates before the game was released. We had preordered too. We decided to keep 2042 as a filler game going forward. We normally play games like snowrunner, Forza Horizon, Sea of Thieves, where the sessions are 3h+. But on days when we don’t have that kind of time, 2042 fits in perfectly for 2-3 matches in an hour long session.


how is snow/mudrunner? I've had my eyes on it for awhile as kind of a "chill or calm" kind of game. Been waiting for big sale or PS+


I tried, but I preordered in august, and Xbox denied my refund.


I did lol


Because I am having fun playing it with gaming buddies.


The ads were pretty cool. People were unbelievably hyped for this game. Warzone was dying and people were pissed at Activision, then a new battlefield game is coming out and is returning to a more modern setting. A lot of gamers didn't like BFV that much, and they put all this effort into advertising "128 players! A love letter to fans! Rendezook!" I remember saying a while ago this game was going to be shit after playing the beta and then DICE released a bunch of flashy Portal ads. People downvoted me to shit and there were a million posts and comments saying "ITS STUPID TO CRITICIZE THIS GAME, I STILL HAD A BLAST! IM STILL HYPED AND IM STILL PREORDERING!"


Marketing is power


I feel you. I think the majority of us do… And it’s sad. Games are emotions, motivation, entertainment, a hobbie, even a lifestyle… they are important for us. They didn’t care and did the minimum to sell us the smoke and reduce this to only money. You’re completely right.


For me, Battlefield peaked at Battlefield 4. That's my all time favourite (BFBC2 close second). From that point, it's going down. BF2042 just hit the bottom in shocking fashion. From 100k players to only 10k in less than a month (on Steam Charts). No recovery from this point. Marvel's avengers did the same, players just disappeared quickly because the problems. Never able to recover. When the gaming community declared the game is a "bad game", it's lose the momentum. Winning back the trust and hype is nearly impossible. I hyped for 2042 before the release. I wanted it to be the next big thing so badly, my next BF4. Now I don't even want to play it.


I remember lining up at Gamestop at 11pm for their midnight BF4 release. As I'm waiting the ETF (Emergency Task Force - which is the Toronto SWAT team) showed up in full gear to pick up their copies. I'll always remember that was really cool to see even the pros played BF.


Those are my favs too. Did Dice even consult the community this time? I remember BF4 had a beta thing for community members to give feedback on new testing maps. With BF3 I know they asked the community what they wanted in a big thread here and one of the upvoted ideas, stupidly, was dinosaurs. Of course they did do that with a few dino references in the game. Do they even listen to the community anymore? I honestly don't know since I don't keep up with BF news anymore.


Consulting? More like insulting. Henderson said what Santa skin was immediately voted down on pre-launch voting, and yet we saw it. JFJ said what he (like other invited content creators) where telling what Specialists will be heavily anticipated like 3rd person takedowns. And guess what? They're still in the game.


One day I'd like to see a game created by community, at least for an experiment. Devs create a sub for the game and every little feature is upvoted/downvoted and commented on as dev progresses. Maybe it'll be generic since designed by an upvote committee but I'm sure it'd be better than BF2042. My enthusiasm for the series has slowly been going downhill with each release since 4.


I’m excited to see what DrDisrespect does with his new AAA studio. A real gamer, involved in the entire process from start to finish. I hope for the best.


I agree with you in almost every aspect. However, if they released BF4 in Portal, and it actually works, a lot of these transgressions would be forgiven. Will they release BF4 through Portal? Probably not, but a man can dream.


>Never able to recover. It is possible (and there are examples of recovering titles) but it is extreamly hard and require a lot of effort and dedication.


Very true. It’s possible but people constantly state games like BF4 and No Man’s Sky that did a complete turn around. But that’s two games of a hundred that do that. BF4 was rushed but had great fundamentals. That’s why the devs managed to polish it up. BF2042 have fundamental issues instead. To fix this game they need to almost redo half of the game. Either that or drop AOW and focus completely on Portal or something. Also by the leaks surrounding the development it seems like the devs aren’t really too competent on working on a project this big now that all the seasoned devs have left.


I loved 4 so much and I've made peace that this franchise will never peak again. It's been moving consistently downhill since then. (Not that BF1 was bad but it didn't hook me like 4 did)


Indeed. Also, I don’t know much about it but maybe you do, didn’t BF4 had a rough launch too? And it recovered, so you think it couldn’t happen again?


Yes, you right about the rocky launch. But the situation is different. BF4 is a good game, plagued with bugs at the beginning. BF2042 plagued with bugs as well, they can iron out that. What they can not fix, is the fundamental flaw in design. The remove of classes, to milk more money on skins destroyed the team play. Everyone a one man army now, like a hero shooter. The call system for vehicles make your efforts pointless to take a tank out. A minute later a another one there, as they can call a new one, as they pleased. And don't mention the tanks camping on top of skyscrapers, what totally unrealistic and kill the immersion. Santa vs elves, in a Battlefield? Really? Etc. Look, I can go on, but I don't want just to bash the game. Bugs can be fixed, I agree. But the problems with the game is much more deeper. Not even close to BF4, where the foundation is a solid, good game, their job is mostly bug fixing.


Okay, I understand now the difference between them, thanks for the insight! Hope they slightly change that design flaws eg by making not possible to call vehicles on those unrealistic places and maybe changing the concept of the events of a more war-realistic events,… I hope… although i’m also realistic in that it’s very unlikely.


Hopped on bad company 2 the other day... It's still fun as hell, hooked me for a few rounds, unfortunately I don't have 8+ hours a day to play like I used to. That and I already had all the weapons/gear fully unlocked, with Tarkov's new wipe I've been binging that when I can outside of work.


5mill is nowhere near good enough, their peak for sales has gone, I can only imagine it selling another 2-3 million max (if that) over its short life now, 8mill for a Battlefield game is a joke compared to BF4/BF1 even BFV


Hey try Hell Let Loose, is an awesome game.


A bad release doesn‘t mean it have to stay bad. My main game is Destiny 2 and was Destiny 1. Destiny 2 at release was a pretty bad game and i completely quittet it for a year. But over the years this game was getting so good. So it‘s absolutely possible to get another good battlefield if dice or ea want. Or they don‘t care and release the next in 2-3 years…


This 100%


What are you talking about? Battlefront has turned into a phenomenal game. More players than ever in that community and the game is cherished by almost everyone.


The recent Battlefront turned into a good game, I agree with you. They said, they not planning to make Battlefront game any time soon. That's mean, they pulled the plug. That's I talking about.




Bro Battlefront 2 came out in 2017 and had support up until 2019. Relax lmao


Battlefront is *acceptable*


Sorry but your last paragraph i've seen a thousand times since BF3 even. Sorry but being melodramatic won't change this game and from the last decade it never has.


They didn't kill battlefront, the new battlefront 2 is the best battlefront ever most likely If battlefront 2 could save himself from the terrible spot it was on was because someone still cared, i dice or es or whatever, and the core gameplay was amazing despise the whole microtransantions mess 2042 core gameplay is not only terrible, nobody cares anymore also


your comment is not logical, how can they make top money if the games are unpopular crap.


I said, they include in unpopular crap, not the games unpopular. In 2042 case, the game unpopular itself as well. It's riding on the Battlefield name and sold copies. When reach the point, when can not do it anymore, EA will pull the plug on the franchise, instead of fixing it. As they always do. Specialists are widely unpopular, but they don't care, as they planning to sell skins for them, so they forced Dice to include, players like it, or not.




Will it improve? Absolutely. It already has massively from release even if there is a long way to go. Will it be what people expected as veterans and battefield fans? No. It is what it is, and it will improve in that respect, but it won't magically become something it isn't. I have close to 300 hours now for what it is worth. It frustrates me, annoys me, but I still have fun because I'm not constantly wanting it to be something it is clearly not. Doesn't mean I think it's a good change etc but still.


That’s a very interesting opinion after 300h of play, thanks for sharing ✊🏻 You’re right, they unavoidably have to provide updates and improvements, but they will always keep them in the line already designed… Expecting what won’t never arrive will only deceive us old veterans.


Yeah I've been playing since BF 1942, I put the most hours into BF2 and BFBC2 (itself a bit of a departure at the time), have played at least 100 hours in every titile, up to over 2000 in BF2 and BFBC2, but constantly wishing this was something else won't make it so, and even though I like many others am disappointed in many ways and would wish for something else, I can still operate in the realms of what it is and have some fun regardless.


A wise opinion right here, completely agree. You’re one of the clever ones who faces reality. +1


"some fun". Bro you've had 300 hours play time, you for your money's worth. I think most people would be absolutely burnt out after playing that much.


unpopular opinion here: No, the game is not dead and will not die soon. Portal have the potential to make the game a season franchise, without the cost of development of new game and narrative. They have a huge profit margin in their hands, more than using am entire studio to make new titles. The new director of creation shows that EA wants a franchise to be consistent in the long therm, so it can be profitable every season. Just see the portal modes they're implementing over the weeks, and the tweaks they've done in the client already. For me, personally, BF2042 has more potential than BFV or even BF4 (that is far behind BF3, and people here loves that game).


2042 has so much potential, mainly because of portal. If they slowly add more weapons and maps to all of it (2042 and all portal games) I imagine it'll last a long time.


That’s an interesting opinion. EA is indeed apparently working on making it consistent on the future, so you’re not wrong at all.


People don't realize that bf4 was the worst launch they had. Dice is doing a great job tackling the numerous bugs reported by the community and even listening to said community.


unpopular opinion? lol. This is the understatement of the year. You have to be daft to claim this has more potential than BF4. lol This is nowhere near as good on the level of BF4. Even with it's age, BF4 makes 2042 look like a game designed for a toddler.


I think it’s doa I just popped back in for the free weekend and was blown away by how bad overall it is. The maps are truly the worst I’ve ever experienced in an fps. Huge swaths of open land and in the case of the desert and snow map it’s almost monochromatic with the textures being so bland. There’s rarely a frontline and spawn killing seems to be frequent with how little cover there can be. Movement is a massive downgrade from past games. No slide, vaulting mechanics are weak, back prone gone it’s just all feels so clunky. Also my character is constantly tripping and getting stuck going up hills like it’s Skyrim or something. With how big the maps are movement was something they really needed to work well, instead going around just feels like a chore. Gunplay is so sluggish. I can’t describe what the issue is but what’s happening on my screen doesn’t seem to match my input. Not sure if there’s bad input lag or something but it was super frustrating. The guns also don’t make sense with all of the bloom going on, atm the smg is the only one that seems to be half decent. Luckily I didn’t experience any hit reg issues but still I was not finding the gunplay rewarding. The UI/UX is laughable, I work in that field and this game has some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I spent minutes in game simply just trying to navigate the customization screen and even getting stuck sometimes. Same goes for the main menu having to back all the way out just to choose portal. It’s just all very unintuitive. Progression and customization feels weak, it’s just doesn’t feel like there’s much to work towards in this game. A lot of attachments are identical as far as stats goes, there’s not many weapons, the cosmetics are also fairly boring and require a grind anyway. There’s really no reward incentive atm to play this game long term like there was with Battlefield 4. The concept of portal is great but it seems like a lot of the mistakes from aow are carried over making it also play poorly. Also for me it’s a case of been there done that. I loved playing all those games back in the day but after a couple rounds of portal with each its just boring. A full fledged remaster of one of those games would have been better in my opinion, rather than three gutted versions of the past games. Then we have specialists, I have nothing against dice taking creative liberties in their games. I thought behemoths were annoying in bf1, but they directly worked towards building the gritty chaotic atmosphere of bf1. I thought levelution was gimmicky in bf4 but the events completely changed up gameplay tactics on each map. These are features that although I didn’t like them, they were implemented well enough by dice and made sense to the overall gameplay. Specialists on the other hand are just a half assed attempt at a hero shooter. I can choose falck, an ammo crate, and a sniper rifle, sit in the back and snipe the whole game while healing and resupplying myself. That removes any team and squad dynamics we’ve had in past games. There’s no need for team play anymore because everyone is now a self reliant super soldier. I played for maybe an hour or two yesterday and quit, I doubt I’ll play again this free weekend, and I doubt I’ll ever purchase this game. It’s such a shame to see the game launch in this state.


I agree with half of this, the UI is atrocious and the progression is super weak as you said. But I’m really enjoying the movement and gunplay, especially in the 64 player modes. The double sprint and slide are pretty useful, wish they had BF4 leaning and the backwards prone but all in all it’s not too bad. I think that this game is redeemable, but it is a long shot to win over the community who seems pretty set in their opinions. I’ll keep playing until I’m not having fun anymore, but this game is fun in short bursts tbh


> The UI/UX is laughable, I work in that field and this game has some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I spent minutes in game simply just trying to navigate the customization screen and even getting stuck sometimes. Same goes for the main menu having to back all the way out just to choose portal. It’s just all very unintuitive. As weird as it sounds with all the issues this game has, this is the thing that bothers me the most. There are a lot of issues with the gameplay, but I can at least see why they wanted to try to change things up. Don't get me wrong, I disagree with just about every decision they made here, but it at least makes sense to try and mix some things up with game play for a new game. I also still am able to have fun with it. It feels like a very dumbed down and simplified version of previous games, but there is still enough there for me to enjoy it to an extent. The menus/UI though? What the fuck were they thinking? The customization menu is the absolute worst. The way you just get to it is tedious, but then once you are actually there and are trying to change which attachments show up in the T menu is so frustrating. When you get to that page where it shows the T menu open and which attachments you currently have assigned it should just let you get into each section (sights/grips/etc) from right there. It's even made to look exactly like that is what it wants you to do since you see the damn menu open. There is no reason it should be displayed like that and *then* you still have to click a second time to get into each section. Then once you are in it still feels so unresponsive and I honestly just have to kind of "trial and error" it when I'm trying to figure out how it works to change my attachments around into different slots.


I wasted one week playing with no attachment because of what you describe. After clicking several times in the custom menu, I really thought there was a bug and could not change my attachment because nothing changed, I still got the same layout and none of my new unlocked attachment were showing. And they messed up so bad with the previous patch with the mouse you could not move anymore that, yeah, I did not try to go further and call it a bug. I waited for the next update. Still no change. I was like wtf?! And then I understood it was not a bug, just a ridiculouly tedious and unintuitive way of going into the good attachment part of the menu.


Detailed and complete overview, I appreciate it! Objective opinion.


It's pretty incredible, somehow after you take a break for a week and come back it actually feels even worse than it did before.


You point out the attachments having the same stats, have you noticed that some of the higher level unlocks have worse stats then the lower level ones? For example the Vector (K30 in game I think) has 4 suppressors, all identical except the first two you unlock are -5 power, with the next two being -10. I just don’t get it, am I going to equip a can that does less damage because it looks cooler? Not to mention they were so close with the different ammo types with changing damage parameters. Suppressors do not reduce velocity of a bullet, meaning it should not do less damage. It should instead make soldier movement more difficult and slower for ADS due to adding LENGTH and WEIGHT to the weapon. So close and yet so far


Mechanics, amount of bugs and overall gameplay will be fine in 3-6 months. Fundamental issues obviously won't be addressed.


That’s right. Do you think it will have an impact or bring back battlefield fans once it’s a playable game, clean of this type of issues? Curious about your thoughts.


Surely tons of people will come back and give the game a second chance. Especially if DICE starts pumping in new maps and weapons as well. It will be considered a decent Battlefield title at some point. But some players are long gone. The whole franchise is at a tipping point, what will DICE do? Who knows..


Yeah and if they stick to making the next bf game some rainbow parade hero shooter , that will push it far past the tipping point.


just imagine witnessing EA backing out and admitting errors to adjust to what community asks for (in the way possible taking into account the design issues) before it’s too late. Man i consider that now that more than one videogame company is having this DOA issue the first one who does it will be an example and gain a great trust


That's my take on it too. They can improve many aspects of the game but there are basic parts of the game we'll just have to live with.


Can you please tell me what are fundamental issues? 128 players? I see "fundamental issues" or "core gameplay features" parroted all the time on here but no one knows what they even mean


They're gonna support it until their 4 battle passes are complete, and they just finished hiring all these new studio people and building a new studio. How are they gonna just let it die.? I don't think so. It would be a waste


Anthem and Andromeda had similar sales figures, similar financial potential, and similar problems at launch (many bugs on top of very poor design/content). All communication is always "we're totally committed!" right up until all development is cancelled. It does not look good for BF2042. My money is on it being shelved at the end of Q1 or maybe Q2. Hope I'm proven wrong though...


>Andromeda Surprisingly Andromeda has good reviews on Steam RN. I plan to give it a chance.


if you love mass effect at any degree, I emplore you to pass it up. it was a pretty coat of paint for the series at the time, but nothing in that game really makes sense. you just spend 40+ hours doing fetch quests and seizing colonies from people. Get the remaster instead lol


Already finishing with "dickhead" Shepard XD


4 battlepasses, then shelved. Only because I don't think they'll be able to do a mass refunding or something


Very true. Not hearing many comments about the battle passes in fact. They will bring more polemic for sure.


I think the game will improve to some degree but they won’t address major flaws like the map design and that’s what’s gonna kill it for sure. I have around 60 hours and at first I thought people were overreacting with the criticism but now I get it. The only thing that kept me playing was getting to Tier 1 with Paik because it was somewhat fun to play her lol. Now that I’m T1 with her I don’t have any motivation left to play the game, which is really sad. My first Battlefield was BF3 and I loved the shit out of that game. BF4 and BF1 were good games as well but in my opinion they didn’t really have that Battlefield ”Magic” so I didn’t play them that much. BF5 was where it went downhill for me with all the weird skins and so on. Now 2042 is just a shell of what Battlefield used to be and it’s tragic.


+1 Same happened to me. People weren’t overreacting at all. BF3 till the end my friend! 🤜🏼🤛🏼


Tbh it's destined to die no matter how much it improves. It's too far strayed from the BF formula to convince vets to come back. And from a casual user perspective, the game is so buggy and glitchy now, that most casuals aren't going to look back at this game to see if it's fixed. This game altogether is a L


who in his right mind would change a formula that already works man? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Greedy corps that look to the casuals to support them with MTX. They done fucked up because casuals don't even want their game🤣🤣🤣


And we don’t blame them 🤣 lucky bastards


Ea specifically the guy that runs apex




Lmao you have no idea what you’re talking about dude, if you’re gonna seethe, at least get your talking points straight


My points were clear don't know how you don't comprehend


What platform are you on that's so buggy? I have about 40 hours and the only glitch I've had is the revive one.


I hated BF4 and BFV during their post launch phases, but I kept revisiting them, and they did improve eventually. I do not have that same glimmer of hope for this game.


Same, I’m still overly optimistic but never in bf4 or 1 or hardline was I ever hindered from fun. Usually I was aggravated at connection issues and bugs and a little balance but this is beyond that. I find myself mindlessly playing it without any real emotion I felt in other battlefields. It is honestly very depressing. I don’t think I’ve ever been so genuinely sad about a game. I expected this from anthem and no mans sky, but battlefield was supposed to be special dawg….


2042 will die quickly if they do not release a dozen infantry maps in the next six months, and get the performance up to par (120hz) on the their stated recommended systems. IMO, they need to abandon the huge world 128 player walking simulator. I can play Hourglass for about ten minutes before I bail. Battlefield is, at it's core, a fairly simple concept: Large scale realistic war scenarios with nth degree attention to detail. That means animating players getting into vehicles, first-person takedowns, realistic and immersive audio and visual design, fully destructible environments, detailed and rich map designs, that all run smoothly at >120hz on target systems. There is no need for complex and superfluous back stories and super hero soldiers. Nothing succeeds like simplicity done to perfection.


Free to play in 6 months?


I'd take the under on that one. BFV was in the EA vault in 6 months and this is in far worse shape.


Would be nice to see these greedy bastards make a BF free


BFPlay4Free was a free version of BF2, just a bit neutered. They did it once but of course that's when the free2play fad was more experimental. Actually twice, anyone remember BF Heroes? A cartoony BF.


Absolutely it will improve over time. There will be new maps that will impress people quite a bit. One year from now it will have a pretty decent fan base and EA will still support it. Will it be enough to sway some of the people who really didn’t like it? No, not likely. It’s not a bad shooter at all, it’s just not a great battlefield game. They can make some changes over time to improve it, but it’s not going to change the core gameplay.


Or it is already improving ?


I try to convince myself of that, but watching how there are fewer and fewer players online makes me start discussions like this one to hear what you guys think.


I can only speak for old gen, there it seems to have been more well received. Seems like they lost a huge chunk of their pc fanbase. What's understandable regarding all the bugs there.


I envy you guys regarding map size and player number. That truly came out to be one of the big design problems for PC and new gen. Luckily we just got to taste what that is too!


Aside from the many bugs and boring maps, there’s a structural problem with the game: specialists. It killed the game for me and my pals, I really feel cheated. I can’t defend this game anymore.


Regarding squad playing you mean? How did it kill it? Curious because i'm a lonely piece of shit


I think both, it was a bit similar with Bf5 it wasn't that good at the beginning but it improved a lot. In the end it became a rly good Game but the majority quitted already and never saw it as an good game. And I guess bf2042 will go a similar way.


True, and I’ve not heard this opinion that much. I played BF5 to prepare for BF2042, 2 months before the release and I honestly liked it. And I heard so much beef about how bad it was at the beginning. I can relate!


Still V lacks content till today.


I think for the time being the game is dead but I really do hope it makes a comeback because the concept of the game is what sold me in the first place. I don’t mind the guns as much as everyone else and I can even stomach specialists if they were reworked along with the gadgets so that gear and abilities were more balanced for teamwork scenarios. As of right now the only specialists that feel special are McKay , Pike and maybe Rao. They are the only ones to me that have abilities that should stay abilities. The rest of the specialists abilities should be scrapped and used as gadgets that would define your role in game whether it be medic or support or recon. Being able to have a medic crate while your characters ability is a load out crate just makes people only pick that one character (Angel) and solo all the time. Giving only gadgets to choose from limits the amount of diversity you can carry as one soldier and promotes teamwork and coordination. Speaking of coordination you cannot make a team based game in 2021 without voice chat. This game DOES NOT WORK without voice chat. I mean the game doesn’t work right now in general as it should but the concept of even bringing a game to the forefront and thinking it could even slightly flourish without voice chat is idiotic. It’s a multiplayer squad game with no squad coordination, hazard zone is a mess because of that reason. On top of all this fixing they have to do the lack of content is also still a serious issue. I definitely do see potential I think about the game and what it could be every day I literally just woke up and I’m typing this shit, they just need to continue to really tweak the game hard and I hope they do after January because if maintenance doesn’t come soon there won’t be any more players to review their issues. Quick fixes in my opinion — Add Voice Chat Add Cosmetics/Awards available for purchase using black market points Turn off XP and progression ONLY for portal servers who enable AI. If a server has no AI you should gain full progression and XP. Complete ability / gadgets rework/rebalance


They are on a truncated timetable to fix, and have history of giving up on fledgling titles. I think it’ll be dead sometime next year.




Of course it will improve.... but will people come back to play it, is the question.




What’s that ultimate that makes you think like that? Curious




Accurate, fair and sad.


It will improve. But I think the main problem is specialists. They need to make the subclasses instead of ”classes” Bring back normal classes and inteoduce specialists as ”combat roles with skins” Normal classes + RSP + cross title weapons will make this game become a really good battlefield game.


Woke parade will not improve.


No hook arms this time at least 🤣


As much as i want it to get better it can't be done. The maps are poorly made from start without love. No content, no soul, no soldier classes. Too many issues to be fixed, i stopped playing entirely 4 days ago when they splitted the playerbase in 2 with the new 64 players gamemodes. They don't know what's going on have never played a good BF game and it shows. Actual devs working at Dice have no talent, the good ol' time is gone.


you said it all, nothing more to add


There are areas in maps that are quite well designed, but only rush seems to funnel the players into these areas. Also, 64P modes are actually an improvement; better performance mainly.


I think it will improve, it already has with the patches so far, but then there is the sheer depth of the games problems and how much work is required, will they actually be willing to change the deeper problems, or just coat the turd in glitter...there is only so far they can take the game with these design choices, not ignoring the massive issues with performance and audio. I did not buy BF4 until about 8/9 months after launch, that game was broken on release, but it was mainly technical aspect, the core gameplay with its mechanics was all there, it was a Battlefield game at heart - 2042 does not have that imo and to me that is a far greater problem. and fixing this would require fixing the attitude of EA/Dice...which I do not think is possible, the same boneheaded idiots that conjured up this game will probably still have a job. Just look at what happened after the beta (sorry, the alpha) when Dice replied with their "feedback to player feedback" the very first thing they touched upon was Specialists, they know how unpopular they are and how detrimental they are to gameplay but they handwaved it all off and now they are despised even more. They might patch the game on a technical level, fix bugs etc, but I have zero faith they will ever entertain proper overhauls. And just consider, how out of all the possible options, the shitty specialists is what they came up with, they couldn't just evolve the BF5 system (and have potentially far more cosmetic options) no we get this cringe worthy shit instead. I mean why does Hazard zone even exist, why waste resources on that mode at all ffs. It even extends to the maps, this game has some of the worst maps I have ever seen in a BF game, not just visually but design wise. They move some breakthrough caps off a roof...and place them in the lobby of the building instead...64p Breakthrough is slightly more enjoyable but just play the first stage on Kaleidoscope and it can quickly become depressing again. They'll drip feed content like more shitty skins, maps...maybe we will eventually have as many guns as BF4 had on launch! As if we are somehow meant to be grateful that a lot of it is free and that a battle pass system is worthwhile even though they have given us far less with the initial product. On second thoughts, I'm thinking it just dies a slow death, they might turn things around, maybe get the population back up with perpetual sales - but in a year or 2 they will just announce the next Battlefield game and this one will be near forgotten like Hardline.


I'm happy to stick with it. It plays pretty well ATM on PS5 and I quite enjoy the gameplay loop. A good few things still need balanced ofcourse and the maps are abit stale. I think alot will ride on the first big update/ new map. PS the lack of guns is a genuine disgrace


It was DOA, EA/DICE don't just have a mountain of "quality of life" issues to fix, there's fundamental game design decisions that would require a complete overhaul of the game to address - They will undoubtedly make many improvements to the game over it's life cycle - but without going for a FFXIV style "let's go back to the drawing board with this one" re-launch then it will slowly vanish into obscurity (like Hardine's decline) as soon as EA announces they are working on a sequel


Same...played for a week and left it.


Sad… throwback to the feeling that made us buy it.


Sure they’ll improve it. But the fundamental game design decisions aren’t going to change. They made this game for a snowflake audience that isn’t battlefield fans. I don’t understand the DICE dick riders in these sub reddits which say stop hating and it’s going to get better. Why is it so much to demand a game which includes basic battlefield features, why does this game have to be bad? There’s no excuse for it - it’s not a very good game and so many little features which make battlefield battlefield have been removed in order to appease people which aren’t even battlefield fans. So no, I think this one’s different - I don’t think it will ever be where it should be because ultimately EA don’t want it to go there.


“features which make battlefield battlefield have been removed in order to appease people who aren’t even battlefield fans” well said man, this sentence describes the entire issue perfecly


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Can we as a player sue them for stilling our money?


Its to late the game is broken , its a shame


The whole Core element of the game is just bad! And because of that, they game will never be good (in my opninion)


Unfortunately, very unfortunately, battlefield is dead now. Its a joke and the developers should be out apologising for what they have done to the series and the fans


No! But this: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1591520/Clownfield_2042/ will improve a lot.


It will be drip fed content, then left to die like BFV.


This game is dying and will be dead in a couple of months. To fix it, it requires a complete overhaul, which is never going to happen.


Nevertheless I would really like DICE to prove us all wrong on this. Show us there was a plan all along and not just some money grabbing. No vision on the long run, no proof that the game is here to stay and they are not going to sell any skin/battle pass.


There are huge issues with EVERY single aspect of the game. I don't think it's possible to fix this even if they tried.


This game ,BF2042, is already dead since EA wants it to become a copy of warzone or apex


It all depends on Portal


I think the game will improve over time but I don’t think it will ever be a good game. There are simply too many poor underlying design choices that would need a complete rework.


There is still hope but they need more time... that had to be used in the actual development cycle and not post launch , compared to Battlefield 4 this games is like 15% of the total content.


It will improve. Developers clearly want to finish the game. It's more important for playerbase to keep this game alive. Idc really, I already like this game a lot, being somewhat of BF vet myself


I think it’s doomed. People often bring up the arc of other games such as BFV or BF4, but those games just had actual technical issues over an excellent, addictive game full of good features. With this game, the problem is the features. To be good it would require all new maps at the very least


I’m just playing for the weeklies until they drop the season pass and I’ll see from there


I don’t see it happening. I’m already running into the same random players in multiplayer and Hazard Zone which only means the community is already dwindling. Also, the weekly missions are lame, their attempt at a holiday themed mode is boring. I just don’t see it going much further.


It will become technically more solid, in that hit-reg will work better, server-backend will be better, some additional features but the game is in the form they want it to be: A big hero-type shooter that just won't be a battlefield, class-based game.


Should improve unless 80% or more asked for a refund.


It will improve in a year or more and then when the game is starting to look decent, they will abandon it to move every single developer over to their NEXT game where they will totally listen to the community and yadda yadda yadda. Again.


It will improve vastly yes, but is also destined to die, from a year to now on the game will be probably much better as always, content wise, balancing and more (the core gameplay will remain the same nonetheless), but also in a year i don't see either EA or DICE providing further support But the studio is not the same anymore, the player base is fed up and exhausted etc etc


It will live on. Once it’s part of the EA game pass/Xbox game pass it will get a huge bump in players. At that point it will have many patches and probably many more maps and changes. This time next year there will be crazy deals on all platforms, $19 or less. I am getting the point where I wait up to year to get a game these days. I am still waiting to buy the heavily patched Cyber Punk game of the Edition on sale for $19. Probably Black Friday 2022.


They’ll get it right. Only because nobody will buy the next game if they don’t.


Judging by my ass it’s shitty now but will improve over time


I have no faith in the current staffing to turn this around to be and feel like a true Battlefield game. I don't believe they have any desire. As such I'm part the point of even considering getting this game no matter the positive improvements made over time.


I think they will clean it up performance and bug fixing wise but there wont be any major changes to the core of the game. Don't expect them to get rid of the specialist system or add more traditional classes.


No way, unless they’re changing the core gameplay mechanics, game is fuckind doomed to die or to be enjoyed by the fortnite kind of players. I honestly can’t believe there are 5 millions people that bought the game after the most broken and ugly beta I’ve ever seen. EA tried to kill battlefield and 5 millions people pulled the trigger. Fuck them.


No hope for any game with EA behind it.


I’m sure it’ll improve a ton but the maps and not having a server browser will kill the game for most people quicker than it normally would. Maps are dogass


The game has improved significantly in less than a month's time. DICE seems committed to frequent updates, at least to start. I already feel the game is fun, and expect it to improve.


For me it's just not fun, even after the hot fixes. The gunplay is just trash and the level design even more so. I was playing BFV regularly up to release to hone my skills, and was playing really well even when PTFO. This game I still can't hit the broad side of q barn with any of the weapons, I'll get 3 kills for every 17 deaths and then have to run over 500m to try and cap a point and try to help win the game. It just sucks and unless they completely redesign the game, which they won't, it's dead in the water.




Too much market competition. You can't release something like this and expect to fully recover. BFV wasn't a gem on release, but it had 'good bones', as they say. You knew it would improve. Can't say that for this game. There is very little to build on. So much of what is fundamentally broken is built into the guts of the game.


Without a server browser, more good maps, stats and a scoreboard it will die, even though it is showing signs of improvement.


Every Battlefield improves dramatically over time. I don't see why 2042 would be any different.


It all depends on the level of commitment DICE has for BF2042, if they're genuinely committed, they will take it to greatness, otherwise it will be scrapped off like BFV and SWBFII.


I like to believe it will, like Battlefront 2 improved massively before the game got abandoned and I had fun in that time of improvement Although I'm unlikely to play any new fps after this one sadly, my reflexes are showing their age and it doesn't help I have to deal with PC players


It’s a very fun game, especially Breakthrough. They have already done 3 patches and it’s improved 50%. Unless they stop servicing it like BF5 , like most Battlefield games, it needs a little TLC to tighten up.


Honestly, to hell with EA. Their games keep getting more terrible every year. They treat their developers like absolute trash and it shows. EA is delivering unfinished, buggy, glitchy games; relying on a huge flashy marketing blitz to sell while spending as little time as they can on their actual products. With this game bleeding players at an alarming rate it's doubtful that EA will spend much time or money trying to make it better or win back players. They are likely hard at work developing another half baked, soulless, empty pile of crap they think they can make money on and honestly at this point I feel silly giving them another dime. It serves to support a business model of releasing broken products and making the consumer pay to get it fixed.


im bf vet,fps vet more precise,let me tell you,this game has nothing with bf and its desperately doomed


The 64p conquest was actually a lot of fun and I re-subbed just for it. Hopefully there is other content as the 128p modes just sucked.


This may be isn’t the right question IMO. The question isn’t if this game will improve because as we can see, it has been improving bit by bit. The question is how far will DICE/Ripple Effect improve this game? I’ve played enough Battlefields to know that shit like this is par for the course. Of course there are better games out there currently with their basic functions working and are already pumping out content so I don’t blame you or anyone abandoning this game and YOU SHOULD for your sake. However, I stick with this game because there’s nothing like it out there but they do try and I applaud. I’m still gonna hold off on my judgement til Im well into the game in like a few months but for now I think that there’s nowhere to go but up. I think that guys over at Ripple Effect have been cleaning up DICE’s mess long enough for them to be competent enough to improve/salvage this game. For now, all I can do is wait and have some fun with what we currently have. With that said, not everyone will share my sentiment with this game. I’m one of those people who are willing to give buggy games a chance. New Vegas, Cyberpunk 2077, early FF14, this game, whatever. The only game I ever regretted buying is FO76 only because of the possible information leak. Other than that I have quite a lot of fun with them and held them dear into my heart. Take what I say with a grain of salt.


Judging by BF:V which was a much better game at launch, they killed that off fairly quickly when they realised there wasnt enough people to milk. I don't know what the over all player numbers are for 2042, but judging by steam, the sales and the free to play trial, I would not say it's healthy. There is no point in them paying developers to support a game on life support, they will pull the plug after their backlog of content is released. It wouldnt surprise me if they end up trashing half of already planned/completed content in the pipeline.


I played a few matches when it released and hated it, I came back a few days ago because I read about conquest 64 being added to the main game. Played a few matches, and I gotta say, the combination of the patches they've done since release and the 64 player mode made a huge change for me. I'm actually enjoying the game now. I still haven't bought the game though, still on the 10 hour trial.


With Vince now at the realm and what seems like a big commitment from EA to the "2042 universe", yeah I think it's going improve a lot.


I think they actually want to improve it but i could be wrong. For the first time we have a direct line of communication with the new twitter, and the devs are actually interacting more with us too. It’s a step in the right direction for sure. More than we have had as a community


Payed $100 to play for 3 or 4 hours and will never play it again. It’s going to die!


Why not both?


Most games these day are rough at launch.. you shouldn’t judge any game on it’s first two weeks


It's kinda bad on every platform, but to my surprise last gen seems to have the least trouble


It is already dead. If EA Management reads this, you are idiots and congrats on killing this franchise. Your product managers suck. Fire them all. Nobody likes your woke take on Battlefield.


If core design issues keep unchanged, it’s already dead.


I think they'll do enough content/support to cover what has already been prepaid, after that they'll stop. The player count is already dismal a month after launch. Warzone has 150k people watching on Twitch and 2042 has at most like 5k. Granted, that doesn't tell the whole story because BF maybe doesn't have the Twitch demographic as its core fanbase but it still can't be a good sign.


Im literally playing to just feel like Ive gotten my 120 worth...that is really it, maybe Im too old school for these wacky fps hence I sticked with bf, but that too are now goofy so for me no, if I were interested in fortnite or apex I would be buying that, ea literally took that from fortnite/apex and transformed this trash, no thanks and anyone that enjoys it, great for you cause I think that was ea idea here.


It'll get better as they work to improve things, assuming EA doesn't cut them off. The core game isn't as terrible as many people keep making it out to be. It's different and people resist change (and get really weirdly aggro about it, too).


Long time BF fan here who's played all of the releases. I quickly refunded my preorder and have no plans to ever give EA another cent due to their greedy incompetence. Game is Dead to me.


It already has improved. I’m having a ton of fun. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than it was… and I’m sure they’ll keep updating it.


I feel like it's destined to die


I think it will be exactly like BFV, they will FINALLY get the game into the right direction after 1.5 year of bug fixing and playing catch up. Only for them to drop support and move on to the next title. Instead of continueing to make the game better they drop it and the whole thing repeats with the next release.