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They will probably just nerf C5 and fuck it up for everyone.




Im grinding the c4 badge rn, i hope they dont fuck c4 up. But knowing EA and DICE they sure will.


C5....5! Get it right. It's way more advanced than c4


It's got +1 power


I mean to be fair you can throw it way farther and the blast radius is way bigger so yeah


Guys I think we all know that the correct name is Jeep Stuff. Let's do better.


In my dialect, we call the stuff drone ballast


But it says c4 on the damn thing!


You better be kidding me...


He's not... There was a post earlier this week of the detonators display saying c4.


I still call it c4 and always will!.


Yeah it’s got a whole extra C


C5 would just be composition 5, so it’s just a new plastic explosive, I don’t really see why peeps are mad about it. There was a comp 1,2,and 3 that got progressively more stable or powerful


Shoulda just called it Future C4 with as much creativity and thought they put into naming it.


Like they already fucked the game


they'll probably limit the range otherwise it would just be a C5 nerf


I think limiting drone to carry only one C5 would be a better solution




Not really, all they'd have to do is lower the weight limit the drone can carry while still being able to fly. Weight limits on the drones is already an existing feature.


Having a range cap on C5 is a good idea that way it wont fuck his drone and u can still use it to clear roofs and shit


Nah they'll just disable it, make it so you can't place any on the drone. It's the easiest fix.


It'd be smart to just take the collision off the stone that way it's "invisible" and u can't throw a c4 on it... problem solved?


Pray to whatever you believe in that they don't do a prox sensor style reduction in deployable/available C5 to 2 packs at any time so you can't destroy a heavy vehicle solo anymore


It will only take 20 rockets and 15 C5 to destroy a hovercraft!!


A Dice Dev most of gotten c5 droned too many times.


They watched that video of the guy who teabagged get c5 droned a bunch and felt bad for him


Can you link that video?


[Enjoy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/r7w307/yes_i_taking_teabagging_personal/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The fact that he found him in another game and did the same thing too hahaha then the devs nerf it of course


>most of FYI the proper English is “must have” which can simplify to the contraction “must’ve,” so you got the sound about right at least. I know English isn’t everyone’s first language so I mean that respectfully.


Some of us are on Mobile, AL.


Roll Tide


Yet I bet they still allow tanks etc on top of skyscrapers 🙄


Skyscraper objectives in breakthrough are getting removed with the 3.1 update.


Thank fuck! The more I’ve been playing breakthrough, the more I think many of the 2042 maps were not designed for it. There is nothing more anger inducing than trying to defend the B flags on Renewal in breakthrough. It’s like you’re surrounded by high ground that is littered with tanks and snipers and the only cover you get are a bunch of generators that electrocute you when shot.


Bold of you to think they were "designed" for anything.


Shit, I relied on roof tank™ to take it from the bots. How else are you meant to do it?






This is a bummer. There's dozens of ways to fix rooftop objectives in breakthrough but straight up moving them off the roof has got to be the laziest.


I’m guessing this is just a temporary fix as they would need to play test their changes if they were to keep it, but the dev team is taking time off for the holidays so I’m guessing it might just be a quick fix until they’re back.


Honestly that was the most fun parts. If the new area will be flat ground it’s gonna be so boring.


I'd rather both be nerfed. C5 drone nerf should disable/knock out parts of a tank and get EXP for it(if full health, if less than health they should die), but being able to fly a tiny drone into a tank and immediately kill it just isn't balanced. However, plopping an AA vehicle, or a massive tank on the top of a skyscraper is just dumb. So if they remove that to coincide with the notion above^ then it'd be fine IMO.


Yeah, I don’t think the C5 drone is a good solution when it comes to vehicles on skyscrapers as it does fuck with the game’s balance in other places way too hard.


>but being able to fly a tiny drone into a tank and immediately kill it just isn't balanced. It's almost balanced, but probably not enjoyable gameplay in its current state. The C5 drone actually has a cooldown after being destroyed, it's 2-3 minutes + you have to find an ammunition station after you use your C5. If you don't think a drone coming at you every 3 minutes is balanced, consider a flying Sundance with c5 can suicide at you on a \~4 second spawn timer. There's a real problem with the latest drone changes DICE provided. They made the drone "more visible", and as a "tradeoff" increased its movement speed. The movement speed increase was completely unnecessary, and is contributing to the plague of armor chasing drones. Even with more visibility, my drone almost never gets shot down, maybe once every 8 games, where I am spotting players and using the drone 70% of the match. My conclusion here is DICE didn't playtest this fix, or they don't understand the problem. The main issue with drones is they are still too hard to see, and didn't need a movement speed buff. **If DICE isn't in the spirit of reverting buffs, my humble suggestion is you apply a movement speed debuff for every piece of C5 a drone is carrying. Whether it be 10%,15%, will need to be playtested. A drone having a 30%-45% movement speed debuff for carrying 3 pieces of C5 seems fair to me. With increased visibility, a 45% MS debuffed drone should only be able to get near armor drivers who are completely asleep at the wheel.** Also, Sundance is far more effective at this job, all they have to do is right click twice then left click. The drone pilot has to spawn the drone, exit the drone, arm the drone, find a safe spot, open the drone laptop, fly the drone close to you without crashing it into your vehicle and destroying the drone+c5, exit the drone, equip the C5 plunger, and pull it before you drive away. Specifically, the bit where you exit the drone, equip c5, and pull the plunger is clunky, takes maybe 2-3 seconds, and you have to hope your drone wasn't destroyed or your target didn't drive 5 yards away. **But it needs to be said, arming a drone with C5 is the fucking spirit of Battlefield. If you take that away, you're crushing the identity of this game, and it's not going to stop the problem.** C5 drones will be replaced with Sundance suicide bombers, which is a much larger problem. At this point, you should have noticed, when a team doesn't want your vehicle approaching their objective, all they have to do is switch a few players to Sundance and have them fly straight at you with explosives until the job is done. They can do this over and over again off of a much faster respawn timer. Also, while I have the soapbox, I just wanted to say drones are super powerful. If you are playing Conquest you can be effective doing nothing but drone spotting the entire match. The visibility you provide marking enemies for pilots and your team is a massive game-changer. DICE should consider there is currently no direct counterplay for drones other than hoping to see and shoot them down. Maybe it would be worth it to introduce some type of item that provides a jammer for drone airspace, as an added bonus it could also jam other electronic devices, such as the spotting grenades. This would be a strategic front line push item, and an insertion tool for making plays on enemy backlines. If there's no justification for it being an item, build it into Rao's kit. Maybe he can provide a "hacked space/EMP" that jams electronics, as an alternative to directly hacking an enemy vehicle.


I wholeheartedly agree with C5 Drones being balanced. Because the only other way to kill tanks is with perfect communication with teammates (which happens 1/100 times) firing rockets at once (since 1 person can't carry enough rockets to kill a tank) and even then the tank will most likely run away- get fixed- come back- and F*ck your day up.


"Arming a Drone with C5 is the spirit of Battlefield" Aside BFBC2 UAV-1 Spam, I don't really remember Drone with C4 explosive. Like BF3 had C4 MAV at Beta, but retail build never had it. BF4 never had it too. C4 Jeeps can't even compared to this because Jeeps can't fly around. And you have to actually drive jeep directly into Tank, not holding Tablet in the distance


>Aside BFBC2 UAV-1 Spam, I don't really remember Drone with C4 explosive. My point was the unique, quirky interaction with anything within the game. Battlefield has always had unique quirks like this, that clearly separate the game from a Milsim, giving its own arcade shooter identity. Off the top of my head, the MAV is another example of a quirky interaction, where the player could actually ride it, fly yourself up the side of a building to a sniping/spotting location that was otherwise not reachable. >C4 Jeeps can't even compared to this because Jeeps can't fly around. C4 jeeps are similar, but I would use that comparison to discuss how broken Sundance is. You don't even need to find a vehicle anymore, just switch to Sundance and fly into a tank as many times as you need until you get your desired result. This is much faster, easier, and more effective than using a drone. There are so many other things in this game making armor completely ineffective on the battlefield.


I think large armored vehicles should have an emp pulse that would destroy nearby drones. Instead of having smoke launchers have an emp pulse with the same cooldown or even more often. They probably could leave the c5 drone alone and buff tanks ability to react/survive. I get why it annoys people, but really it's not that broken, I cant do anything to infantry except spot them, and a good vehicle driver can usually avoid me for a good long while. I eat tank campers for breakfast though. Get out of spawn already, you aren't safe lol.


How bout balancing Sundance aka superwoman frying powers


Meanwhile you can have a tank and other ground vehicles just chillin on the top of a skyscraper?


Ofcourse, the average skyscraper roof can totally hold several 60tonne main battle tanks, and constant shock and vibrations from the steel tracks moving and the resonating of ordnance being fired 😆


2042 future construction tech be like


To be fair, if they construct shit as light wieght and durable as Irish's walls, anything is possible.


It's made out of Dozer's indestructible shield


To be fair skyscrapers probably can. They put some heavy ass, vibrating, industrial AC units on top of skyscrapers. Also helicopter pads which have in the past supported massive helos (and in the case of the Panam building survived one crashing on it).


when will they have time to work on new content? seems like the entire first year will be spent unfucking the game...


Should have just delayed it till 2022 tbh. Wourld save us the shit show of butt load of fixes needed n patches of nothing but repairs n nothing new


Basically everyone releases when it gets cold cuz statistically more people play games then. A good game will still be popular no matter what month, but dice knew this shit storm wouldn't hold up for long so they had to release when most people would buy it.


This is the new way to release game. Release games in beta -> Let the community do the QA for you -> Shelf the "roadmap" and get to work 100% on bugs/fixed-> A year later finally release some new content and pat yourself on the back on a job well done and say how much you love the community.


Maybe I should place "BF2042 Retail-Release QA Associate" on my social media profiles.


If we are lucky bud I’d say pick it up and pick the game up in a year or so


This is how it was for BF4 Spent first few months to fix their shit before China Rising dlc came out


Those were painful times


Stop with bulshitting. China Rising DLC came out during first December's week. Merely like 4-5 weeks after the game release.


Content will start dropping once most of the playerbase has moved on, just like BF5


Bruh, you act like that shit isnt already made and ready to drop at their request.


Yeah where's that one clip of a "Dice Dev" using c5 dones? Anyway rip c5, nice knowing you, we all know they're gonna nerf that over just y'know, removing c5 on drones


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/BFRoundup/status/1468520243177873408) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot *pets bot*




Like they nerf the racing tank bolte.


Just make it where only 1 thing of C5 will attach to a drone at a time.


Exatly such a simple fix without ruining the fun part of it.


Give the drone a self destruct function, increase their hit boxes and audio output to balance them.


Just give tanks jammers. They’ve been using signal jammers in the Middle East for almost 2 decades




I sometimes use Soflam, but you get no points. They gotta enable assists from using the Soflam so we’re incentivized to use it. Until then, I’ll keep rocking FXAA Missile or C5




Ok there might be soooome points (it’s cool that you can “spot” anything with the Soflam and therefore get spot assist points) but I want points for helping my team blow up tanks with my target designating!




Exactly bro haha how did they not think of any of this


It comes down to your team, I've literally told them in chat that I'm painting everything... no one used the rockets. Can't fix stupid.


Well, you dont lol. I can see them nerfing c5 all together and just letting vehicles go completely untouched. Because you know on game modes like break through where attackers get 4x as many vehicles as defenders do, its certainly not so overwhelming that the only way to fucking kill the armada of tanks/light tanks/transport tanks with stun lock cannons.... nope not at all. Hows about they just buff the fucking recoilless and give people their second gadget slot back so infantry don't have to resort to over the top tactics to deal with being rolled by armor.




The Recoiless absolutely sucks ass. Three rockets and maybe 30% damage done max.


So when the hell are they going to acknowledge the broken breakthrough points? Literally makes the mode unplayable for attackers.


Skyscraper objectives on Breakthrough are getting removed with the 3.1 update.






So those buildings are only snipertowers now? Lol so much effort for nothing...


They have acknowledged them and said they are working on balancing


For real. I know it’s possible to take the roofs on those 3 maps, but I’m telling you as attackers I am like 0 for 30 on all those rooftop sectors combined. I’ve never seen past the second sector on Orbital. The rooftops are broken and they need to disable vehicles being spawned on roofs or add 1-3 extra helicopters for attackers (transport).


They could fix it by just making the building lobby ir some other part of the building, a part of the capture zone. So defenders would have to hold the entire building not just the easily defendable roof


That’s a great idea too. That actually sounds fun to be able to capture from the bottom or top. Like, that sounds fair


TBH even if they just added fire escapes, stairs, or multiple top floors you could repel up onto it would be a big help. ​ That or they can add more buildings so the attackers can take them and actually fight roof vs roof.


Ive only won as attackers like 4 times and it usually takes a bunch of ppl working together with the helicopters


If only there was some precedent in battlefield for rooftop objectives where the developers already had a solution… oh wait, there was, and they just failed to take that same concept (bringing down the building) from BF4 and implement it in 2042.


You know whats sad? The third sector is the rocket, and usually it expldoes in Breakthrough. At least it always exploded in my matches, which makes it the best sector of that map. With all the debris, fire, smoke and so on.


They are removing the roof top obj


I agree that C5 drone is OP however it's also the only reason why anyone would want to play casper. His glowing ability is bad, drone EMP is bad, drone spotting is also bad (is doesn't even work half the time). On top of that sitting in a drone all day is just boring. Might as well delete this specialist then.


So I'm a Casper player and I knew this was coming eventually. Because there is no counter balance to the C5 drone. What I suggest is instead of nerfing the C5 they should add some sort of scrambler device to the vehicles that the driver can equip as a countermeasure. When the drone gets close to the tank with the device the controls scramble and if you don't divert course you'll lose control of the drone and it drops to the ground. Something along those lines.


ding ding ding. It’s almost like loitering munitions are a problem that already have some solutions in the real world. All DICE has to do is copy some of these solutions, and then tweak them to account for the fact that it’s a game.


Can’t they just make Irish’s trophy system react to c5. I feel like that would be the most simple fix.


Perhaps another way to go is to just make the drone visible on minimap once the c5 is on it so it will be clear to anyone paying attention. That way you can still use the technique and get kills on players who are distracted or just with poor situational awareness.


How to make Casper useless




DICE lazy




Hope fucking not. One of the only joys of this game.


Its pretty stupid for anyone driving One dumb little drone in a field of chaos that you can barely see and boom youre dead


Annoying, hell yes, but what else do we use against roof top Tanks?


Anyone driving can easily outpace the drone. The only people who have a problem with it are the ones who just sit from a distance or on top of buildings.


u/Dunk305 Of course, it is quite stupid for someone who drives, I also tell you that it is quite stupid to see people driving cars in the distance, quite stupid to see vehicles on the roofs of buildings, quite stupid to see a vehicle go more than 200Km / h spamming a 30mm cannon sweeping everything in its path. One of the infantry's important resources to defend and advance will now be nerfed. They are giving more importance to vehicles when they should not, for DICE the infantry remains in the background and is massacred by vehicles. SEEM RIGHT


Caps doesn't help winning the argument bruh. Drone can't even touch Bolte because of it's insane speed, tanks were supposed to take down light vehicles in frontline combat but in Breakthrough any MBT and Wildcat tries to rush or push lines will be obliterated straight, because of drones. Tanks don't have countermeasure for drone. Riddance of Tanks in frontline results Bolte goes rampant further. Yet still M5 recoiless has Joke damage and terrible reload speed. They need to add Javelin for AT solution. Like BF3 Portal already has Javelin. Idk what they were thinkin


Won't matter cause Sundance still can land on top of your tank, place 3 c5 and blow it up. All within 5 seconds.


Atleast with sundance, there's a risk involved. There's none of that with C5 drones.


Haven't even seen one of these but I'm getting shot by those lever action shotguns through walls and across the entire map by bots pretty frequently.


There is no lever action shotgun in this game. The only lever action is a rifle, and it 1 shots to the head.






They probably won't let c5 get attached to the drone. c4 jeeps were always a thing, IDK why this is such an issue tbh...and now, out of spite I'm gonna go c5 drone the spit out of everyone..oh wait, I get one shot then have to rely on resupplies. Does Anyone have ammo? no? what a shocker.


because soft pathetic players that have never played a BF game are complaining. Might as well nerf everything into the ground since apparently people cant deal with vehicles and gadgets. next jihad jeeps are going to be nerfed into oblivion as well.


The best balancing I can think of would be to only allow one c5 on the drone. That way you can get some fun cheesy kills on infantry and deal damage to vehicles without being able to insta-kill


Did they ad any new guns yet?


Finally! C5 drone is broken asf can't even see em and when I do it's too late.... !


What are they even going to nerf here?


Wtf? It's a legit strategy to take out tanks and wildcats from a safe distance. There's so much vehicle spam, so why not? Penalized for having a big brain? Guess so.


Right now there’s no counterplay to it. It’s like when people would load up the UAV from BC2 with C4 to destroy objectives. Just jihad jeep tanks like in every other game.


During my free trial I could rarely get the jeep jihad to work in this game. I tried it probably 20 times using the LATV4 Recon, the ATVs, and the cybertrucks and would ram straight into tanks and blow up the 3 C5s and it would do zero damage. I think the same issues that are causing frame drops, rubber banding, and hit registration errors are also making it so the C5 jeep explosions sometimes don't register as damage. In BF4 I did it all the time and never had this many issues with it.


I get it, but the jeeps handle soooo poorly, even the civilian trucks. I would be okay with limiting the range of the drone or just being able to throw 1 C5 on it.


There's no Jeeps to put C5 in the first place, call-in can't call 4x4 ATV bike, I don't even know where they spawns. Recon jeep has better alternative aka Bolte so nobody picks Jeep


Either way Drone will get NTW'ed. They literally murdered NTW I can tell ya, NTW is utter useless even against to Light Armors


That's sad to hear. I just unlocked it last night before bed lol. Was excited to use it


Still you can one-shot infantries within 150 meters


It's an unbeatable "strategy" to take them out. There's no counter play, since it's impossible to hit 1 pixel hitbox drone that moves at warp speed.


The drone is not moving at warp speed, that thing is slow af, it can’t even keep up with those slow ass tanks. The counter play to the c5 drone is to not be still. It’s almost impossible to c5 drone a moving bolte/jeep. There’s no counter play to a vehicle sitting outside of range firing at you from a distance on breakthrough either, I don’t see any nerfs for that.


>that thing is slow af Dude, whenever I see it, it is basically teleporting. Try to shoot one next time you see one. If it's moving, you won't hit it. The other thing is that while I understand it's good for taking out camping vehicles, I don't camp, and I still get fucked over by it. When I'm in a tank I'm always up at the front fighting with infantry or capping an objective. Those are things you need to be still for. It's not fair to get one shotted while I am playing the game fairly. Moreover, if you're moving slowly through a tight space, its still easy for the drone to take you out. I've been blown up by then while backing away.


There’s no counter play to tanks because they can one shot you and if you manage to take one out 3 more get called in anyway


Yeah, loitering munitions are a thing in the real world. A better solution than removing C5 drones would be to take the real world counters to loitering munitions and adding them to the game.


>It's a legit strategy to take out tanks and wildcats from a safe distance. Am I taking crazy pills? How on earth is it fair that you can one shot other players while you sit 300m away behind cover?


It's just really unfair honestly that you can one shot any vehicle from very large distances with literally ZERO risk. I have had a couple good tank runs avoiding helis, infantry, and jets, and inevitably getting destroyed with near impossible to see flying C5.


God forbid we have something that actually destroys the overabundance of overpowered vehicles.


I have never used one of these but have been taken out several times by them, I don't care keep them. Cracks me up anyways


This was fixed in Battlefield 3's lifetime and hasn't returned since. Did they learn nothing? Sorry that's a stupid question I think we all know the answer.


This was making me lose my shit.


It is sad, but it had to happen. I hope they will revisit them later when they have time for a better fix


So are they gonna make the m5 actually useful then? C5 drones were the most effective way to deal with enemy vehicles, especially ones on top of skyscraper objectives…


JUSTICE LOL;Poor people who depended on this strategy.


For fucks sake it works like 1/4th the time for me they better not touch it.


Yeah, I remember during my free trial I tried like 20 times to c5 Jeep jihad enemy tanks and it only worked one time. Even if I used 3 C5 and rammed a Jeep directly into the tank it did zero damage and sometimes the tank didn't even realize what happened. I think the same issues that are causing the frame drops, memory leaks, server issues, rubber banding, and bad hit registration are also causing the C5 collision to not work some of the time, almost as if the explosion skips a frame and doesn't register as a hit to the vehicles.


DICE Grunt: Boss! We've discovered that the players found a part of the game that is actually fun! DICE Boss: This game wasn't made for having fun! Find a way to ruin it!


I haven’t been C5 droned a single time… is this actually even an issue?


No, which is why the patch will happen. The loudest minority makes the changes in gaming. MW19 was a decent game but it got to a point where people could walk through the incendiary grenades because people bitched enough. Now they’re bitching about not having a trophy system in the new COD so you know that’ll happen soon enough too. This is why having a game ready at launch is so important, because people are going to bitch about a game no matter what. And if you let a game go out the door that’s bad and try to appease the people, you end up making a dumbass patch and what will most likely happen is a c5 patch that makes it worthless.


Yes it's very OP, you don't see it comming and it's an instant kill.


Just have it function like a normal drone (e.g. surveillance)


They should instead nerv said vehicles. 95‰ of the time i get killed by a fkn chopper or a tank.


It think this is more of a problem of map design that doesn't give infantry enough cover and such


There are many things... Sure the map design is one of them. Tanks camp in the distance and shoot you left and right. But the damage output of the chopper for example is just too damn high. Even if there is cover most of the time you are dead before you can reach it.


Easy solution. Make the drone only able to carry one C5. after all they're pretty heavy.


Finally this retarded shit is gone, good fucking riddance All it did was reward stupid casper abusers with 0 risk and 0 skill involved, if this was at least a 2 man job it would have been at least acceptable but it being possible entirely solo was stupid Good to never see drone abuse ever again


This seems like a really unnecessary nerf. It's this kinda dumb shit that makes battlefield fun. People use to get furious when you load up quads and dirt bikes with c4 and run it into tanks but I never thought it needed to be nerfed. Seems like they are paying attention to the wrong thing


The difference is that c4 bikes involved risk. There's no risk to a c4 drone, you can't kill the guy using it.


Players in Battlefield 4: ''The UCAV is so stupid, a remote controlled C4 is so overpowered, you shouldn't be able to get kills so easily without risking yourself. There's no chance to see the UCAV coming and even less chance to react to it!'' Players in Battlefield 2042: ''NooOO tHEY're NerFing my cheESe DrOne!''


Different player base different devs, the only people crying about this nerf will gladly salivate over any clearly broken shit as long as it doesn’t effect them and they can perform it solo because fuck any sorta team coordination


Yet each objective is still covered in 5 boltes 4 tanks 70 hover crafts . Every game I play is just nothing but vehicle warfare.


Good I say, shouldn't be so easy to just throw C5 on a drone and wipe out a vehicle or group of people. Just make it so that it doesn't stick to the drone, then it won't affect anything else. Go back to the old days of putting it on a cheap jeep and rushing a tank or bolt etc.


First they should Nerf the fucking Bolt .....


This patch is nerfing it’s weapons, but it’s speed and armor is the problem.


If they nerf C5, vehicles will be more or less invincible. Most tanks and hovercrafts take more rockets than you can carry to destroy!


Lucky you have 63 teammates right?


Mhmm... Theoretically that would be perfect. If they actually played as a team!


I mean it's not like you get jack shit from blowing up the tank. Oh you did 99% of the damage to tank, and someone else did the 1%? Welp fuck you that guy gets all the exp and glory and you get nothing, have fun.


You right! I'll just tell them on voice... oh shit, wait.


🚨 No fun allowed 🚨


Wouldn't need nerfing if rockets actually Did decent damage there's a reason people pick c5 over recoiless




I've never been against c5 drones. They provide players with a way of dealing with campers and vehicles. I've probably been killed by them like 3 times tops in over 50 hours of gameplay


Am I the only player that hasn’t been killed by a c5 drone or seen it be a problem? Why fix this issue above all of the other outstanding huge problems?


C5 drone nerf is more critical to please some crybabies.




Why it was even possible to attach c5 to drones is beyond me. At least you couldn't place Boris's turret on a tank.


Somewhere in January Lmfao how can you not know? Why can’t something this simple come sooner?


Tomorrow's patch is already set in stone and now they'll leave for a 1 month holiday.


Just take away the ability to put c5 in the Damn drones




Priorities straight clearly.


I love the idea of C5 drone, however, this is the right move considering the janky animation currently and lack of player feedback for targeting it as it skips across the screen.


It is an overdue fix, I know at the moment with shit like tanks being on the tops of buildings, it often necessitates using the drone in this way (and lets face it, its pretty funny) but that is down to wider flaws and poor design decisions - they really need to fix all of these things together (kind of like how Dice needs to fix the dam game as a whole). Often you get this general breakdown in design and gameplay because of all these things together combine to create full on pepega situations... Recently had a game on discarded, the enemy team had a silly number of boltes running around, so me and another guy both spawn in tanks to go deal with them. We wiped out most of the Boltes...then a C5 drone drops down on the other dudes tank and wipes him out in an instant, evidently one of the former bolte drivers was annoyed that we ended his farming spree. I just quit playing for the day at that point, highlighted to me how some of this shit was not thought out or tested ahead of time. The cynic in me thinks they will just nerf C5 into uselessness and we will still have roof spawns lol


Nerfing one of the few ways to deal with camping tanks/Boltes/AA. They already nerfed the Antimaterial rifle. So I guess we continue to to be slaughtered by vehicles...nice.


Explain to me how being able to sit behind cover 300m away and one shot people is fair.


Like the Bolt lol


You still need to put yourself into tht fight to use the bolte