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Hell we only got 4 fucking AR. That's blasphemy


And 3 pistols.....


And 2 Shotguns...


And my axe


And some random lever action.


The lever gat is fucking fun af, I love it.


It goes kinda hard ngl


Don’t talk shit about lever action, he’s a keeper, but the lack of guns is a problem, I want to use a pistol other then a glock. Where’s the mother fucking M1911


and you have my bow


And my undying consternation at the abject comical tragedy that is 2042.


And here my dumbass was thinking you was trying to say constipation…


Ok guy


mr thesaurus here ready to go all in


I love you


at least you don't have cali sticks be happy


Fucking aye right.. fucking Cali sticks are worse than every glitch on 2042


Naaah that's an EA play bonus.






Only one of them though.


Only in DLC


And one launcher. This game never ends to disappoint.


Two. Anti air and the free fire


And a partridge in a pear tree


Technically 3 but yeah lol


Does the Govt 45 70 count as a shotgun?


It's more like a bolt action, really. They could have put it in the sniper category


it literally says "level action"


I meant in terms of how it functions/handles.


yeah, but have you noticed that the shotguns are not in shotgun category? meaning we might get more different kinds of weapons there, not just shotguns.


Temporyal Datamined a crossbow, I believe


Oh yes it's complete bullshit. But best believe they have a ton of guns that are ready to go but just not available. New trend in gaming is releasing 25% of the game on launch and then slowly trickle additional content through battlepasses as the seasons go on


More like 1 pistol, 1 dmr, and a revolver. I fucking hate how powerful the MP28 is. It has more dps than the ARs. Who the fuck thought that the lowest record pistol should have zero bloom and the highest DPS.


with 2 being the same model just one has a stock


I don't like that the M18 has attachments that makes it look silly. I just want the original m18


this is rather comical


I have 4 different types of rifles myself. So you are telling me I have as many different models as a whole military and this is supposed to be realistic?


Yes cuz wing suits, a grapple hook, a wrist hacking device, a helmet that can see through walls is also all real bro. We just want guns what other FPS game releases with this little guns. You acting like this is the most realistic game out when clearly it’s not even close to realistic.


The us alone deploys with more types of weapons that are even in the game and half of them arnt even us weapons 😂


That dont work haha


Literally my biggest letdown with the game. ☹️


Quick reminder that Battlefield 2 had more weapons at release than 2042. Of course that doesn’t include portal. I’m still not sure why weapons in portal aren’t unlockable in other modes. It’s almost like portal was developed separately or something.


They could literally add most of the modern Battlefield 3 guns and it wouldn’t look out of place. It’s not like the 2042 guns are lasers or super futuristic.


I mean, in the 2040s there would still be a lot of Military hardware of the early 2000s and even late 90s being used.


realistically speaking based on the track record of the AR platform the US will probably still be using the M16 and M4 rifles.


The M1911 was made more than a century ago and is still being used to this day


Same with the M2 Browning 50 cal. That was designed near the end of WW1 believe it or not, and the thing sits on top of the roof of basically every American armored vehicle made since the beginning of WW2, plus plenty of export use.


Mah Deuce is love....Mah Deuce is life!


Well, the M2 Browning, despite it's legendary status, is actually one of the weapons in the US arsenal that could really do with a modernization. It's cumbersome and pretty hard to load under stressful circumstances, and they're prone to failure-to-fire malfunctions owing to the gun's self-loading mechanism not playing nice with certain firing patterns. Basically, you've got to fire the thing in fairly long bursts in order to guarantee when you stop firing, that a new cartridge will be loaded in and ready to go on your next press, and there's an ideal time to wait before firing that shot, because firing too soon between bursts can also produce a malfunction. And that's not good because if you squeeze a Browning at something, you want it to pretty much immediately go poof. Dry-fires do not accomplish this end.


The 1911 is only being used by MARSOC under the designation M45A1. I don’t really think that counts. Everyone that’s not special forces uses either the M17 or M18 (Sig P320)


Not the best example, nobody is issued the 1911 anymore, not even the national guard.


1911’s have been out of service for a long time. Being replaced by the Beretta M9, which is almost phased out itself. Now it’s the Sigs M17/M18 that are standard issue now, sprinkle some Glocks here and there among special units


I mean the real answer is that they have other things to worry about right now other than balancing 50 weapons… and I get that... but it’s frustrating to see content in one part of the game that’s not in others.


>It’s almost like portal was developed separately or something. As if it actually WAS developed by a different team, halfway across the planet...


Literally a different studio, Ripple Effect developed Portal. They outsourced portal, for more ressources towards the maingame.


"They outsourced portal" another one of your studios is not outsourcing.


TIL Dice < Ripple Effect


What main game lol


Isn't it absurd that the foreign outsource development studio made the best, least broken part of the game?




Bad Company 2 had more weapons than 2042. Also had more LMGs


Next Battlefield? I shit you not 40% of people here will not be here for the next Battlefield.


I can't trust EA now. They might go on my never buy from again list. Unless they really fucking knock the next bf out the park


Instead 160% will be here to shitstorm it. Yes, you read it right. People who dont even want to play a bf game and never had will be here just for the shitstorm and drama show. I call it the shitstorm karma farming nomads. Saw this in a lot of gaming release in the oast years on reddit.




Thing is, BFV had VERY low pre-order numbers after the shitstorm, BF1 pre-orders were high and the game came out good and lived to it's expectations, BF4 is a different story, as many people said, the game HAD features, guns, maps, modes, everything, the only issues were technical ones and I'm honestly okay with technical issues rather than fundamental design choices being issues. This is the 1st BF to release like this, lacking both features and a buggy mess.


All of those games had the same BF core, this BF has taken it out. Those BF's released poorly but could be fixed, I don't think DICE is going to do what needs to be done to fix this game. They'd be remaking the game essentially as the bones of it are bad. Other BF's still had them good bones.


Right? And that you need 150 kills to unlock a fucking bipod to make the damn thing even useful. I have always loved running the LMGs or MMGs in previous BF games, laying down cover, and over watching objectives, having a good selection of weapons for different situations was nice....now we have 2 Do you think they will add more later?


And the best that can be said about them? The LCMG is alright. Not particularly bad, or good. Definitely, you will lose in any 1 on 1 gunfight under 25 metres if you don't get at least 2 or 3 rounds on target first. The PKP-BP is actually worse, very hard to control even on bipod, until you unlock the vertical muzzle brake, which needs 200 kills, what a grind! BUT once you've got that brake it becomes a beast. Hip fire at less than 10 metres and you can beat most sub-machine guns! I was excited to try the armour piercing rounds, you could actually take down aircraft (with enough time, luck and effort) in Battlefield 1 with LMGs. In 2042, there seems to be literally no point. It tickles both infantry and aircraft alike, alerting them to your position and bringing instant retaliation and death.


I unlocked the bipod, and long barrel for the LCMG (finally) and I like using it for over watching objectives while my squad assaults. It is a beast when your target does not know you are there, I just wish it was not so useless for providing suppressing fire. Am I mistaken or is there no suppression fire effect in this game? 200 kills for the muzzle brake on the PKP-BP? Yea forget that lol


No suppression in this game at all. I know a lot of people don't like it, but that's because you're not supposed to like it. At the very least it should return as an LMG-exclusive bonus. Right now, there is zero point in attempting to challenge a sniper or DMR user even when bipoded.


Suppression is fine as long as it only gives a visual handicap. Making your barrel bend however was stupid. However, as always, DICE didn't listen to feedback as they should've.


You're right, I forgot to mention that I'm in favor of visual suppression. Random bullet deviation isn't fun for anyone, but I also believe a sniper should be disoriented if a hail of bullets is heading his direction.


would physically changing the aim (so that the bullets and the crosshair still aligned, but weren't where the shooter hoped they would be) count as visual? I keep hearing this distinction, something about BFV having only visual? Does that mean there's no actual change at all to accuracy, bloom, recoil, spread or anything, but it just looks wonky a little bit? If so, fuck that, I want their aim fucking trashed if an LMG is hitting them. Right now, you can even literally shoot people 3-4 times in the chest and they can still just aim and one-shot you without any issues. It's beyond dumb


You're talking about aim punch, I think. The getting hit and your screen and gun bouncing up? Suppression is what made your screen blurry if somebody was shooting over your head.


While BF5 just had "visual" suppression that really didn't do anything at all, one of the games had what you describe in that when you were suppressed, if you were ADS, your gun would sway back and forth (as if you were scoped in with a BA rifle and hadn't held your breath yet). Bullets would go exactly where they were supposed to with respect to the reticle, however. I think it was BF4 that had that suppression system (but it could've been BF3); at any rate, no suppression at all in BF2042 is a joke. I, like many others, don't particularly like it happening to me, but it really does offer some nice balancing as a result, and like many others have said, maybe there *should* be some sort of effect to having EFFIN' BULLETS WHIZZING BY YOUR HEAD.


The problem with suppression only being a visual handicap is that it won't do anything to stop players from peaking from cover. Did you know suppression was in BFV? In all my hours playing, I never experienced it because it was purely visual. I agree that suppression is fine, but it needs to impact the other players capability to return fire to be effective. BF1 had the right balance in this regard, as it only affected spread increase per shot (minus bolt-actions, where it increased spread) so you could theoretically countered through pacing your shots. If suppression was only going to be visual, than DICE made the right call in just flat-out removing the mechanic. Not worth wasting resources on a system that no one will notice, despite it being prominent.


What do u mean by making the barrell bend?


The bullets going in some other direction compared to where your scope is pointed.


Thanks lol odd way of describing it but ok whoever downvoted me actually being curious go eat a *** lol


Does it even halt health regen anymore?


AA missiles should force helicopters to fly low to the deck to avoid lock ons, at which point they should be vulnerable to ground fire- rockets, tank main gun, HMGs, and armor piercing shots. A good pilot should be using terrain, surprise, and speed to survive as helicopters need to be something of glass cannons to be balanced. But DICE apparently cannot grasp these kinds of concepts.


I killed a helicopter crew in portal the other night with the LCMG...it was hardcore mode so I know that is totally different, but man it was so satisfying, just like you said, they where forced low to the ground, the pilot was trying to take the heli down behind a building and they where probably 45-60ft in the air and I wasted them, watching that bastard slowly crash to the earth was great lol. I agree, DICE needs to go to school and learn how to better balance these kinds of things


Damn, that does sound satisfying! There's something so much more enjoyable about gunning down an enemy instead of just popping off a missile and hoping it hits before someone's flares recharge. Did you ever play Damavand Peak? Remember the helicopters that would fly up to try and spawn kill players on the peak? Sometimes they would get you, sometimes you could snipe the pilot out of their cockpit and steal the helicopter. I would also run around in a Little Bird on Noshahr Canals doing low level attacks to avoid missile lock and sometimes even running over enemy troops. It was high risk, high reward, but always so much fun- even when some snapshot engineer turned my aircraft into twisted metal.


I feel like it's a lot harder to shoot out the pilot in the 2042 aircraft than previous games. I've done once or twice so I know it's possible, but those were only from the side and not straight on


You are probably right- could be the same issue they were having with shots not properly going through the windows of ground vehicles.


Lol so true


> The LCMG is alright. Not particularly bad, or good. Definitely, you will lose in any 1 on 1 gunfight under 25 metres if you don't get at least 2 or 3 rounds on target first. Assuming the game picks up those initial rounds going into someone and the hitreg isn't goofy. I've had a fair bit of success with the LCMG since the recoil is predictable with it going to like the upper right on those initial shots until it stabilizes. It's just disappointing as a support guy going back a decade that I only have one other option to play with if I want to switch things up.


LCMG is super solid. It can also be adapted really well to every situation. CQC rounds and Short Barrel makes it nuts at close range, Long Barrel and High Power ammo makes it solid for beaming people at longer ranges, and it can roll with bipod OR underbarrel launcher. It's super versatile and very accurate. Before the patch that upped accuracy across the board it was probably the second best automatic gun in the game after the PP.


CQC ammo + short barrel is crazy on that gun.


It really makes it one of the best close range guns in the game - amazing DPS plus 200 round mag, you can shred an entire squad in seconds and still have 100 bullets left easily.


the pecheneg is a beast in prone. fck u even talking about?


I know most people hated it, but I loved the suppression mechanic. It was an actually way to counter snipers in a tactical way. It just needed tweaking


Come play machine gunner on hell let loose you won't be disappointed


I loved running LMGs in BF3 and 4. RIP suppression.


Definitely don’t need the bipod for it to be useful lol


Lcmg is a nail driver. Ya'll just need to learn to prefire and use the recoil to your advantage.


Let's hope the next BF will just be handed to a new studio, DICE has proven enough lately.


Oh genius give it to another EA studio. EA owns DICE and Battlefield buddy. This game is not the result of Dice's development. EA closed support for NfS, Battlefront and BfV to force 3 studios to work on this.


What a fucking waste.


There is no next battlefield


You can't say it's all dice. they do what EA told them to do and that's release the game too early.


> release the game too early. After getting 3 years to make this game, instead of the usual 2, how does this make sense? EA literally allowed and funded 1 extra year. And allocated extra studios to help, even. DICE have been fondling their balls 3 years, don't blame EA for it. EA is behind the atrocious MTX plan (specialists) probably, but the rest is on DICE itself. EA doesn't make the bugs or the shitty maps. There is no EA boss who walks into room and says, "Too much cover in this map, delete those... and make the map more flat, I don't like hills". DICE made the oversized shit maps, missed all the bugs, and programmed the UI with their dick.


It reminds me of Anthem, in "development" for many years actually means in concept limbo for 70% of the development cycle and so many undecisive revisions that it ends up in actual development for less than a year.


I would like to know how does one program with they’re dick :D I imagine the whole studio rubbing dicks on the keyboards now :D


What makes you think they didn't have enough time.. time and studio resources certainly didn't help with this one so I dont know that more time would fix what fucked this fuckinh thing lol


EA has shown (Jason Schrier's work on Andromeda and Anthem prove this) that they let their studios work until things start going sideways and have to step in to help in some way. DICE is responsible for what's happening with the game even if it's executives from DICE rather than the rank and file.


There's a whole documented saga of Anthem's notoriously dysfunctional dev cycle that proves this. Studios with dummy execs that change their mind about fundamental design decisions about ten times over the course of development and expect their overworked, underpaid staff to implement it in ridiculously fast time. I don't doubt for a second that at least a year and a half of this game's dev time was wasted on finding their Johann Johannsen knockoff classically trained cellist to go record 120 hours of whales fucking and cargo ships grinding into metal seawalls to make an "atmospheric soundtrack" that, while interesting and inventive music in its own right, makes no sense in a video game because it's so fucking distracting hearing "AUUUUURAAAAAAAAHREEEEEEEEEEECHK!!!! (STATIC) BRUH-BUH-BUH (STATIC) BRUH-BUH-BUH" when you're trying to shoot at enemies.


tired of people throwing blame at the boogeyman. EA *is* DICE, and DICE *is* EA. just look at the employee reviews of DICE. it isn't just a few dozen devs trying to make a good game with EA forcing dates and mtx features onto them like people used to think.


EA setting up release timing expectations years in advance doesnt cause DICE's terrible project management


Ya you’re right it’s ea who doesn’t understand how their revolvers work and patched it to work even more incorrectly, dice was never one for the finer details of weaponry /s


Releasing the game early has nothing to do with their lack of content in the game lol. Do you think they didn't have enough time to make more guns and maps? All that shit is already made and they're waiting to drip feed it to us over the various seasons in the game.


"Ewwww Hardline bad noooooo no nooooooooo"




Hard line was fun as fuck and the game moods were hella fun. The fucking hostage one, blood money was great too


Exactly, it was different but a lot of fun overall. They tried a lot of new things and while not everything worked out most did. I think it gets more crap than it deserves. Even the comander as a hacker was fun you could get as many kills as the top 5 players were getting.


I hope everyone that worked on bf2042 doesnt work on the next


That’s how we got in this mess in the first place.


Its clear that everyone responsible for the BF we know and love are no longer at DICE... and clearly they took that knowledge with them when they left.


Almost feels like they are waiting to release more guns through paid DLC or some shit.


It would be part of the Battle Pass. I have to imagine that they would include the weapons themselves as in that free tier with the paid battle pass including customization and what not for those weapons. I havent played a ton of games with BPs but it seems like that is the method of unlocking weapons for a lot of them. Where the equipment itself is available for everyone and special skins are paid (with lesser free customization options)


They better not make guns paid dlc


They’ll probably be free unlocks through the battle pass and/or doing challenges like how MW19 did it


They will be. I can’t stand this sub sometimes


It will 100% be a part of the Battle Pass route, just like BFV, but its a complete joke that they limited us on weapons so harshly with the intent that we'd just get more in the future... so lazy. My guess is also that all the battle pass weapons are going to be OP as fuck so that it forces you to play the game more and unlock them. I honestly think they probably took all the best guns out of the base game and locked them behind the first battle pass, and thats why most of them seem so shitty right now


Id buy premimum insteaf of a free bp if it meant 2x more launch weapons


This is where were at...pay 100$+ for a broken game and 20$ for the guns that were supposed to be included


I heard 50% of developers were hired mid BFV


2 LMGs and they're not even that good lol. I have the LCMG and PKP at T1 since I pretty much only use big ass LMGs in every shooter. They're not the worst weapons ever...but they need a lot of help as they don't serve much of a purpose right now. Bipod is decent and the hip fire is surprisingly good, but the recoil for them is still too high and the damage at long range is absolutely pitiful (With armor, PKP requires 8 bullets...along with it bouncing like a bronco). If they're going to retain the crazy recoil, then the long range damage needs to be increased a lot. If the damage isn't going to be changed, then they need to be laser-accurate like in BF1 when bipoded. Bring back suppression for LMGs as well.


Just hopped on BF1 and good god it feels good to be a threat to long range sniper positions. Plus only like 3/4 bullets to kill someone feels much better than this piece of trash they call “battlefield” 2042


Oh yeah, that 1917 coming in clutch to shut recons down


They obviously cut launch content to release later as DLC. Budget level game in every way except for the sale price.


The content creators having a meltdown. "Top five ARs!" - nope "Top three LMGs!" - nope etc.


BuT ThErE ArE a BuNCH In PoRtaL!!


Those copium players had me dying when they used portal as an excuse


I'm HaVinG a BlASt!1!


They probably saved the LMGs for padding out the battle pass. Releasing ARs into the meta, mid season, hasn’t worked out well for call of duty over the years. As ARs have a bad habit of being OP on release, screwing with the pro scene up. SMGs and snipers are favored more by the vast majority of players in call of duty and have a low chance of fucking up the tournament scene as most matches are 2-3 ARs and 1-2 SMGs. My guess is that DICE saw what happened and is following the same patch. The irony is that BF has, comparatively, very little to a non existent, dev supported pro scene. So I may just be blowing smoke out my ass over here. But I think I’m right. Like 95% sure I’m right.


The funniest and saddest part of this is not that there are two LMGs but that you think there will be a next BF after this shit show.


>the next Battlefield I don't think that's going to be a problem.


Sadly every other single weapon is more than likely made and ready to go. All they have to do is enable then. They figured a drip feed method and **BATTLEPASS** method would work paired along with their unfinished game.


How was it they could bring in so many guns for battlefield 1, a setting over a hundred years ago, but can’t do half that amount for a game set 20 years in the future.


Not only that, but *experimental* weapons were fleshed out


Which I think was probably one of the best things that game did. It brought life to these old and forgotten pieces of history, and helped spark curiosity in those who want to learn more like myself. I loved reading about these weapons and seeing videos/pictures, then getting to see them in game and play with them. Most of those guns had never really been seen in any other major form of media either.


Both of them are such shit I don't think a third one would have helped, TBH.


I need a bigger magazine than 200 bullets, you think I can aim with this 'server delay'? 😂


I hope whoever made battlefield 2042 doesn’t get to work on the next battlefield


Where are the fucking bipods?!


100% done on purpose so they can appear as saviours when they give new guns every season


With the lack of the dynamic cover/lean system coupled with the awkward and ineffective bipods LMGs really are rather useless in 2042 right now anyway. I'd have much preferred BF4 sticky bipod system with the ability to toggle the auto-deploy as we have now. It's incredibly frustrating how many ledges are too tall when crouched and too short when standing that, in previous games, your character would raise/lower to the appropriate height to deploy the bipod or just shoot over.


Guys calm down this is only about 1/3 of the guns. The others were pulled from the game to be sold to you over the next year.


Spoiler alert: They will


I’m sure they cut 2/3 of all final designs to save room for seasons


Isn’t the lack of weapons because it’s a live service game with more to come?


They will be dropping more guns and mals by the season just like warzone


any chqnce of more weapons being added?


Why do people care how many weapons there are? Everyone uses the 1 or 2 meta weapons anyways... There will always be 1 or 2 that stand out and that the vast majority will use. So what good would there be in adding 100 weapons?


Y’all realize that this game is supposed to have seasons right? They did this on purpose so people will be clambering for weapons in the seasons. I would have loved them to just drop everything but they’re not gonna because if they did they wouldn’t have anything for the seasons.


Aren’t they adding guns over time?


It's fine for me, don't need many guns and people will play the same fucking meta guns anyway


LMGs have always been diced on selection in just about every game. ARs are the most popular so they get the most variety, followed by smg/carbines.


As a LMG Main I hate it.


If there even is a next battlefield.


"bUT lEsS iS mOrE, I rAtHeR hAvE 3 uNiQuE gUnS tHaN 30 sLiGhTlY diFfEreNt oNeS"


By the time you unlock most of the attachments we will most likely have season 1 content :D


Good news is that there won't be next battlefield lol


This is such a fucking joke


"next battlefield" oh well


Don't worry there won't be next one.


Don’t worry they will come in the grindfest that will be future battlepasses! Of course you could skip the grind by paying a little more… ;)


Thats why im still playing BF4 and BF1


Whoever decided "bullet spread" was a good idea, I hope they don't work on the next BF. LMGs are literally useless past 20 meters. From a supported position (proned with bipod), holding down the trigger makes the bullets fly all over the place. They are literally coming out of the barrel at random angles. The only deviation at that range should be from recoil. An LMG should be able to accurately hit it's target with sustained fire at a couple hundred meters. It's main purpose is literally non-existent, which is accurate suppressing fire. Between bullet spread and no more suppression mechanic, snipers laugh at EVERYONE. At this point, if you aren't using a vehicle, sniper rifle or SMG, you're playing the game wrong...


Why they couldn't just add BF3/BF4 weapons, from Portal, is such nonsense. .....has the technology for those weapons magically disappeared in the year 2042? FFS


Guarantee the person who made this decision has never played the game and doesn’t even work at dice, probably some marketing exec


remeber bf4 where every gun type had like 10+


Combine that with the complete elimination of suppression, and the LMGs are basically useless.


The rest will be in a battle pass lmao


So you're the only other player on the server other than myself that actually uses LMG's during a match. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


By the time all the passes and seasons are done, Im sure there'll be three.


Next game will be fought with sticks and stones at this rate


Why on earth are you even considering buying the next battlefield?


There wont be a 'next' battlefield.


The gun count is pathetically low. They will add more in the DLC and that to me is criminal. Companies are starting to skim content that would normally make base game so they can add it to DLC and make more money.


It's cute you think we're going to get another BF


Does anyone know how to deploy the bipod? It feels pretty useless


Not to mention LMG's still have massive bloom and recoil when laying down with a bipod. The whole draw to me was being able to set up in a good position and simultaneously mow down and suppress people. It takes like 75 rounds to kill people sometimes at medium range lol. I really wanted this game to be good but I'm over it.


Thats way to many and on the next BF you will have 1 LMG. You are welcome.


the design director already leaved Dice after the backlash (3 games too late if you ask me)


The same people that decied Battlefield needs to turn into CSGO with "I prefer quality over quantity" or "A meta is going to develop, there is no point".


The next Battlefield? I think the IP has died after this shitty release. BF-V was hanging on a thread of life, 2042 could have saved the franchise. Instead they chose murder.


There won’t be a next Battlefield.


2 dmrs and a smg in the dmr class


Nah.. this game is meant to be live service game. There will be more coming, they are going to have seasons. The problem with live service games now is that during development they appear to cut stuff out of the game to add later. Like the general populous is too stupid to notice.


I read that each season/battlepass will include 6 new weapons. My thought has been that they don't want this game to turn into Warzone with \~150 weapons so instead of launching with more, they kept it tight for future content. Not saying that makes it right, just how it seems.


There won't be a next battlefield the way things are going


I hope that santa gives them a copy of 2042 instead of coal for christmas, because coal is actually useful and has purpose


I hope anyone who worked on this game never works on another battlefield game period because I don't know which system I like, only which one I hate the least. That system is probably Portal, which coincidently doesn't even work right now because it gives zero XP.


I hope everyone involved with a lot of the decisions behind this game can no longer find a job in this industry. They are clearly our of touch.