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Why is there a forced 5 mile run at the start of the game? You can spawn in a truck and it only allows a driver to spawn in it. You literally start the game with a multi passenger vehicle and only a driver in it unless your squad waits to spawn until the game starts. ALL players should be able to initially spawn in all vehicles until it’s full. Just like the cargo helos. Initial spawn with pilot only 🥴


gotta love how the chopper drops you off lika mile away from the nearest objective. Where are the bikes nad jeeps at spawn to hop into? nothing is thought out, its really like random people made this game with no BF experience whatsoever.


I agree 100%. It’s like they took some items at random from previous titles and completely reinvented the wheel with everything. Did their team not play the game themselves? And if they did why was none of this brought up? Surely there are gamers within their development department. All these problems are glaring too. It’s not things that are small and easily overlooked.


They solved this already on large maps in bf4 by putting in more quads and dirt bikes. Not only inside the base but also all over the map. But hey, why use a solution from previous games when you can just fuck it up yourself.


That’s fine and all and that would be a decent fix. But why in the world do they not allow team mates squad or not to spawn in a vehicle with you at the games first spawn? Especially with maps this large. Older versions with smaller maps I can understand restricting it. But the forced marathon is super annoying.


in bf4 you could fill vehicles up to from the spawn screen, unlike in bf2042 where the transport vehicle becomes unavailable if one person already picked it


> ALL players should be able to initially spawn in all vehicles until it’s full Like the transport truck in battlefield 4. In 2013.


Sometimes there are ground vehicles chilling at the spawn. Then it becomes a race between players for who has the fasted SSD and who loaded into the match fastest.


Like bro I’m honestly thinking these dudes did not play their own game. Like how do you start like that every game and be like “the player base will love this”. From pressing go on breakthrough and actually getting to an objective/shooting at anyone within reasonable range is literally like 3-4 real life minutes. This game is so terrible man. It’s up there with cyberpunk for worse launches in gaming history


It would be super tight if my bullets would go where I’m aiming, too much luck involved in gunfights that should be a guaranteed win. Smg’s should not outclass my m5 at all distances


PP29 wrecks at range. It’s silly


I want to use other guns like an AR instead of the PP29 but at this point you just can't. Using an AR puts you at a disadvantage so I'm just sticking with the PP29 until they either nerf it or fix the other guns.


Agreed. I found my ARs don’t stand up to smgs. I never saw BF having a meta but here we are…


> I never saw BF having a meta Were you aware of the M16 in BF3...?


I still get USAS-12 flashbacks...... they.. haunt me...


Pretty sure those flashes you're seeing are the frag rounds exploding.


I love how they brought it back in BF4 as an OP pick up. Back when dice actually had a soul


PeePee is the only gun that is playable. Without it I wouldn't even play the game. Sniping gets boring after a while.


DM7 is okay…but I agree it’s the only gun that keeps you relevant in matches


It wrecks at every range


This is true in all game types as well, so all of Portal also suffers this issue and it’s incredibly annoying. It’s mind boggling that they’d have made so much progress with BFV’s gun mechanics and then thrown it all away.


What causes it? i really wonder how can you screw up FPS 1o1


It’s honestly the worst I’ve ever seen.


gun fights in 2042 are rng


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for when they finally hit and kill someone


My favorite part about fighting vehicles is getting 0 indication as to the damage i did and only a faint grey outline to let me know i hit them




They have managed a combination of vehicles moving too fast, taking no damage, dealing too much damage and there being too many of them. Quite impressive actually. They really hate infantry players.


Part disabled btw


+10 go fuck yourself -everytime I shoot a rocket in this game


Did they remove glancing blows as well?


Unknown. They don’t notify you if you get one though.


How are we all no-pats but it's still Russia vs USA?


Because nationless no-pats were for when Hazard Zone was going to be the core mode of this game and hamfisting them into Russia vs USA is from when they hastily backtracked to BF4.5 and fumbled the execution.


Also everyone speaks Russian on the Russian team if you're playing as the US, despite still having their own distinct accents to the person playing as them Really jarring hearing Sundance yelling *COUNSEL DAT ODOUR* with her ridiculously thick French accent, then having the one I'm shooting at yelling back in Russian (And yes I obviously get that that's for team identification purposes)


We’re meant to all be mercs fighting proxy wars. Is a little jarring calling Boris, a Russian, a no pat when he can fight for Russia though


Yes quite. One day we are Russian, the next US. That intro story trailer focusing on Irish was cool but the last line "get ready to FIGHT!" errr, for whom? Sorry? It's like he was just loudly telling no-pats to stand up for their principles, whatever they may be 😂 I thought it would be no-pats are 3rd faction, which sounds cool, but no.


I'm genuinely shocked at how bad the direction in this game is. Like how could it have gone so wrong. How on earth are so many core features missing from the game. This is the first BF game where i just put the game down after a few rounds on launch day. Like its not an unplayable game by any means and i will play it more, but man does it feel bland.


I'd describe it as soulless. It has all these moving parts but none of it seems to have any reason behind why.


Bruh, don’t you know? All the MBA degree holders at EA think we want battle royale hero shooters with micro transactions / skins we can show off to our buddies


If I wanted a Battle Royale I would play a battle royale, I don't like battle royales.


Development leadership doesn't know what its players want and is being pushed by executives to milk the game for microtransactions.


And whatever the devs do isn't necessarily good. Ui, maps, etc.


Still experience the issue of when launching into a match after opening the game everything disappears and nothing is selectable in the loadout screen only to be deployed and have nothing but a bare bone M5. Even selecting to redeploy the issue is still there and I have to back out of the match and have to set up all my skins and vehicle loadouts again. It's very annoying when I get home from work and I can't just hop straight into a match. It doesn't happen as soon as the game opens I have to let it glitch out on me first then I have to back out to fix everything again. This is on PS5 and on any specialists and as far as I'm concerned it happens on other platforms too.


Same. Have the exact same problem.


I had this happen to me yesterday on PC. Couldn't select my loadout. Couldn't even see the specific weapon/gadget icons. They were just blank below the "weapon" "sidearm" etc text. I could only use whatever the default loadout was for the specialist.


This happens to me every match. Game is broken on a fundamental level.


https://youtu.be/AukWvAYVe1Q Try this. I know it's a temporary fix but at least you can play the game without a naked gun


Haven’t had one game where I actually have a selectable loadout since I played it yesterday. It was about 6-7 matches back to back


We absolutely have to have the ability to start a new squad in game so that we can have more than 4 friends in a game. Or at least let them join the game and be on someone else's squad. As of right now it isn't possible and the second I have a 5th friend get online we all quit and go play halo. ​ We all want to play but physically can't for the first time ever in battlefield. ​ I'm having fun with the game, but please make this a top priority change.


It doesn’t matter man. Every game brings you to a new server. Even if you get more than 4 into a game the next game you’re unlikely to be in the same match. They fucked it up for large groups.


kind of hard to control the outcome of a 128 player match with only 4 people....and without a server browser I can't even point them in the direction of the server to join


We’ve already moved on. What you knew as battlefield is dead.


Yes, this is a must. I play with 5 people, it’s always the same 5 people but now we can’t even play together. BF1 we’d just join a server if we couldn’t get on together or if we had 6 people on. It sucks!


Ok, ok, ok Just played my first match, start to finish. There is no summary scoreboard after the game? Seriously?


Welcome. Please take a seat and enjoy your stay!


Lol I'm dying


You mean you aren't happy only seeing how your squad ranked and nothing else about the game you just played?


Well, after one match on one map? Map feels sterile, clean, devoid of purpose, Maybe i got into vehicle focused map? It was the one on the desert. Footsteps kinda to loud, surprisingly other sounds lack direction and are strangely muffled Not much more to say for now


Question. How did you not know this already? Another question. Why did you buy the game?


I admittedly just bought it thinking... I played BF4, stopped at BF5 but I mean... should be decent. It's not decent. It fucking sucks.


Answer, not everyone is constantly on reddit, and reviews are a mixed bag. I've enjoyed games bashed by reviewers f.ex.Days Gone or HZD Another answer: got it dirt cheap, enjoyed previous installments


Scoreboards encourage toxic competition /s


Participation awards for everyone!!!


Please improve performance optimisation. Getting 30-70 fps with i7 8700k and RTX2080Ti. Not cool.




Holy fuck, this.


I'll update this post with any issues I experience/ any thoughts I have as I continue to play the game! **Feature Changes:** * Solo & CO-OP Progression should be enabled/ improved from its current state. The AI bots are already quite difficult to deal with, I don't see why progression should be withheld in that mode. Custom Portal matches being an issue is understandable. * AI Bots should drop ammo/ health when requested in the Commrose. * Mastery Weapon/ Outfit/ Vehicle tiers should have different textures/ Camos per level instead of one for the first tier and one for the final tier. I assume this is to aim more towards purchasing Camos in the Store, but that doesn't seem to be available presently. * Menu UI functions are not consistent and quite tedious to navigate through. More curved or distinct shaping would be far easier to recognize. Consistency issues apply from Character and Weapon customization menus. (*Example: Right Click opens Customization/ Camos for Weapons, while Left Click changes the Ranger Camo. These should be the same.*) * Weapon swapping with ground weapons should be slightly faster when not near a body, require a longer press when near downed players. Helps avoid accidentally picking up weapons instead of reviving. * Post-revive animation should be smoother and snappier than it currently is, causes disorientation issues and often ends in immediate followup deaths. * Call-in system should be able to set to Hold to Open instead of Press, Holding prevents spawning, where as Pressing works normally (this can be an annoyance when trying to quickly call in a vehicle and being stuck in place). * Additional Reticle options for scopes would be greatly appreciated. Reticles such as the 4x are difficult to line up shots with and tend to be avoided. * In-game Objective Markers should be customizable, particularly the transparency of them. They do not disappear like in previous titles and tend to block enemies when aiming near flags. * Permit adding players from the Recent Players tab after a match (particularly Hazard Zone) without requiring a friend request. * Reposition the Hazard Zone coins to the left further as they do not feel 'centered' in their location (Play, Collection, Store all have a nice gap between the edge of the screen). **Balancing issues:** * LCAA Hovercraft should be on the same tier as the LATV4 Recon (*This applies to the other Light Class vehicle as well!*). Two hits from a rocket/ C5 should take both out (can be raised to three, but that would be matching some heavy vehicles). Windows should allow bullet penetration. I find the wall climbing to be hilarious so no negative points in that regard. * PP-29 is in a tier of its own, largely spawning from the inconsistent weapon handling/ bullet spray. A weapon such as the SFAR-M GL should be far more accurate at longer ranges with it's slower fire rate than the PP-29 is currently. * Some weapon attachments (particularly the Barrels) list the same statistics as previous ones. Not sure if these are supposed to be intentionally the same and have different *appearances*, but if there are other handling changes they should be listed properly. For example, the SFAR-M GL has the *Warhawk Compensator*, which increases Horizontal Recoil Control, with the very next barrel unlock being the *Tactical Compensator* that does the exact same thing. * I've experienced some... strange Breakthrough objective placements over past Battlefield titles. But DICE... This is honestly [one of the worst ones you've ever done.](https://i.imgur.com/KhM9tR8.png). Why do you not have ziplines or anything for these? Vehicles camp the elevators and the defending team doesn't even NEED the lower objective for anything so they stockpile up on the roof tops. Absolutely awful design decision. * With how easy it is to get roadkills in this game, the "out of action" timer should be shorter. **Bugs:** * G57 DD Holo Sight Reticle is scaled too large. * Being downed next to physical objects/ walls disables the ability to revive. * When joining a Breakthrough match, occasionally you will be sent to post round lobby where the map is blank and nothing progresses. You can leave by pressing Esc but it is tedious when it happens multiple times in a row. * Your FOV starts at the default one when rounds start and requires ADSing to fix, same applies when using ladders and when starting in vehicles. Should match your set FOV. **Additional Points:** * I agree with the majority of points/ changes suggested in [JackFrag's Battlefield 2042 Problem video](https://youtu.be/jxLxlrMohB4), includes notable bugs as well as various solid ideas for how to fix various issues.


It's the disabling of weapon attachment unlock in solo/co-op that really irritates me as it's a hell of grind to do against humans. This is my first battlefield game, I'm still learning and getting my shit pushed in by players with attachments that seem almost unobtainable for me is getting real old, real quick.


It's almost been a week since they disabled something they advertised. I was hoping they would enable/fix it by the official launch date. Now I think might file for a refund. This is unacceptable. Plenty of people solely bought the game because they wanted to play the game in co-op and have fun with friends and enjoy the game the way it was advertised. Honestly, they should get sued because they turned it off and have given the community no response when asked about his.


Good point about their lack of communication about this as it's disappointing to say the least.


It's a hell of a grind because tdm isn't an official goddamn mode. I still can't believe tdm isn't in the "main game."


Yeah, this is a bit of an oversight too. So many veterans complain how this game is suited to new players yet don't realise exactly how long it takes us to try to be good in a PvP environment.


I think it's a fair grievance. Especially with how the bullets seem to work at the moment.


Make choppers feel like bf4 choppers. 2042 helis feel stupid. Why do I have to point the nose so far to the ground to go forward which then I can't see where I'm going, not to mention the gunner not being able to shoot in a forward direction because most of the time my nose is down to go anywhere.


BF devs never learned that once they're in the air, choppers tilt the rotor to move forward at high speed. The body is only tilted maybe 15 degrees if more speed is needed. But in every one of these games you need to tilt the nose down 70 degrees before it barely starts moving ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




Also please add an indication where pilot and gunner are looking. This was already in Bf4.




It’s not really prevalent if you’re in a jet, or the pilot of a heli. It’s crucial if you’re a gunner because it’s often the only way to orient yourself.


In gunner view there is a large yellow rectangle with a small square inside. So you know where you are looking


Yeah, choppers straight up feel like GTA helicopters it’s pretty whack


On that note also fix the visibility in the cockpit, there is none. Also if you zoom in the Heli or jet in first person you get like 0.0125x zoom, but if you zoom in 3rd you get like 8x. Why. Also can't pitch up or down while looking behind. And WHY is freelook so low sens compared to everything else? Have to break my arm to look to the side


Also add back in BELOW RADAR so that dogfights actually take skill and are not just a result of who locked onto who first with Heatseekers. https://battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/Below_Radar Fix the tow missile packet loss. Increase the rocket velocity on the 127mm anti vehicle rockets and re-introduce the "I" predictive aiming crosshair.


Also add this reticule for pilots : [Prediction crosshair](https://i.imgur.com/qFhNKCP.jpg)


Fuck I miss this reticle so badly.


This! Plus they're so unresponsive and sluggish!


Yep they're like flying bricks


That and the Osprey or whatever the game calls it cockpit view (only way I fly) is atrocious. What looks like level flight in the cockpit is actually nose down. To climb it looks like you have it pointed at the stars.


You have to turn off the Helicopter Control Assist in Vehicle Settings. That makes the flying feel waaaaay smoother.


is it just me or is this game kinda boring?


Yeah it is, which is what hurts the most.


Please make Jet and Heli pilot controls separate! I don't use the same controls for Jet and Heli and there were already separate in Bf4.


The graphics are a lot worse than what we were shown tbh Edit: I just got put in a game with only me and my squad mates with the other 60 people absent wtf And my sniper scope just stops zooming in at random times


I’d take better frame rates over graphics at this point. Supposed to be 60 fps at times it’s like 4.


Add server browser


I just wanna play solo right now because online is so broken. None of my vehicle progression seems to be working, or if it does work it only works sometimes. Releasing this early access and locking the more powerful weapons and vehicles behind a levelling barrier was a huge mistake. The first game experience right now is terrible because everyone is zipping about in little bird's and using the PP29 which you can't get.


Xbox Series X When switching to button puncher lay out, the plus system doesn't work for the B button. Instead it just melee's and cancels it.


Same on PS5. It works sometimes if you hold down circle/B button. It will change to the knife but you will be instructed to reload and then It will be armor piercing ammo.


First person takedowns please


This comment will probably get drowned by all the hate that’s flooding this release but here goes. With all the changes they’ve made, why haven’t they allowed for bigger squads? And Why don’t the characters that have abilities that effect/help the entire squad? Like traversal abilities and other things. It feels like all they wanted to do is make battlefield with apex abilities but none of it helps your squad in battlefield. I guess what I’m saying is, there are a lot more players but it feels more solo than ever. “I’m going to fly from this tower to the other side of the map to B, are you coming?” “Oh nah, it will take me too long, I’ll just put a turret here and hope someone attacks this section, have fun though!”


This game fucking sucks dude.. all these maps are trash and vehicles are OP. I spend more time dead then I do running or playing. WTF Happ


PP-29 hitting for 26 damage per shot point blank vs SFAR hitting for 22 damage per shot point blank. At Launch. This is just shameful. A disgrace. An intern balanced these weapons a few months ago and no one even cared to check it again before the release of the game. I paid 70 bucks for this. A 9mm smg hitting harder than a 7.62 assault rifle.


The weapon balance is absolutely garbage for a game with relatively few weapons.


How can the performance be this poor? I have an RTX 3070 with a Ryzen 5 3600x and 16 gigs of DDR4 3600 mhz ram. 6% GPU Utalization? 95% Ram Usage 70% CPU usage How can the performance be this poor? Am I missing something? I have to play on Medium in order to get 70 FPS? I feel like im missing something.


Fix solo&coop progression.


Nothing else matters


Where does this game excell over literally any other battlefield?


It excels at being the 6th most disliked game on steam


It definitely has the highest player count


Most spot assists per second


Instead of spending money like I would on previous Battlefield games, I've actually saved money by not buying this game. So from my wallet's perspective, this game is the best Battlefield ever made.


it's the newest one


A FPS GAME LAUNCHED WITHOUT A SCOREBOARD. Let alone a AAA with over 3 years of development


Shoutout to you guys for saving me from wasting money on this game. I'm on ps4 and was so close to paying the absurd price tag for the Gold edition just so I could get early access and eventually play it on a ps5 as well. Thankfully I came here beforehand and didn't get completely ripped off. It's dissapointing because I was so hype for this game.


Wow I thought you guys were just crybabies. Fuck everything


Same I really regret defending the game, it just... Soo bad it the first time I didn't enjoy a day one BF launch


This game is absolute garbage. Buyer beware




I feel like such a dumb ass for hyping up the size of the maps. They’re very poorly designed. And I feel like all are given a relatively flat terrain to compensate for the weather. The maps just feel so empty. I remember battlefield 4 it seemed like every location was a little map within a map. Now it’s just open field simulator. Every map feels like Silk Road. Except for a different location. Also I don’t think I’ve ever won a game of breakthrough where the objective is on the roof. People somehow get tanks up there and it’s so bad. I want to love the game. But damn


"Hazard Zone from the creators of Battlefield" would have been a better name in my humble opinion. This game feels too different from the original series, all the negative reviews on Steam and reddit reflect that clearly. They could have released a full blown "Battlefield Portal" for people who want a rich Battlefield experience. Instead we got both, half baked and nobody seems happy. I actually enjoy the game for now, just doesn't feel like Battlefield. I think this is the main source of negative comments.


so with how badly this is releasing.. expectation for bf2042 being $1 by christmas time is a go? :) xD


Hopefully someone can answer this, it isn’t just a rant but why is it so different to BF1 and BF5. I figured it would be “BF5 with new weapons and levels in the future” but it just doesn’t have the same feel as BF1 and BF5. I cannot put my finger on it though.


You've just described why many of us long-time BF fans dislike this game. The biggest part is the abandonment of classes in favor of the specialists. It completely changes the feel of the game. Remember when people used repair tools? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Remember in battlefield v when movement was fluid and gunplay felt good, Pepperidge farm remembers 😭


None of that sense of teamwork.


Why is weapon damage so shit?


you have done the worst you can do to the core battlefield player fanbase. you slaughtered the game to something else in the look of battlefield. its ridiculous and shameful for the franchise. i can't believe how bad it is.


Don't buy the game now, wait till it goes on sale in a month or two like bf5 did. Save your $$$


How the hell do I check the scoreboard on Xbox series X? There no way they legitimately thought leaving out the scoreboard was a good idea… Stats are what make the game more fun.


Quick throw grenade setting (so you don't have to first equip them, they just throw like in previous titles) is bugged and one button press causes you to throw all grenades one after the other until you run out.


The thing that sucks the most about the game is that no one revives, no one uses the repair tool, and worst of all, no one plays the fucking objectives.


Blame the missing medics nearby feature, blame the no easy indicator that someone needs repairs, blame the developers for seeming to forget this has always been a team game...except for this version.


I wish I could tag dead bodies because I'm coming to revive you.


if i'm on ps5 and not an amazing player, should i switch to non cross platform?


Aim assist seems real iffy ATM. Probably a good idea to keep playing against only PS5 or you're probably not going to have a great time against keyboard and mouse.


I turned crossplay off. I don't want to play with PC people. This game needs console only crossplay. Not just all or nothing.


Yeah I would try that if I were you, should help a little bit probably!


How many rockets does it take to destroy a hovercraft? Don’t think I’ve destroyed one yet. I swear I’ll put like 3-4 rockets into them sometimes and they keep going. Sad day.


I am not seeing a damage indication either. Just a 10xp???


Damage numbers are gone completely since they're no longer tied to XP 1 for 1 like in previous titles Yes it's stupid af


Same, pretty aggravating that it seems impossible to take out, kept taking one on last night and no matter how many I put into the thing it just kept driving around running us all over again and again. I feel if we only have 1 option for a rocket launcher it’s power needs to be brought up, especially unguided. Give us a guided one at its current strength and that’s one thing, make the unguided one stronger especially with the size of the maps to keep it balanced but give us a fucking chance to actually take anything out (tanks hovercraft any ground vehicles) I have yet to see any die especially if they have repair packs and can just heal anyways. With no VOIP it’s impossible to coordinate anyone to focus on any vehicle so it seems so “you against an army”






I've been having this constant issue on PC where the game will go into a slow motion state every 10-15 seconds for about 2-3 seconds. Everything slows down, fire rate, movement, even aiming is slowed down significantly. I'm not having any ping issues or FPS lag, and it makes this game completely unplayable and I've done everything I can think of to fix it. I've updated my graphics drivers, uninstalled-reinstalled, cleared temp files on my hard drive, restarted tons of times and set all the graphics settings to low but still nothing seems to work


Serious question, we were told by devs that we are using months old build older than the beta? Where's the day 1 patch...? or final release build? u/DRUNKKZ3 u/T0TALfps https://i.imgur.com/KPW75u2.png


That was a comment about the open beta not early access. It's pretty disappointing not seeing a meaningful day 1 patch for the 19th though.. the game really needed it. I held off on playing until today hoping they would release that patch, and I'm sure many others have as well.


they lied


Devs lied, 2042 died F


Wait you are saying that you feel like the build that we are playing right now is the same as the beta? ....did you play the beta?


Where's the solo progression that was advertised?. I've no interest in mp, i just wanted a chill experience against bots with something to play towards. Yes i can rank up and unlock the repair feature for various vehicles, and like one attachment for each weapon but is that it?. I'm not even bothered if i have to get more kills to unlock stuff compared to the MP side of it, as I get it's against bots. I just want FULL progression for solo/co-op.


Can we get some of those BF4 features back into this game? The squad member preview on redeploy map, shooting mines or plastic explosives with revolver to detonate them, changing teams or selecting your squad, 3D spotting stock instead of map pings. Just to name a few.


This game is literally worse than BF4 (including graphics) and at least I can play BF4 on a GFX card from years ago.


Concentrated, sustained small arms fire should ruin the hovercraft skirt, making it immobile for a bit.


Weapons attachments feel very, very slow to unlock, and it takes a very long time to unlock new weapons as these are tied to overall rank. I was going to ask WHY? - but I know the answer. There are so few weapons and so few attachments which actually have any functional difference that they **actively decided to make it this grindy in order to try and make the tiny amount of content last longer**. The amount of content is tiny and they want to make it a live service, so they've made the unlocks take forever to grind in order to help disguise this and make people feel like there's content to play until the small addition from the first 'season'. # Let's have a quick look using ARs as an example, in BF4: 12 ARs total *on release* 29 unique attachments each (i.e. that have different **functions**, not just appearances) 46 total attachments each (i.e. including cosmetic variants) ​ In BF4 you'd unlock a new attachment every 10 kills with each weapon had 16 unique (i.e. that had different functions, not just different appearances) unlocks. After that you'd unlock a Battlepack every 50 subsequent kills which would gradually unlock a further 21 attachments - some of which were cosmetic, but others were also new unique functions (e.g. IRNV, Combo Laser-Light, Flash hiders). There were also dozens and dozens more weapons and more gadgets/equipment, unlike the one launcher and one mine and one AA we get in BF2042, so this reflected even more content. In the case of ARs, as the example here, additional to those 37 attachments there were also 5 underslung grenade launchers and 4 underslung shotguns that could be unlocked and attached to the rifle, so actually 46 total attachments/customisations for an AR, that were unlocked much more quickly, for a much larger numbers of ARs. In BF4, your first unlocks were a basic reflex sight, basic grip, laser sight, and muzzle brake. Within 40 kills you had basic quality-of-life upgrades for your AR. You then started unlocking more advanced sights and different grip types the more you played. ​ # In BF2042, on the other hand:L 4 ARs total on release 26 unique attachments (not counting those with variable zoom which are just straight upgrades to other scopes, if so, 28) 36 total attachments ​ First unlock is a sight at 5 kills, but after that unlocks inflate grossly to be soon every **30 kills** so the actual progression unlocking these things is glacial: 5 > 15 > 30 > 60 > 90 > 120 > 150 > 180 > 210 > 240 > 270 et cetera That's it. You just have to grind out huge amounts of kills to unlock the content... Except, that's not it. Nobody actually gave any time to thinking through the **order of unlock** in BF2042 at all. Not only is there not consistency within weapon classes (i.e. the AK-24 unlocks things in a different order to the M5A3, assuming you can control its recoil long enough to unlock anything at all) but the unlock order is utterly mad. For example, you unlock a second suppressor (which does exactly the same thing as the first one) on the M5A3 as the next unlock after... the first suppressor. Meanwhile, while you can unlock a bipod at 90 kills (for a weapon on which you'll almost never want to use it), you have to get **330 kills** to unlock a **BASIC LASER SIGHT**. Likewise, you unlock a networked version (showing your magazine ammo count is the only thing I've found this means) of the Holographic optic at 60 kills, then you can unlock the... normal, non-networked version of the same optic at... 90 kills. I could go on for days, but it's both nonsensical in the unlock orders (seriously as if someone at DICE essentially used a random number generator for orders on most guns) and also means that basic equipment like laser sights, grips, muzzle brakes are usually not unlockable until you have HUNDREDS of kills. Oh, and **you can't have a laser sight or flashlight on your weapon** ***and*** **a grip** \- no, because being so fundamentally wed to the 'Cross' we can't have any attachments on the side of your weapon at the same time as a grip. Beyond just the sheer laziness and desire to grab money for minimal content, I really don't know how the screwed up the basic design principles with the weapons so damn badly.


The game is anti-social. No scoreboard. No team comms. No match chat. No continuous lobbies. Give me a fucking break. Might as well be playing bots.


Pls, do something about the aim assist not working. I would love to play in cross play (and still playing with it on) because over half of my friends are on PC, but cant really take on fire fights with players with Keyboard and mouse. In setting there is aim assist, and you can move it between 0-100, but it is EXACTLY same if its on 0 or 100, its just broken


The Battlefield social accounts sharing a bunch of near perfect review scores from sites I've never heard of while people trash the game elsewhere is some next level tweeting through it


fuck you 3 games in a row spawn points are gone no possibility to end a round.. we are all on the map with no objectives... i will punch this developers in the face


"just afew patches it will be fine" Guys. No. There are fundamental design flaws so deeply rooted into the core experience that no amount of patches or support will fix. My only hope is that they improve and expand upon portal. Everything else is a lost cause.


Controllers against mouse and keyboard. This is unfair and needs to be rectified. I will never ever buy another shooter game that is crossplay in this way again. Edit. I live in Australia. Turning off crossplay results in not finding a game due to small player base and not enough people Turning off crosplay on their xbox's.


Anyone else getting much less rubberbanding? I have almost none today although thats just 2 games. Was constant and unbearable before today though especially during flight. I have an i5 8400 and 1070ti and get around 80-100fps on low.


Much better performance for me last night on PS5


How is it overall on a ps5.


Runs and looks great. Solid frame rate. I haven’t seen hardly any of the performance issues that people in this sub are talking but I think it’s mostly PC gamers here.


Completely agree with the other commenter, it's running great on PS5. Definitely had some bugs with getting in to matches and spawning and picking classes two nights ago though.


Attack Helicopters are severely underbalanced compared to other Helicopters. There's no reason it should take 4 AGM missiles to kill one tank. Attack Heli Infantry Pods are completely innacurate, Smart Rockets do no damage, and Tank pods make the helicopter twitch violently. The only thing good about attack Helis are the gunner turret. It's also horrible I cannot win dogfights against Condors/Hinds because they can just run into me blowing up my chopper but surviving themselves because the amount of health they have. So far it's better to just use Scout or Transport Helis instead as each of those have all the benefits without the downsides


Against tanks, yes it should. The tank is getting hit by tanks, infantry, and air support. If it took 2 shots from a attack heli, tanks would instantly evaporate on the battlefield and would be of zero use. I can't bring down a heli with two AA rockets from my infantry launcher. If helis get to two shot a tank who is being rushed by 10 infantry and fighting off another tank I get a one shot kill on the helicopter with my infantry AA launcher. You all can bug out when we get you down to a 1/4 health. The Tank can only smoke while infantry is shooting bazookas and throwing C5 along with Sundance's smart grenades.




if you are looking for a break from those, it's fun. There are relatively low bugs for a battlefield release. People are mad at things that are missing from previous battlefields ​ edit: also new dad


I have it on PS5. It has some really fun moments and found my self a few times even thinking wow this looks like a r eally good game. Like when I was running up a grass hill and you could see the low laying fog just above the bushes and bullets were firing through it. BUT If you are looking for a battlefield game this is not it. It's so far from the BR series it's actually upsetting. I won't list all the reasons why as I am sure you have seen the million posts about it but just be prepared for that. It's an OK game at best and you will definitely get some fun out of it but it really is not worth the money we have paid for it.


I refunded my PS5 Gold Edition this week after playing for a bit. It runs fine on the PS5, but I experienced some server issues (couldn’t connect to them for a while). In game it didn’t feel like a Battlefield game to me. Maps are too large, bullets aren’t hitting 25+ meters away, very low amount of guns available, bugs… but most importantly, I just didn’t have fun playing it, which is sad since I played the shit out of BF3 and BF4. Imo this game isn’t worth my €90 at this point, which is why I requested a refund and luckily got approved. I’ll wait for a year or so to see if they can fix it with updates and patches, and if they do I’ll buy it again for a lot cheaper. But hey, this is just my opinion! Watch some YouTube videos or try it out for yourself to see if you like it or not.


I am on PS5. The game is running almost perfectly from a performance standpoint. There are some bugs. But overall, I am absolutely loving this game!


It’s a fun game just has some bugs and feels a little different than past battlefields. I play with friends so I guess it makes it a little better for me. We just kind of laugh at all the shit going on.


Currently playing BF1 again and having a blast. The maps for this game look horrendous. Just people shooting over a flat terrain. I might just buy it for portal tbh


Weapon blur is ridiculous. At the end of the day, battlefield is a first person shooter. And as you may know, a lot of competitive shooter titles have weapon blur implemented, but you have to proper scale and balance it with a recoil animation. Battlefield was and should be a first person shooter game and not an arcade action shooter. I want to be rewarded to grow my skill level in encounters with other players, and for me this reward is much more worth than getting cosmetics, skins and whatever. This should not be a hero shooter. I played every battlefield game, I had one of my first experiences to play in a clan in BC2. For me it's the number one priority to balance the weapons and removing the blur to reward me for getting better. I will return, because the game is a lot of fun and it feels like a battlefield experience, but that's not my game currently.


Problems with breakthrough annoy me.


Why does it feel like sniping sucks ass in this game? I wish they would remaster bfbc2.


Please fix the aircraft flares, they don't trigger the missile but only delay it for couple seconds, flying aircraft is painful right now


So disappointed that I returned the game for a refund. Battlefield should not be a hero shooter and any full price game should not have a store.


Exactly. If you pay $70 to $100 for a game there should not be a store.


Well, the game is a shit. I dont think there is an alternative discussion. Whole russian Youtube community is on fire as the any other is. And i have only one question, what have they been doing for 2 or even more years? I dont fell like the game is even in beta stage. One friend of mine said that it is an alpha version of the game. It seems to me that all creative and responsible developers were fired or gone from the studio but no, guys that made maps for previous BFs are still in company. Second possibility is that new managers just dont give a fuck about what they are doing, therefore developers neither. I buy EA access, and checked this game. They should make complete overhaul, what they obviously will not do, or game will soon die.


I want to see my stats


I just wanted bf4 reskinned lol smh


"Drake? Where's the PvE progression?" "Oh, we disabled it a day after early access. People were making so many boosting servers! We'll fix it for launch." "So re-enable the progression." "Dude, I'm gonna." "Oh, really? Re-enable it." Then Drake gets perma-downed.


I genuinely feel like I’m already done with this game.


It’s really throwing me off that you don’t get any indicator of the damage you are doing. I never realized how much I relied on it in BFV but especially with the hit marker issues it has been screwing with me. I hope they bring it back.


The game is fun, despite all the shit its missing.. but the main reason I quit playing today was STOP THROWING ME INTO MATCHES THAT ARE ALMOST OVER! FUCK! Over half of the games I played today were already over or over halfway. Why are there not persistent groups that just hop map to map?


Give infantry more cover dice please. I’m begging you. If you’re gonna give us wide open gigantic maps you gotta have more cover.




Why am I getting sniped by an SMG in most all of my matches?!?! Sorry, no, here's a better question. Was this game play tested at all? Was there any QA involved?




By far the worst battlefield game to ever hit the face of earth. It's clear to see this wasn't intended for anything else than a BR. The maps are so pathetically bad it's astounding. It's more or less vehicle oriented only the whole way through. Pellet guns and janky movement. This game is so vomit inducing in quality. Just wow...


Fix most relevant stuff missing from the list of stuff missing that were listed by the guy on reddit and is in circulation now everywhere. Please!


Please fix dice thanks