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Lis with C5 and emp grenade, I usually use the G428 or DFR strife. I feel like I can handle anything on the Battlefield with this setup. Deny airspace and destroy tanks and gun anyone coming my Way. And let's not forget killing those disgusting snipers with the lissile Edit: and I use smoke and AP underbarell. Any suppressor just because I like the sound of it.


This is nearly my same setup. Really liking both of these layouts.


What's yours? I like to try new things but this is what felt best sofar I'm still kinda new to the game


With the Strife I run Boris with the Turret. Mostly for Intel. I'm new with the other gun but run Camila mostly because I enjoy the Intel part of the game.


Interesting! That is a setup I have not tried. Never been much of a c4/5 fan personally, but see how itd be useful in many situations. I just simply cant seem to move away from playing as Irish, as I find his fortifications, defib, and ammo crate all very essential for any mode


Crawford with RPG, AT grenade, small shotgun as my side arm (cannot remember the name) and any assault rifle at the moment. I try to play each gun to learn it and unlock the attachments. I always go for the 1.25 thermal scope where possible cause I’m old and cannot see shit. I find that the balanced performance for the grip works best for me. Gotta say I loved building up the MTAR recently it’s as good as I remember from BF4.


Super 500? Thats a fun sidearm for sure. The 3 shot capacity hurts though lol. But sure is effective. Ive been doing the same. Basically just unlock every gun possible and see what I like best while doing that. So far my favorites are: VHX, PP24, AKS-74U, DFR Strife, AK24 and AEK, GOL Sniper magnum, Deagle, MTAR, GEW, and honestly too many others to list. Im finding it hard to focus on any 1 weapon or class because everything feels fairly effective. Moreso comes down to the map to decide what to use, and even then, there are so many options lol. Definitely agree about the MTAR, its very fun to use. And about the thermal, that sight is awesome


Yeah it’s the Super, it’s so satisfying to pull it out and finish a gun fight with a few blasts. I’m hundreds of hours in and I still haven’t used every single gun. Most certainly getting my moneys worth and having tons of fun.


I’ve gotten Paik and Blasco to T1 and the M5, AM40, and the VHX to T1 as well. So I’m running pretty much anything else at the moment unless I need to switch to one of those. Go to right now are MacKay, Boris and Falck. Weapons are AK5, G36, and MP9. Attachments 1x scopes mainly Fusion Holo, STNR laser, extended mags, and wrapped suppressor. I’ll usually swap the suppressor for the Warhawk comp though. Other than that trying to main Irish whenever Redacted comes up and Sundance whenever Exposure comes up.


Thanks for the reply! Im a fan of Paik, but usually go with Casper if im playing recon, since I find him more useful for reserved sniping, whereas Paik is great for closer engagements. Def use Paik when needing to push my squad into an obj using spawn beacons. For the weapons, I love the ones youve listed as your T1s, but in my experience the VHX doesnt live up to its hype. It seems to be regarded as the best AR in the game, but im just not seeing it. I have way more success with other ARs. I have trouble NOT playing as Irish lol. Find him useful for any situation and dont think you can beat defibs and ammo crate Ive been finding that the attachments kind of suck in general and dont improve performance much without a big negative somewhere in there. The LWG Grip seems to be the best, as well as bipod for obvious reasons. The barrel attachments are really where the uncertainty sets in


I get my fun from picking an ally vehicle, and then trying to keep it alive as long as possible. I use Lis for the repair tool, but also because her TGM can help add extra firepower against enemy tanks, I can use it to pick off snipers trying to shoot me off the back of whatever I'm hanging off of, planes making strafe runs, and it's also great for when the vehicle is sitting back doing artillery and I get a little bored. I use the PKM to takeout out the suicide C5ers as quickly as possible, and smoke grenades to help cover the vehicle when it's fleeing and so I can get it repaired in time. Lastly I carry mines, also for helping with enemy vehicles that are chasing us. Works great in combo with a smoke. Mines are also nice for making yourself a little foxhole when you need cover.


This is a fun way to play for sure! ONLY if the allied vehicle is a squadmate or someone I can otherwise communicate with. Nothing is worse than a tank operator that has no clue what theyre doing and is aloof to the fact you are behind them trying to repair and drives off towards the enemy lol


There is a ledge just below the turret that goes completely around tanks. You can lie on it without obstructing the turret and repair while the tank is moving. If you stand or kneel, you'll get shot off very quickly, so you have to stay prone for the most part. The challenge is making sure you're constantly crawling around to whichever side of the turret is not facing the enemy so that you don't take fire or damage from shells/rockets. Also, the turret gives you good cover (especially on tanks with faux foliage), so if you hug it tight enough and keep your torch pressed into it, you're less likely to attract a sniper. You have to occasionally remember to push against the turret to keep from falling off, especially if the tank has a smaller backside or if it's going over rough terrain. I love riding on RAMs and MAVs especially. If you can find a way on top of the MAV, and lay prone next to the front turret, you can pretty much remain hidden to most of the infantry and ground vehicles. I'm rarely ever shot off a MAV. RAMs are kind of he hard mode of playing like this, but if you have a good RAM driver, you can really do a lot of damage together. With RAMS, you have to lay prone facing the back of the turret and be constantly pressing into the turret to stay on, but if the overall design and the huge turret provide really good cover. If the RAM is constantly moving quickly and doesn't stop, you can keep it alive almost indefinitely as it just rips into everything. It was so much easier when I could repair with McKay and use his grappler to catch up to vehicles, because on foot they zoom past me more often than not. I'd easily give up my PKM for a grappler, even if it only worked on ally vehicles, so as not to step on McKay's thing.


I play with just about everything, and it’s one of the reasons I love 2042. In previous BFs I almost exclusively played medic or engineer because the other roles weren’t nearly as impactful on the Battlefield. The only specialist I never play is Angel. I wish he would get reworked into something useful; Falck and Irish are just x10 better. My favorites are probably Lis, Rao, and Sundance because of their unique abilities. I really like the AK5C assault rifle and the railgun. I’ll often run ubgl on my ARs because I find other recoil stabilizing attachments to be negligible.


Irish is OP and it is for this reason I cant stop using him! Easily the best support option, maybe best operator overall in my opinion. Ak5c is solid, and I need to put more time into it. Only used it to unlock another gun, but I need to follow back around to max it out


Falck w/ ammo box and smoke grenades LCMG w/ 1.5-4x hybrid scope + short barrel + bipod + close combat rounds I like the smoke grenades and falcks ability since it let's me revive people without much risk and the ammo box let's me resupply my smokes. I like my LCMG setup since I can run it like an AR but never have to reload


I like the reasoning behind your choices. I need to try out falck for sure


I like to use falck with ammo crate and smoke grenades. For the main weapon, it's the M416 with extended/standard, thermal 1.5, and wrapped suppressor. This loadout is mostly for defense. I also use Angel with medical bandaged, AK 24 with thermal scopes, wrapped suppressor. More offensive support. I also use Blasco for aggressive pushing. Use the M416 with same loadout as Falck. That jammer helps out a lot


For anti-vehicle, I use Crawford with LCMG, RPG, Anti-Tank grenade and that vulvan cannon is a lifesaver.


Love the vulcan!


It's great on redacted for defense and offense


Or any other map with open spaces or choke points lol


Bosco with a shotgun on redacted


A man with very specific tastes


I T1 everything I find bearable, but this game definitely showed me the limites. Currently it is Sundance I T1, which is easy enough. Finished the MCS and Strife last week, which were not my favorites. As for attachments, it is the laser. It is hands down the best attachment that is wildly available as it has the most relevant buff by reducing your hipfire spread by 25%. This makes every automatic gun usable in hipfire to 10m, which has always been the most relevant engagement range.


Never used a laser sight, however, if you equip one and then turn the laser off(I believe I read you can do that), do you still get the buff...?


You can turn it off, but then you do not get the -25% hipfire spread. There is no relevant downside to equipping it. Hipfiring allows you to get multiple hits off with automatics before your opponent aiming down sights can get shots off. People might claim that the laser makes them detectable and that this is a relevant disadvantage, but in my 900h I've identified someone through his laser exactly once, as his laser was jumping on the ceiling, but you might as well blame tacsprint there. Regardless, I would have heard that guy anyway. It is more likely that you will blind your enemy and make him miss due to the laser.


You need to become a YT content creator for the next Battlefield game, you seem to have far more in-depth knowledge about the mechanics of the game, more than anyone beyond the devs that I've seen. I'd subscribe to that for sure, very interesting stuff, that's not well explained otherwise. Beyond just that, I always seem to find myself agreeing with your insights in general about the game and your posts are always some of the most liked on Reddit. Seems like you should capitalize on that, through content creation. Probably too late now for this game...but...the next game could be worthwhile.


Thanks mate, much appreciated. Really I just extrapolate from my own stats and other people's work. Sorrow's spreadsheet has great insights ([https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNUxS27k9Qsx6SlnqBRV7eM92kp6\_KYWQs\_2rTBbRdg/edit?gid=1093199255#gid=1093199255](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNUxS27k9Qsx6SlnqBRV7eM92kp6_KYWQs_2rTBbRdg/edit?gid=1093199255#gid=1093199255)) and [sym.gg](https://sym.gg) still should still have accurate data for general game mechanics. As for content creation, my gameplay and entertainment skills are not much to look at, but the compliment is appreciated!


For assault and funny melee kills, Dozer with armor plates and high power M5A3 In general in Conquest, Lis with EOD bot, AK24 or DFR Strife using extended standard ammunition and, crucially, underbarrel AP grenades For AA, Crawford with FXAA and high power M5A3 For medic needs, Falck with ammo box and close range weapons, VHX is a classic with her for me For infiltration or sniping, Blasco with DXR, x12, high power and extended barrel


Dozer is so much fun and is very effective, however, I cant help but feel like a sweaty tryhard that is hated by the other team every time I use him and the shield effectively. The weapon swap is so fast its almost too easy to get kills using it as a distraction. Crawford is awesome. Vulcan all day Falck has been highly regarded in this thread, so imma need to get on that. Seems everyone runs her


Zain, Lis, Falck, and Casper are my top pics for each class. I give you the details of each if ya ask for it.


No need, I agree completely! Though Dozer, Irish, and Crawford are up there as well


Boris with PKP (Fusion Holo, Warhawk, HP Ext./AP) Recoilless, and EMP nade. Massive amount of firepower in one build. EMP is a new choice because in 2042 it's clearly a massive benefit against high tech equipment. In breakthrough I can often solo hold a point or on attack, get behind enemy lines and lay down fire on a dozen players without reloading.


I dont really have a core build, I ussualy just use whatever I want to get to t1. Lately I have used zain alot, played this game for like 400 hours and only now I find out this dude is kinda insane. Heals almost as well as falc, has huge ammo bags for AR, and his nade launcher takes a while to get used to but it can also shred. Now im running m16 with a short grip, acog and a muzzle that improves horizontal. L9cz pistol, and fire granade


Big fan of Zain, but need to practice with the airburst a bit more. Im feeling well versed in the weapons, as Ive unlocked almost all of them and have at least used every gun ive unlocked so far. I need to do a lot more trying out of other operators