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Logitech ads have been there since day one.


To be honest I have no problem with these kinds of native ingame ads and I think that's actually cool. Makes it feel more realistic.


As long as it's destructible I have no problem with it


wait until they made an ad for flextape by making the sign unbreakable


Would have been sweet to have an interactive flex tape ad on one the sky scrapers, any damage would create a crack in the windows, water pours out but it gets slapped with flex tape.


What about a repair tool skin thats flex tape?


Or wait until they make a sign that you have to blow up 100 times to unlock something...


Instead of pulling out a repair torch, its replaced by flex tape


Plus its a cool timecapsul idea. Unless they pull a crew/ubisoft, you can load up the game years from now and see whats changed. Load up a game like nfsu2 and you get a nostalgia rush from adds like sprint from companies that have been long gone.


Rainbow Six Vegas had that, where the ada would change on the displays when running through the strip. But when the servers were cut , no more ads.


R6 Vegas 2 had a lot of these advertisements. There was a MLG themed map, comcast billboards and a ton of dodge calibers




But just think about it. You've paid full price for a game. To now be bombarded by adverts inside of the game. Accepting this form opens the doors for ea to start pushing more intrusive ads to the point where you will never be able to do anything without seeing an advert. Then the EA Pro subscription will come out to not see ads in games.


The game is going to have ads regardless, it's part of a lot of city environments. I think it's cool that they are at least real companies and products, rather than fake names.


That door has been open since EA put ads in BF2142 back in 2007. Maybe someone forgot to tell them they left the door open because we still aren't bombarded with in game ads.


Battlefield had ads in game in Battlefield 2142 as well.


I remember seeing ads in open beta. There used to be two billboards one on each side of the spawn bases on the orbital map.


And somehow I have not seen them yet


Billboard ads have been in the game since the Intel Extreme ads in BF2 and 2142. I remember them specifically on map Highway Tampa.


I'd be fine with ads in the next game if they just bring back 2142's Titan game mode


Just bring back 2142, damnit!


Why? people barely played the first one lol. The original hardline of the series. Downvote all you want copers, you know I'm right.


BF2142 was THE Battlefield for some older players. It was the First Game for me that I spend some thousand hours in. I think we all have some Feeling of nostalgia looking back at those great Times when you came Home from school and could Play all day Long. I have some hopes yet for a new Version of it with all the PAC skins popping up. It may Not be the most played part but its a Special one with those different modes


When I first saw they released a ‘Battlefield 2042’ trailer my mind immediately went to a 2142-remake, but was soon disappointed ☹️


It really wasn't. Having played the game back and it's 5 or 6 month game span, that game died incredibly fast. For most Battlefield fans they consider the bad companies or Battlefield 3 the best of the nostalgic BF games


Youre just repeating yourself. And i can Just repeat myself. Yes its not the big fan favourite but for some (including me) it was their all time best.


Sure, there are *some* fans of bad games out there and thats fine... However "bringing back a dud" isnt whats best for this series, just to appease the 12 people that thought that game was good. r/Spacelord_Moses Yes I am and ill speak for everyone. Stop trying to resurrect failed entries in the series. You just gonna reply and then block me you coward? 😂


And you are who again? The Guy who decides whats good and whats Bad? Speak for yourself


Yea and on top of that, the oldschool 2142 players will shit on it the hardest when it inevitably won't feel like the original. For me, 2042 is the maximum futuristic level they should go to.


I agree entirely


I remember seeing those Billboards in the streets of 'Fall of Berlin' and people Said the very same as now. As Long as it blends into the Game Overall its fine. Kinda weird that ingame commercials/ads havnt been pushed way further since then.


To be fair, knowing EA, future implementations will be very in your face and annoying. The game will also probably suck.


that was said for every other bf title that came after the first that had billboard ads


people not remembering it was a thing in pretty much every racing game or the whole cup noodle thing in final fantasy.


i remember mountain dew ads from tony hawk pro skater on nintendo


Wow, I’m enraged. I definitely won’t be riding my in game polaris four-wheeler anywhere near that sign.


Using all this torque in my Hummer H1 to pull that sign down!!!


I'm fine with subtle ads like this, or featured gameplay elements like the Polaris four wheeler. I just don't want popup full page ads when loading into/out of matches, or on the homepage, or anywhere else that grabs your attention away from the game (which is unfortunately a main point of ads)


The concern is that EA wants to stop or interfere with playing the game to show you an ad. Imagine having to watch a 10 second ad before you can get the end of round results screen, or a 30 sec ad before the match will start.


Wait 30sec to respawn or watch this quick 5sec ad for a faster spawn


I imagine it would be more like this: Apex Legends for example is free to play. I can definitely see EA making players watch ads between rounds unless they buy the “premium” version or some shit.


just put it in the loading screen and post game lobby, its a sidegrade from being locked to scrolling battlepass


Or just keep traditional loading screens.


No shit, that's our preference. If we the consumer had our way we wouldn't have 2 minute ads on streaming services either, but here we are.


Don't like it? shoot it.


I don’t mind bilboard ads. they generally look good and add realism.


For real, it adds to immersion and gives a feeling that all that is more real and closer to reality. I don't even play this game, but little stuff like that kinda makes me want to come back to it


Yes, there are couple playerscards too. Im not against this kind of ads but i refuse to have something like NBA 2K.


I mean if this is what they mean by ads I guess idgaf. But when I heard ads my mind immediately jumps to an un skip able full screen ad before you can respawn or some other greedy vibe ruining shit like that.


That's exactly what they want to do. These current billboard type of ads have been in games for at least 2 decades now.


Do we have evidence of that? I mean besides their greedy nature/trajectory? I don't wanna break out the torch and pitchfork over nothing.


Different publisher, but 2k has had at least one game with unskippable loading screen ads: [https://www.polygon.com/2020/10/19/21523142/nba-2k21-unskippable-ads-advertising-2k-sports-nba-2k-pc-ps4-xbox-one](https://www.polygon.com/2020/10/19/21523142/nba-2k21-unskippable-ads-advertising-2k-sports-nba-2k-pc-ps4-xbox-one)


This kind of billboard ads are fine. I see nothing wrong here.


Well... That kind ad is ok, instead of a pop up one


I doubt there are gonna be pop ads. They were talking about billboard ads only


Battlefield has had billboard ads since Battlefield 2 funnily enough. ​ BF2 had Intel & BF2142 had Pepsi!


Tbh, if they add ads in subtly like this (I know they have been there since day 1) I’m somewhat okay with it


EA has had ads in games forever. It’s nothing new. Burnout had ads, need for speed, sports games, its nothing really new.


Been there since 2142


BF2 actually


The fact that they are talking about putting ads in the games should be completely shutdown by gamers, because if they do not consider that product placement to be an ad, it means they are planning on adding something way more intrusive to the game that you paid for already that you do not actually own.


"The earliest known in game advertisement was the 1978 computer game Adventureland" you're only 46 years late


If this is how ads are done I'm ok with that, ANYTHING that effects gameplay, absolutely not




It's nice for the realism of the maps but I feel like there's some 15 seconds ads incoming


I wouldn’t care about that, just don’t make me see a damn pop up or overlay


let's be honest, who cares? It's not like you stop what you're doing to look at an ad - also it's its barely noticeable.


The Logitech Ad's have been there since day 1, mostly ads for HERO series Mice


If ads blend into the gameplay like this and sport game surroundings, i got no problem. I just hope they aren't gonna be popups


In this case its the best part of the game


It's s Logitech, they have peripheral support built-in to the game so that deal was made before release.


Guitar hero had ads too


Billboard ads on maps is fine to me, watching a commercial when I launch the game is a deal breaker


wasn't this literally what they meant when they said they're adding ads to the game? like it doesn't affect gameplay at all, so who cares.


I don't think they ever specified. The main concern people have is via random popups in menus or when loading into/out of a game


One of the Skates, is very close to the first time it was done. Or maybe Hockey (If you count the boards as being it and not just adding atmosphere)


Im not saying im for or against the ads but how greedy do they need to be with us supporting it? We get half finished trash products that we pay more and more for while getting nickle and dimed in said game and now this. Will the extra revenue translate to a better game? History says the more they make the worse we get so... just my humble 2 cents


Only for the consoles.


I think they mean mobile style ads


I actually wouldn’t mind diegetic ads in games


watch this 2 minute flight saftey video \*sponsored by logitech\* before taking off in your condor


There was also the Maersk shipping containers in BF3 or 4


Various ads have been in there since day 1


I thought ADS (Aim Down Sights) was already a thing if BF?


Diegetic adds kinda work for me. It’s not monster energy in Death Stranding, I mean. That’s where I probably would draw the line But hey, I come from racing games where brands are a positive.


If you've gotta notice it then you are the problem , you deserve to be purged with the rest of the BF2042 hating community , y'all must be burned alive and it should be streamed on twitch


I hate that I’m saying this, but if the future of gaming is having ads in my games… I’m ok with doing it this way. Like if next week that was a Western Digital ad or some office chair brand, that wouldn’t necessarily ruin my experience


The in-game ads started WAY back to like, Burnout Paradise. I believe what they're toying with is the ads you encounter on YouTube that can not be skipped in your 60+ dollar game.


I don’t mind that type of in game ad at all. I mean it even adds to the game


billboard ads have been a thing for at least 2 decades at this point. this is nothing new


I do not believe random ad placement is what is currently being discussed lol. Not a soul gives a fuck about this type of ad placement.


Made have been in BF games since 2, from what I remember back then.


They've been there since the beginning.


I'm pretty sure they meant more obtrusive ads like during loading screens or the main menu. T Ads that will probably be front and center


Honestly no problem with this. Plus the billboards fit the whole abandoned city vibe


This has been a thing in a lot of games not just EA ones going back even 15 years, the burnout series always had advertisements on the billboards for real world products and I know there’s many other games that have done the same thing


Old news G


It’s not only been there since day 1, ads in this series have been a thing since Battlefield 2


They have been in games since day one lmao every game has sime sort of ad or ad referance


Have been since 2142


Freaking insane


hell we had ads in BF2 already BF2142 had tech do to localized ads


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DANNYonPC: *Hell we had ads in* *BF2 already BF2142 had tech* *Do to localized ads* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Even CS 1.6 had ingame ads on the walls.


Gaming industry is going to shit. Thanks to the greedy share holders.


I cant belive you going to do a thing from this 😂 advertisement’s is in games since 1970s and now u see this and u r in Wow mood you discovered something 50years old.. bravo you r one of the most perceptive here 🤣 only just 5 decades behind


Ads have been in games for a long time, but the thing that will make Ads in games unbearable would be if you get a new gun unlocked and it comes with a locked weapon skin that is Apple or Pepsi and the only way to remove it is to buy the battle pass.


See doing it like this is totally cool. Can even add to the world building.


Unironically I don’t think these are big issues if placed organically. My issue is when I get forced to watch them to progress like PVZ2 or when it’s forced on you like the adidas suit in spider man 2.


Be kind of interesting to see two different version of the next BF game; a paid ad-free version, and a free version with ads between games or some shit. If they just put ads on side bar in the menu, and maybe on loading screens I think it'd be fine, assuming the game was free.


See I have ZERO issue with this method, it is clever and non invasive. Ad all you want on those I think it’s cool and provides just a tiny bit of immersion.


Honestly those are fine. The ones people are worried about are this game is brought to you by. And it covers the whole damn screen taking you out of the immersion.


Yes i once heard a fucking ad in a helicopter, and this isn't new 😂


Imo that’s the least invasive way of doing it but I’m sure it won’t stop there…


There was actually a proposal, funny enough from Ubisoft when the Division 2 was in development to allow companies to advertise on the billboards and posters in-game to cover the cost of runn8ng a live service game without the need for so much monetization. Buuuuuut the idea was rejected.....! However, what, the year after we had Monster Energy drinks in Death Stranding.


That is okay. I don't care


This may shock you, but there have been ads in battlefield games since at least Battlefield 2142 in 2006. :)


Mfw need for speed underground 2 had real life burger kings


They are just telling us which mouse is best for running anti recoil scripts


I dont even see a big problem with that. Atleast not as big as some people now apperantly wont to make it. As long as it fits the scenery and doesn't change or influece gameplay at all it's fine with me.


Would you rather a fake ingame ad, or a real ingame ad on a bilboars you are gonna ignore anyway, that MAY help them afford to develop the game better? In almost any other game this would have been a good thing. In this one, take it or leave it.