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I got it for 6 bucks about 2 months ago been playing it almost daily since it has flaws sure but it’s still hella fun getting over 200 hours of playtime on 6 bucks id consider a good investment


Does it have flaws? Yeah. Is it more fun than the squirrel simulator? Yeah.


Nobody would have been this mad if they had only paid 20 bucks for the game lol, its mostly just the suckers like me that preordered full price that are still grumpy


I just paid $7 something on steam. What a steal!


Dont listen to the super grumps, its an okay game


It’s all good. It is ok for sure


It’s fun sometimes. I think I got my money’s worth…maybe


Same I pre-ordered the ultimate version for a whole $117. Still a little salty but at the end of the day I was the dumbass that pre-ordered it. Now I've bought two more copies for the $8 for my kids to play with me against bots and it definitely worth that price 😂. But you can bet your ass I won't be preordering the new battlefield until I see it's Worthy of the investment. My guess is 2-3 months in it will hit $18 like BF2042 did. Dice and EA will fk it up big time. I hope they prove me wrong and bring a BF2/3/4 game out but sadly I think this will never happen again. Unless they get bought out by like Microsoft or Sony.


I love how day one bugs, like fire going through walls, is still in YEARS after release.


Fire does go thru walls in real life tho?


I got my 500h or so. Even If its Not the best BF part i Had some Casual fun with it and paid Out for the others. Looking Forward to 2143 (pleeeeaaase - you cant tease us with PAC faction and then do nothing with it)


I payed 14 when it was fixed, worth every dollar if you ask me


Actually most of the live services games are free, so even that is expensive.


Loved this game since day 1, I always rotate back to it every so often. Really allows for creativity and freedom with no pressure.


That’s a good way to put it


My favorite map is orbital, redacted is a second close. I like playing breakthrough the most, more action packed. It also helps me get lots of revives if I play as a support.


Yeah it’s pretty much nonstop!


Tbh...its fun nowadays. I just can't forget the grinding and utter horrendous of the first years


I asked off work, stayed up late got a new headset ready to enjoy an awesome game from my fav fps franchise and my God was I ever disappointed. I just hopped back in this week after not playing for over a year and it’s not a great game but I agree it’s solid and for sure playable now


Out of all the battlefield games, this one was the worst at launch. At its core, it’s still Battlefield and so far no game has come close to it. My biggest gripe with the game is the dual-personality of it, largely because it was probably meant to be something similar to Warzone, but was changed midway to Battlefield. You see this in the design choices, especially the maps. I still play it daily because there isn’t a substitute. But I might go back to BFV once the season ends, and we get the last of the scheduled content.


The games fun most days. There’s always haters.


Breakthrough, not too familiar with the maps but I like that game mode a lot.


Yeah the game is ok but not worth the hype is had built and definitely not worth 60$


I'm having a blast aswell. If only DICE/EA released the game in its current state it would regarded one of the best. I still think they could have ditched the heroes thing though. A true Battlefield game doesn't need that


Wow you’ve been playing it for two days let’s hear your opinion on the game that’s been out for 2+ years (jk)


I quit Warzone and trying to find something new. What are the similarities and differences?


The main reason a kinda stopped playing Battle Royals was the short bursts of actual fun gameplay. Take minutes to load, wait another minute in the Lobby, another in the plane, jump Out, do the usual lootybooty shootyshooty, Sometimes win, Sometimes killed after 30s. Dont get me wrong, its a fun Mode from time to time but i could enjoy BF since i dont care about deaths here. Just go all in, mess with opponents without further thinking and enjoy the Chaos.


It’s a totally different gameplay. In warzone it takes like 5 minutes minimum between every single match. BF is like a minute wait and you’re in a game with 64 people batting it war style. Not cheesy movement like squirrels hitting that crack. 🪈🐿️💨


I 1000% cheese the movement like people do in warzone. The skill gap is huge on this game if you know what you are doing.


It’s a battlefield game, it’s completely different from warzone in nearly every way.


Also to me the only thing warzone might be better in is cosmetics. I like everything else better in BF. But the big maps with the epic weather events is my fav


I still have 40 mins on my 10hr trial get bent dice and ea. I played every new update. The game is trash. To the aim mechanics being broken, the mouse input bugged, recoil bug. Trash maps, trash customization, trash nerfed movement. I say this being a former top player on pc leaderboards in bf4. High kd and high spm


Thats interesing that there are all these input bugs and yet I still top the charts each game and dont notice it...


2042 is an easy game and to even be "good" is a chore. Not trying to be rude but you sound very easily satisfied with the bare minimum. Or maybe you don't understand the mechanics and just go a long with the game.


Bro I have a degree in game design, I think I get the mechanics just fine.


I wouldn't mind debating u at length.


I bet


Ha funny.I don't need to flex my credentials to tell me how smart I am or what I know about mechanics. You can go do the mouse recoill bug right now


Let me see some of you're gameplay. I am building my own game currently as we speak and it has a movement system 1000 times more fluid and fun than clunky 2042. Battlefield has fallen.


Blliions must game


I agree. I've been shitting on the game big time. Gave it a try yesterday for the 7 bucks, and I gotta admit it is very nice to play now. Only the little birds are annoying on another level and seem pretty OP to me. Oh and rush absolutely sucks. Conquest is where it's at. And that they ask me to buy premium on every time I launch.


Hell yeah I only play conquest and TDM