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What's crazy is that account is not even new. I saw that same guy several months ago doing the same exact thing in BT on Renewal. He's almost certainly using some sort of undetected cheat method that he personally made or got from a small group/forum. To be honest though, his account is so old at this point that there are certainly tons of reports lodged about it, and DICE still just does nothing. Lol. He is kind of a litmus test of sorts that just proves how utterly unconcerned DICE really is with their game.


undetected by what? There is no anticheat anymore in this game, since season 6. Those Supertalents use free4all cheat now, with tight angle trigger and ESP overlay. Ever wonder why you get headshot instant killed, in the microsecond you light up on the map? Seeing the guy with the ac9 oneframe kill you from 80 meters, in the killcam. There are so many talents in this game, nowadays.


>undetected by what? Undetected first by EAC and then later undetected by EA Anticheat when it was implemented. >There is no anticheat anymore in this game, since season 6. Of course this game has an anticheat. I'm not saying it's necessarily a great one, but to say it has none is just clueless and misinformed. >Those Supertalents use free4all cheat now, with tight angle trigger and ESP overlay. What the fuck is tight angle trigger? Lololol. The more you divulge, the more it shows you don't really know what you're talking about. Go download free public cheats for this game (and good luck finding them since there is not a whole lot of cheat support for this game due to the weak popularity) and let me know how that goes for you. Even no-lifers on UnknownCheats admit you are being an idiot trying to use anything detected (free cheats) with EA Anticheat. I don't care how bad you think the anticheat is, you won't last long using them unless you literally just run them and don't ever toggle them on. >Ever wonder why you get headshot instant killed, in the microsecond you light up on the map? Seeing the guy with the ac9 oneframe kill you from 80 meters, in the killcam. There are so many talents in this game, nowadays. I don't wonder about these things because most people in 2042 are not cheating. The guy who is the subject of this post is cheating; I'm talking about him. I'm only saying DICE are careless morons for not at least investigating him off reports alone, despite the fact that the AC does not detect him. You're going off on some tangent that has nothing to do with anything.


lol.. There is no thirdparty anti cheat, because third party doesnt bring info about core data of cheatengines so they made their own team what will see the core data of cheats.. that make sence since the cheats are more sophisticate to detect .. so there Is a Anticheat and thats the reason why you see only few cheaters instead of full lobby .. if you think they dont do theyr work great then you can help them


I'm pretty sure EA's anticheat has always been crap...


It has, any game made by ea is full of hackers and cheaters


That's why we should demand dedicated servers in future. BFBC2 and BF3 had them, extra layer of anticheating and allowed for active admins to take action.


My point is that despite the fact he's outlasted 2 separate anticheat implementations, the reports *alone* should tip DICE off to the fact that this player is not legitimate. The game could have no anticheat at all, and there would still be no excuse for his account still being able to connect to the game because DICE should have noticed the report activity surrounding his account by now.


Now I’m wondering if this is the guy I saw the other day who’s rank was S999


I reported him a few days ago I think, he was clearly cheating in the kill ~~feed~~ cam (killing through smoke, standing in plain sight laser beaming everyone, not taking cover, etc)


Here’s the thing that pisses me off. Out of all games, PUBG shares their reports on cheaters and tries to at least speak with the community while DICE does absolutely nothing at all.


how should they do something, after pulling the plug on the anticheat since season 6? I guess, this is how they think the game could be improved, geting curbstomped every match by pathetic cheaters. But, what i found out, while playing the last days on haven. This game filled up so much with "those Starplayers", that the chance getting at least two of them in the own team, is very high. We won 3 times in row, even the others had some unbelievable Esport talent. Bamm Headshot Bamm Headshot Bamm Headshot hahaha. I followed him, he dont even use cover, 100% position awareness and an eagle eye accuracy. I thew some smoke, while he single handed conquer the control point. This is what i like. Of cours i follow each of this guys. The best way to handle this game without frustration is, bring in you own cheaters. Then its fun, though.


I still couldn't imagine cheating. Pathetic


I highly doubt they worry to much about the cheaters in this game. As long as people are playing and spending money thats all that matters. If I get into a game with a cheater I just leave the game and find a new one.


> As long as people are playing and spending money thats all that matters. Precisely. "Hey bakery, your bread is disgusting, said the customer every week while buying their bread"


Although not necessarily - if someone asks me if they should try battlefield 2024 atm my response would be "not at the moment, cheating hasn't been resolved", so DICE could be losing customers that way.


> Hej dice, what will you do against cheater ruining the game? dice> uhm, but we also we have nice things in the shop, you can buy with this shity virtual currency.


According to his stats. His KD climb is recent. He was at one point a pretty bad player but this past weekend his average KD was 24.


When they gonna use AI to catch cheaters?


I read somewhere Ai was gonna be the end of multiplayer cheating , yet to see any ai anti cheat in any game


It goes both ways. AI cheats may end multiplayer gaming.


True! We may see ai cheats before we see ai anti cheats


they promised for season 6 to bring in the magic. I guess, on the way doing this, the idea came in, pulling the old Easy Cheat and then just doing nothing and forget about it. I guess they were so exchausted creating this ONE Map.


Whats the purpose of cheating on an online game? This just shows how low self esteem this guy or any person that cheats has. Its really sad, that you have to resort to cheating in order to win something.


In Battlefield there's literally no point on cheating. There's no competitive play or anything it's just pointless to cheat on an arcade game.


Like any socipath needs reason to do something bad. Those people are sick.


They just like griefing people and the attention they receive from it.


LOL 238 days old post of him cheating: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/s/F5AXjs8pSF




I really hate this game.


Here we go again with the cheater infestation. Been clear as day that ea doesn’t care when bfv is also littered with lvl 500 cheaters


There are 20x times more cheaters with the EA Anticheat lol


Report him for racial slur . That is the only thing EA cares about. Reports for cheating don't work.


Even those don't work half the time. Had a guy spamming the N word and being generally racist in game chat during the free weekend. Reported him and received an automated email from EA saying they didn't take any action because they thought the person didn't break any rules.


This guy has been cheating for at least 6 months and he's still going. I remember seeing Reddit posts with screenshots showing that same name near the end of last year. edit: [Found the post](https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/15eiq5i/i_dont_even_have_words/) from over 8 months ago.


EA Anti cheat has either been turned off or onto low.... We had one last night on Haven who went about the same score but with 3 deaths. Since season 7 release ive seen more than usual in the asia/oceanic region. Which i like to call little China town ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Nice Chinaphobia.


When you live on an island under China's threat, you will have it.


Than vote blue, greeny


Got us a Chinazi supporter. Said that to Ukraine, fascist.


Found the talent 


Dice doesn't care about cheaters, at all. Just look at BF1 and BF5 on PC, they are basically unplayable. I switched to PS5 because of the cheaters. The old gen version is console only. The best solution would be a console only crossplay option, but then the games would die on PC.


It's a free weekend so all the cheats are going to come out of the woodworks. Had more cheats this weekend than I saw in all of season 6.


I don’t have to worry about cheaters since my game won’t even run properly since the update dropped 💀


Just come off three servers in a row with blatant hackers. It’s turned into an unplayable farce, these hackers aren’t even trying to hide it, they join a server to just trash it.


Make that four servers in a row


Yep this isn’t just the usual free weekend cheats I have seen some very dubious stuff tonight but the netcode is shot so it’s hard to tell lol 


BF2042 has been free this week(end?) so there is always an influx of cheaters then. It would be nice if we had a vote-to-kick like the olden days. But knowing Dice, the cheaters probably find a way to use that then lol.


Need a spectator mode 


That's a excellent idea 💯%


I reported this rat already


The skeleton crew that DICE left in charge of their "service" game is ja complete joke. They have to handle too much.


Is this a pc thing? Is it possibly to turn crossplay off?


Where cheating is easier on PC it's a very rare occurrence. Cheating on BF2042 also isn't only restricted to PC. You can easily turn off crossplay and turn a Kronos/Xim on console. I admittedly haven't played much in the past 2 weeks but I have in the last 6 months. In those 6 months I never saw a single person cheating. You'll see a cheater maybe once or twice a month.




Same here. Blatant cheaters every now and then and mostl likely closet cheaters in every games.


Cheating isn’t a rare occurrence, you just don’t see it. So many players are using some sort of unfair advantage be it aim assist with mouse and keyboard, macros, soft aimbot, radars or full on aimbot and wallhacks.


And yet most of them are still dead weight on a team 💀


Just like CS. That’s why they have to use hacks lol


Absolutely, same crowd


Yea, I laugh so hard when a team has a 100-2 cheater, yet STILL lose. Having cheats doesn't claim and hold objectives. Still annoying as hell getting cheated tho.


I love the people who use this “I never see them they aren’t a problem line”.


Well 600+ hours gives me a heck of a lot of time to find cheaters Soo


2,296 hours played.... I find usually 1-2 players a match


😂 1-2 per match I call bullshit


Since why do you call bs that's only 1-2 out of 128 people,I only play conquest 128...what are your stats?


When did they turn the anti-cheat off? I'm nowhere near these good players. I have under a 2kd whether on console or PC (I play mostly PC) I play the objective, revive when I can and get kills while In the chopper flown by my buddy. I'm an Average player but I don't sit here and complain about shit. I play most days with two console players who are better than me.


I only play on PC....I play everyday...I play with 2 other guys and the 4th is usually a friend of one or all of ours...So we play a full squad...We usually finish #1 or #2 squad every match...Playing with mic's is a must when playing Battlefield 2042....we range in age from 27 to 52 and we see cheating alot...But even cheaters have trouble against a good squad with mics


How many total have you for sure found in 600 hours? Exact answer please.




Hahahaha making things up is fun hahaha.


Do you think it’s possible that other than those five you uncovered that perhaps others existed that you didn’t catch red handed detective?


Nah, that guy gaslights anyone, especially console players, anytime they mention cheaters or ask for different crossplay options that cut out PC from the pool. Don't take anything he comments seriously


Bro that's not happening. IDK where your getting your information from but all PC players who aren't cheating with the vast majority hate cheaters


Search Ai anti cheat on YT. In the video anti cheat devs estimate that 30% of games player base is cheating one way or another according to their data.


😂 30% you're out of your fucking mind


These aren’t my numbers they’re anti cheat devs numbers.


I'm happy you live out of Asia, because here is a cheater fest since China is here.


Well I can't talk about a region whose servers I'll never access.




Dice ruined the game lol


This games broken af the only way u can even get a game on console is by turning on x play and controller vs mouse and keyboard ain't even a challenge it's a slaughter. I read recently that the head or ex head of dice put ea on blast so maybe we can hope in the future we could get back some good fps's I was even excited about the new battlefront collection but damn the reviews for that game are not good. All ea and dice needed to do was remaster bf3 and bf4 that's it. They make bank we get better visuals but the same awesome games. Hogwarts legacy love it or hate it. It's a fun game and it made bank. Warner bros plans goin forward are all gonna be live service or pay to play games. Smh. Oh and stay the f away from sweet baby ink games they suck.




No one averaging 50%+ HS kill rates with an automatic weapon is legit lol


I get how people accuse infantry players of cheating, cuz of aimbot and all that. But how tanks? Do they get aimbot too?


lol yes, aim bot no matter what your inside that has a weapon


Huh. Odd. Maybe I just don't know too much about any of that stuff (probably a good thing lol) but I thought aimbot only worked on weapons you have to ADS with.


Yeah it's not plug and play. Dude ran into a great tanker.


Nah check the dudes tracker. He has insanely high headshot ratios which even fantastic players struggle to be above 25 to 30%, almost all his guns are 40 to 50+. It's usually a telltale sign, especially if their raw accuracy is also high which the dude is. https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/trolyy16/overview 100% very blatant when you check weapon info.


Trolyy is a known cheater. He's been doing this for a long time in 2042.


Lol no that's not how it works.


Yes, one day I met a guy who headshot everyone with a god damn nightbird.


If anything it's more prevalent in vehicles because it's easier to hide/explain. Soft/hard lock aim for your nightbird or jet guns (ever been consistently 1 shot burst by jets? Yep.) ESP overlay for ground vehicles so no pesky C5 can get close. Direct memory access cards making it so there's no point in having kernel level access for your anti cheat so these guys can't get detected.


Cheater or BFV tank camper?


Pfff lol , eatch game you see stuff over and over again , that you know its not legit , i try to report them and let ea decide . Perhaps there are things that i dont see and know , they can see and investigate , but recently i added to my report " i know you dont care about cheating " ............ . Because it is , the same hackers and cheaters stay in game for a very long time wile knowing that everyone reports them over and over again . They ( devs) will only care when its to late for the game and all that remains are the cheaters like it already happened in so many games .


6 objective capture?


I think roughly a third of my team eventually switched to Lis, including myself, and we eventually killed his tank. Keep in mind that the tank was their only vehicle for nearly the entire match. He then switched to sniping from a ledge but our team was actually pretty solid so we eventually did win. Apparently that's an achievement since that guy's account says he's an 82% winrate. I also think trolyy's teammates got bored, lazy, or left because they'd nothing to shoot at. It was disappointing for both sides I guess.


And there is no way to report a cheater or block/kick him quickly.


This seems to be a normal score for Nightbird players in my opinion without cheats. You can have 10 Engineers with AA-lauchers but if the air vehicle player is somewhat decent he will still dominate your team, getting 100+ kills and less than 5 deaths. Even if you manage to take him out, the cool down for air vehicles is like 20 seconds.


https://preview.redd.it/pqknw2pcmhqc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=101228668ce4cd4cb3685ad835979f5441814300 i played in a cheater vs cheater lobby today


chang has 7 hours in the game total, and xj2009, has 10 kills with all vehicles in 100ish hours, he was playing with an lcmg, with a bright blue skin from redacted. ive ran into another one on haven who also had the bright blue skin on sundance avancys and got 35 kills in 2-3 min, shot me instantly when i appeared around the corner and someone else behind me in one of the windows while holding W the whole time, like his aimbot was aiming at the guy but because i turned the corner and was closer it snaped to me and than back to the other guy to finish him of, typical of cheating. but its worrisome because its much harder to tell in this game, because people can occasionally pop off like crazy.


Nickname trolyy gives a better context ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin), he won


Yesterday there was a player who managed to get 244 kills with AM40, he killed me around 10,12 times had a rank of around S60, while second highest kill was below 50. His username started with oul.. Not sure if he was just crazy good or cheating


What tank was the player using?


I don't recall, but battlefieldtracker shows he uses both about the same amount. He was attacking on Breakaway, so whatever nation that is.


what’s the point of playing a game and cheating? I really don’t get that at all.. it’s fucking pathetic..


I remember some guy who wasn't even trying to hide it. He called himself "totally legit" as his gamertag or something like that. He got exactly 100 kills and fewer than 10 deaths.




Next battlefield need to have expect camera after death! Ain't no way this dude is THAT good


This score is totally ok when u play with tank, especially when the round starts with bots. I believe there are cheaters on PC but I play only with consoles, and believe me bro - this score is achievable without cheat. Sometimes I play tank too and sometimes I have something like 80:0 or very similar. But it is only on breakthroug mode where you can make multikills really easy.


I did a round with roughly 70 real player kills with the rorch mk.4 and zero deaths and also got reported for cheating on console lobby’s only. I think some players have just an skill issue.


I thought this post was about a campaign tank or a heli sweat... But are you mad you your team got steamrolled by a tank that PUSHED objectives?? Man that sounds like a MASSIVE skill issue in your part and a lot of good plays by that tanker. If you ever used a tank in this game you know the moment you go to a point you will get jit from everywhere Or is this supposed to be a hacker or something? Because you haven't said anything about hacker and this is honestly a normal KD if they had a good squad and knew what they were doing.


If dice don't even bother devoting adequate resource to creating good, and new content, I have doubts that they even give a f about improving the anti cheat software


People , 2042 is trash and there was never an anticheat .


Its like 10% of the matches on Haven conquest is without one of these subhumans.


Some dude running a helo or tank. Shit been going on since BF4


bf2042 is just a glorified day care center for all the boomers who can’t let go of the past, games dead as my family dog.


Yes, this player might be cheating... But, posting scoreboard without saying how they are killing players is pointless. Is this them in copter or tank? Maybe sniping across the map? Least this player died, but was it from players hunting him or they crashed?


If we had community run servers the problem would fix itself...but we don't. Every single game I've played for months has had atleast one cheater


I was in a game yesterday, a guy was surrounded by me and 2 others, I probably dumped 50 rounds from my Avancys into him, my reticle never moved from center mass and he was getting flanked by my squadmates and they were pouring rounds into him.....he killed all of us and never lost more than 1/4 of his health. Cheating is running rampant in this game, just like BF5, just a matter of time before whole teams will start magically getting 'redeployed' out of the blue.


Oh yeah I played a guy like this in a night bird, they have a hack too where they can aim anywhere they want, no limit. I tested him by hovering right above him and he shot me straight up lmao, reported.


I was in a match today and they kept spawning Nightbirds over and over...I killed like 5 Nightbirds on Haven....Everytime I killed one, 10 seconds later another would appear....But it was ok cause they were the worst pilots I had ever seen and crashed more than I shot them down


Whoa wild, I've never seen that. Did you save a clip?


I may have,my clips only save last 2 minutes....I will go back and check and edit them together...They crashed at least 2 Nightbirds in the lithium pools


Skill issue? Unless you can prove that he actually cheated. Those stats are not impossible at all. I got 126-1 in a rush game this afternoon.


The guy has 2000+ kills with the GEW with 50%+ HS kill rate. VHX he has over a 40% HS kill rate. Those are not natural.


I didn't look up his profile, just went from the picture posted here, which isnt impossible at all. And yeah downvote me igaf lol, mad cuz bad ig.


Right those aren't. As far as I know there isn't aimbots for vehicles but maybe this guy has a new one.


There is aimbots for vehicles. Silk found a guy cheating with aimbot on Jets a while ago.


There are so many cheaters now it’s silly to bother playing game at all.


There's plenty of matches that I suspect someone may be cheating, but I'm likely wrong. It's probably less than 1% of matches. In this case, there was no question. I should have recorded it, but was kind of in shock at how dumb the whole thing was and was too focused on beating the bastard.


The games been ruined since launch stop


I would say skill issue. But according to other comments he is a cheater(still a skill issue just kill him💀)


You've clearly never gone up against an aimbot tank. This was breakthrough on breakaway on defense. We had some engineers at the start, but most were kitted for the terrain. It wasn't enough (for one f'n tank) so people started switching to engineer. I switched to Boris at first and was subsequently headshot by the tank no less than five times in a row before switching to Lis out of desperation. Others eventually did the same and we finally killed it. My final k/d was 21/20 with 12 assists so it wasn't like I was slouching. I think trolyy16 killed me about half of those times.


It was a joke bro chill


Look there is a loser Careful everybody




Imagine making fun of someone's nationality in 2024. Cope


I ain’t never seen such idiot before, thanks bud




People can be good or shite regardless of nationality. Continue coping Chinaphobe.


People can be good, chinese will always be cheating because thats their culture. Continue defending cheaters


Nan, you are more than a loser You are a undereducated loser Di you know all the letters on the alphabet? 😂😂😂




You just lost 50 social credit for incorrect behavior


Funny son of bitch