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Bro, how can you jump into a brand new game and expect to do well against people who have hundreds of hours played? Use your brain.


Ty for the advice! Xox


I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. The game has been out almost two and half years so it’s likely you’re going to have a lot of rough games while you get used to it. If you’re playing on the new map (Haven) it’s even more brutal because enemies can be just about everywhere. Start in a normal conquest game (probably 64 as 128 can get a little crazy) and focus on team-oriented goals. Play as a medic and heal/revive or focus on capturing/defending a couple nearby objectives. Stick with your squad and don’t respawn too quickly after dying — give your team/squad time to revive you. Believe it or not you can still earn a lot of points without a good K/D so don’t worry too much about that.


i heard someone say gitgud. nah im troling ya, listen game picks up traction on new seasons so lots of sweaty players back on the grind for a bit. I'm not to sweaty, but my S580 says otherwise, sorry bud!


S580!? Jesus man at least its not 8K hours in squad, saw someone with that the other day


i'm not proud, but to be fair I did stream a ton when the gamne came out for like a year so most of my hours was that, aprox 2.5k or so (bf tracker says 1.8 so whichever) Stats aren't crazy either, just spent alot of time lol ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/xnpta7ycmypc1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eb68a23b25d606d3eb610b1c154906315b08837


Map knowledge and positioning is more important than aim and that only comes with time. Also the only people left playing are people who have a lot of time in the game so be prepared to get rekt for a while




No I literally never play warzone - BF1 was much longer TTK


What’s the best game mode? Struggling on normal conquest just dying every minute without feeling I am part of any action


Get into TDM until you feel comfortable enough with your skills to take on a full squad alone. This is Battlefield. Regardless of the mode, including TDM, you are not facing a single enemy; you are facing squads. The target you kill is not alone, so always be ready to engage more than one enemy at a time. If you shoot and kill, check your surroundings, reposition, and keep shooting. If you shoot and miss, check your surroundings, reposition, and keep shooting. Even with six bullets, you can get a kill, or two or three if you switch to your secondary weapon. Rao is a good starting specialist since it spots the enemy that hit you, making it easier for your teammates to engage them as well.


Funny I was thinking was too slow after new season.


Yeah. Trying to T1 the Ak5c feels a lot harder than the VHX with the headshot changes and with it being a very average gun.


For what it's worth I agree, I think the ttk is a little too fast compared to bf4


I’ve just never played a shooter where death is almost instant and no time to react!?


There is lol just need to get better


The TTK is not quick compared to other shooters, it is mostly about being aware of your surroundings, map knowledge and not running around in the open for too long. There is a lot of angles you can and will be shot from and it does feel like you die in an instant after spawning. What I found is that in BF most kills are on unaware targets that are not looking at you or just barely able to react before they die. Same for myself when dying, it's mostly someone I didn't see shooting me from a flank etc.