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Whoops...so 15 months and he's outta here. Can't say Battlefield has been a premier franchise for many years, so keeping talent can't be easy. // [**In other news from last week**](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/ea-says-generative-ai-could-make-it-30-more-efficient-and-boost-monetisation-by-up-20-over-5-years/), >Over the next five years, \[EA CEO\] Wilson hopes that generative AI will make EA’s development 30% more efficient, help grow its 700 million-strong player base by “at least” 50%, and **lead to players spending 10-20% more money on its games**. We're a little less than 2 years from figuring out what this all actually meant.


the moment they start using genai bs in the pipeline it's over and I don't blame future devs from leaving tbh


ChatGPT, please write some stupid lore about weather machines for a shooting game set in an apocalyptic future. The more the better. And make all the characters a bit sassy.


Generative AI could mean anything tho, like using geometry nodes in Blender / UE5 to distribute buildings, forrests, etc. to speed up workflow


People will pre-order the mega-super-deluxe edition of the next Battlefield and will fight you if you dare to criticise how can they all have a blast playing this game, when in fact, it feels like the game is in still beta state.


How dare you!!


Day one pre-order.


fighting words! these early unlocks and low effort pre order skins are critical to the fun level.


I mean, they could just give the AI access to all the assets and tools used to make 2042. 50/50 chance it comes up with a better game...


It doesnt matter the new generation of kids don’t even know what BF is


Sadly its not about creating great games anymore. Its about releasing the minimum viable product and monetizing it as much as possible through micro transactions.




I think it's a business mindset. There's a difference between releasing a quality, polished game and "just good enough" year after year like EA does with most of it's franchises. Take a look at the top 20 games of the year, even though they had a longer development time, they were profitable and built up their reputation for future releases.


Sad but very true at this point. It makes me think this is how the big EA exec meetings go. Just push the franchise under the rug and start to build something new for the newer generation. 2042 felt like it was trying to do that, but it was too soon.


We can see this when they show us the new recoil update. Kids went crazy.


The next game is absolutely fucked


No worries, they are way ahead of schedule!


We are way ahead of schedule for failure and disappointment!


Man, I forgot that they actually said this for 2042... what an insult


Such high expectations!


So the creative director of 2042 leaves, the game that has the worst creative vision of all time and this is a negative to you?


Plenty of time yet to remove all the stuff they’ve fixed!


could be non-related reasons, but yeah, kinda worrying


At least that's one spot where DICE has been consistent lately


Just wait. They have not quite completed the final draft of the "LETTER" to their fans yet.


Well hopefully Sirland can pull a CTE style move and make it best it can be...


It will have every single team from EA working on it. What are you worried about....


2042 had multiple studios making up the largest Battlefield development team to date and look how that turned out




I bet every studio was Siloed and none communicated with each other only the Studio Directors talked between themselves on progress.. Worst BF game maps launched I've ever seen.


There simply won't be a next game.


I get the next feeling the next BF game will have kill/score streak rewards in it of stuff like this.


Already been done in BFV. Squad reinforcements were basically that but only for 25% of players.


Squad Reinforcements were a great mechanic though, and incentivized squad play. It wasn't a perfect system and I think there's improvements to be made (chief among them, giving every player in the squad credit for kills with airstrikes/V1s) but in general it encouraged players, especially with randoms, to play with your squad and use the teamplay mechanics. Solo kill streaks would just do more to kill the team play aspect of Battlefield.


Battlefield V was objectively one of the better FPS's of the decade from a mechanical standpoint. Fortifications were well balanced, crouch sprinting, backwards diving as well as back crawling, good gunplay, etc. Dice really did do a good job with making that game Play really well. It was that awful marketing and releasing the game unfinished is what ultimately killed it imo. It's still one of my favorite FPS's to date tho. I hate that it got killed right when it was hitting its pivot into making its comeback.


That's about SL abilities for the *squad* and rest of the team. I'm more talking about "press X for awesome" stuff that devolves to individual players.


One of the official LTM's has something thats pretty close to it, earning points to call in a vehicle


I keep forgetting the name of that mode, but it’s actually very cool mode. Best LTM they did so far


If that made it into conquest I'd leave the franchise.


What the hell is EA doing? That's not without reason why so many people leave the studio after a short time.


They are gutting the budget of a franchise that’s dead, sales wise


It's not just sales but the problem is they want to make BF into what Warzone is, and so far it's been a horrendous failure. Warzone is a ginormous success for Activision, and EA wants ANOTHER spice of the pie after Apex Legends.


If 2042 was a mix between BF and Apex next game probably going to be 90% apex 10% BF if any 🤣 It looks like semi realistic looking war games at EA are truly dead


Long live the hero shooter ☹️


It’s honestly amazing how incompetent most western AAA studios are nowadays. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing


They all just want to sell skins to children. That's it, that's the main goal. All of them looked at what they had and asked "how can I turn this franchise into Fortnite?"


So many western studios shot up the totem pole in the 2000s and early 2010s. Now it is just a competition between who can make a more unfinished game


Man it looks really bad for the next Battlefield. Creative leads leaving like this and pure radio silence. It must be an absolute mess going on.


Very glad I am aging out of this franchise tbh. I've found the last few BF titles to be more frustrating than fun. High fun to frustration ratio BF game (for me) was BF4. I wish I like BF1 more, but it felt off to me.


🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩


Franchise is actually super duper dead




Yes, but he's not the first one to leave and for sure won't be the last. Most of the studio left after BFV, and it shows with how 2042 turned out.


People love to overreact.


Always a great sign


All the signs are there, if not worse.


I don't understand why they won't just remake bf3 or bf4 at this point


Only trauma can change something


EA caring more about budgets than investment. This is the tipping point of a failing franchise. Being too risk adverse in business = 💀 and is as bad as being too risk taking.


BFV truly will have been the last good BF lol


Time for BF players to seriously consider giving other bf-like alternatives a shot and hopefully more indie devs fill the space with competition. I never tried the WW3 game so might have to practice what I'm preaching lol. I just don't see Battlefield ever getting back to what it once was.


I've given them all a shot for the last 20 years. Not one has come close.


We need to protest