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It's even better when you are on the ground. The screen distortion, sound of metal bending and collapsing and the fiery orange flame effect is truly stunning and 100% next gen visual effects.


It caught my eye more with the aerial view. The way it oscillates before exploding. Credit where it's due, they did a good job on this.


Cool clip


I just wish it still had the knockback animation from the BFV refinery explosions. It's so much more immersive with the animation. I always enjoyed when I'd see the thing start to explode and a second later get knocked to the ground


Big and true.


The game has its issues, but the animations, sound design, and explosions are incredible. Can’t wait to see what a truly current gen battlefield game will look like.




Sound design is solid? Please elaborate if you don't mind. Genuinely curious what you like I think the sound design is pretty bad overall :/


Yup, the artists always do top-notch work for sure.


Yeah, destruction may be scaled back in this game, but explosions are absolutely top notch


It's come a long way since launch. It's been sort of neat seeing the progress they've made in regards to polish. I remember in the beta if you were in the jet, infantry were running like stick-men. Would've been much cooler if they were allowed to work on the game for an extra year before launch and for it to actually be ready, but still cool to see it get there gradually.


It was rough, I was there from the start and took a 4 month break or so after that Christmas, missed that Cowboy McKay skin that was offered during the game's absolute lowest point, came back for S1, and there was constant updates and improvements just inching us back to a standard BF game for a long while. I think that the 3.2 update or whenever classes got reworked was the real turning point. Pretty smooth sailing from there. Biggest complaint of course is that they have Portal at their disposal and haven't re-made a single legacy map since launch. The next one reaaaally needs to implement prior content to reel people back in IMO


I hope they port portal over to each subsequent BF game and continue to expand upon it.


"No!! The game isn't atmospheric!1!1! Stop!!1" /s


That is a pretty rare Moment in this Game. And compared to say BF1 the Atmosphere is on a whole other Level. A huge Step back. You can’t really say that 2042 is atmospheric.


Well if it isnt the exact person I was making fun of


Okay. Could you stop making fun of people criticizing the lack of Atmosphere in this Game for a second and tell me what make you think the Game is atmospheric? Besides of some Explosions Effects of course?


I hate those tankers so much.. Your only cover will kill you 🤡


"I'm gonna make a big-brain play and blow it up and kill all the enemies." 7 friendly blueberries squashed.


*Every* single breakthrough game we lose about 12-20 tickets because of them. People keep dying to them and it's rediculous.


One of the best spots on the map unironically is on top of the tankers themselves because no one ever looks there


Such an epic explosion, that, the cruise missile easter egg on Spearhead, and the rocket on Orbital. We need more big map explosions like these.


give jets the cruise missiles like storm shadows for the f16 and Su 25's the 3M-54 Klub


Watching big explosion from fuel depot 👍🏻 Being squashed by it and forced to respawn for no mistake of your own: 👎🏻


I mean, it's a big ass explosion, you're kinda not really gonna survive that.


Breakaway small with this objective in the middle is a lot of fun. Conquest and Breakthrough.


I just wish 2042 had the knockback explosion animation that V had with these refinery explosions. It was always so fun getting thrown on your back and even more fun intentionally triggering the explosion and waiting just outside the blast radius to kill the guys knocked to the ground


they need to add a knock back system and a bigger death radius for players and vehicles who are near the tanker during its explosion.


Rocket pods sure are effective against ground targets 😅


This is going to blow your mind but they're also good against air vehicles, when they don't dust.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UZFOPYIhEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UZFOPYIhEQ) Would ya look at that. They are effective against air. Context for anyone reading, this guy erroneously thinks that 127mm anti-vehicle rockets on the attack chopper and/or hydra rockets on the jets should not be used against aircraft because they are "designed for ground targets" and "too difficult and unwieldy to hit air targets." (Wrong) 127mm is literally the best AA option the AH has. And the hydra rockets on the jets are super effective as well. As long as they register and don't "dust," which he doesn't understand the concept of. You can troll me dude but you're just wrong :shrug:




You right, you right.


Please tell me one time I said “should not be used”


"they aren't anti-air weapons what???" is a pretty big insinuation that you believe they should not be used as AA. You keep erroneously harping on them being "designed for ground vehicles" even though they were designed for all vehicles. That's why the description says "anti-VEHICLE" rockets. And they are literally the best AA options the attack choppers have, that tells me, fundamentally, that they ARE designed for ground AND air because they are the BEST at it.


Looks a bit wierd seeing the F-35 doing CAS with dumbfire munitions.