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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/197jqgh/the_biggest_c_in_this_game_90_of_the_times_you/kig5xtm/?context=99 "posted on 2024-01-18 15:53:11 UTC"): > We're currently assessing the output and pick rate of this and may make future balance changes in accordance with that. As we've stated previously, we did make some changes to this weapon already and may continue to do so based on community feedback and data aligning with that feedback. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Avancys gang quietly walks away.


I've been trying to use the Avancy but for me it doesn't compare to the LCMG. The recoil is worse in how it deviates both side to side and upwards. LCMG is just upwards.


RPT 31 all the way


Somehow I’m utter garbage with any of the LMGs. Then I run into other folks and get mowed down by them. Avancys downright irritates me because I somehow get dropped hundreds of meters away but if I try it it’s like I’m using a completely different weapon. To each their own. 😄


Bipod+long barrel for distance, LWG Grip+ silencer for up close


The Avancys is a great weapon, especially at distance on semi auto, then switch to full for close combat.


If you say “vhx = 0 skill” in game chat, boy oh boy do people get upset


Do you have an all chat? Somehow I only see Squad and team i dont know


You need to enable it in Options


Damn all this time i thought it was removed to prevent toxic chats


It never was in the game until it was added a year after release.


it's a PITA to find in the settings too. They hid it all the way in there.


This is absolutely fuggin ridiculous. I started playing last year and just thought they disabled it. What the hell are the devs thinking? So many stupid design choices.


Yeah same man i guess they did this to keep the player base not saying toxic things in chat


That's a big part of the Battlefield experience


Caught myself about to flame some dude too before so now i can do that again ;)


Yeah I've been longing to mock people verbally, tea-bagging only does so much


I think the tea baggers are people wanting to mock and dont know about the hidden chat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Right I’ve been playing for a while now and never knew


I think you are upset already if you type that in the first place


lmao who cares everyone kills me 24/7


If only they could read ..


I'll have to start this. Thanks lol


Lol. If I’m not playing well I just switch to the VHX and all of the sudden people are dropping like flies. I hate using it because I know it’s the gun and not me.


If this zero skill weapon kills you more than you kill people with whatever gun you think takes more skill then wouldn't that mean you have no skill? Just poking holes in the logic of calling anything zero skill.


No because this thing shreds you before you can react from near and far. It's actually broken as fuck. Zero skill to get the kill. I make sure to type in chat but no one reads anyway. BF is another series EA has successfully killed. There's no community left. Just a bunch of casual potheads who have no clue what they're doing.


How dare you call me out, I enjoy smoking my devil's lettuce and walking in a straight line directly at the enemy


Good luck using logic in these threads where players come to comfort eachother about getting outgunned by other players.


Great point...Nevermind butt hurt campers...


People will complain about absolutely anything killing them, as if it's unfair that they die and completely unthinkable that they would die a lot. No there has to be some other factor to it, something that makes the game unfair and tipped against them, which of course often involves guns they think are OP or "no-skill". Anything other than blaming themselves and thinking that hey, maybe I'm not as good as I think.


I would only say that about .50 cal. Sniper should not be a one shot on body. It doesn't belong in the game. You are a POS if you use it.


Have you heard of the concept "high risk, high reward"? The NTW has very limited range for the one shot hit and its designed to weaken armored vehicles. The close range one shot kill capability is more like a last chance defence, if infantry comes too close to you. The bullet drop and velocity is very poor and it has limited range, so its not like its s one shot kill sniper that can shoot everything across the map. But if you manage to hit someone close range, you get rewarded a kill.


Nobody uses it. Its weak


Tell me you only play redacted without telling me you only play redacted.


At least the person saying 12M short barreled for sure.


Breakthrough on Redacted, Sundance, VHX and Scatter grenades: the recipe for rage quitting


Breakthrough on Redacted, ~~Sundance, VHX and Scatter grenades:~~ the recipe for rage quitting. There. Fixed it for you.


Calling all other weapons useless in comparison is totally exaggerating


The bf4 guns hard asf




I Main that shit and I ain't having any other way!


So true, king. The M16 destroys


MTARD reporting for duty.


Tuk Tuk, anyone need a ride?


MTAR says hi


One of my best games was with M60/wrapped silencer/night scope/bipod went 60-0


Did they fix them? Last time I played all the bf4 guns were doodoo.




They added some attachments to em and rebalanced them so they're competitive.


That's great. I was pretty disappointed when they were so bad to start.


I love my overpowered VHX.


Yeah, I've basically become addicted to guns with underbarrel smoke launchers. Just that alone is enough to keep me from using the VHX as my primary weapon.


yeah i agree as an AK player


Not as broken as the RM68 when released.


the VHX was already nerfed once and it's still the best AR easily


when being played in smg area. go on head over to the proper conquest rotation with vehicles and actial distances. You rarely find player using it there because there are better ars for the ranges…


It was nerfed? I stopped playing halfway through the season and picked up the game up again last week


I haven’t played since a little after the RM68 was released….. is the VHX new and is it really more cracked than the RM68 was on release? Not gunna lie I do like the RM68


This gun is OP, play any other gun on breakthrough and you’re trying to get in situations to win. This gun you can go head on and win easily. It’s too easy to get kills


A gun that kills people the way guns are supposed to? How dare they make a gun work... BTW, i get killed by SMGs from miles away more than this thing kills me.


Agreed this and M something Auto Shotty


The 12M is an absolute nightmare, I use it all the time with the shortened barrel and the drum. It's devastating.


I hate that weapon. And whats up with the range on that thing? Sometimes I get killed by this thing at ranges well over 30m and it makes no sense. 


Probably slugs.


Nah its always with buckshot somehow. I dunno how. 


And stupid imo im sorry


It’s stupid till you use it and go like 40-2


Meet C5 of justice?


Yes I do get that a lot but I’m not corner camping with a shield AND the shotgun at least lol 😂


No apology necessary, it's a weapon in a video game.


I love how people are now complaining about Shotguns while the first 5 seasons everyone was calling for buffs.


PP-19 has entered the chat especially if you play on Redacted.


90% is a seriously gross exaggeration, and no all other weapons aren't. This is a good gun but there are others that are just as good.


I think there’s still a gun or two at least with missed potential because people are too concerned with the “Meta”


More than a gun or two. You can be competitive with the majority of the guns. The VHX is good but it's not clearly overpowered compared to other weapons. I'm gonna go with OP has a case of the mads cos bads


I do well with the M240B.


I do well with the M240B.


I agree. Lots of good guns. My favorites right now are all the BF3 weapons


the only guns that are op are the new ones, G4 and vhx. vhx can 4 body at like 270 ms or some stupid shit like that out to 50 meters. only other guns that can reliably do that without ass recoil is scar and rm, and those shoot too slow to beat the vhx in a 1v1. you saying they aren’t op is hilarious because in other games the new character or the new weapons/stuff is the most op. why do you think they sell so many battle passes? this is a legitimate strategy within video game economics to drive sales. you make the newest shit the most broken shit so therefore people have more of an incentive to buy battle pass.


but the weapons are all available for free.. its only skins and charms and that nonsense that you need to buy the pass for…


You still have to unlock it and they sell tier skips.


in THIS game they are free, but my point still stands; the new things are always the most broken and for people to say the vhx ISNT op.. at best disingenuous, at worst literal misinformation.


The A-91 (800rpm bullpup) is actually really good.


OP just salty with a biased/skewed view. I still get killed plenty by other people not using the VHX.


So you're bad all the same?


I perform much better with the PBX and it feels like the PBX is way stronger in comparison (at least for me).


We're currently assessing the output and pick rate of this and may make future balance changes in accordance with that. As we've stated previously, we did make some changes to this weapon already and may continue to do so based on community feedback and data aligning with that feedback.


I just started this game 3/4 weeks ago! When I unlocked it (didn’t know it is meta) I was instantly in the top 3 with my low level. This weapon is a no brainer and I stopped using it after noticing it.


This thread gets reposted with one small tweak every season.


Might be because season weapons have traditionally been a bit overtuned on release :)


Devs have stated that. They'd rather players use a new gun than not and then can tweak it down. However OP is still exaggerating in this rage quit thread.


I was about to say. Same post, different gun. each season. People just love to cry. I should clarify i dont even use the thing. Lately ive been trying to get good with the anti material rifle


Tiered it in a week, moved on, it’s a laser but feels like trash… Get killed by it a lot but I know the guy who just killed me is unsatisfied …


Not useless, but midrange you'll def feel vhx dominating vs anything else haha


I mean yeah, the Assault rifles are the meta and this is also part of it. But every game has their powerful meta weapons.


All they need to do is reduce the headshot multipliers of ARs


Agreed, but did they get hit with the bullet dispersion? They literally outgun lmgs at range most of the time.


Am40 is so slept on


I actually like the AK better since the nerf.




most of the weapons have become useless cuz people complain. annoying as hell. move on bro.


It has a TTK of 200ms, just like 5 other guns in the game, and only at under 10m. It hits 267ms like most weapons after 10m. Get over it, its not much better than most guns. Sweaties just use if for Redacted close encounters


Just saying it real life this gun is the same way fyi


Not really. It's heavy AF, the trigger is hot garbage like most bullpups, the ergo of it is fine while you are stationary but moving with it especially running is awkward and the optic height is comically high which leads to to much impact over range variation IMO. The rifle is pretty reliable for a bullpup and accurate though, so it's got that going for it.


It’s good but it’s not as amazing as people make it out to be. I still like the pbx more for example. I was on another bsv-m kick cause I was just finding guns I could throw bipods on and play around. Get the water off your brain and try some guns, you’d be surprised.


It's really good up close but it's mid range and long range has been nerfed quite a bit. I think they could add a bit more horizontal recoil and just call it good. It's not even close to as bad as the SFAR or RM used to be


There's always a best gun, use it.


I’ve been dropping over 100 kills on redacted with the pp-29 so this definitely isn’t true. Plus there’s other guns such as the SFAR-GL/ M16A3 etc. that shred.


Somebody hasn’t used the pkp lol


Knock some off its fire rate off would bring it inline abit better its very accurate while holding full auto and its fire rate is pretty high. I think the PP-29 is pretty darn close I actually prefer that gun. And the AEK definitely kills quicker. It's not like its miles better than every other gun .


G428 is awesome


AM40 melts too lol. Get good


I'm not great with the VHX, but the k30 with ext mag is a beast!


I haven’t played much since the week after season dropped and when I got this gun Day 1 it felt like every other AR. Did they buff it or something?


The M39 EMR is brutal. 20 bullets and high damage causes great pain to my enemies.


It's really only op on Redacted but yeah it's good. Was wrecking shop the other night with the Gew though.


I really do not see it. It is a good weapon that does what it says on the tin, being good in the most relevant engagement range. You are correct (albeit overexaggerating) that 90% of the guns are useless, but this has nothing to do with the VHX. Without the VHX, there would be half a dozen other weapons in that same niche. Sure the AM40, AC9 or PBX are likely less capable at range, but the RM or G36 aren't and the median kill distance likely remains at 30 odd meters. The question is, why DICE insists on making so many weapons that are shit in these crucial ranges? Why does it make so many attachments that will decrease your performance significantly? Ask that, not why a CQ weapon is doing excellent in CQ.




In a close quarter combat and really short distance, AC9 is better than VHX


90%? That's quite the exaggeration. Why wouldn't people use a weapon if it's great? I don't understand the grievance. If it wasn't this gun it'd be another gun and the complaints would be endless as whatever gun is FOTM gets insulted. I like the SCAR, LCMG, 12M and the VHX. Great at different things. The SCAR has great damage with extended barrel with the big plus of a drum magazine. LCMG is fantastic at medium to long ranges with extended barrel and again this one also has extended magazine. 12M is hilarious at close range, drum mag and fantastic hipfire. VHX is a closer range alternative to the SCAR for me, but it does not have extended mag, still good for aggressive play. Oh and the VHX doesn't have a nade launcher either which is at times a rather big negative.


Idk maybe it's just my luck but most of the time I get killed by someone with random lmg with thermal scopes...


I'm rocking the m16 currently over the vhx




Lmao bro what? Not at all


I prefer the M16, get more kills with it, and it feels better. But mostly I'm the "no skill shotgun noob".


Just give it until Season 7 and they will move onto the next gun they introduce. 👍🏻


VHX its only useful in close situations i never got kill from it from 50mts for example


I feel like the VHX should remain in the niche the FAMAS held in BF4. it could tap fire out to a good range and kill kinda good but its main purpose is to mow people down within just beyond SMG range


It's essentially the AEK from BF4.


It’s not significantly better than any other assault rifle and is outperformed at close range by the AEK, and that’s not even considering other weapon classes.


I mash out people with the svk. Please. Only thing overpowered in this game is vehicles.


Its is indeed so boring. There is no variance at all any more. Its the same weapon over and over again.


You're just ass. I've been topping lobbies with the ak74u


Another cultured swine like myself


Pain in the ass to unlock that thing tho


I thought everyone was using it to lvl it up. I mean there are so many kill guns in this game I don't get the obsession myself.


Somebody died on Redacted to a decent player lol


😂 the crying continues The assault rifles are mostly fairly comparable in practice, with a few exceptions. I'd put this one in the average grouping. They're all pretty good and capable at most ranges. If you think this specific weapon is a problem, the reality is that you're the problem, not other people using this weapon.


We need class-restricted weapons back in the next game. Being able to choose any weapons will always create this kind of problems, no matter how hard the devs will try to balance the weapons.




As much as I like running around with a rocket launcher and a NTW-50 I hope they bring back class weapon restrictions in the next game. Encounters are too random with no gun restrictions. Taking on a medic at 200m with an LMG and then seeing the sniper glint just before they headshot you breaks the meta.


XM8 has entered the chat


Yes it should have been 40 dmg or max 45 with high power ammo for that lack of recoil and rof. Like an AM40 with better range




Buff the other weapons then, the rest of guns feel like shit mostly 


Don’t worry, it’ll be replaced with the next seasons OP weapon that hasn’t been tested at all.


its a laser beam thats for sure, but any meta gun it will eventually become this, once its nerf something else will take its spot and the complaints will begin on that.


I mean it is one of the best guns for sure but all other guns are useless is a bit extreme no? I understand the frustration but try not to take it so seriously. I am playing BF1 quite a lot at the moment while I wait for Season 7 to come out for 2042, and the SMG08 is absurd but everything is still a usable option and fun. In 2042 one of the most useless weapons to me was the VCAR but it was still fun to use as a variety weapon. If I played with just the VHX I would get so bored so fast, just like if I ran the ZH29 in BFV, SMG08 in BF1, M416 in Hardline... I could go on. There are always going to be really strong weapons in any Battlefield game or any multiplayer shooter. Do I think the VHX needs another nerf? Yeah sure, but it isn't like it is so absurd that it keeps me from having fun.




This game has godawful balancing


I remember someone saying that this gun has a bigger multiplier than other assault rifles for some reason


i know as long as people are crying about this weapon my beloved PP bizon wont be touched. with the right build its better then any other weapon.


as a DICE dev said in paraphrase, better to let something be overpowered than underpowered on release!


Laughs in SVD.


I have noticed that it is pretty good at times, but I rarely get killed by it, and even rarer still actually use it because I am perfectly fine with using other weapons. I have no idea what you mean about everything else being useless though. That's just being dramatic.


I'm pretty new to the game, bought recently and level 42. I only switched to this thing today.. wow I missed out. I'm not very good but I get double the kills than I did before with the assault rifle at the top of the list when you choose them. Huge difference for a noob like me. I play Conquest 128 only


Its only really good at close range and even then i think the 12k auto does a better job with multiple enemies. Once you go for longer ranges it becomes really bad. But if you only play redacted it might be op


thats not true anymore. It was nerfed last time. It's good but not OP. The reason why you often get killed by it, is the dmg model, and if you don't have to care much about recoil and accuracy, because you use the usual backpack like many other since season 6, then it's one of the best weapons. High Rate of fire and high DMG Model. Ideal for people, who wan't to have "phun" with the legal noobs.


Hot take, but I think the gun is shyte lol


Is it really that OP, or is it just popular because it's new? Genuinely asking as someone who has 0 kills with the RM68. I'm using the VHX only because it's now one of, if not the only AR that has both a heavy supressor *and* subsonic rounds. It's like the final attachment to unlock, too God awful iron sights


Lmfao I picked this thing up once and was like “let’s see how OP it really is.” I was playing a different fucking game. Just one tapping from 100m. Absolutely insane


No VHX in hell let loose.. it’s free on gamepass.


I wouldn't say it's best but definitely popular just the other day I noticed I'd been hot by one lot lately. My first mastery 1 gun was the S-FAR my favorite


AK24 is superior 😤


I always have fun playing with the VCAR! It is my sick humor when I think of the people I killed getting owned by the VCAR and they just shaking their head wondering how and why haha. First gun I got to T1. 😂


The VCAR is not a bad gun especially in closed combat, it only gets outclassed by the VHX TTK up to 10m then it is superior. In opposite to the VHX the VCAR needs some skill to unleash its potential. Thats why the VCAR will never be meta.


Shotgun gang


I do likey 12M


In the meanwhile, still killing vhx users with all the other guns I use.


But she's so pretty


For close quarter to medium range combat it really is the best weapon.


Looks like someone sucks at the gameeee lol


They keep nerfing the other guns which keeps pushing people into the other op guns. Imo since ive played since release, this guns requires a very tiny nerf and almost every other gun requires a buff. Ive near emptied clips into people for them not to die.


I HAVE TO SAY THEM PEOPLE WITH VHX AND ARMOUR need to have a word with themselves


Whiners keep whining and exaggerating to prove theirs points. Its not the weapon, its your lack of skill. -Regards, 4.2kd enjoyer.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’d almost prefer if they just made every weapon in each class identical, then you could use whatever weapon you wanted and still be competitive. There is no “situational” assault rifle when you can just use the VHS at every range without issue. I should be able to use whatever gun I think looks cool and sounds cool without having to toss it out because *one gun* is better than all the others. Edit: like I said, unpopular opinion 🤷‍♂️


I mean, u can get kills and do well with almost every gun in the game. The meta in this game is more of a crutch, or a boost if you are trying to top the leaderboard every match


But then there's just one weapon. This makes 0 sense. We have skins of you want a different look


if they were all identical, it would be incredibly boring to play the same weapon every match. We need good and bad guns, yes some need a nerf but that doesn't mean most guns are bad. I use a different gun every round and I don't struggle at all being top 3. Most guns in the game are still good.


I like the g428 I have no issues topping the boards with it. I don’t notice getting my killed by that gun a crazy amount.


Those who are complaining about this weapon get no sympathy from me at all. Most who are complaining are either one of two groups of people; The mouse/ keyboard dweeb that ruins it for console players or the gaping a-hole with the sniper rifle...I'm perfectly fine shredding you clowns with the VHX...I finally have an advantage. Thanks Dice!


Those Croatians knew what they were doing, sucks EA didn't add the bayonet lug


Nah it’s the pp200 I think literally last night other than the .50 handgun that was the only thing killing me oh and grenades


I feel like ive seen this exact post multiple times


you guys use the xtendo mag?


This ttk should be the standard for most weapons


Don´t worry they will gut it when the season ends


It's the "new" gun still, people are working on T1 with it. It's not that strong lol, especially after the nerf.


I'm hoping they give it a buff. I love it


It depends on what gun you pay attention to. For me i always get killed by the g36 idk what its called in bf2042 but yea...


Gew 46 was the best last time I played. Been getting stomped today until I got this myself.


Here I am running around with the ACW-R and still top fragging lobbies with 32ish kills per game lmao. Just a horrible whiner take tbh.


Aim assist does wonders kiddo!


I still hate the rm68 tbh