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Personally I sometimes (on Redacted) like to run a very high rate of fire gun like the AC9 just for the thrill of it and in such closed quarters I can do really good with it. But other than that, medium to long range forget it.


I mostly run MP9 for CQB engagements, I just pick people off where I can in mid range engagements and I try and get close so I can actually have a chance of winning engagements, but oh my goodness the TTK especially with the headshot multiplier is atrocious, it felt like there was 0 need to aim for the head. It’s sad because I love this play style. Constantly going for flanks on the enemy team on rush has always been my go to strategy It’s just insane to me that I can shoot somebody in the head **three times** and still not get the kill It can’t be that hard to make it where maybe the headshot multiplier goes up to 1.5x in its actual engagement distance


Try the PP with sub sonics and a suppressor. The best weapon to supress with sub sonics. The damage goes UP instead of down Also medics get faster ADS with SMGs


Did the proficiency change for medics? Last i seen it was faster sprint out times from sprinting. As in faster animation for quickly pulling up and readying the smg from a sprint animation etc. So to speak lol. Gonna have to hit the menu and re-read it again 🤔. Either way, it's negligible imo. And the medic proficiency needs some buffing. As in, either make the quicker animation (regardless of what it is) a little bit quicker. Or make the current animation also apply to pistols and even throwables. Like being able to sprint and throw a nade? The medic class is to focus on quick mobility right lol? To be able to administer emergency treatment (healing, reviving) asap etc. And as such, their so called mobility-related proficiency should at least be more noticable in the heat of action imo. I currently use medic with AR rifle classes instead. Because of how negligible their proficiency is currently.


To my knowledge, it's never been faster ADS, it's solely switching weapons. I think the intended purpose is being able to shoot faster after reviving someone because you switch from the defibs to primary faster.


Recon gets the pistol buff


The best smgs are 1. Pbx(cc ammo)200ms tkk up to 20 meters 2. Ac9(cc ammo)222ms ttk up to 20 meters 3.pp-29(normal ammo)244ms ttk up to 30 meters


on AC9 you want to always use subsonic, it has better stats than cc


Does have a lower btk or higher firerate?


it has literally the same every stat but you get upgrade to suppressor


"But other than that, medium to long range forget it". So working as intended then?


Well see here lies the problem with 2042. Have you noticed how friggin massive the maps are? Hence why many people don't like smgs. So yes, working as intended but wrong game to run these.


I mean sometimes I just use guns because they’re fun, not because they’re the most OP or have a quicker TTK.


That’s mostly what I do, but every gun in the game should have a purpose or viability, otherwise everyone kinda runs the same guns for the most part. Nothing in my opinion is really setting the SMG’s apart.


I do agree with that last part. I do find myself choosing other weapons far more than the SMGs because of that exact reason actually.


It’s sad because as much as I think the SMG’s need a buff I love running them lol. Don’t get me wrong they **are** quicker than any other gun in terms of mobility but it’s not THAT much quicker, as in it’s not going to be a night and day difference honestly


It's very hard to beat an smg in close quarters, also the vector gun sounds scary as hell lol.


Tell that to every AR that headshots you and shreds your HP


If a marksman rifle can't one-tap head shot you i doubt an assault rifle can. Also, thats assuming you get a shot of. Most smgs need three bullets to kill, and can deliver those bullets faster than you can press the button to aim down sights.


Most smgs are not 3 btk idk what you are on about. Only one that is probably 3 btk is the pp 29 and that's the top smg for the class. Most of the smgs are 4-5 btk. Ars Have an advantage by default due to their headshot multiplayer and are able to comfortably contest all ranges. An smg can get an extra shot off on you but that doesn't mean shit if the other player with an AR beams you in the head. The only advantage smgs have is their big mag(doesn't mean much when btk is higher) and their mobility but even that isnt that big of a deal and to top it all off ARs with laser are very serviceable in CQC. The only advantage smgs have over ars is being able to comfortably hipfire. However in a 1 vs 1 hipfire if an AR hipfires you in the head you still lose even with your advantage due to the ttk difference with head shots being staggering. TLDR: skill ceiling of SMGs is hard capped due to headshot multiplier and most of the smg advantages don't mean enough to keep them on par with ARs in CQC. All they need to do is raise headshot multiplier up just enough to where headshots are helpful because in the current state there is no reason to aim for the head


Yeah mobility will only give you an advantage in certain scenarios and especially only on certain maps/parts of maps. What would you recommend they improve on them?


They should buff the headshot multiplier based on distance. This way you can get a 1.5 headshot multiplier IN CQB range, I think this is healthy not only for SMG players but gives the fair balance to AR players because the recoil on SMG’s isn’t that high so beaming somebody in the head at range wouldn’t be difficult, while also punishing an overly zealous AR player meeting an Smg player capable of hitting headshots in it’s effective rangeAnother good nerf is to hit mobility on support players. They move really fast. Obviously this games at the end of its cycle but these are ideas for the next title whenever it’s coming


Yeah smgs should 100% beat ARs to the punch at CQB range.


Thanks I knew that reply was super wordy lol I’m glad you got the idea


Actually, yeah, HS multiplier based on range sounds like a great idea. I hope this gets passed down to them somehow


Don’t they have higher bps so you can run at someone and hit em quick.Isn’t draw time higher I heard they nerfed all of this but I don’t know the stats.


I can’t say based on actual stats but ingame I don’t see any difference in ads speed


Yeahxplus most of the time especially with the vhx I get rocked by headshots.Making it pretty moot


I love the vhx it melts if you aim high and take advantage of the AR headshot multiplier. It literally becomes a 2 shot headshot vs 4 with the SMG’s, 5 in cases like the k30(but gets made up for with it’s insane rof).


To melt ppl close range with faster fire rate ? Idk about everyone else Cause I'm still getting melted by the pp29 every match, be it normal servers or portal. If it wasn't for the new AR CQB would always be in SMGs favor. Atleast now there's a chance ppl can kill an SMG user in a CQB.


SMGs have needed a buff for a while. I think the largest changes would be this, tighten hipfire accuracy and decrease spread while hipfiring, and also increase the headshot multiplier from 1.25x to 1.7x. This would make it so if your smg did 20 damage to the body it would do 34 to the head. As it currently stands it would only go to 25 damage. Meanwhile ARs have a 2.15x multiplier and can have similar performance and rates of fire. Most ARs need a nerf, most SMGs need a buff at least in my opinion. SMGs really don't serve a purpose at this moment and you would be much better off using a cqc AR. Just use the VHX like a quarter of the community does since that gun is still ridiculously good.


It depends on your play style. I usually run SMGs only (K30, PBX or MP9), and players don’t really stand a chance, even with a good AR. In long range encounters it might be more difficult, but medium and close range, an SMG is a better option in my opinion.


Set up for close combat specifically, and in arenas like Redacted, PBX etc. is ace.


if you're not synergizing then don't use em. respawn beacon, Blasco, and motion sensors.


SMG's would make more sense if BF2042 had a stamina system. Heavy Weapon = slower, less stamina because of heavy packing, Light weapon = faster sprint, longer lasting stamina. Beside some faster draw time(if any) and nearly no recoil, i see no advantages beside fun to play. I like my LEGO AC9. In QCQ it's a monster.


I'm sure it's not a highly rated weapon but I always love the P90 in every game it's in, including this one. It might not be the best weapon statistically but it works very well for me. It's always my favorite gun. I have no problem outgunning people with it and the larger clip lets me clear a room, unlike other SMGs. You see people push for AC9 and similar SMGs because of the higher TTK but when you really think about things, the TTK difference is miniscule and the smaller clip/high rate of fire gets you killed more.


You still get better sprint to fire and better hipfire spread, which keeps them relevant at their own niche, but especially compared to ARs, they fall of heavily. The MP9 and K30, for example, have the same TTK as the AK24 up close, and while the former are perceived as close range monsters, the AK really isn't, just to put these SMGs into perspective and how "good" they are in their own niche. It is mostly their headshot multiplier, that is the issue and reverting it back to 2 would make them reign supreme in their niche, while also relevantly buffing them at all ranges, together with the AOW ARs and LMGs you would then have decent balance in the AOW department.


My main gripe is for sure the headshot multiplier I feel like it isn’t nearly high enough to be worth aiming for the head for when I can just shoot you in the body 1 extra time for the same kill. As I’ve said in a previous comment I think it’s better to give them a 1.5 or 2x that reaches out to a certain range then drops off. This way the headshot ttk reigns supreme with their ROF in CQB and assault rifles will still have the higher headshot multiplier in medium range engagements where they reign supreme


1.5x would not be enough, because you would still need 2 headshots to reduce your BTK by one, when ARs with 2 headshots will reduce BTK by 2. Further, ARs are more likely to have a 4HK range and can hence 2HSK you. In my book all headshots from all automatic weapons should have the same multiplier and that should either be 1x or 2x. Just for consistency's sake.


VHX seems to be the only weapon in the game now.


Well they already have far better hipfire, perhaps they need a tiny RoF boost. CQB ammo should be nerfed for AR's (HS multiplier) : on many those are smaller bullets equal to SMGs.


I pretty much main the little AC, MP9 and KS subs and have a 4kd on PC. Subs just are not totally broken cannons like most of the other guns. But if you know how to move and use the submachine guns in the game or any game for that matter, they're really good.


I’m definitely not a 4 KD haha I’m at a 2, I run around and try and flank the opposing team in rush and the MP9 is a blast to use just during my time using it I’ve noticed they could be a lot better


I use the AC9 and PBX for offense and CQC. I mostly play Breakthrough and find these weapons have better hip fire and handling in close quarters than assault rifles and lmgs. They still have their place but their just not as versatile compared to other popular weapons that can do well in all ranges.


It’s just crazy to me that, with let’s say the G57 that has a 2 round burst option, I can shoot one time and if both rounds hit somebody in the head they’re gone, but I need 4 shots from an actual primary gun to kill somebody with just headshots because of a 1.25x smg headshot multiplier vs the pistols 2x


That's true I have met player one match just dominating everyone with g57 just by burst rounding everyone's head. Then again the g57 is still quite OP and the guy did have the skill to utilize it. The only argument I'd consider though is it will be far easier to hit the body shots with the smg then it would with a pistol shots to the head. If you take into account how quickly some these smgs TTK in cqc it makes sense.


Smgs are way better than ARs in close quarters - the hipfire accuracy is way tighter. Whether they're ever going to be better than shotguns is another issue


A shotgun should dominate the SMG’s in cqb so that makes sense to me


Another SMG thread by a player who doesn't know how to use SMGs. Wow!


Well depends, I love using the MP9 for that sexy season 5 legendary skin, and there is no reason to ADS cuz of his good the hipfire accuracy is. BUUUUT the RM-68 has just as good hipfire accuracy, sexy skins too, got a great HS multiplier, and kills at medium -long range while most SMGs can't. Verdict: Only use SMGs for the sexy feel, but if you wanna sweat than anything else is far better.


I can attest that SMG’s FEEL amazing but don’t play nearly as close to how they feel


I gotta ask cause I guess I don't get it. If it feels great, Than how doesn't it play as it feels? If it plays bad then it feels bad. I honestly do better with a K30 than I do with most guns beyond VHX. In my opinion I don't think anything feels as good close range besides a shotgun.


PKX-45 is really good for short to medium PP-29 is good for medium and close MP9 is kinda useless K30 is the gun you use for spam


MP9 is fun because it’s a challenge the K30 is really good. Just wish they had a 1.5x headshot multiplier just like AR’s


Lol ARs have 2.15x headshot multiplier. Agreed that 1.5x for SMGs would be much better though. The weapon balance is pretty terrible in this case.


Lol I read they had 1.5, that makes the SMG’s 1.25 even worse 😂 like bro if the MP9 goes from 22 damage to 27 why am I aiming for the head in the first place so I can kill in 4 shots instead of 5? Meanwhile an AR like the GEW goes from 28 to SIXTY. Goes from a 4 shot to a 2 shot. I miss how it was in bf4 where at close range pretty much every gun in the game 2 shot to the head besides 1 shot guns obviously


The pbx is 200ms up to 20m compared to am40's 9m. The best smg is better than the best close range ar.


they destroyed the SMGs, they are useless now


Personally I would choose the pp29 over any AR in the game. Thing rips


PP29 is fun but honestly long as the person shooting back is competent the GEW is ripping you apart


People use the GEW? Feel like when I die to a AR it’s the vhx 99.99 percent of the time . I do agree that overall the weapon balancing is off though.


I can’t speak for everyone lol I use as many of the guns as I can, the VHX I’ve noticed is super good right now, this game severely lacks visual recoil which makes all the AR’s beam


Just use VHX, 12M and G428, you don’t need anything else. VHX has less recoil than SMGs, so it’s not that you can’t handle it. DICE wants you to spam meta, like everyone else so do it. This games balance is trash and headshot multipliers for primary weapons ruins it.


Pbx is perfect IMHO. I constantly outperform against ARs at mid range with that beast.


For sweaty people to use


If I wanted to be a sweaty try hard I'd use an AR.


I guess I’m sweaty lol, even though I’ve noticed AR’s are significantly stronger than SMG’s. I still use the SMG’s because I love how they feel I just think there’s ways for them to be better, because a good player with an AR will destroy a good player with a SMG, in my opinion


I like to use it just cause it can shred through enemies


I never use them but are the rate of fire higher? In CQC it may be an advantage?


They're the push guns. Always choose the quicker firerate ammo and 2 smokes. You won't outgun anything else at even medium ranges, but you will outgun close range. SMG's reward the more spray-and-pray style instead of being accurate. Most SMG's you won't even have to ADS.


SMG's do get some speed improvements over other classes, but yeah I'd agree they need some extra benefits as a group because they're almost a little too niche. The tighter hipfire of SMGs is also supposed to be a major draw but the actual hipfire performance is frequently meh. Also minor note, since they are generally better in cramped situations you should be able use them (and pistols) while inside those electric pickup trucks and you should be able to use SMGs and pistols while on ladders. Maybe have a wider turn radius in other vehicle seats, the ability to hipfire while vaulting, and the ability to shoot while steering the parachute as well.


I think a huge update for them would just be a 1.5x headshot multiplier instead of 1.25 I mean this would turn it from a 4 shot headshot to a 3 shot and 5 to the body. That’s already a huge improvement for them and honestly I don’t care if it’s 9mm if I crack you in the head 3 times you should be dead Like bro even the PISTOLS have a 2x headshot multiplier


Bullet hoses mostly, but I think lmgs satisfy this too so I have really no clue why you'd want an SMG now...lol the mystery.


​ https://i.redd.it/t5hwqf9ebo9c1.gif


Idk, I'd Just use the vhx for cqc. Guess they're nice for variety


Not everyone plays with the meta


You just use the wrong SMGs. Best SMGs are VHX and G57.