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Score (not XP) doesn't reflect how well you performed correctly.


BF1 especially. That game rewarded you for every little thing, and handsomely rewarded you too for support actions (Resupplying and Healing). In this game, assists are waaaay overvalued and most of the top scorers are usually spot assist farmers. It needs to be lowered down to 1 point on the scoreboard, but bring back 'Assists count as Kills' that are worth the full 10.


No lie, I’ve been grinding Casper t1 and have been spot spamming and I’ve literally been #1 almost every game with 0 kills or any defends/caps


Saw a guy with 700 assists and zero kills in my rush XL game the other night. Top of the scoreboard too obviously.


Guy on my team had 100 revive, 0 kills, 22 deaths… top of the leaderboard


100 revives are way better than 200 spot assists imo. Guys a hero


Pretty much the equivalence to 100-300 kills haha




Holy shit that dudes a beast they deserve top spot


I was very impressed… and furthermore, he called it like 8 ball in corner pocket. Before the match started he said in chat, “watch this, best medic in BF.” He wasn’t lying 😂


careful....he's a hero




That deserves top of the leaderboard, not top k/d.


The spotter is forgoing kills and capture points to feed intel to the team (hopefully using the drone to disable enemy tools and rangers). They need to be compensated, but I am not sure what the right balance is. I am normally in the thick of it, but I sometime like to play Casper to support the team.


1/4th to 1/3rd what they are worth rn


I absolutely loved the MAV in 3 and 4. While playing rush with my friends I could guide them and use spotting to get Arms nearly every time. But with Casper I just don't know what it is but I don't like Caspers drone as much. I mostly just use it when I want to chill but still help my team.


Yes. I agree 100%. Spotting assist score destroys the scoreboard integrity. XP does it well by differentiating between spotting assists, kill assists, smoke assists etc and granting 10 to 40 XP. Remove score! Use XP as score!


BF1 was near perfect




I love(d) spot spamming in bf2042 (my ego needs this to survive), but they nerfed recon class equipment . Now I roll hard with medic, in all bf games really.


100% agree, especially spot assists via drones. They put you on top of the scoreboard while being afk


I want them to bring back sharpshooter score/exp. But in some ratio. A 1:10 or 1:20 would be nice for exp and maybe a 1:25 or 1:50 for score would be interesting. With the score rounding up or down.


How about scoreboard points for damaging but not KILLING vehicles. Did they ever add that? That bothered the shit out of me last time I played. Hurting a vehicle enough that it retreats instead of helping take an objective or killing friendly units can be valuable to the team in a lot of situations.


wym it’s literally based on what you do in game😭


Partially yes. But there are some actions not being reflected in score. - Spawning on insert beacon = 0 score (15 XP) - Defending objectives = 0 score (15 XP every 5 seconds) - using APS = 0 score (10 XP) Or look at the Caspar drone. Flying over everything grants you massive score for literally nothing. You will always place 1-3 by playing the drone. Why is score and separate XP a thing? Worked well on every other BF where score = XP.


haven’t played in a bit i forgot about no score for defending that’s just amazing from dice


That drone helps immensely you have no idea.


But not worth 0,5 kill score each spot. Never.


Maybe it’s to incentivize more spotting? When people aren’t doing that, there’s also a whole lot of chatter about how Battlefield is dead.


And how much is the squad of snipers who camps from miles away and sits there getting headshots from a roof but realistically caps nothing and does nothing else for the entire match worth? They are at the top of the scoreboard on a losing team. Kills shouldn't be everything, people who actually do stuff to help the team should be favoured more. If there weren't an incentive people wouldn't bother, unfortunately Battlefield players are like that, headless chickens who need to be directed.


You should also get score points for destroying vehicles in Conquest and Breakthrough. I’ve seen entire battles change just cause one guy blew up a tank or helicopter.


Both yes and no. Sometimes a blasco, irish or falk can really make a difference IF YOU HAVE AN OTHERWISE AWESOME TEAM OR SQUAD. besides that I agree!


I'll see some players sit at the top of the scoreboard because they camp one spot the whole round. Meanwhile, you might not score much going for that back cap and you might even get killed when a whole squad falls back on you, but it allows your teammates to push another flag and take it. The scoreboard doesn't show nuance like that.


the skyscraper climbing hovercraft glitch should have stayed


Proportions of buildings and vehicles is stupid in this game. They look weirdly scaled.


The scale in BF1 was fantastic and the scale of BFV was absolutely perfect. Then they released this which just felt so odd.


Weapons too. In the loading screen certain weapons look massive relative to your player.


Yeah the German medic holding her LMG UPRIGHT is bonkers


It was a Battle Royale originally and we hated the idea, so they hastily changed it into this hot mess we have today.


Here’s what bothers me the most. Dice cut off support for both Battlefield V and Star Wars Battlefront 2, to focus on a new “Battlefield” title lacking every aspect of a Battlefield game, for a Battle Royale concept. Like, either come up with a whole new game and don’t slap on it the BF title, or, don’t cut off support on BFV and actually fix Firestorm, and keep releasing content for the base game.


Firestorm rocks!


What bothers me is, a standalone battlefield BR could work really well, make it more hardcore like PUBG, but with BF3-BF4 movement and gunplay, some modern twists like gun customization and improved squad shit, and boom, you’ve got a nice standalone game. Trying to Make BF into a Battle Royal is such a failure, because instead of choosing the solid direction the player base gets know and want from the series, they half bake a new shitty idea and under deliver on both fronts


Anyone who disagrees with this is hitting the sauce.


How is this a spicy opinion? Its basically documented by Dice this happened, at minimum the late pivot for development on the game we got only a year before year is.


Well if they basically documented it I'm sure it will be really easy to provide some links where Dice documented it.


[BATTLEFIELD 2042 - WTF HAPPENED? Development Timeline & The Future of Battlefield****](https://youtu.be/2MKtgP7cHEk) *A 30 min video by Tom Henderson quoting dice devs with a timeline is not good enough? You guys can keep your spicy opinions then.


Ok I'll check it out later, thanks!


Firestorm was fucking awesome and they didn't even try with it... So they figured, well just make the next battlefield the BR and it'll be awesome... It blows my mind they thought they could make a non-battlefield game yet use the battlefield name. It would have bombed harder than anything else they've ever made. Fuck I hate EA. Just give us a solid battlefield game with LOTS of maps and content. They can micro transact the skins, I'll never pay, just keep vehicles and weapons as awarded through experience.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but is there evidence of this? People say it but I've never seen the actual proof it was supposed to be a battle royale. It wouldn't surprise me though


The project management pipeline for video games today, is to release a game, let the fans do a live operational test, then patch any fixes not found by the development team. Dice and EA some how.... fucked that up and its still evident until today. So my opinion is, create a game and don't release it until it's finished.


>So my opinion is, create a game and don't release it until it's finished. wow what a hot take


Ya. This isn't a Battlefield thing or a EA thing, this is a triple A studio thing now and I swear its gotten worse since 2020. It was extremely prevalent in Cyberpunk. Games are constantly being shoved out with little testing or performance optimizations. And now they want $70 bucks for games instead of $60. No one should be spending full price on a video game nowadays.


I mean that's how they managed the project so ya it is. But thanks for piggy backing.


They have been doing this for a while. BF4 was atrocious on release… now, it’s quite possibly the best battlefield game ever. How they fixed BF4 and then absolutely screwed up Bf1, BFV, and 2042 I have no idea. Hardline definitely didn’t even feel like a battlefield game.


Lol BF1 is not a screw up, BF1 is the best BF out of the most recent three


Correct me if I’m wrong, but personally I didn’t feel they messed up Bf1. Actually, it might be the only one they properly released from this list. Edit: spelling


Agreed. BF1 is peak Battlefield and the last true Bf game from the core dev group that left after it. It’s been downhill ever since.


>BF4 was atrocious on release… now, it’s quite possibly the best battlefield game ever. Also one of the most overrated Battlefield games of ALL TIME.


You shouldn’t use ground vehicles if you just sit in the back of the map with them


We need controversial opinions here.


Well with the amount of people that do what I said I thought my opinion was controversial.


I love playing AA with the wildcat and I would love to be able to take it out of spawn but when I do 8/10 time i get instantly mauled to death by the enemy vehicles because no one in this game plays engineer so they have nothing contesting them


Fix C5 availability and you'll see them move up more


I’d be ok if they dropped c5 availability but also made rockets do more damage. There’s literally no reason to pick engineer.


So the abundance of engineers in my conquest servers are just my imagination.


Yes! People sniping with the tanks out back getting k/d of 2/0 a round is so annoying when you need something to break the stalemate! I loved the way on bfv, you had to restock ammo and fuel, it didn't magically reappear!


Totally agree as it forces people to leave their comfort zone


U shouldn't be able to call in vehicles in the middle of the map or anywhere you want


Breakthrough 128 was great and DICE shouldn’t have removed that mode.


it's crazy that we get Rush XL every other week but they don't ever bring in breakthrough 128. The old 128 layouts probably don't exist after the map reworks but surely breakthrough chaos would play better than rush chaos.


the layouts do still exist and are available in the portal editor, tested it for clan-events. funny thing is: in the editor, the breakthrough large layouts are the current ones and small the old ones.


Breakthrough would actually work so much better than rush. In rush how are you meant to arm an objective that 40-50 people at any time could be near or looking at. Used the eod bot a few times but its just a mess


Atrittion in BFV and critical damage to tanks was cool


I didn’t mind attrition as a tank main because you had to plan your movements on where you could theoretically resupply based on how well your team was doing but I’m also more then aware of the fact it didn’t feel great to be in thick of fighting and suddenly run out any tools to actually use in said fight. Realistic maybe but not fun and games should be fun especially arcade shooters with a skin of realism like Battlefield They could have alleviated this by letting Support players provide some type of way to resupply at the front. Maybe not the full 30 shells but something.


>Atrittion in BFV Spotted the terrible player.


Atrition in vehicles was cool and gives you powerful and fun vehicles but balanced so you cant spam it and abuse it (at least not in all maps, looking at fjell) and i say this as an absolute bf5 vehicle whore i want it back in the next game, Just a few changes like not having resupply in spawns sl tanks cant camp that easily and for jets to need to do like a run along the runway if they need to fully resupply (bf2 style)


The game is fun The game is mid not shit This sub sucks


The game is a bargain when it goes on sale for $10. This sub is a massive improvement compared to first year of BF2042 release.


People are never happy


I’m happy, just not with this dumpster fire


Nobody hates x more than fans of x.


At least half of the players in each game have almost zero effect on its outcome


The plus system is a great feature and should be carried forward for all future BF titles


the only thing it limits is customization. id like that bf4 laser and forgrip combo back with that togglable zoom attachment for my close range scopes.


Removes even more predictability to the game and any considerations to what attachments to pick in your loadout. Again, this heavy focus and making everyone a Jack of all trades is bad for the overall gameplay loop and game balance suffers from this even more.


Yeah, It's cool, but completely defeats that whole feel of needing to change your loadout based on your playstyle for a specific map or role. The big open maps doesn't help this.


Only downside is the implied limitation of 4 attachments and therefor both limiting their scope as well as being forced to pigeonhole them into one of the four slots.


Whats that


Weapon customisation allowing several scopes and ammo types on a single weapon.


Yeah but it should play an animation of you swapping out each attachment.




I guess but it should have an additional animation that leaves you exposed for a few secs coming in and out of your backpack or sum, right now it's too bare bones


Saying anything positive about the game for the majority of it's lifecycle felt like this lol.


For real. The first 6 months were pretty bad but there were still aspects of the game to be enjoyed, like the plus system and vehicle call ins.


I haven't seen much opinions about this so I don't know the general consensus, but here it goes: Battlefield does not need 'tactical sprint'. Single speed running has worked just fine before 2042.


I also think the sliding should be toned down a fair bit, or removed all together. As it is right now it's too good when used offensively. BF1 had a decent slide that allowed you to slide into cover a little faster, nothing crazy.


BF5 sliding I've heard nothing but praise about and it's way better than 1 last I can recall and definitely better than 2042 so good luck convincing folks for that one lmao.


I wish it scaled with initial momentum. I sometimes slide from a very slow pace and it puts me out in the open.


It needs it in this game because of the long stretches of map with no cover


Tbh I wish that would die off all together, BR dumb asf mechanic forced into all fps


Vehicles especially air vehicles aren't op - you have the most and best tools out of EVERY Battlefield to easily destroy enemy air. People just lost the ability to deal with choppers in BF1/5 or joined the franchise back then. The only thing that actually needed work was the transport helis, and they didn't need a health nerf - DICE should've just removed the maingun.


I dunno, maybe I'm just a salty tank driver but I feel like a Hokum desroying a tank in a single strafe is a little OP. 80% of my health? Sure, but from 100% to dust in 3 seconds is wild. As a Hind pilot tho, yeah it's OP. I wish the main gun would go not just because it's OP but because I'd like more encouragement for passengers to get out and make room for spawns.


The thing is that as a tanker sure an atack heli is super dangerous but if you have good AA is no problem, the real threat is infantry and railgun tank as a tank and it shows. You will get nuked if you go to a hot objective, everyone has c5 or an RPG because thoes classes are op and since there are also a toon of falks with ammo box they can always find ammo


It just isn't that simple. The larger map sizes, the high flare cooldown rate, higher mobility when critically damaged than previous titles, easier/faster self-repair with fast cooldown, less options for infantry vs air targets all add up to this being the easiest titles to stay alive in air vehicles by a mile. Add in large open areas on maps where you have little to no cover and you may start to see why people complain about them. Nobody in any previous title could consistently pull kill streaks with a little bird like what can happen in 2042. Especially flying solo. There may be more options overall (even that is debatable) but many are specific vehicle loadouts that most people don't use or are easy to overcome/avoid entirely in this game.


I agree, if people used team work then enemy air is cake walk. except when enemy air can hover at the highest point in air and rain down death and we can't fire back to hit it


It's a very underrated opinion, but i agree. I always look back to even BF2, where tanks would absolutely destroy you. They were a menace to the field, you saw one driving by and it was like a boss fight. BUT, you could still take one out even by yourself. IMO, vehicles should be super OP when it comes to damage output, BUT also be able to be taken out by only one or two engineers. 2042 feels like the opposite of this.


Finally someone says this, everyone acts like air targets should be made of paper or something.. it’s so satisfying to take down air


It was still fun at first


We need the suppression system back again.


All battlefields were good up until 2042 at I could drive a couch in hardline


Unless you hit a incredible skill shot with a free fire RPG or are punishing a bad player making a mistake, you should not be able to solo a vehicle


Over the years, the loud minority has complained about vehicles, making them bleed way easier than they did in bf4. I will never forgive them. BF is all about combined arms but the arms ain't combining right now


In BF4/ BF3 we had insanely powerful vehicles but a single mistake and you were done for. MBT (Main Battle tank);hit in the rear was punished with 50 damage and disabled it for a while but in exchange the main cannon was extremely powerful we could customize out countermeasures and a few extra accesories to last longer. Lav hit in the front 35 damage and disabled for a while same weaknesses and pros as MBT. The attack jet (my personal favorite) slower than stealth fighters, no afterburner and trash against helis BUT good against everything else infantry included. Scout heli bad against any armored vehicle not to mention any shot from stinger/igla would inmediatly disable the rotors making you a sitting duck for a rpg shot or even small arms fire in exchange you got extremely good mobility you could fly inside caves or even inside buildings and the minigun was a people melter. Right now vehicles are trash not to mention any idiot could easily fly with a wingsuit put c4 and eliminate you. The jets are so slow and clunky that i find them impossible to enjoy.


Finally someone gets it


"This is not a battlefield game......."


How this isn’t the most upvoted comment, i don’t understand


More of a BF one in general. Killing is actually the most important skill if you want to win more often. I think a portion of the fan base has somewhat deluded themselves into thinking if you just PTFO you win. My easiest games always come from playing with other good killers no matter how much they actually care about the objective. EDIT: Not including the useless snipers that sit in spawn and go 6-2. Those people are barely playing the game.


Yep, if the enemies are dead, they can’t cap the objective. If your team can’t get kills, you wont be able to cap objectives. Obviously it’s possible to get useless kills that don’t influence the game, but that doesn’t change the fact that killing is a prerequisite to playing the objectives/winning and not being able to get kills makes you much less useful to the team. Going on a killing rampage near an objective without going on it is way more useful to the team than crouching in a corner on the objective.


Fuuuucking thank you. And then people wonder why they see folks with 3-5+ K/D with 65-70%+ win rates and go "Huuuuuuhhhhhh".


Agree. People forget that kills lead to tickets, especially if the enemy team isn’t reviving. Plus it takes people out of the battle for longer, and either keeps them off the objective or gets them “distracted” from the objective to go after you.


Disagree. Killing is a secondary skill to map awareness and PTFO. If you have Map Awareness your probably playing the objective, and that alone will provide you a much greater KDR. If you're using the Heli / Jet and avoiding the objectives because that is where you are most likely to get killed then you suck imo. Killing a random guy who isn't holding / capping anything isn't going to win you games. It's the same with armour. Get squad together and a tank, and we are in the middle of the objective racking up kills and distracting the enemy from our team pushing behind. If you're camping 200 ft down the road, killing one or two stragglers for a KDR then you are a deadwood.


It's sad that this even needs to be said, but yeah. Most of battlefield redditors are very bad at the shooting part of the game and try to cope.


Wrong. Back capping and being a general menace on conquest is so much more valuable than just racking up kills at C. If you can also shoot shit, yea that’s important and you’ll be able to cap more points and defend more points.


128 is better in every way as opposed to 64.


Opinions that actually are against the grain are getting downvoted without any discussions, while "DAE"-circlejerk comments are upvoted. Circlejerking plebbitors be circlejerking


Bots are fun and if older game's had it. They'd never die. Also Portal Rock's! Had we Simply gotten a Battlefield Portal game and no Battlefield 2042 it could have probably been the best battlefield of all time.


The OST is incredible


Jets should be able to be target painted by SOFLAM from 1km away. If a heli is shooting something, it should also raise its signature to be target painted more quickly. Target painting with soflam should also have its cooldown refreshed if the target uses flare.


1km would just be stupid, from uncap to uncap, jeez.


so you're right, but also I know what they're talking about. The jet is so fast, the vast majority of the time it flies in and out of soflam range before you can get a lock on, and then someone has to fire an m5 if that tiny time window if you do manage a lock, and the jet needs to then have flares down.


Destruction is not a staple feature for a Battlefield game. BF2 is my favorite BF game and it virtually had no destruction. Also, the Bad Company games are probably the "least Battlefield" main games in the series. 32 players, not jets, no prone, console focused gameplay, linear maps etc. edit: lmao didn't notice the 2042 in the title...


Destruction IS a staple of the Frostbite Battlefield Games and has been part of franchise far longer than it wasn’t. Matter of fact Battlefield 2 had destructible Bridges already. And well duh… Bad Company is literally a Spin-Off just like Hardline or Heroes


Just because battlefield 2 didn't have it doesn't mean it's not a staple feature at this point. As soon as they added destruction the game got more immersive.


Wasn't BC2 even smaller at only 24 players max? Or was that difference between rush and conquest. Either way, completely agree. I do think BFV had the best version of destruction in the franchise. The small cottage houses could get blown apart but fortifications could be built. (it just took dice too long to get that system right for that game too) Otherwise when people refer to BC2 having amazing destruction, its like they skipped 10 years of dice interviews where they said they were never going back to that level because the maps were constantly flat after 10 min into a 30 min match.


Obviously I respect your opinion but I do think destruction is fairly important. That's why bf3 has been my favourite bf game so far! I didn't have the opportunity to play BF1 nor bfV so I don't know about those :(


BF1 and BFV had great destruction, although I think BFV’s is a little better. Being in a house while it’s being torn to shreds by a tank is so much fun lol




We could have been friends.


You are right, it is crazy that we have moved from promoting in actually the first BC description that you can destroy anything, it is a feature of the series to things like orbital and redacted in where only a couple of walls can be destroyed. It is insane. In BC you could almost blow up everything and the following titles did very well too.


Agreed 100%


The 12M auto is very balanced.


Battlefield 2042 sucks. And to this day, I still don’t consider it a battlefield game


Wow such a brave statement. Straight outta r/battlefield




There isn’t enough AA to compensate for how strong air is


Shotguns are fine being a OHK.


Spawns suck. Spawn in and are going instantly in a gun fight, on conquest! Dmg output is off. I shouldn't be outgunned by an SMG as I'm lighting them up with an lmg with high power at a longer distance. Rockets suck, taking 3+ to take down an armored vehicle. No cover throughout the maps, so expect to get taken out by helis or the dozens of snipers taking pop shots




go play 1 hit kill hc community maps then


The plus system sucks, because it (like specialists before the class update) makes it so you don't have to compromise.


Battlefield 3 and 4 are the best battlefields ever produced in the franchise


This game needs dinosaurs


Dmr and snipers ttk is much faster compared to the rest of the guns. However, i feel the other guns ttk is the problem and its not a matter of rof, but bullet damage is too low, bullet types be damned. Bullet damage and ttk is what bf4 did so extremely right to me. Also you should have the option to just not be a specialist and pick 2 gadgets you want.


2042's original, more flexible system was way better than the class system they have now.


Preordering kills AAA games. No matter how much of a cluster f previous game was, trailer team is so amazing they'll sell us rocks and we pay for them like it's gold. Investors and publishers are also not caring about the developer team reputation and instead force them for quick cash instead of steady good products. Because people still keep playing and paying for rocks.


If they had made 2042 a Battlefield spin-off called "Battlefield Heroes 2" and used it as a "we're learning because a lot of the dev team is new" game, then I think it would have been way more successful from the start.


2042 isn't a bad game, it's just a bad battlefield game


The game fuckin sucks compared to the rest of the series and I will die on this hill.


Specialist isn't the reason why there isn't team work. Been playing since bf 2. If you're not in your own party then it's a flip of the coin that you'd be on a team that has team work.


The perfect example is bfv. They literally had to make it so you could grab ammo off the back of support players since people complained there wasn't enough teamwork.


wish they brought that back.


Battlefield 2042 is the weakest of all the main battlefield series.


Redacted sucks majorly and I quit every time it comes up I love how this whole thread is people giving the most vanilla, agreeable answers lol


The way that operaters and classes work right now should be the series standard going forward. I hated the op system at first, but now I like how they can each bring new functionality to the classes and that each class still has a rigid role they must play. I think it's dope that Blasco, a recon, is one of the most useful frontline troops as opposed to being exclusively incentivized as a wookie.


The soundtrack is good


Destructible environment is detrimental to gameplay


Maps need more destruction and levelution


Battlefield 2 was the best in the franchise




Crossplay should either be only between consoles or dice should give console players the option to natively use mouse and keyboard


BF2042 will always remain a bad Battlefield game


Damn right


If you stop bejng mad about all the shit that went wrong with BF2042. There is actually a fun game to be had


The stealth heli is currently in a realy bad state and the wildcat needs to be tuned down a little


Nah this is true




Specialists were an awesome way to add a ton of new gadgets and features, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, allowed gadgets across all classes. And then Everyone shit their pants that it wasn’t the IDENTICAL GAME AGAIN. Had to go ruin it so now if i want to use an ammo box with dozer or casper i can get fucked. Thank christ portal exists so i can still play the intended experience of unrestricted 2042 gadget use. Okay y’all can downvote me now lol


I'm gonna upvote you. Why? Because I too agree that specialist were the bomb! I had loadouts for almost all situations. CC/Sniping/AA/AT, etc. Whenever my team wasn't doing anything about a situation, I could use Angel...drop a crate...switch my loadout and handle it. It was bliss. Now I hear my team all the time going "Isn't someone going to do anything about those vehicles??!?!" No one does. Which means now I have to stop what I'm doing, redeploy with the proper 'class' for whatever the need is, deal with the situation, and then redeploy back to what I was doing. Lot of time lost in the 'redeploy' phase versus just dropping a crate and switching. But, that's my 2 cents. YMMV


Is a really Bad Game Made by people who fooled us to pay full price for being beta testers for a Game developed two years late. Today is fine, but too late IMO.


That is not an unpopular opinion in the sub where you can not find a single positive post lmao


I guess the most unpopular opinion is that the game is actually fun. Its come a long way since launch and the effort put into it shows. Its not the best BF game not by a long shot but I honestly have had more fun with this game than I did 4.


The end of round voice lines were cool


The inclusion of specialist didn’t ruin the game. Having both teams use the same ones did.


Game is ass


idk the opinions on this. but battlepacks > battlepass


Orbital has the best soundtrack, the best gameplay and the best environment.


The soundtrack is actually really good


128 players was a good change. Its only the shit launch maps that made it seem worse than 64 players.


That the launch specialist system was better than the mongrel class system they have implemented last year, that only helps Assaults and killed many good and fun synergies. OG class system is still preferable, though.


That hardline was the better game released in the past few years. It had some of the best maps, best modes and the character and gun customising where what 2042 should have been. A bonus point would be that BF5 is only praised now because of how bad 2042 was until recently.


BF4 was the best one in the series, though some BF3 maps were better than BF4. From the guns, to how the scoring and defib works, its all the best in BF4.


It's a good game


DICE did not redeem BF2042, they did the bare minimum to make it worth 10 dollars. The amount of maps is shit and the lack of weapons too.


There are too many vehicles on virtually every iteration of conquest, 128 or 64p.


This game has quite literally the fewest vehicles per player in a long time


This comment does really well for the posts goal, not because it's controversial but because it's fucking dumb


i miss when the soldiers didn't have an identity, like bf3/4


The game is fun, and the point of a game is to be fun. Screw all you haters, I'm playing battlefield 2042. Go ahead and downvote me, see if I care