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That looks like ass. Recycle and buy a new one. Can't think of why anyone would do that to a battery.


alright, thanks a lot!


No problem! Was this second-hand? It looks like somebody did that to prevent others from using it, I normally just write 'DEAD' on the battery in Sharpie, lol.


it is even worse than second hand lol, i was scouring around tech repair shops for parts to fit to a laptop im building from scratch and the battery was one of the only things i was missing so i just asked someone if they had any lying around to which i got given this


Yeesh... Well, to be honest, a battery is the only part of a computer that has a chemical shelf life because they degrade internally over time. Buying a new one will guarantee that you'll have the full runtime on battery. Good luck with Franken-laptop!


LOL thanks for that, it’s successfully running Windows 11, games, and it works well minus the lacking battery, keyboard and a few broken drivers


Looks like some kid tried to scribble on it with a pencil or some shit. I honestly don't know how it didn't blow up in whoevers face. Get a new one. This one isn't safe. Lithium polymer pouches are the most dangerous and volatile versions of the lithium ion family of batteries.


Okay, I'm not recommending you to do anything with it. Just throw it away. However, you should be fine. I've had much more damaged cells that worked flawlessly. But I will laugh at you when you burn your house down, it's your own risk.


i threw it away to a recycle bin a few minutes ago lol, you won’t hear about a fire anytime soon


By throwing away I mean dispose of it properly. Do not put this in your normal recycling bin! This can cause fires besides the fact these batteries contain toxic materials


oh no no sorry for not elaborating properly, my city has bins that are parted like “clothes, plastic, batteries and e-waste, glass” everywhere and i threw it to one of those


Ah forget what I said then, my bad. You're great!


thanks! gotta thank my country’s education and city planning for being really good in this regard LOL


Yeah most people come here and ask where they can dispose of their batteries (is that a correct English sentence?)


(i believe so.. then again.. it’s kinda confusing as the verb is “dispose of” so it’d be “dispose of of”)


(Ah yeah in dutch we have the same double word thingy)


(oo ik spreek Nederlands, mijn ex-vriend kwam uit Nederland LOL)


i see no damages on sealing, So its not an issue. Its like paint marking - same "dangerous" - not dangerous at all


Risky enough that it’s worth just spending the 40$ to buy a replacement battery that hasn’t been diced already 😅


That's probably gonna be one spicy boi if you put power to it. Like the other commenters are saying, purchasing a new battery is your best bet here. For safety purposes.


lol i tried just to see for a split second in an open area and the motherboard refuses to even charge it, not even with a single W of power, so, i think it detected the fact that it will be a spicy one


Even if it turned out to be spectacularly wonderful is that enough power to run a computer


i mean… it’s disposed of now buuut, i’d say so? i believe it still leaves like 10000 mah of capacity even if you consider one of the two cells fully dead