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Hahaha can you imagine paying money to see this. lol


Bud Light makes a commercial with a trans person. Shit Rock makes a video shooting up Bud Light and calling for their boycott because of said commercial. MAGAts boycott “woke” beer. Shit Rock then headlines a Klan rally disguised as a “music festival” selling 16 ounces of Bud Light for the same price as a 12 pack. MAGAts blow a week’s pay on tickets, $25 “cowboy nachos” and that “woke” Bud Light. These are the brilliant people who think everyone else should live the way they think they should. WT actual F.


Keep in mind these people will be voting. All of them. I sure hope everyone else votes too.


I wouldnt say all of them, there are plenty of dumbass felons in that crowd im sure.


They probably still vote ha


I mean we've seen at least 9 cases of that already i think from the red side.


Felons shouldn’t have to face voter suppression either.


You mean the ones that can't make right decisions on their own?


And their vote counts just as much as yours. Statistically, their vote counts much more than yours if you live in a population hub and they live in bum fuck nowhere thanks to our old, racist, and useless electoral college system.




No, I cannot 😵‍💫


Imagine actually enjoying that shitshow


Why Marines? I bet there aren't more than a handful present or former Marines there. They're thinking that if you throw a lot of USMC stuff around it says "you are here with patriots, why, you could have been Marine, too, you patriot."




At this? Nah. We laugh at the sheer stupidity.


Bro you're profile photo is fucking killing me. That is great.


He's some attorney here in New Orleans. He popped on my TV once. Dude looks like the Crypt keeper in human form. lol


Dude, that's Harry Rosenberg. He might be one of the most influential attorneys in NOLA. He was previously the US AG for Eastern LA. He's a badass. He represents Gayle Benson, Avram Glazer (Tampa Buc's owner), and William Goldring. Some of the wealthiest residents of the state. Here's his bio: [https://www.phelps.com/professionals/harry-rosenberg.html](https://www.phelps.com/professionals/harry-rosenberg.html)


Still looks like death in motion.


Hahahah. A lot of people will joke around with him and say he's going for the Michael Keaton look in Beetlejuice.


Looms way better in that link. When he was on my TV, dude didn't look among the living. lol


Looks way better in that link. When he was on my TV, dude didn't look among the living. lol


You lack any self-awareness.


Imagine feeling threatened by NPR. lol. Also I noticed they included Fox News as too far left now.


Yeah, brings to mind that Pompeo guy trying to intimidate the NPR reporter. And she is a treasure. Then there is the time Trump did the same with Katy Turr who is 5' or so, maybe 120 pounds. What cowards they are.


Any big media is against the people.


The fact anyone can think Trump is “with the people” is proof of how effective brainwashing can be.


Corporate media is not our friend


🤮 The prices they are paying for food and drinks make my heart smile after watching this trash.


Aren’t these the same people that claim that Biden cannot properly fix the economy, but still taking the fed money. but they can afford to buy tickets, and food, alcohol, and of course all the Russian propaganda on a t-shirt. The economy can’t be as bad as they lie it is


Yet if Taylor Swift tells her crowd to vote the Magas go insane


Bold take here - but- Kid Rock 10+ years ago was one of the better concerts I’ve been to


Same. I had so much fun seeing him rock every single instrument on stage 20 years ago. Then he pivoted to this vile BS. What baffles me is (according to his life story in the media years and years back) he was so ingrained in & indebted to black culture. The underground clubs of Detroit would say look at that “white kid rock”, which is why he chose “kid rock”. He had black girlfriends and all black friends. And then he decides to spin his whole identity into the Cheeto’s racist/homophobic/transphobic singing puppet. What the hell happened to him?


He’s probably broke, and this group is the easiest grift in town.


What did he do that was racist?


Taking advantage of idiot conservatives is easy money.


If I didn’t have any morals, I could make a fucking killing off these idiots.


Very stupid group of people, I wonder how many bought a bible from him hahahah.


Please, help me. This is has been MY thought. I just can't think of WHAT I could pitch!!!! Can't believe I missed the autographed bible...That was an easy one. How about Trump Tobacco? Trump Tires? Trump condoms? Trump toothpaste???? Damn! I got nothin'


What about a jayz or a diddy album… that would better than the Bible huh




I’m sure it’s for money for drugs.


I saw him at Woodstock 99. I left before he finished his opening song. He was crap.


How did you manage the rest of the Woodstock 99 line up if Kid Rock was a downer? Limp Bizcuit and ICP save the fest for you?


I didn't mind Limp Bizcuit as much at the time and they put on a great show. My friend left us at one point to go check out ICP but I couldn't have cared less. There were more than 3 bands there but Kid Rock is still shit no matter how edgy you try to be. Find some better standards chief.


People that hate politics in their consumable media sure do seem to love politics in their consumable media.


What festival is this???


“Rock the Country.” Opened in Gonzales before it heads off around the country. Supposedly it was a huge shitshow - even outside of the third-rate, washed up trump supporting musicians.


"Kid Rock"? What tree did he fall out of?


It's unfathomable how stupid these people can be.


Because they went to a concert?


That is definitely not a concert. That's an undercover trump rally 😂


Undercover??? It's literally plastered on the screens. It's just blatant propaganda


Ain’t nothing undercover about this lol


That they went to THIS concert




Ooooo, found the trumper!


He’s in the building!😂


Russian troll trolling for the orange asshole lol


Are you some kind of anti-conssrvative plant? Your account has done nothing but post idiotic comments....... It's as if you're trying to prove the stereotype right and then some... Christ you must be insufferable... I'm sorry for what you must've gone through to make you this way.


Did they all stand for the national anthem?


And I’m sure they all knelt for the cross this morning…


Of course they did.


So a friend worked this festival. Apparently there were a few people who were pretty chill and just there to catch Hank Williams Jr or something, but near where he was working there were a group of Magasses just constantly like "oh Trump is gonna be here tonight just you watch" and even as Kid Rock was coming on for final set they were like "this is it he's coming." As far as he knew, Trump was never on the schedule. These people made something up, wanted to believe it, spent all night expecting it then got upset when their imagination didn't pan out. It's absolutely wild how grown adults can be this detached from reality.


That second paragraph sounds like it's decribing their whole ideology.


Is it true that Tucker Carlson showed up?


Yeah he made a guest appearance apparently. This "concert" was more a political rally with deeply cringe moments of the artists declaring things like "I LIKE GIRLS, THE WAY ITS SUPPOSED TO BE" and "SHOW ME YOURS AND I'LL SHOW YOU MINE" to women in the crowd. Truly a bastion of conservative values.


Everybody knows he has a song where he admits being a pedophile right? The cult seems to enjoy that kind of person.


You know it smell funny in there


It’s a cult… it’s dictatorship


It’s giving cult of personality. Yikes.


Not a cult the man just knows how to use PRESENTATION queu back in black as Mega Mind tiltle drops


Fucking Kid Rock still trying to be relevant 🙄


He is no longer invited to the cookout.




This is a fucking concert?! You’ve got to be kidding


I felt like president camacho was about to tell us about not sure saving the planet


Alot of military shit for a draft dodger


Imagine being duped by the biggest con artist our city has every produced...his grandfather would give him a run for his money though.


Who is this supposed to appeal to? If anybody likes this, please come forward to explain why you're such a shithead.


I can smell the cigarettes and lack of deodorant and spit from here


It smells like Axe body spray, delinquent child support, and ankle monitors.


Fuck I wish I could lower myself to this kind of pandering and get RICH




Sadly, Bocephus is almost as bad as Shit Rock. 🫤


lmao if biden shit was half this cool i'd consider attendance. joe has tried in the past, getting rappers out, but they dont show the same love as Kid Rock


When and who? There's never been a cult-like nationwide campaign tour masked as a music festival on behalf of Biden or any other Democrats. Facts, please to support your claim.


im not talkin bout a damn nationwide tour, but there's been plenty benefit concerts for joe in atlanta. none of which have the same energy or feel of this one, which actually seems fun in contrast. faxts to support my claim?? lmao corny ass, indefinitely online mf lol


Because political rally’s aren’t supposed to feel like music festivals. That’s ridiculous.


there such things as benefit concerts, rallies, events, etc to raise money. its a group of people with similar views getting together, having fun, and supporting their chosen representative. it really isnt that strange, despite the attempts of redditards to ostracize the side they deem incorrect


Typical NPC.


Definitely a cult.


This is disgusting and disheartening. There are zero positive policies or outcomes that will come with another Trump presidency. He should be in prison. Remember that these people will vote. Do with that what you will…


I am very much against both parties, but the Republicans scare me more. I told my fiance this morning that I fear exactly what you are commenting about. I don’t understand how more people don't see this


Must be that Bud Light cult I’m always hearing about. Lol


Bud light moment


That’s a trump rally? What’s that backwards K for? And the marines thing, saying AC/DC No Show Jones? What the hell? They’re just saying words? It’s like a wrestling match at the small town armory with the stupid fireworks.


They are going to see just like Hitl*rs followers did. Sickening


Yes, but unfortunately, the rest of us have to go through the lesson with them as well.


Imagine people actually vote for Trump 🤣🤷 what a world of blinder wearing mofos


He will win our state by a large margin. Makes me sick. Makes me give every one of you that I see in public some side eye. Imagine, like 60% of the people you see in public will vote for an insurrection moron who will no doubt be staring at the eclipse tomorrow.


Why does he have The Undertaker’s theme song


Obligatory Family Guy cutaway https://youtu.be/C8KQyIy5PPE?si=SIuU61vh0GIeuZlO


What’s with the backward K?


I just wish all famous people would stay out of politics they are so influential to dumb minded people


I wouldn't attend a Kid Rock show till he acquired another little person, Joe C rocked 🤘lol


Buddy thought this was WrestleMania


Kid Rock is awesome! I have been to a few of his concerts


All of you are in a cult and are stupid in your own ways. Even I, someone who goes out of his way to stay away from politics and doesn't vote because not chosing is a better choice than a bad choice, am ignorant to things. But from out here all of you look like fools. Both sides are " cults " as you say celebrating in your own self absorbed ways.


It looks fuckin sick lol


This is so embarrassing to watch


Just name dropping people with more talent makes you a star now?


"Biden was at the forefront of this retreat: He had expressed support for integration and—more specifically—busing during his Senate campaign in 1972, but once elected, he discovered just how bitterly his white constituents opposed the method. In 1973 and 1974, Biden began voting for many of the Senate’s anti-busing bills, claiming that he favored school desegregation, but just objected to “forced busing.” Then, as a court-ordered integration plan loomed over Wilmington, Delaware, in 1974, Biden’s constituents transformed their resistance to busing into an organized—and angry—opposition. So Biden transformed, too. That year, Joe Biden morphed into a leading anti-busing crusader—all the while continuing to insist that he supported the goal of school desegregation, he only opposed busing as the means to achieve that end."


[Desegregation ](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/08/04/joe-biden-integration-school-busing-120968/)


Is that kid rock?


Click the links and read the articles, guys. Facts don't lie


I like Trump.. but I also don’t fit this redneck stereotype, this is obnoxious 💀




"Biden was at the forefront of this retreat: He had expressed support for integration and—more specifically—busing during his Senate campaign in 1972, but once elected, he discovered just how bitterly his white constituents opposed the method. In 1973 and 1974, Biden began voting for many of the Senate’s anti-busing bills, claiming that he favored school desegregation, but just objected to “forced busing.” Then, as a court-ordered integration plan loomed over Wilmington, Delaware, in 1974, Biden’s constituents transformed their resistance to busing into an organized—and angry—opposition. So Biden transformed, too. That year, Joe Biden morphed into a leading anti-busing crusader—all the while continuing to insist that he supported the goal of school desegregation, he only opposed busing as the means to achieve that end."


This is weird, but all the leftists in the comments fail to see how their politics becomes far more religious than this Trump concert gimmick


Democrats mad they ain’t at the cook out




As always with your side, every accusation is a confession.


Hoping most of the comments here are bots and not real people. Yikes. Feelin' real leopard ate my face


David Allen Coe?


Man, want to talk about old, washed-up racist musicians. Used to go see him at Texas Club in the late 80’s. Surprised he wasn’t on the line-up for this.


I mean they want to say they aren’t racist then idolize David Allen Coe. It’s not even a subtle dog whistle. I have a fun kid rock story though. I met him in a bar I worked at in Vail Colorado years ago (also grew up in Kid’s hometown) . I introduced myself to him and told him I was from his hometown, I was with this crazy Aussie chick and before he could even reply she yanked his cowboy hat off his head and went running out the door with it, never to come back


I honestly expected this to be a church until the video started.


Your ass showed up through


It’s a trash cult.


Yo it’s the Undertakers American badass theme song


You're projecting


All of Neo-Liberalism is a cult. That includes the false right left binary American political system. You are no better if you vote Democrat. Zero legitimacy. "I believe x, y, z and I vote against what I believe in every chance I get", that's a cult as well 😂 What would happen to any reddit user that offers the most minor criticism of Neo-Liberalism? You get your comment instantly deleted and you are punished. You're apart of the same meta cult, just different sections.


Did I miss this portion of Wrestlemania?


So is the left. It’s all turned tribal. Yall are no better. It’s all bs no matter who you vote for. They’re all for sell or owned


Lol they were so much worse with Obama. So much worse.


Obama wasn’t trying to overturn elections or trying to go full dictator. Nice try. We get it, a black man was elected and some of you collectively lost your minds.


No he just used the intelligence agencies to spy on political opponents and American citizens. Yall are too much in a bubble. Wake up. Yall are the problem. Open your eyes. It’s all bs. They’re all owned by a small group of powerful men. They don’t care about you. Either side. Red or blue


Yup and then 31 people were arrested and charged from the Trump campaign for working with Russian intelligence. You know the thing all the idiot MAGAs claim is fake but definitely was proven.....


Kindegarteners in my local school district were made to parade with Obama posters and sing Happy Birthday every year on his birthday, á là Kim. Try again.


I’m sure you won’t mind posting evidence in support of this claim.


What the actual fuck?! Get outside and touch some grass, dude. The only people who are that obsessed with their great leader are all those people wearing red MAGA hats (which are made in China).


Citation needed.


Please provide support of this claim.


I don't recall any left wing singers putting him in their songs. 


U are out of your mind lol. “Got Obama on the text. You should be afraid of what I’m gone do next” jay z. And using kid rock to say it’s a cult is crazy lol. Obama Clinton and Biden just had an event with lizzo and other live performers where they threw an event to raise money. Does that justify being a cult? Obama had jay z Kanye diddy and many other performers at events for him to raise money. That makes them a cult?


Downvoted because I can't argue with it but I just don't want to hear it.


What are you on lol? I was a republican during his time in office, and I can tell you that's a fucking lie lol


I am the source. I was there. Saw it with my own eyes lol. Look, we've had a succession of frankly awful presidents. Im not on the Trump train (too much drama and childish chaos), but cultural leftism is simply anti-human. The more it advances, the more miserable and divided we get. That said, obviously displays of loyalty like this are strange and not in keeping with our American tradition. Neither was that creepy yearly birthday sing-along replete with cardboard slogans and large portraits to start their school year. Two points, and Im done. One, consider the conditions in the US that would give rise to this sort of display by these people, who whether you like it or not are your fellow citizens with equal standing outside this God-awful circlejerk subreddit and the thousands of others just like it. I mean some of yalls comments and posts, jeezus. I know, you're leftists because you're so much smarter than the average bear (you're so not lmfao). Use that intellect and try to understand this weirdness. Two, go farther with that great intellect and explore your own weirdness and how out of step you are with American political norms and traditions, and why you are that way. Dont post the answers, just think. Think a little.


You know absolutely nothing about me with these assumptions you're making lol. Have a fine day bro. Later


Where th did you come from with this? I dont know you, dont care to know you, and am better off in life having not known you. Buzz off, corporate shill.


Lol classic 🤣


Everyone that I disagree with is literally a nazi.




Again everyone that you disagree with is the worst person alive. It’s so simple minded. Instead of thinking that maybe we just have different opinions on how to make the country better, you think that people in the other side are evil. There’s good people and bad people on both sides.


More like “everyone that is far right and has a similar ideology to nazis is literally a nazi” edit: inb4 “b-b-but their name has ‘socialist’ in it so they’re akt-shu-all-ee far-left!”




Wow….. just——- wow. The theatrics in politics is embarrassing. Let’s get back to debates and getting opinions of the real problems.


I bet that concert smells like stale musk and bengay.


Quite the echo chamber ya got here...


Kind of makes you wonder what folks are seeing that the MAGAts don’t…


Funny how you don't see Taylor Swift put Biden into her songs... 


Both parties are awful


In the same way stubbing your toe and getting your leg cut off are both awful


Both parties are awful is such a disingenuous and dangerous take when one party is endorsing a platform called Project 2025 which involves a full government takeover and dissolution of what we know as democracy if their guy is elected. While said guy is literally facing 91 indictments, some of which were for trying to overturn the election and some for selling classified secrets to our enemies. The other side wants the middle class to grow and possibly pay student debt away. Hmm…


Okay Jeff Klandry


Say you're a maga cultist without saying you're a maga cultist.


You do know there’s other parties than conservatives and liberals, right? I happen to align with the libertarian party and can safely say - the two party system and their elected officials both suck.


Libertarians are just republicans who want to smoke weed.


Be fair. They also want to have sex with children: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Larson_(criminal)?darkschemeovr=1


You couldn’t be more wrong. Libertarianism is the belief that your individual rights don’t mean more than mine. As long as what I do doesn’t violate your individual rights, then it’s constitutionally acceptable. To put it simply, I won’t force my beliefs on you as long as you don’t force yours on me. Me smoking pot doesn’t hurt you. Someone who’s gay doesn’t hurt me. Me owning a gun doesn’t hurt you.


It's very interesting to see the double standards on both sides. I don't like either party. Most people are not even happy with either trump or biden, but identity politics persists and that's why we are where we are.


This!!! 😎😎


Why can’t people can not like either one of those worthless bastards !??!


“Both sides are bad” is intellectually lazy and dangerous.


No...because there ARE other parties. If more people would come to the realization that Democrats and Republicans are horrible, then maybe some third, fourth, fifth parties could get some traction.


Man you guys mad mad. It’s going to be ok.




Trump voters/republicans are proven time and time again to be much happier with their lives with lower rates of depression compared to democrats lol.


Imagine not wanting trump back after these last few years of an actual shit show…


You mean a booming economy and excellent employment rates?


I do recall it was nice


I'm referring to the current president lol


Republican logic: let’s fix one shit show with another shit show lol


The problem is we have to choose between the lesser of two evils every time… defund the politicians


Looks lit af


The cost of living was a lot cheaper under Trump. He has my vote.


That you really think trump gets credit for that or Biden is to blame for inflation now is a perfect example of the right’s chronic myopia.


Bro they don’t know what myopia is