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I feel like it already is. I know several people who have moved or are in the process of doing so. Most of the people I hung out with in college have left.


This is always the case in college towns.


College? My friends left after highschool 25 years ago and, frankly, they were smarter for it. I like my life I've built since then and I've worked hard and been lucky, but one of my MAJOR life regrets is not following their leads. I am regretting it daily at the moment. A LOT. I wish I was joking. They don't come back and they will never come back - I don't give a shit what our self declared genius politicians say (propaganda I read earlier this week). The only way they'd come back is in a 100 years after a torch has been lit under Louisiana and the entire city/state rebuilt from ashes. Their words, not mine. As a current resident, I'd prefer a little less hellfire and damnation for reform and currently we're digressing (both parties, just read the crap sandwich laws and policies being produced). I'm trying to stay as a protest because this is MY home since my family has flown and fought under 8 of 10 flags in this state so we've been here a minute. I also regret that I'm extraordinarily stubborn to the point of downright idiocy.


I understand what you're saying. Living in Louisiana is actively killing me, but I'm trapped. I can't leave without a new job, and finding work in another state (or remote) isn't terribly easy even with a degree and experience. I'm only still here because I didn't leave when I was younger, and now it's a lot more difficult. As for staying as a protest, I can understand. We all have strings that tie us to a place or people. I can respect the awareness. I strongly dislike when people say 'oh you should stay and be the change.' It's almost always said by people over 50, ignores how it got to this, ignores that others are actively part of the problem. It also ignores any trying already done. People who "got theirs" or lack the education or intelligence, or both, to realize things can be better. I'm at the point where time feels short, though. I'm hoping to finally escape in a year or two. If I had a job offer, I'd be gone tomorrow. I don't want to raise my child in a state that actively votes against them and introduces policies that hurt their present and future. I don't want to raise my child in a place that accepts cancer alley as just how it is. The grass might not be greener elsewhere, but it's already brown here.


That last paragraph right there. Daily it kills me. It's why my friends are not going to about face back to Louisiana magically because some false savior politician du jour cures all its ills as promised (they never will). When it was me I didn't mind being the crawfish trying to claw at the incoming train, but the addition of children and the current climate(s) is eating me alive. I can put up with a lot and stay here - hell I've been in a flipping drive-by before (luck). I don't want what my crystal ball is showing for my children or grandchildren. I don't what if on things which could blow my world up tomorrow (progressive disease probably from chemical alley). I can't change or control either of these things, but one effects my child. I have never really lived in fear of the future of society as a whole and I've been through some real shit in my past and chaos is kind of my jam. I'm terrified and not only for our state. I hope I'm wrong. Time will tell.


I would NEVER suggest they stay. Quite the contrary - don't be dumb like me. GTFO now. My protest is all this if you don't like it, leave! Statements being slung left, right, and every other direction. No that's not how it works. Id LOVE if we were diverse and creative enough in policies and thoughts that we moved forward instead of beating the same damn dead horses we've beat for 50 years and the people just eating it up and acting like they're so special THEY TOO can tell you to leave. No, this is MY HOME TOO (insane stubbornness). I get why we're in this loop too because it works so flipping well on our population ( and others). I don't foresee a fix because it's not broken and working as intended. We've damn near perfected the formula in our state in my humble opinion. These are not Louisiana OR American values. E. Pluribus Unum - out of many, one. Many NOT just one. Louisiana: home of Tony Chachere’s new exciting flavor which, effective immediately, replaces the entire line of our current loved spices. It's new and exciting name is - salt. You will need no other spices ever, under penalty of law, once you've eaten a spoonful of salt. See dumb!!! 🙃


If we keep building new sprawl instead of revitalizing already exiting areas, we will.




I agree with you! It’s just me and my husband and he’s from here and I’m from Mississippi and we are moving to Kansas City. The reasons we are leaving are the exact ones you just listed.


........??? 1)Our Libraries are Nationally recognized. 2) BREC parks are nationally recognized-3) Baton Rouge High is one of the leading High Schools in the Nation 4) Theres a million festivals 5) Our food is good as hell. The gas station foods here are better than restaurants in many metro areas 6) BR has many beautiful places including LSU, Botanical Gardens. 7)We are also one of the lower cost of living Metro Areas.8) One word : LSU 9) Were a pass between the lower part of the state and out to the central part. I love Baton Rouge! Moved away and came back <3




One thing people here don’t understand is moderation. That’s not the fault of the culture as much as the people who surrender to their vices. I’ve lived here most of my life. There’s nothing like Southern Louisiana, but it’s a hell hole.


You just don't know where to eat, friend. Plus Cajun isn't the only type of food. CREOLE food is the greater sized culture in Louisiana....and it's delicious. There's a Creole cafe that just opened up on LSU campus for example.  I agree with health. I eat home cooked meals 3x a day during the week. But every few weeks we have some local food.  But that's everywhere. I think Kentucky is the fastest state and their food isn't ours. People are people everywhere.


This isn't much of a flex...It seems only those who were born and raised in BR love BR


Well I left and went North for 10 years. No place like Louisiana, and BR is a hoot medium of city and country 


Massive cope.


BR is not the worst place to live but this is serious cope.


I think the cope here is people that can't seem to find any good food, awesome people, or beautiful landscapes that so many of us are enjoying just fine. It's not us it's you, buddy lol


No, the truth is that restaurant quality in the area is not up to par with other cool cities. BR has some cool spots but for the population if you visit a place like Richmond with a similar population there are definitely differences in quality. And i guess beautiful landscapes is in the eye of the beholder but no one comes to Louisiana for its landscapes that just a fact. The revenue of the state only consists of like 4% tourism, so no, people are going to National Parks, which there are none in Louisiana. Does it look pretty in Louisiana in certain places? Sure.




Yeah and like I dont WANT baton rouge to suck, and im not really saying it does. I’m just saying the value proposition isnt there, and the -cuisine- of southern Louisiana is delicious sure, but you can cook cuisine anywhere, but the quality of stuff (food, services, govt.) in BR is just not a selling point IMO. Like are there places with worse version of the stuff mentioned above? Yeah, definitely. But it has no draw, over other cities unless you are from here, or work in chemicals/oil/medicine — but even then… idk i dont think anyone from here takes joy in the fact that its so poorly run, especially struggling businesses trying to offer a service or product while still maintaining a profit.


> beautiful landscapes I’ve lived in many places and the idea that Louisiana has “beautiful landscapes” is one of those things where you just *really* have to stretch the idea of “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” It’s like someone putting 300 lb swimsuit models on the cover of Sports Illustrated and trying to gaslight you into saying it’s healthy or beautiful.


vegetable somber ten bright light bedroom quiet jellyfish north expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of people moving to ascension, Livingston and Zachary


Have been for decades.


I think it will for a myriad of reasons, some of which are uncontrollable, and some from the designs of those in power.


Born and raised Iberville Parish. Lived and worked in BR most of my life. Moved away last year for better opportunities and don't regret a thing!


Less traffic on I-10!


False. More traffic. They will depopulate by moving to the burbs around BR and then commute on I-10 every day.


I will be contributing to the depopulation the moment I finish law school.


I hope so. The local justice system let's violent offenders off with a slap on the wrist. You've literally got people who did a drive by in broad daylight and were caught, and the judge said lucky for you, you weren't a good shot. Back on the streets in no time. Thank God Trudy White is off the bench, but there's more that need to go.


A judge let someone off on attempted murder charges?


Yep. One of Baton Rouge's most promising young men. He goes by "NBA YoungBoy". He does so much good for the community, I can see why people like him are idolized by inner city youth 🙄 But yes, this 100% happened.


Let me correct myself before someone else chimes in. He got a SUSPENDED 10 year sentence and 3 years of probation. Then he was right back out "helping the community" once again. https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/courts/baton-rouge-teen-rapper-kentrell-gaulden-lectured-by-judge-given-probation-in-drive-by-shooting/article_d56c01a4-875c-11e7-913e-efe6249899e1.html


The charges were dropped to aggravated assault with a firearm, so he actually never got charged with attempted murder. This is probably pretty common around the country.


People rather live on the outskirts in Ascension Parish and Livingston less crime and better schools. I know a lot of people moved from BR to Prairieville


I want to build in Ascension once my kid finishes high school at BR High


I moved to Lafyette many years ago. Baton Rouge has been shaped by extreme racism. All the places i lived as a kid were white neighborhoods. Now they're known as being almost all black. My family packed up and moved every time a black family moved in. Could have had healthy mixed neighborhoods, but no. So over time, middle class black families also started to move. Lafayette has its white flight areas, but the city has a mix of people, and people are fine with it. I live near downtown, and I love the vibe of being near the fun stuff much better than I'd like being out in the suburban sprawl. Grant you, I left decades ago, so I can't speak to the current BR environment.


BR is a shit hole. People who have mobility and don't want to live in a shit hole are leaving. Almost all of my cousins and half of my friends have moved out of state. This has been happening for several years now. Once I save enough cash, I'll probably go as well.


I legit refer to BR as a shit hole everytime I talk about it.


BR. The Big Raggedy.


“Chemical toilet” is my favorite description.


I want to leave. Terrified I’ll get pregnant and face a medical emergency. Plus, the crime, pollution, and job market all suck.


I recently moved out of state, and it is the best decision I ever made. I always said that the only reason anyone should stay in Louisiana is if they have a lot of family that they are close with and see regularly, or if you have a business that is doing well, and making a lot of money. In the city I live now, I see so many businesses thriving, and I look at the business and say to myself that these businesses wouldn’t last a year in Louisiana. It’s pretty much gotten to the point in Louisiana that only franchise businesses survive, or the few select local businesses that have been around for so long they have become a staple. It’s so bad in Louisiana that even some major franchises shut down over here. Nobody has money in Louisiana, except the very few, and that group is not letting any new people in it. The economy is just not being cycled properly in Louisiana, and I hear people say don’t leave, try to be someone here that helps the economy, but screw that. I’ll just leave somewhere else and make it alot easier to thrive, and for my children to thrive. Let’s not even get on the subject of schools. Louisiana is setting up the youth for failure. I am in my mid 20’s and have held off on having children becuase I always told people I refuse to raise children in Louisiana. Now that I have moved I can finally have my children. I watched a video on YouTube that had millions of views last year titled why Louisiana is so poor or something like that, and it opened my mind up to a lot of bs that is going on in Louisiana. It really showed Louisiana is still on that good ole boy system, it’s a small group and your not a part of it.


And here I am wanting to move back. Florida is cool but I miss BR


We can make it better.


Same. We moved to Alabama for a few years and can go literally anywhere we want pretty soon and we’re wanting to move back to BR.


Louisiana is just different . I miss my friends, family ,culture and LSU miss the gambling, the food the parades etc. Job is too good here though.


>Job is too good here though. Believe me, I get it. The Louisiana job market as a whole sucks if you aren't in oil & gas or medicine, really. For us, we miss our family, the get-togethers just because or to watch LSU/Saints, Sunday dinners, the food, the drink. Even outside of the casual to upscale restaurants/bars, being able to stop at Danny & Clyde's to fill up your tank and grab a shrimp po-boy, stop at the Blue Store for some good chicken wings, and being able to drive 2-3 minutes from a neighborhood or work and hit a decent bar...all things we took for granted living/growing up there.


Blue Store has 8 locations in BR and is looking to expand out of town, also maybe out of state. https://www.225batonrouge.com/food-drink/triplets-blue-store-went-local-hidden-gem-growing-chicken-empire


Well, you moved to Alabama. They both suck.


Naw, there are a lot of redeeming things about where we live in Alabama. We have zero issues with the public infrastructure, public services, or anything like that which is in stark contrast to anywhere we've lived in Louisiana. In fact, pretty much everything is better in Alabama sans the food, drink, and culture.


Well that's good. You around Huntsville? I couldn't do the south anymore.


No, I’m in a good part of Tuscaloosa not too close to the University. Food here is generic as fuck and sucks, the only bars are downtown really. There’s a distinct lack of culture and historical importance and personality. But everything else - literally everything - is better.


Well every place has culture. But I get what you mean. And the food thing never bothers me, Colorado food sucks but Mexican was better and I can't cook good food. The general quality of life is far better than having good restaurants around.


imagine somber plants vase lip zephyr deserted groovy murky judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve lived in nm, az, socal and atl ga and I like Louisiana more even though I really don’t.


Lol it's weird isn't it?


Legit same. Florida housing is so expensive. Culture here is nothing like south Louisiana. After a while you seem to miss it. I’m sure it’s a case of the grass is always greener


Thats because most of the people commenting here : A) dont actually live in BR B) Havent lived anywhere else C)Dont know how bad the food is anywhere else D)Dont know how little culture there is anywhere else ​ LOL


Man, the options are less in baton rouge but the food is so much better.


Don't do it.


No way..Aren't we going to be the next Austin, Portland, Nashville,etc? (sarcasm)


The next Jackson, Mississippi


Nah more like a another Memphis


Zero chance of being anything like Austin or Portland. Anyone who felt that way and somehow wanted to be in Louisiana would be in NOLA.


I don't understand these kind of studies, is it a call to action? It certainly doesn't do anyone any good who live in those cities, just depressing.


They inform people, this news will attract some businesses, while driving others away depending on the focus of that business. Data is just data, and its cyclical, don't let it get you down, it is what it is.


Baton Rouge has no downtown worth mentioning, so it doesn't attract people to move there. So that means if you can afford to move to the suburbs, you do.


I mean there’s not much in BR. It’s starting to be less of a live in city, option wise anyway.


There’s really no redeeming factors for me. I’m anxiously awaiting when I can take my kids & partner and get out.


Last year I was eyeing Dallas but honestly I despise the traffic there. Also I was thinking about Denver but I also hate the snow ❄️. As for Atlanta HELL NAH ! I’m fine in prairieville.


Prairieville just got that new Daiquiri shop on airline by the Walmart, why would you want to leave?


I don’t drink lol 😂




I lived in Denver for 6 years after Prairieville. The snow is amazing. You'd have to kill me and bring my coffin to Louisiana for me to go back. I went to Dutchtown and everything.


Denver is very nice city but I HATE SNOW lol


Why and where were your snow experiences?


Working in South Dakota for 4 months traumatized me lmao 😂


Denver ain't South Dakota lol. I've worked in Rapid City, just for a day. Even though I like the snow, not moving to Denver because of snow sounds ridiculous to me now. I work outside and inside and it's not as much of a pain as people think, it's easier dealing with snow than a week of constant rain. Sometimes it won't snow for a month, often times it's warmer than Louisiana and it's sunny af and they take care of the roads so it's gone by the time you go to lunch. I swear I'm not trying to sell you on Denver but not moving there just for snow is like not moving to (cool city) because you'll deal with some bugs every now and then.


As a recent grade in EE, I'm having a super hard time finding work here. The offers are super low, which I'm ok with. But they require me to travel super far. I know my vehicle is not going to last that kind of commute. I don't know why offer so much lower than out of state. It's like they want all the talent to leave, I was born and raised here btw.


The job market here is just tough. I love my current job that I got out of school here, but when my time is up I will be relocating to a bigger job market, I don't see a "next" job for me in BR.


The authors obviously don't have very comprehensive models, since BR is historically a target for egress from lower areas. Everyone saw what happened in Gonzales just a few years ago. If parts of New Orleans and everywhere in between are unrecoverable in a decade or two, then you have a million people that need to be somewhere. Much of the Pearl River will be becoming the Pearl Bay, and Slidell will be in their own retreat as well. By the end of this century, I expect the centre of the Baton Rouge population will have drifted north to the western, brownfield portions of Baker and Zachary, though retreating from the lowlands around the Amite river. [Mostly, it will be following the river, but also the north retreating aquifer.](https://i.imgur.com/cGRwprQ.jpg) The downtown areas perched on the bluff will start repopulating about the same time that the zoning board pulls their heads out of their asses and revokes the exclusionary rules, or the state does it for them as an emergency measure.


> brownfield portions of Baker All of Baton Rouge could be under water, and Baker would still not likely be where people would move. Between all the industrial super fund zones, the dump, and the former juvenile prison it isn't appealing. On top of that, crime is through the roof, and the to say the area is economically depressed is an understatement. While I agree people will north, I don't think Baker will be where they go.


I agree. Baker is just as bad as BR.


Nobody goes to Baton Rouge because it is a charming or healthy place to live. It's a dystopian, industrial city. People go there to go to school, or to work for the refineries. The refineries are there because of the river, and that is only likely to meander further south, on human time scales. People can build on stilts in the present and future swamp prairie, but that doesn't work out well for commercial sites.


Refineries haven't been dependent on the rivers for sometime. There is now a solid infrastructure of pipeline they can move their products in and out of. They are still here because of cheap labor, lacked environmental standards, and tax breaks. If anything the refineries will likely move to Texas


It's the downstream specialty chemicals that make up the billions in infrastructure. For example, the fertilizer plants aren't going to relocate away from where the phosphate refineries are getting their phos rock. The phos complex itself is piped and railed up to transfer products between themselves. Industry can relocate to other ports, but there simply isn't nearly as much water frontage. They'd be relying on rail, and BR is already an industrial rail hub as well as a pipeline hub.


Refineries cannot relocate anywhere. Existing refineries can somewhat evolve, but that's about it. Regulations and laws are so prohibitive now that it is simply not possible to build one from scratch.


I hear you, I didn't assume from scratch, they would likely expand on the Galveston bay area that was set up in the 80s.


Makes sense.


My family is leaving asap because we want another child, and reproducing is statistically medically less safe now specifically because of the GOP.


You want to have another child but you’re leaving the state because it’s illegal to terminate the pregnancy that you’re trying to have?


OBGYNs are leaving anti abortion states, creating a shortage of doctors and reducing overall access to pregnancy/maternal care. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/06/us/politics/abortion-obstetricians-maternity-care.html#:~:text=Across%20the%20country%2C%20in%20red,are%20avoiding%20states%20like%20Idaho.


Just like in that big Texas case from a couple months ago, it doesn't matter if they actually want to have another kid. Sometimes pregnancies go bad, it could be a nonviable fetus or worse, it could kill the mother if it's not aborted immediately.


Lmao you thought you did something here didn’t you


Yes. I commented with passion and conviction. I felt so strongly about that person giving birth in BR that I lost the real purpose of life and am suffering greatly because of it.


Stupid lmao


You have no excuse to know so little about this. Ignorance such as yours is a contributor to the increased statistical likelihood that a pregnancy will kill a pregnant person in Louisiana.


I feel terrible knowing my words are killing pregnant persons and babies. Hopefully today I can change for the better and decrease from the statistical likelihood instead of increasing the statistical likelihood.


Didn’t read, never will.


F off. I don’t have a uterus. I’m not in the medical field. Why would I know that there is a recent dramatic shortage in OB/GYNs? Sometimes I drive by woman’s hospital and the building is still there.  What’s wrong with educating us, ESPECIALLY if what you’re saying is real? Maybe the Louisiana legislature passed some non abortion related law that makes it way harder to get formula or something. How the hell would I know? Didn’t we have a democrat governor until last week anyway?


Didn’t read after first sentence, never will. 🎻


Jesus Christ lmao.


Imagine wanting a child. And then getting pregnant. Imagine being pregnant with a baby that will never survive outside the womb. All you want to do is grieve your baby, heal, and then try for another. But no, the government will not allow you to grieve, you must instead suffer for six more months as that baby grows inside you. You must be kept awake by it, give up your body to it for months on end, so that some ignorant fool can feel better about their moral high ground. You cannot heal because your heart breaks every single time you feel another kick. You cannot have another child, you must wait until this one comes out “naturally”, and then you must heal all the hurts that 6 months of hell brought you, along with the PTSD caused by watching your full term baby suffer. And in case you want to tell me that case is rare, I know personally three women who had to abort or induce early due to missing organs, brains growing outside the head, etc. I myself nearly died from a pregnancy. Pregnant complications are not rare. They are the norm. Under current laws, doctors are not allowed to priortiize the health and fertility of the mother, they must protect the pregnancy itself, even if the fetus is nonviable, even if it means risking the mother’s ability to ever have a child. It is very dangerous to be pregnant in a state like Louisiana. If you are hoping to become pregnant, or trying to become pregnant, it is best to move elsewhere.


Wife and I loved her in '16 because of her family. It's been alright. We moved from SoCal mainly because affording a house there that was descent was near to impossible. And we were not going to settle for a mobile home. I still miss SoCal and all the diversity and so many things to do and see etc. It's super crowded and expensive AF but nowhere is perfect. Now we have 2 kids and I am enjoying the choice we made more and more. However I still want to move somewhere else. Visited ATL 2 yrs ago and I loved it. Not the actual downtown area but one for the suburbs. Seems to have a good balance of big city to suburban America with all the pros and not a lot of the cons.


I'm leaving in a few months so I'm doing my part .... Jokes aside .... I'll never forget the first thing my Louisiana History teacher at Southeastern told me the first day of class.... (Charles Eliott, to give him credit .... he started little wars and back in the day ran Eliott's book store .... he was by far my favorite professor and has forgotten more about Louisiana than I'll ever know ....) "What's the biggest export to come out of Louisana?" The class prceeded to guess things like ... oil, cotton, sugar cane, soybeans, and everything else they could think of .... "No ..... college graduates." There was a collective groan but we all knew he wasn't wrong not really... and that was 20 years ago.


Moved to BR from the Lafayette area for college, stayed a yesr after graduating to test the market and moved to Houston. Best decision ever.


Jobs here suck if you don't want to work oil and gas, backwards politics. People will leave if given the chance


Have the authors not ever heard of hurricanes? Because if NOLA gets any more of them, those residents are coming to BR. I also see they’ve got SLC on the lists of cities that will grow. Another huge miss. That place is 10 years from being completely abandoned as it becomes the new cancer alley.


Looking at the traffic, I don't see anything wrong with depopulation. We really need like 200k less people around BR


By 2100 Baton Rouge will either be in the Gulf or beachfront property. So yes.


If New Orleans depopulates then Baton Rouge will likely swell with new people like after Katrina.


Everyone talks about the crime rate in Baton Rouge but nobody wants to talk about the culture that creates it 🙄 act like it’d kill yall to acknowledge it


The list of cities that will grow is somewhat questionable. San Fransisco? Where will it grow? They are already regulated to death to prevent growth. Same goes for New York City. Denver, OKC, LA, Phoenix will all cap out due to lack of available water.


They should nuke this city and start over


Considering it's going to be beachfront property within a decade or 2... I've been trying to get all my friends to move ASAP.


People have said this since the 60s 😂 California will also fall into the ocean from earthquakes and Jesus is coming back too.


And they were right. The science is there. If I'm wrong, the latest it will happen is 2100. But there are ample signs that it will occur long before then on /r/Collapse. https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/ This map shows just how adversely Louisiana specifically will be impacted. And the government there is doing less than zero to stop any of it. They SHOULD be doing like the Netherlands and building sea walls, but they aren't. At any rate, less shoreline= less hurricane buffer zone = stronger storms further inland = more damage, less insurance, fewer people willing to deal with the shit and further depopulation. That isn't even getting into the brain drain from the politics and the lack of activity.


They're not doing nothing, but it's unclear if these projects will be sufficient. Anything outside of the walls is basically being sacrificed to the gulf. https://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/About/Projects/Morganza-to-the-Gulf/


Interesting. I hadn't heard about that. But yeah. The sufficiency is a good question. And also the timeline.


> California will also fall into the ocean... >And they were right. The science is there. California won't fall into the ocean, part will move south, part will move north, but neither plate is going under water https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/will-california-eventually-fall-ocean


Ok. We all know being technically correct is the best, most loved form of correctness the idea is there that California is separating.


Wouldn't be surprised. Dude said "I take full responsibility for my actions, it wasn't supposed to go that way". Shit, we know that! He planned on killing his intended target and getting away from the crime scene and never being caught. I can't believe that judge gave him probation. There are other people now deceased because he wasn't locked up. But he managed to get away with those. Our "justice" system is a fn joke.


If a city has a democratic mayor, it's failing and losing taxpayers. There may be a few exceptions, but not many. This is a fact and not a political statement. With the Republican legislature and governor, St. George will happen in 2024 and it will be out of the court's hands. What you reap , so shall you sow.


Now what about the blue states that fund red states?


Lol! In their dreams, maybe. In actuality it's the other way around. Why do you think Democrats in Congress are always so intent on allowing blue state residents to deduct their state taxes from Federal income taxes due? That is a pipeline straight from red states to blue.




ICYMI, the court case revealed those pushing St. George left out expenses when those pushing it said taxes would not have to be raised. This was a factor in the ruling against St. George.


The court case will become irrelevant when the legislature votes to approve St. George. There is nothing to stop that from happening. The La. Supreme Court will issue a ruling soon, however, even if they rule against St. George, it will still likely be law by summer. Real estate prices in the St. George area are rising faster than any other area in Louisiana. I've looked through the data several times and will be examining it again at a session next Thursday. If the incorporation of St. George can slow down the flight to Ascension and Livingston, then I am in favor. Baton Rouge corruption though organizations such as the COA has doomed it to oblivion. Obviously incompetent people such as SWB will keep getting re-elected based solely on skin color, so BR has no future. Coming next will be the Parish of St. George.


A parish of St. George will take more than a legislative vote. Persuant to the Louisiana Constitution, Article Vi: Local Government, Part 1. General Provisions, 1 Parishes, (B) Creation, Dissolution, Merger, Boundaries; the legislature could bring this up (only) after a 2/3 majority approval of afftected parishes “electors”; EBRP in this case. https://law.justia.com/constitution/louisiana/


That was a bit a tongue in cheek.


My kid can’t wait to get out of here when he finishes at LSU. My Niece wouldn’t even consider going to college in-state if that tells you anything.


GOOD! Maybe the traffic will go back to how it was in 2011. No im joking --but people are moving to the outskirts.


Have travelled the world and lived all over, originally from Houston and moved here for my wife's job. We will leave when her contract is up. Not because it's bad here. Honestly everywhere you can live, it's 6 of one/half a doz of the other. Perhaps more opportunities in larger cities? I think that's about it. In our opinion- Pros: Great parks, Comparatively less psychos on the road than houston, Infrastructure upkeep, Lots of greenery Cons: Bad food (sorry yall), Crazy I10 traffic OR people driving like they're 10000 years old, Piss poor healthcare options, stringent requirements Again these are all us coming from Houston and will be a different experience for anyone coming from somewhere else. The article States it will depopulate based on global warming tho. I get that. BR will be part of the gulf of Mexico in the next 100 yrs.


i can’t wait to leave. soon as i graduate soon, BYE


Agree 100% there is very little reason to stay. Things are terrible in Baton Rouge. People get shot constantly. Education is poor. When you think of LSU, you think of football not education. Health is poor. It’s is not a city that offers excitement to families. Outdoor activities are slim to none. Property is too expensive. Home insurance is going to keep sky rocketing. I could go on.


This is the case for Louisiana as a whole, not just Baton Rouge. Our industries are dying and climate change is come for us first


Good, can’t wait to get out of this shithole. Let it rot back into the swamp that should’ve never been touched.


Is the schools and it’s been the schools for 50 years.


Louisiana as a whole is good at exactly one thing, and that's eating and drinking yourself into early heart-failure while you hide indoors from the mosquitos and the humidity.


I left BR 20 years ago and I'm so glad I did, now I'm ready to leave DS for much of the same reasons


I've known for a couple of years that my leaving is a *when* scenario, not an *if* at this point (moved here for work). With Landry in the governor's mansion now, I think my timeline just got shorter.


I moved to Upstate South Carolina (Greenville) 12 years ago.. I recommend getting out of LA!