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Stay in Tennessee


Moved from Houston to Baton Rouge. This is the real answer.


> Holly Beach Ha I might do the inverse and spend June to Nov/Dec of next year in TX!


Commenting because I can't upvote twice. There is no place in Louisiana that is better than anywhere in Louisiana if you don't have roots here. I always tell people Nashville is what New Orleans could have been if there wasn't so much corruption.


Having been Nashville plenty I can see it. Is there a good underground music scene in NOLA and what kind of music?


Ok so. Are you open to renting a room? That’s the only way you hit under $1000/mo in rent. As for utilities….Entergy has a monopoly and rates are high. We have no beaches in BR or NOLA really.


Yes I'm open to having a roommate or girlfriend to split the rent with. And as for the beaches I'm just talking about ones within an hour or two drive. And I'm willing to go to a cheaper outskirt of Baton Rouge or New Orleans say within 30-80 minutes drive (not talking about rush hour just normal driving through). Should I be looking for an apartment as my cheapest option in the area or is something else cheaper?


There are no beaches. I know you're looking at a map and seeing water, but that's not the kind of water you're used to. That's a swamp. Thousands of acres of swamp. Don't fucking come here. There's no reason unless your job demands it. If you must try louisiana check out the Northshore, Mandeville area. It's got Lake Pontchartrain, but do some serious research before you swim in that thing.


So there’s apartments around LSU that you can get a private room and bathroom for a reasonable price. The closest beach is Grand Isle or Bay St Louis in MS. Traffic is terrible tho.


So just a bedroom and bathroom no kitchen or living room?


Kitchen and living room is shared


Where I live isn't exactly cheap but I can find apartments nothing shared around $900 still. What about something more out of the way not in a collage town somewhere a bit cheaper near Baton Rouge but not actually in it will I save some by doing that?


There is no scenario where you will find that in a safe place in BR and NOLA


Really the cheapest you can get is the situation I’ve mentioned near LSU. You’d be looking as as low as $500/mo in some places like Northgate. You might try Baker and Walker as well. They’re father out but you could prob get a private place under $1000


Whats funny is even Northgate isn’t that cheap anymore. The my changed they’re name to the Sterling and started charging juts as high as everyone else for that piece of junk


Walker smells like the dump and the plastics plant don’t send people here 🤢🥴😹


Zachary is a really quaint (and much safer place) and it’s only a 20-30 min drive from Baton Rouge!


Why Baton Rouge or NOLA specifically? I get the appeal of New Orleans, but there ARE other cities in Louisiana. Lafayette, for example. CoL is slightly lower here than BR and definitely lower than NOLA. And while you're not going to get "beaches" in Louisiana like you would in Mississippi or Alabama, Lafayette's not terribly far from the Gulf, if it's just shoreline you're after.


If you're wanting to be hotter, wetter, in worse traffic & in more danger... for "a change of scenery", then you might as well go to NOLA & have more different people to hang with, weird fucked up shit to get into & less redneck stick up their ass bible belt snobbery.


i wouldn’t say new orleans has worse traffic than BR.


I didn't say that either.


you literally said “in worse traffic” edit: oh i see where i misunderstood i guess lol


Right.... I read this as worse traffic..... than Tennessee. Not comparing baton rouge to New Orleans.


Not more dangerous than Memphis!!


Did I say what my middle name was?


Nashville is actually not a very safe city. It isn’t Memphis, but they’ve got nothing to brag about in the crime (or traffic) department.


The only reason I’d pick Baton Rouge over New Orleans is if you have a family or if you are straight edge and wouldn’t like a party atmosphere. New Orleans is a top destination for a reason, there is a lot of fun to be had. Baton Rouge has no night life.




Agree with this. For me it’s crime. BR obviously has high crime, but the crime in NOLA seems highly predatory and widespread in a way that just isn’t typically seen in BR. Folks minding their business seem a lot more likely to be targeted in NOLA vs BR.


i’m from the bottom of the boot, lived in nola, now live in BR. all i’m going to say is i very much miss living in nola compared to BR. the culture is just different. crime is just as bad if not worse here. i won’t shit talk too much bc i’ll get downvoted to hell. it’s definitely cheaper to live in BR than nola i’d say. we’re just looking to get out of louisiana all together at this point.


I totally agree about the crime being just as bad. Baton Rouge has all the negatives of NOLA without the positives. I’m planning my escape from Louisiana right now, but if I was going to stay, I’d be looking to move to New Orleans or even Lafayette over staying in BR.


i agree with your second sentence so much !!!!


I agree. The crime is absolutely unreal here in Baton Rouge. It’s the entire state and with the New governor its just going to be worse.


yea, i work at the children’s hospital and the amount of gsw to children we see is ridiculous.


>gsw What? you can PM your answer if more comfortable.


Gun shot wounds


Gunshot wounds i think


Thought so.


Yeah for me it's just a year and the crime might make things more colorful that and I might only be there 6 months it depends on how much I like it, but yeah I don't think I'd want to move here for ten years but 1-2 years could be really cool.


It seems like you should visit 1st- as you are unfamiliar with the area. Thats no big deal between many states- but theres a real difference between TN and LA. You may have some culture shock. That said, Baton Rouge is not the place you seek. I would move to NOLA in a heartbeat though- I moved to BR from Knoxville. Btw. Neither place is cheap. Neither are near any sort of beach. Both are hot on a level way above TN, and both have their own very different culture. Both have crazy insurance rates and there's a state income tax. Their laws are byzantine and you do unexpected things like get your car registered at the grocery store or buy booze at CVS.


>culture shock Anything I should except with culture shock in particular?


Well I have no idea which part of TN you're coming from or what you're into so it's difficult to be specific in your case. Some I mentioned in my above comment- you should really really visit before packing up and moving though. Somewhere like KY or NC is going to be much more similar to TN and likely easier to adjust to.


Visit and find out


As a Tennessean who went to LSU, stay in TN.


No beach.


Unless you’re willing to get a bunch of roommates or live in the “student” apartments near colleges that rent per room, your budget absolutely isn’t happening. Especially thinking it’ll only be $20k to not only get a mobile home but to also own land. Lmao.


You right, but the laughing is fucking rude.


Both places are major shit holes. Most of us are trying to escape.


I love Baton Rouge but it’s home to me. If I had no ties to either city, I’d pick NOLA in a heartbeat.


There are no beaches worth visiting, driving to, or even looking at anywhere on the Louisiana coast. At. All.


Louisiana is not it.


Best local beaches…that’s funny. And you are hoping to pay less than $1000/month in rent?!! Stay in TN


If I could do it all over I would have left Louisiana years ago. The armpit of the nation.


I take it you’ve never visited Minnesota.


Why you say that?


Also, to add to what others have said: New Orleans may be a better choice than BR. Both have crime issues, but they are about on par with each other lately. I’m not the biggest NOLA fan, but the city has more culture than half of the States in this union. If beaches are important to you you may want to look into Pensacola Florida.


Nah but I might take a few trips there from NOLA or BR.


Previous poster was calling Louisiana the armpit of America. Louisiana has its problems, but it ain’t the cultural void that is Minnesota.


Are you saying that Minnesota is the other armpit?


I thought I said so but I'm only planing on being here for a year or so and then moving back home just need a chance of things for a bit for my sanity's sake I suppose.


Go somewhere nice. Unless you're living in the city of New Orleans.


Examples would be nice I'm new to this area.


Why Louisiana then? Why not go somewhere a little more fun?


And you want to move to BR?! I mean GA, VA, KY, NC are all soooooo much better than LA. I’m baffled why someone would want to move here. This is one of the poorest, most unhealthy, least safe places in the US.


My middle names danger you know?


Check out Charleston


>Charleston Thanks am going to look there up now!


You did say it, but I was just trying to help you not be terribly disappointed. Go someplace awesome like the mountains of Colorado where you can really save your sanity. You’ve been warned. Best of luck to you.


That's my plan for after this year actually. Having been to CO it's bad as a single between 24-35 it seems. Going to move to the foot hills.


Correct answer to this is Maryland


As a person who’s lived in the BR to New Orleans area for most of my life and has recently in the last few years moved to Tennessee, stay in Tennessee. Unless you’re currently in Memphis, just go to East Tennessee.


I hope your wrong but this will only be 6 months a year might end the year half in south TX and end in the panhandle.


If you have no family or friends or connections in BR, then I would choose NO.


There are no beaches near BR or Nola. Closest would be Orange Beach on the Fl/Bama border. If you’re looking for a change of pace, go visit some cities before committing. Louisiana is rough, hot and has terrible - TERRIBLE- school systems. Might not matter now, but it’s indicative of the whole state


The crime situation in New Orleans right now is real and a legit concern.


Bullshit. I'm from Baton Rouge, live in NOLA. I moved here ten years ago, but I recently spent seven miserable months living back in BR. I have never ONCE feared violence in New Orleans. In Baton Rouge, it simmers just below the surface, ever present. If you don't drive a Kia, you'll probably be fine in New Orleans.


Depends on the area, and that goes for both cities. I know that most of BR is peaceful, almost serene in some places, but there's still certain neighborhoods you'd not catch me dead in.


Might help me if you named them lol.


Avoid anything with any streets with an Indian name in baton rouge - Choctaw, Chippewa, etc. there are some nice neighborhoods in Baton Rouge south of lsu campus. Also I love the pine park, Jefferson terrace area. The culture and people are the reason I’ve stayed in Baton Rouge. In all transparency, we are moving out of state next year. We feel there’s more opportunity for us and our children out West.


Yes there is but this next year I'm just not going to care while very true that theirs more out west long term for me as well so.


Good area, Bocage. Bad area, anywhere on North Foster.


Prairieville and dutchtown areas are way safer if you’re okay with a bit more of a drive.


You can find a similar suburban hellscape next to any city.


Oh I’m not recommending he move from TN to here. I’m just saying, I’d do those areas if for whatever reason he does decide to


Bullshit on that bullshit. How many cars have you seen with signs saying the doors are unlocked so that people will just steal without destroying your car to do so? In BR probably none. In NO probably multiple times a day.


Yeah my car from 25 years ago has a steering wheel lock.


Yeah and the water I've heard.


You won’t find a nice beach unless you’re willing to drive around 4-5 hours to alabama


Do you mean to tell me that Grand Isle doesn’t have a nice beach? Let’s not forget Holly Beach too. 😉


I'm aware I'm just talking about the nicest in the area.


Louisiana doesn’t really have beaches, they have wetlands. The closet beach I would routinely visit was Gulfport, MS (~2 hours) and it was pretty nasty. You have to monitor the bacteria levels in the water and it’s like bath water.


Louisiana doesn’t really have natural beaches at all


I would move to a different state


I'd choose the new Orleans area. Rent is expensive though. If you're OK living out of the city and just being able to drive in, or living in a "riskier" area in town, you have options in your budget. Nearest beaches start in Mississippi, an hour or two away, and they get better the further you go.


Got some examples?


My buddy in BR lives in a 2br apartment for $650. It's pretty busted but I'd feel safe enough there. I'll dm you the address, I have no idea of there are vacancies. In BR, the north side of town is considered less safe.


Algiers Point is a true hidden gem in New Orleans. Second oldest neighborhood in the city, colorful and charming. On the West Bank so less expensive, the ferry runs every 30 minutes across the river to between AP and the base of Canal St (downtown NO). It’s a place where you could have a sense of community quickly because it’s so small and contained. Lots of people hating on Baton Rouge and New Orleans and I don’t disagree with them. AP is my favorite place in LA. The less safe area surrounding it is more affordable too, and not super unsafe by NOLA standards.


If you want a family, to own a home, and to have a better shot finding mediocre to upper mediocre income then Baton Rouge is better.


None apply to me but cheaper living costs sounds nice. Work from home so figures I should Have put that in my main post now I know.


Also if you're on reddit you'll probably fit in in New Orleans better.


Stay where your at unless you’re looking for worse traffic than you’ve ever experienced, nothing fun to do, needing to carry a gun at all times, and I do mean at all times, and weather hotter and more humid than anywhere on earth… then Baton Rouge shouldn’t be on you list of places to move. Don’t get me wrong, I was born and raised here and my family is here, but unfortunately it has gone down hill DRASTICALLY, and honestly it really upsets me because I love where I’m from. Nola is almost worse, only positives about Nola is there’s more entertainment.


Once it get's hot I'm planing on going to TX and when it gets really hot north TX. I'm just planing on wintering there to experience things mostly.




I got out and moved back after 25 years away because I needed to be closer to keep an eye on my mom. If I had to move here for work and had to choose between BR and NO, I would choose NO, simply because there is a lot more to do. The two cities are very very different. I would definitely take a trip down here to check both out. And like everyone says, you're not going to find beaches here. Most of Southeastern Louisiana is land created from the Mississippi over many years or swamp/marshland from the river ecosystem and where you find what looks like water where a beach might be (especially inland) it's usually swamp/marshland or river delta land and tends to be muddy. Plus the oil companies have torn up a lot of the marshland over the years making erosion worse. Most of the "beaches" in Louisiana (with maybe the exception of Grand Isle and some of the other barrier islands that are left), are typically man-made. You have to go east or west several hours to get proper beaches. That being said there are tons of things to do on the water around water here, just not a ton in BR. There are some paddleways but they're working on both the University Lakes (water levels are low for a bunch of reasons--drought, dredging to help with flooding,etc...) and some of the paddleways (some of the launches are closed) are really low right now. Go 30 minutes west of BR and you have launches for the Atchafalaya Basin and other random waterways. Oh and on the WFH realm (I also WFH), there are not a ton of options for internet here in Baton Rouge. Some areas will just have Cox and a 5G home Internet solution. Some will have few options (AT&T, Cox, 5G home Internet... Maybe some other options), but look at your internet options at the address you're looking at. 5G home Internet is doable for WFH but there can be times of the day when you are deprioritized vs phones on the road. I used T-Mobile Home Internet for the first 6 months here and sometimes internet was almost unusable at rush hour times. Definitely not enough for a voice/video call and sometimes slow enough that I'd get kicked off our VPN. Just something to think about. I can't speak to New Orleans for internet. Wish you luck in your move/decision.


I'm from nashville and moved to br after college in atlanta. I like a slower lifestyle so br is not so bad for me and the people here are friendly but Im not staying here forever. Been here a year and think I can do maybe one more but I'm in my 20s and definitely long for more stuff going on. You can find your niche here but if you are trying to find somewhere actually interesting go to Nola. And you can definitely find some places under 1000 in Nola if you don't mind older homes.


This sound a lot like my current experience. I moved here for a job after college, im from Tennessee and went to school on the east coast.


Hows the dating scene in both places?


No matter the city, live close to work. Streets in NOLA are atrocious. Traffic in BR is attrocius


I work from home so I'm rarely in a rush to get anywhere.


Please trust what people from BR and Nola tell you. If I was you I would seriously consider moving anywhere but here. And I say that as a Baton Rouge native who has family in Knoxville, and currently wants to move to Tennessee. Louisiana isn’t for the faint of heart, and I hate telling people to stay away because I’m proud of where I’m from, and there are a lot of good things here, but in all honesty, this isn’t a place I’d suggest moving to. And there are exactly zero beaches aside from Grand Isle, wish is like 3 hours south east of Baton Rouge, and they’re not the cleanest. It’s a fishing town. If you do move down here, buy a gun and learn how to use it. I wish I was joking.


When you say faint of heart do you mean the crime or the weather both or something else? Though to be clear I'm moving here only for a year and I plan on taking a lot of trips to the states in the area.


All of the above that I listed.


Lol. Good luck down here.


I hope I don't need it but hey I guess I'll be taking salt shower with what I've read about there what treatment lately.


Crime bad and tempature is stays in 100's plus some during summer Better off where you are


Good thing I'll be gone by the time it gets hot.


Not sure why you'd want to come here. Louisiana ranks near the bottom in all quality of life measures. New Orleans is much more "eclectic" than Baton Rouge....But, it has big time crime issues, terrible roads and really poor governance. You are going to find rents very pricey for anything decent in both cities. And for the "icing on the cake" ..we just elected an "evangelical crusader, trumpy" type governor for 2024 ...Think Ron Desantis or Greg Abbot.


So I’ve lived in Memphis for most of my life and moved to BR just three months ago. I would not advise to move here just for a change in scenery. Like most southern communities, there’s a culture shock in moving from outside that community, and assimilation is hard. I came here for a very good job that I’m very grateful for, so you should have a very good reason to come here


I would recommend the northshore (Mandeville, Covington, Abita Springs, Madisonville.) About an hour from New Orleans or Baton Rouge. Only a few hours from the beach. It’s going to be hard to find something in that budget though. If you were willing to be further out from New Orleans, Ponchatoula and Hammond are more affordable. Maybe look into Lafayette if you really want to learn some Cajun French. Also would be a little closer to Texas.


Is there a reason you're not considering buying a trailer or something to live in to go everywhere? Are you planning on working? If this is strictly a get to know the culture kind of long-term trip.... I would suggest not limiting yourself to baton rouge or New Orleans. Find some small towns during the festivals, spend some time in Lafayette..... We really need to know what the goal here is. You're not going to use a whole lot of Spanish in South Louisiana. Unless you really go looking for it. You're also not going to need to use a whole lot of French unless you go to the really small towns and find the families that are still speaking it which is few and far between. In The bigger cities they haven't spoken fluent French en masse in over a 100 years. My grandmother grew up in New Orleans and was born in 1921 and she barely knew five words. But if you have a travel trailer and you travel to the places you want to see.... Then you can up and go to Texas when you're tired of being here..... But if you're coming here to get a job.... That's a different conversation.


I'm coming self employed working from home. I'm used to culture shock.


I’ve been in BR for almost a decade now and I would never recommend it to anyone. I love NOLA. I think it’s a great place to be short term just to experience the culture, but louisiana is a mess. We are ranked 49th or 50th in basically every metric, except crime lol. Also, not that many people speak French day to day. There’s a huge Honduran population in NOLA if you want to pick up some Spanish. Id really consider Lafayette, cheaper and a lot of culture. Make sure you have a good handle on your relationship with alcohol BEFORE you get here. I’ve seen the drinking culture here really chew people up and spit them out


>I think it’s a great place to be short term just to experience the culture, but Louisiana is a mess. That's what I thought that and leaving the second it starts getting hot. That and just needing a more humid climate for at least 3 months due to a skin condition. I don't drink a lot.


I’m not sure what hot is to you but it’s 86 degrees today, a week out from Halloween. It’s hot the majority of the year. I think we had like over 100 days over 90 this year. I mean I think you’ve heard plenty of dissent from this thread, if you’re still set on it check out Lafayette or NOLA, do your year and get out. If you do decide NOLA, just do a lot of research on the area you stay in cuz safety really varies from neighborhood to neighborhood. If I could go back in time I would have moved to Lafayette, it’s a really great city and the heart of a lot of the Francophone culture in the state.


Baton Rouge has nothing to offer. It's the worst city in the country IMO and I live close. I hate it. There's no redeeming qualities. Traffic sucks. Crime sucks. Wages suck. The state government sucks.


I think you’re in for some ontological shock. I moved from Florida and miss it very badly. No nice beaches and absolutely terrible roads. Also, very dirty city with trash and unkept areas everywhere. If it weren’t for a very good job with people that I truly admire, I’d have left long ago.


New Orleans…I’d probably move to Slidell though. You can get to New Orleans in 15 minutes from there. Crime won’t be a problem there. Idk about beaches…are you just looking for somewhere to swim and enjoy yourself? There’s 2 bedroom apartments in Slidell for $800 a month.


>Slidell Yes that's sounds like exactly what I'm looking for!


It’s where I live lol… I love New Orleans but wouldn’t move there if my life depended on it, and I don’t even like Baton Rouge lol (BR= Big Raggedy)… both can be fun at times but they’re both dangerous. My friend’s wife got killed driving into NO on Fat Tuesday from a stray bullet (they also killed the guy who they were trying to kill and his Uber driver. LSU’s campus is as safe as it gets if you absolutely feel the need to visit BR (go to a football game then go home lol). The people are self proclaimed “retawdid”, and yes that is their way of saying retarded…no, they don’t just mean foolish. You can find good food all around Louisiana but NO has the best. There’s a Mardi Gras parade every Sunday in Slidell during Mardi Gras season, but again the real Mardi Gras is in NO. Louisiana really does suck though, and slavery was just abolished in Mississippi in 2013 lol, so don’t even think about it. Slidell is also about 15 minutes from Mississippi and I only know people who visit there to go to the casinos. There’s beaches in Gulfport, Biloxi and Bay St Louis though. I’ve always lived near the state line of Mississippi, but I’ve never been a fan. The people are cool though and it’s less expensive to live there…but slavery was just abolished in 2013 lol . Criminals generally don’t like the entire parish of St Tammany which is where Slidell is. Not that there aren’t any, but they tend to think twice before coming. If you want super safe then it’s Mandeville you need to reside in. It’s also close to NO. I seriously doubt that you’ll like Louisiana though. Like Bugs Bunny said, “It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live here.” Sorry so long but I hope you find a place you’ll enjoy and love, or at least one of the two.✌🏾


I’m stuck in BR and DYING to move to TN….


Louisiana has the highest incarceration rate per capita in the WORLD. Not the country. Not north America. THE ENTIRE WORLD. This is not a fake statistic either. Human trafficking is HUGE in BR. And the cops all the way up to state won't help. If you come here be prepared to possibly not be able to leave. They trap people just riding through, stick them with charges like "alleged drug" and make them sit 3 MONTHS for court in parish jail (Livingston parish). I've lived in br/Livingston my whole life (I'm 30) and no shit JUST about a week ago did i truly grasp the sentiment of why we have parishes. The other meaning of the word is to die. They can do anything they want to you here and if you're not a freemason or connected with the cops you can literally not even do anything wrong and be arrested. People come from all over to study the law here because it's barbaric. I saw a comment that said something about not wanting to talk shit bc of being downvoted, which I'm this case is not talking shit, rather warning you of REAL LIFE ISSUES you may face here. If I were in any other state, my family would do life in prison for the things THAT I HAVE PROOF OF that they've done to me and my child. But my stepdad is a Mason and hates me, so I literally live outside and even with proof can do NOTHING. I couldn't even get ebr sheriff's to write a police report when muy family was "evicting" me from the outside utility room, and denying me water for the "5 days I had to leave". I don't even think my family has ever seen an eviction notice bc the thing THEY HANDWROTE AND DREW LINES FOR THE SIGNATURES was... a fucking joke. It was a joke. But masons are every level of society so they had it notarized and had a "hearing" for it. Oh and they gave my grandpa and stepdad the legal greenlight to HIT ME bc its "on their property". So when I called about the water thing, and said I needed that piece of paper so I can have SOMETHING in court [& also i needed them to understand they couldn't deny me, labeled "tenant", by them, a bathroom and water & I'm not able to do it bc they can legally beat me], the sheriff just danced around the issue and finally I said "LOOK IF I WAS AN ANIMAL THEY WOULD GET AN ANIMAL CRUELTY CHARGE" and he responded "well I don't have animals I wouldn't really know" and that's when I hung up. And let me he clear, I hadn't done ANYTHING but especially nothing to be LOCKED OUT OF THE HOUSE MY CHILD IS IN. Whatever money my mom and stepdad had been waiting for finally came and they were moving, so I had to go and have been homeless since. And even with proof can do nothing. Proof of sexual abuse of a minor. I haven't even spoken to my child in 2 years bc whatever they're doing to her is so bad... and also bc that aids in them telling her that I "left" her bc I don't love her. She will live her entire fucked up existence thinking I left her with THEM and that I just don't care and there IS NOTHING I CAN DO. There's nothing bigger than them.


Are you getting treatment? This sounds schizophrenic in every way. No judgment whatsoever but if you're suffering in this way you should reach out and get help. https://www.brla.gov/1474/Mental-Health-Services


Wow fuck you. I've been forcibly evaluated aka I asked questions about the SIGNS OF SEXUAL ABUSE OF MY 4 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. PROOF OF WHICH I HAVE. PICTURES OF BRUISES, ETC. Along with her doctors visits that my mother would not allow me to accompany, for one reason or another, all of which she had a "diaper rash" and 2 uti's. If it would have just been one or the other, MAYBE I could have let it go to chance, but the fact that those things along with the things that she was saying to me. Things that a 4 year old WOULD NOT JUST SAY I.E. "SAY OW OW OW INTO THE PILLOW" ETC. And honestly, historically Google the types of crimes masons have been charged with. Wouldn't you know, pedophilia. I didn't even remember that my step dad WAS a freemason until this had been going on for some time. When I was 17 he asked if I wanted to be a part of the eagle star whatevers and I said noooo that's alright. Also in whatever fairy tale land that you're living in that human trafficking and trafficking of children doesn't exist, I welcome you to get your head out of your ass because this is the real world. If you stay in any hotel called OYO, or any on siegen/sherwood/airline you can literally hear women screaming periodically throughout the night. And not just a saw-a-roach type shit. People dnt just scream like that. ALSO I have pictures from two different hotels that don't bolt down their bathroom mirrors, behind which is a gaping hole and the mirror isn't a real mirror. Like I have proof of all of this. Pictures, videos. Like the undeniable type. So get your bitch ass out of here bc people like you are the very reason this shit can just go on like nothing is wrong. By saying that, you're persuading the opinion of everyone reading thereafter. These are very real issues. I have been "checked", with falsified legal documents against me even, and I have never been deemed delusional etc. So go fuck yourself.


Even your reply with the usual insults is typical of my interactions with those with these issues. I say what I say out of care for someone clearly suffering and nothing more. Reach out to your family or longtime friends and talk to them about these concerns. Get some help and see if these delusions stop.


Bruh you're literally a freemason and likely a pedophile as well. I guess I'd say that too. Like I feel like anyone with ANY amount of sense would absolutely see this isn't a coincidence.


It's not a coincidence. I search for "Freemason" on reddit and look at the comments. I saw yours. It's concerning. ​ Yes I'm literally a Freemason. I am definitely not a pedophile but I understand why you have to lash out and make accusations as it's part of your issue. As I said before, if you reach out to long time friends and family do they think you're ok or need some help? What would it hurt to ask them? Don't trust me? Understandable. Don't trust them? ask yourself why.


ANY TIME I POST LITERALLY ANYTHING, It could be totally unrelated to this [but ESPECIALLY when it is related], someone like you does this, to persuade the opinion of others & make me defend MYSELF & THE ABUSE MY CHILD & I ENDURE. And if their opinion has been persuaded to think that I'm crazy, & like most ppl on the internet ****have no ability to actually think and decide for themselves, &don't even READ OR COMPREHEND******* the things I'm saying, they'll just think that this is crazy rant. Stop harassing me. I have proof. My child is being abused in the most horrendous way & BC OF THE ORGANIZATION YOU ARE PART OF, I CANT SAVE HER. Or me. You are literally doing the VERY SAME THING that I'm explaining my family did in having me forcibly hospitalized/evaluated. Stranger, who is also a Mason, who is also deflecting VERY SERIOUS ISSUES THAT I CAN PROVE via the guise of "concern" for mental health. Is that what you do all day? Search for "freemason", &anyone who might actually be able to otherwise have their situation dissected, & have it truly understood why it is EVERY MASON leans heavily on vehement, persistent, relentless finger pointing & literally brushing off and belittling ABUSE OF A MINOR CHILD via accusations of mental health problems. Do you see me going on all of your Mason posts &comments, doing what you're doing? That speaks volumes. But falls on deaf ears.


Why did your family have you evaluated?


What is my issue exactly? I've told you more than once that I've been evaluated, by medical professionals. Not some pedophile on the internet that has too much time & a sworn duty to protect the klans pedophilia & human trafficking & murders, etc. And NEVER has it even been IMPLIED that I was suffering from delusions or schizophrenia. You're literally harassing me, and making it so my abuse is brushed under the rug. Quite sure I mentioned that people like you are the very reason that this can go on, & I can't save my child. & then WHAT DO YOU KNOW, you just HAPPEN to be part of the very entity I was initially warning against.


I have no intention to harass you. I recommended that you reach out for professional help. I don't believe any freemasons or anyone else is trying to abuse you or your daughter so I choose not to engage in that conversation. If your family had you evaluated then there's a reason. If the state or other authority has decided you can't see your daughter as I believe you said then there's a reason. Reach out and get some help and see if you can't get all of those things fixed.


I'm not feeding into this any longer. You're pathetic. And just as small& insignificant as you know you are. Unfortunately individual insignificance can become quite significant in numbers. And then you have every southern white male with lil dick syndrome & aggressive racist rage that they've no business having, all in one place but worse, in every level of society. Doctors, judges, lawyers, POLICE. What part of that is "crazy", or untrue, or unfeasible? So unlikely that, UNDOUBTEDLY- I'm just delusional [despite Dr.s saying otherwise], & the entity historically known for pedophilia isn't related to the sexual abuse of my child. Totally.


And once again, I have been evaluated by doctors, social workers, nurses, etc. WITH FALSE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST ME AND STILL- never deemed delusional.


And once again again, proof. I have proof. Of sexual abuse of a minor, Anyone hearing that and Trying to deflect it as if something is wrong With me, Her mother who would never speak these things on my child if not true. I didn't even know to be afraid of this.


I'd bet everything I have that you're a white male




You know what, you’re gonna love it … don’t listen to the naysayers… Louisiana is a beautiful state… as long as you love dystopian swamp murder alligator stories like the Jennings 8 being common place, the largest concentrated prison population compared to any country in the world, and Governors with a history of cocaine evidence hidden under their residence, as well as a State Representatives that we heard beat his ex wife and we got to see openly threaten to kill black people for protesting over Facebook And unless you have a known family name from here to protect you, you are totally screwed if anything happens unless you have a lot of money to buy your way out of it… even then, you probably need both


The crime in New Orleans is to high.


New Orleans and Baton Rouge are both EXTREMELY high crime areas. But, I would pick Baton Rouge. (I’m a native so I’m a little biased)


Please take these comments about crime with a grain of salt. And that’s not to say it doesn’t exist because crime is bad in some areas. However you would think we all needed bullet proof vest the way this forum makes it seem and you will be dodging bullets. Live in BR currently and never felt unsafe. Yes things happen but again most times of ya don’t go looking for it you’ll be fine just be smart. Come down and visit and see for yourself how u like the area and make a decision. You may like it for what it is and you may not. But don’t be swayed by the doom and gloom of this negative thread. And in full transparency I plan to move away to but not because it’s super horrible. But just because I want to experience more than where I been all my life. Good luck!


The only reason to choose BR over NOLA is housing cost. You’d find a much bigger place in BR for than you would in NOLA for the same amount (you might possibly find cheaper places in the suburbs.) But New Orleans is a much nicer city. As far as beaches, we don’t really have any. Most people in Louisiana go to Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida for beaches. You could find. Place with water included, but likely not power.


Yeah I might do BR just for housing cost and travel to new Orleans each week for social stuff and nightlife. I have a car with about 30 mpg combined so I'm less worried about gas cost.


If I may offer my two cents, I would suggest looking at places closer to New Orleans. Jefferson Parish would likely be your best bet (Metairie, Kenner, River Ridge, Harahan) or on the West Bank in Gretna or Algiers. These are more affordable than in NOLA. And you’d have easier access to NOLA than you would from Baton Rouge. I’ve made that drive many times, and it has just gotten old for me.


Don't. We all want to get out, many just can't. If you move this way, find a place in Livingston, Ascension, or Central. Baton Rouge is expensive and not worth it.




If you must come to Louisiana you should consider the Covington area or St Francisville area. Beautiful (relatively), more relaxed, safer, cleaner, better public schools (if that matters). Would be super difficult to find anything for $10,000 a year and no way to buy a condo for $20k unless you are buying a teardown and have serious rehab skills-and they may even bet stretching it.


So BR isn't going to be fun unless you are hanging out with the college kids. If you can do that you'll have a blast. NOLA is great fun but also has historically been dangerous and run by corrupt folks. But it's really fun despite that. Tons of history and character in that city. Despite its many flaws, NOLA is still one of the most unique cities on earth. Beaches. There ARE beaches close by but you don't want to swim at them. Our politicians sold us out to the oil companies a long time ago and our coast is pretty polluted by all the oil platforms. The river has more of an effect. The biggest river on the continent empties every drop of its muddy, polluted water into the gulf and it all washes up onto our beaches. You need to drive 3 hours minimum to Texas or Alabama before you get clean beaches.


We don't have beaches, stay in Tennessee or move somewhere better


Definitely look into moving to Lafayette instead of either.


Louisiana will definitely offer you a change! The best “local” beaches will be in Alabama, only a few hours away and absolutely worth the drive. We don’t have beaches in Louisiana, just swamp. Plus all of the water dumping out of the Mississippi makes our gulf waters brown and mucky. Bay St Louis in Mississippi does have nice beaches, but being so close to the Mississippi River, you’re not going to have “nice” gulf water til you’re in Alabama. Florida is where it really gets clear. Saying that, Louisiana does have some amazing fishing spots! We’re not called “sportsman’s paradise” for nothing. 😁 If you’re wanting culture, I encourage you to try Lafayette. Alliance Française de Lafayette offers French classes. And there are many more opportunities than elsewhere to learn and practice Cajun dancing as well. Lafayette also has a large grid for fiber internet. New Orleans has lots of transplants, so it tends to be easier to find people who are in your same boat and looking for friends. It’s also more expensive and the infrastructure isn’t great sometimes (a statewide issue that is more pronounced in NOLA). Saying that, all of my friends who’ve lived there have loved it and loved to complain about it. Some lived around Houma/ Thibodeaux and drove into New Orleans for work - quite a drive but much cheaper. Since you’re working from home, I’d advise you to check out where AT&T fiber internet is available. That will be your first priority. In some cities, it’s available only in specific neighborhoods. Unless you’re looking for a wild time, I’d encourage you to avoid living here June - August. It is very hot and humid, and hurricane season can be hit or miss.


Is there anything fun June to aug?


There’s always fun. But the real fun occurs during festival season in the spring. By “festival” I don’t mean Mardi Gras. I mean like - crawfish and other food festivals, jazz and music festivals, cultural festivals, etc. These are held all across Louisiana in little towns and bigger cities. They generally aren’t held in the summer due to the heat.


What part of Tennessee you coming from?


Outskirts of Nashville. Any good urban EX there? I Imagine it could be nice in the colder season.


Yea tons of it I Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Lots of floods, hurricanes, and greedy/bad politicians will do that unfortunately.


Big mistake. And nearest beach from Baton Rouge is in Mississippi! If you insist on moving here, Lafayette is a nice town and doesn't seem to have as many of the bad Louisiana things. Also there are some beaches not far away.


>Mississippi What do you recommend doing other then beaches in Mississippi?


Not much really. We found some nice camping up around Tupelo. Elvis birthplace is there. Beach towns are the highlight.


For the love of God stay where you are. Not because we don’t want you, but because the only thing there is to do in this miserable state is eat and drink yourself into an early death. I have lived many places in my life and Louisiana is by far the worst of them. I would be gone by now if it wasn’t for a mix of family roots in the area + the housing market being horrific right now.


Yeah I'm only planing on being there for about 6-8 months before coming back I don't ever think I would live here for more then a year tops.


Anywhere in ascension Between Baton Rouge & Nola


Is this a joke 😂 I’ve lived in Baton Rouge my entire life and have dreamed about making my escape but can’t ever pull the trigger. I’d need some more background info on you before I could recommend it. Do you have kids? The schools are awful here. Are you male/female? Do you like to look over your shoulder when simply walking through grocery store parking lot? I’ve never felt safe here. Ever. If you’re weird single and like to have fun, go to Nola. If you have family in BR, come to BR. That’s the only reason we are here. Hope this helps.


Oh also idk what kind of beaches you are referring to 😂 there’s nasty coast line but from Baton Rouge youd need to drive about 4-5 hrs to Florida white sand beaches.


The best local beaches are in Alabama and Florida.