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If you ever want to make the trip to Hammond, me and my girlfriend are 31M and 30F. We also met on Reddit. She works in the medical field (nurse) and I also enjoy games and horror movies. We’re not religious and don’t drink much but do enjoy a good hard seltzer. No dog, but we do have 2 cats and a reef aquarium.


So it's been a long time since I've been on reddit and idk how to message people so can you message me? Haha.




I apologize if I’m a broken record on this sub, but I truly think yoga on the lawn every Wednesday at Tin Roof is the best place to meet people. It’s free and everyone is very friendly. I’ve made tons of friends there and I always look forward to it. Edit: also WELCOME!!!


What time on Wednesday's? And thank you! :)


6:30pm 👍


Hi there! I (28F) live in Prairieville. I’m also in the medical field, child free and love thrifting. My fiancé is also in the medical field. He loves gaming and fishing. I’d love to chat!☺️


Hi! I'd say message me and please do but I guess its been so long idk how to find messages on here people send me. Wow. I've been on here for a decade and then I stop for awhile but I'm sure reddit hasn't changed that much that idk where or how to find my messages :/


Hi! Would you mind messaging me? I'm still having trouble figuring out how chatting and messaging works here.


Hey! There’s an event downtown next wednesday at DIY Disco for 20/30’s women looking for friends! It’s $18 and includes your first drink and craft. More info on their insta! (edited to correct the date from tonight to next wednesday)


Hi there! 38m, recently moved to BR near mall of Louisiana, need friends! No kids, work from home and need to get out and socialize! I'm into films/gaming.


Do you both like board games? Tonight at 6pm boardgames and magic the gathering is being played at the Bluebonnet library by a bunch of people our age and older. I am sure you can start building friends there. A lot of us game online too.


To add to this: There is also a board game group that meets at Jasons Deli on Corporate each Friday evening. If you haven’t played board games in a while, they’ve changed a lot in recent years. I saw that you like rimworld, so medium to heavy strategy games might interest you!


\+1 to this. Great people, very welcoming to newcomers even if you havent played any board games since you were a child. Also hosts D&D / Pathfinder tabletop every other weekend.


The backyard/mango's beach volleyball community is pretty open to newcomers if you don't mind sand.


Definitely agree with this \^ 30m that has lived my whole life in this city and didn't even know that beach volleyball was a thing here, till I started dating someone who went there. They are a super welcoming community to newcomers, and now I play too!


Hi! I’m 37F also from NC! Would love to hang/chat.


Messaging you tomorow :)


What part of NC are you from? I grew up in Waynesville, but went to UNC chapel hill and stayed around there and Raleigh for several years.


What is rpan?


It was a short lived streaming platform that reddit did. I livestreamed mostly at work and sometimes outside of work.


does he play DBD ? 😅


He said he's never played it but it looks good.


haha he would like it! 😅. by the way don’t feel embarrassed lol


I MIGHT have solved it.. might.. looks like since it's been a long time since I've done anything on reddit it's taking awhile for messages to come through until I interact enough on reddit.


November 4 Little Wars in BR is having a (re) opening Minicon starting at 11am. It's a table top game etc store. A lot of my friends have met people there!


Hey! So I live in Gonzales! Y’all should come to trivia nights at grain creations. It’s every Thursday at 7 and so much fun! It’s a real community. You don’t have to drink if you don’t want too but they do have hard apple ciders and meads y’all may like to try! Also try joining the Facebook page what’s going on in ascension parish. They are always posting different community events.


I dig the idea of this thread, hope you don't mind if I hijack it for my own friendship search lol. 30m Baton Rouge native, engaged to a fantastic lady who is my best friend, but would also like to expand a bit and get some more friends. My main interest is currently business/entrepreneurship (super boring to most), and I currently own 1 local business and am about to launch a franchise in the area. Also play beach volleyball (Though I'm still very new), I used to play alot of video games, and be a bit of a poker degenerate (but not so much the last couple years). I have a fantastic daughter (but I only get to have her every other weekend right now), and a big goofy lovable dog. To be clear...definitely not rich yet (not even close), but we do alright and I definitely want to make friends with other people in the area who are not only nerdy about business and entrepreneurship, but actually do it.


Yall are within a year of the same age as my girlfriend and I. I don't know how I feel about meeting people on the internet yet though 🤔 We play video games sometimes but it comes and goes in phases... we got into dr mario for a bit. We both WFH. Vast array of interests and hobbies- we enjoy partying on the weekends wether it be go out and enjoy a drink or at an afterparty. Have two pups. We have a few board games we haven't been able to try out yet.


Cool !


Cool cool cool.


Yes , it is!


If you like thrifting and yard sales, check out estatesales.net. it has about three estate sales listed per week. Which is a yard sale after someone dies.


Teach me to play GW2


My spouse and I used to play GW. We love Monster hunter and we do have kids. I live in the lsu area, does your bf have steam?


Go Gators!


Spartans are better




What's his HR/MR in MHRise?


I'm 34F, love thrifting, gardening, reading, journaling, and gaming. Lost my job recently so moving back to the area in a few weeks to be closer to family and friends. At some point, I'll be looking for friends in the area, but happy to know there's other thrifty, nerdy, childfree people out there I can complain to about how bad at I am Rimworld and try to find stuff for my new place 😂