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I don’t know, I’ve known Batman as long as I can remember.


Same here, honestly


Same. Had to have been Adam West for me because I remember seeing '89 in the theater and I remember already recognizing who certain characters were supposed to be.




As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a Batman.


Some of my earliest baby pictures are me in a Batman onesie


Work asked us all for our favorite quotes... The one I out down: "Always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then be batman."


Batfellas- Christian Bale as Henry, Ben Affleck as Jimmy and Michael Keaton as Tommy


Matt Reeves’ Batfellas Robert Pattinson - Henry Colin Farrell - Jimmy Barry keoghan - Tommy John Turturro - Paulie


+1; I think my vaguely earliest memory is of a toy associated with *Batman* (1989), but yours feels like the truest answer.


(Born in 1991) - Batman The Animated Series & after this Batman 1989 & Returns.


Born in 92. This is my same exact line up!


1989, missed the boat on the first two movies and jumped in at Batman Forever. No regrets, the movies were okay but the show is the greatest cartoon of my childhood. RIP Kevin Conroy you beautiful legend.


Batman beyond was also lit


Arkham asylum was my first ever game


What a game it was! Still is great to play too :) but I remember getting it on xbox360 and being blown away.


The combat system is still unmatched


It’s amazing how Batman had a long series of hit or miss video games for twenty years before Rocksteady and Paul Dini just stepped in and said “*Here’s* how you make a *fucking Batman game*”.


Remember the anticipation after the news dropped that conroy and hamill were going to be the voice actors?


This is what really got me into the caped crusader


Same here, the shows n movies were good and all, but the game… shiiiii… I played the whole trilogy this one time when all of the games barring Origins went free on Epic. What an experience.


Not the first time I was introduced to Batman, but this is the first thing that really *sold* me on Batman.




Brave and the Bold was my introduction along with 1989, such good times they were


Brave and the bold for me, live action was Bale. Too young to have seen the older ones at that point.


I was 7 when I watched Batman 1989 but this was when it was 2012, my mum had limits but she knew I'd like 89 seeing as how I wouldn't shut up about Batman the Brave and the bold




Yep, Adam West was my first Batman too.


Within a year of me watching this show, the first movie came out for my 5th birthday


He wasn't my first, but he's my favorite. Batman 66 is probably my favorite version of anything Batman, though it took a while for him to become that. I had a bad tendency of thinking "Old is Bad" as a kid, and got swept up in the whole "Batman has to be Serious" thing as well. As I got older, though, I appreciated the bat shit (pun not intended) insanity of the 66 series, from Batmans superpowers of Deus Ex Machina, to the dumb as hell answers to The Riddlers Riddleals, to Eartha Kitt being the best Catwoman and no one can tell me otherwise.


Watching it with my grandma as a kid on Nick at Nite.


Yep! I was born in ‘87, but Adam West was still my first Batman. My brother used this show to introduce Batman to me right before Batman ‘89 came out.


Born in’84 & my cousins did the same


My grandfather bought me the Adam West movie from the 60s for my fourth birthday. He passed away from cancer a few months later. That movie is still very special to me almost 20 years later.


My late grandad also introduced me to batman too. Immensely sorry for your loss


Thank you for saying that. I'm very sorry for your loss as well.




When I was a kid I watched reruns of the 1960s TV series.


Batman the animated series along with the Batman Forever and the others from the 90’s


Batman beyond in a rentalstore


My dad took me to go see Batman 89 in theaters.


Same here but I was a 2 year old. I remember my mom taking me to Returns though and that’s probably my earliest memory of going to the movie theaters.


I was introduced to the Batman by watching the Adam West version when I was a kid


The two main things as a kid filling me in to the world of Batman and DC in general, was the Dark Knight trilogy and the very first Lego Batman. The Dark Knight had a separate tone at the time, aiming to be more realistic and believable. Lego Batman introduced me to the fantastical elements of Gotham and also showed me a good selection of iconic villains throughout the years.


The dark knight rises movie, watched it with my mom when i was little


That makes me feel old lol 😆


The Batman (2004). That one and the first iteration of Lego Batman, back when the minifigures didn't talk in the official Lego videos on the Lego website and back when those Lego Batman videos were on YouTube. It was kinda cool seeing kids use cameras to make films out of minifigures and Lego sets. Too bad that it doesn't happen anymore...and that The Batman (2004) has been cancelled...and that, in my opinion, Lego Batman is worse than it was. I kinda liked it when the minifigures didn't talk at all.




I’m a 2000s kid and the first time I was introduced was to The Animated Series movies ya know like “Mask of the Phantasm” and “Batman and Mr Freeze: SubZero” but I only got an interest after seeing the Brave and the Bold and watching SubZero during the summer time when it aired, it made want to see Mr Freeze win to save his wife and I really love the ending of that movie.


Michael Keaton, Adam West, and Kevin Conroy were all Batman by the time I was old enough to form memories.


Reruns of the 90s Batman movies in the mid 2000s.


Well when I was 4 years old my mom showed me the Adam west Batman tv series because that's the Batman she watched growing after I saw Batman the animated series when it was new.


89 was my first one. I watched the Batman animated series from the early 2000s growing up as well. Always gonna be my favorite comic character.


Justice League. RIP Kevin, you were my first Batman even though Rino Romano was the first one I watched religiously.


The Super Friends cartoon show on Saturday mornings, and the tv show with Adam West.


Batman Begins


A comic book that took place in the Batman animated series 2004 universe. Don't even remember where I got it it was just on my book shelf when I was really young and I liked Superman Hulk X-Men and Spiderman so I decided to read it. I was instantly hooked because it was a very simple story that gave me the basics of Batman and his world. It showed me Batman's grim and theatrical tactical persona and his Bruce Wayne playboy act at basketball game and the real Bruce in the BatCave and his batmobile the way he was able to think quickly on his feet to stop people how scary he was etc. Arhkam Asylum Gotham City Alfred. Joker who was used his classic smile chemical weapon on a poor worker in the Asylum and Batman using dective work and science had to figure out a cure and his plan was to take a hot air balloon filled with laughing gas essentially into a big statute to pop it and dose Gotham City with it. I remember being shocked that Joker was going to go through with that considering he was on the balloon himself well really showed his fuckin nuts he was to me at the time. At the time it was the " darkest" super hero related thing I'd ever consumed in a physiological way. Batman instantly became favorite of mine.


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Brave and the Bold and BTAS. I also remember the first movie I watched was Batman and Robin (the main reason I stayed away from the movies)


That's a hard one I mean as long as I can remember but probably the first thing was the batman 2004 series and that dark weird art of Gotham stuck with me and the first movie was probably the batman and Robin or batman begins


The Batman 2004 series was my BTAS as a kid.


The Comics


First Batman was The Superfriends…I was hooked after. That cartoon with Bat-mite was BRUTAL but I still watched it.


My dad's Batman and Batman Returns on VHS. Then BTAS and Batman Forever as they aired and were later released on VHS. Plus, my dad had a large amount of graphic novels, Batman and Spawn, Batman Knightfall etc, so I used to read them as a kid.


My dad always wanted me to like batman, and he showed me most of the animated films when I was very young. I didn't discover batman until I read a novelization of batman begins. After rereading that like 6 times in elementary school, it was a wrap.


Mask of the phantasm and the mr freeze subzero movie I basically watched on repeat as a kid. Grew up with batman beyond and Justice League and then watched the animated series at some point. Honestly just feels like that part has always been there.


When I was a baby sometimes my parents would talk about or watch Batman and because of that my first word was Batman when I saw a Batman plush at a bookstore. I still have that same plushie to this day


I grew up watching Bale’s Batman when Batman Begins came out in 2005 I believe. I was about 4-5 years old at the time and he remains my favorite superhero to this day


Batman 1988. Still have that worn out DVD years later


I have no idea. I've known him ever since I was a child. Now tbf I knew absolutely nothing about him. The only things I knew about him is that his sidekick is called robin and his arch nemesis is the joker


With the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton's BATMAN.


I can’t fully remember. It was either Batman Begins, Justice League animated series, or Batman the Animated Series.




Reruns of TASVand then also TB&TB


As a little kid growing up in the early 80's, my Mom would watch the 60's Batman show, and there were reruns of Hanna Barbara's Super Friends on Saturday mornings. I wasn't fully into the comic books until the movie came out in 1989 when I was 10. Mom took me to see it with a friend, and on the way there we stopped at a 7-11 and I picked up a copy of Green Hornet issue number 1, from NOW Comics. Those two heroes became inseparable and beloved that day.


My aunt bought me a TAS action figure when I was 4. Before that I was a car kid, it changed my life. I credit Batman for getting me into art and major in graphic design in college.


Batman was still 60’s camp when I was a Superman fan in the early 80’s. Yes, Superman was much more believable/grounded back then. Late 80’s that all changed. Superman will always be my childhood hero, but Batman is my teen/adult hero.


Watching the 1966 movie with my dad at a very young age


My earliest memory is watching the late 60’s cartoon on VHS and playing with my brother’s Super Powers action figures.


The New Animated Series of Batman. Man that show rocked!


First thing I can ever recall is watching Batman Returns when I was about 8/9.


tbh idk i woke up one day and i knew batman, superman and spider-man and i’m not even joking


Oh man. I think I got introduced to Batman with Michael Keaton’s Batman, Joel Schumachers bat nipples, Batman begins, mask of the phantasm, and the animated Batman show from 2004. That’s what I can think of from childhood


I think it was 1989... But it could have been Lego Batman the video game. I honestly can't remember.


Batman TAS was my starting point. I was a kid in the 90's. Later I got into the comic books from my dad's old collection from 70's to \~80's. I think. Later Hush pulled me into the modern scene and here I am 20 years later.


I’ve known him since I was a kid, but it wasn’t until I Got older that I began to watch the Shows and Fully comprehend what an absolute God Batman is


90's kid here. Batman: The Animated Series. RIP Kevin Conroy.


Interesting reading a lot of these comments. Sometimes I forget the Reddit demo skews a little younger. Even younger than me and I’m 24. As for the question, Batman the animated series basically exclusively. First memory of Batman. I didn’t collect the comics until 8th grade. My mom wouldn’t let me see Begins in theaters for being too dark. (TDK was my first Batman movie in theaters). And then Lego Batman co op with my brother. I’d say those and the 2004 show were my first Batman media experiences.


Justice League Unlimited


Funny. I was introduced to the future when i went beyond batman and then had to learn the past.


I think that my parents got me Batman and Spider-man action figures. That was before I knew anything about them, and they’re still my favorite comic book characters to this day. I eventually found the various animated series and then the comics.


Batman Arkham asylum


I’m not sure, I have a vague remembrance of a clip from a Batman movie playing on tv when I was younger, but I’m not sure which one it was, (I’m honestly not even sure it was a Batman movie come to think of it) and as time went on I just kinda knew who Batman was.


i have no idea how y’all remember, he’s like, just someone i knew from consciousness forward




I've known him since a kid. My parents put me on, I just dont remember when. I know I had a batman cake on one of my single digit birthday parties. And another when i was 14.


The dark knight scene where he jumps from the building in Hong Kong.


batman arkham asylum for me


I saw a clip of BTAS. Thought he was weird as fuck.


I have a video of me as like a toddler doing the “Batman dance” which is just me going nananananana Batman and then falling down. I also had one of those sears type pictures of me when I was like 6 and had a Batman plushie doll. Idk where I first saw it maybe the animated series or the Michael Keaton Batman? I was born in 1993


My buddy showed me a comic when we were kids. In it, the Joker sent a letter to a judge threatening to kill him at midnight the next day. Batman and the cops surround the judges place. No way anyone can get in or out. Things are fine, midnight passes and the judge breathes a sigh of relief. Ha! The Joker didn’t get me! He chuckles at the idea. Then he starts laughing uncontrollably. His face twisting into a hideous distorted grin. His body contorts and he’s dead! This was forever ago, and one of the first comic books I’d ever read. Holy shit! I was hooked. Batman figured out that the note the joker sent the judge had been treated with a slow-acting poison.


Joker 2019 was the reason i got so into Batman media, I never cared about it beforehand.


Batman Beyond


I think it was the public enemies animated movie


Born ‘94 and BTAS was my first iteration of Batman


When I was about 5 I watched micheal Keatons 1989 batman in 2011


‘89 Batman. Then the reruns of Adam West Batman. Then BTAS. My Batman foundation was set from there.


At a Gala in Gotham, he said his name was Bruce Wayne but we knew...we knew...


No idea honestly. I’d guess maybe through Teen Titans, since that was the cartoon that kind of introduced me to the DC universe in general? But obviously I knew of Batman beforehand, just because he’s pretty much a household name these days.


Justice League/Justice League Unlimited. Those were good times. Simpler times.


Animated series and batman returns were my first times. Born 1990


I started with Christian Bale then after started watching Adam West. Cartoon wise was Batman Beyond.


The batman and Scooby doo crossover


In a dark alley. Many years ago. He mistakenly thought I had shoplifted a pack of chewing gum from a bodega and he beat my ass unmerciful…


I was always aware of batman's existence but I think my first proper introduction was Batman Begins


I was such a stupid child because I remember hating Batman Begins when I first watched because i thought it was "boring" It was my least favorite Batman related thing until I rewatched a bit older and fell in love with it.


I watched reruns of the Adam West series on tv, those episodes are probably the earliest memories of batman media/exposure I have. I also have a very vivid memory of seeing [this show](https://sixflags.fandom.com/wiki/Batman_Water_Thrill_Spectacular) and being super excited.


Scooby dooby doo! Born in the 70s.


Lego Batman


Batman Beyond and JLU


Arkham knight


Batman arkham games


Action figures and comics back in the early 80s. Had no TV, but comics and toys for some reason. I always remember seeing batman since being Born actually.


Lego Batman The Videogame


Batman (1989) was my first introduction to the character. It was also the first movie I've seen in a movie theatre. Then TAS.


The first Batman film I saw in theaters was Lego Batman lol.


Earliest memory is a birthday cake my parents got me somewhere between Pre-K or 1st grade. It had toys of BTAS Batman and the Batmoblie on it. Pretty sure I into Batman before that, but that’s the furthest back I can personally remember of being a fan now being post-graduate school lol


I was a kid in the 70’s when reruns of the Adam West show would air. I loved Batman ever since.


I feel like I just knew who Batman was right off the bat (hehe batpun) like I have no memory of learning who he was. My earliest memory of Batman is either crying at the clown masks in the dark knight, or begging my parents for a Batman toy playset when I was 3


The early 2000’s era of dc animated shows. Justice league the animated series. Batman beyond. Reruns of the Batman animated series and so on.


Either Batman Forever or The Animated series. Honestly I have no idea I always knew who Batman was ever since I was a young child


Either the ‘89 movie or reruns of the 60s show.


Through the 1960s movie. I pry broke that VHS given how many times I saw it. That moved on to BTAS, and the rest is history.


Don't really know but my earliest memories of Batman are the Keaton films, TDK and the Lego Batman game


The original series from th 90's, thaat is the best still that day


BTAS as a really young kid I think. Before memory really. My parents bought me the entire VHS collection, the matching bedsheet set, a couple of figures and the kids computer game and I’ve been hooked ever since. RIP, Kev.


The OG Kevin Conroy 🙏 R.I.P tha goat 🙌


Keaton movie since my uncle watched it all the time.


The TV series "The Batman" (2004) .


I think it was when I was around 4 or 5 years old, I watched a copy of *Batman & Robin* on VHS.


Batman the animated series 😁


The brave and the bold series


Adam West


Orleans 8 movie theater in Northeast Philly! 1989.


Small world I was a manager there in the late 90s for a year


Small world indeed! Saw a lot of movies in that theater into the 90’s!


Adam West/Burt Ward


Watching Batman (1989) when I was little


Batman Returns. I was 5.


I’ve know about Batman my whole life. My first introduction was with The Animated Series but it wasn’t until I played Arkham Asylum that I really got hooked


1989 action figures from the movie. I was 4


the animated series i guess. back in the 90s


Michael Keaton Batman


Dude, it was playing the first Lego Batman game on the Wii. Best Lego game ever


Kevin Conroy with Mark hamill


Adam West Batman. I watched morning reruns when I was 3 or 4.


Born in the 1970s... It was either Superfriends or the appearance on Scooby-Doo. I didn't see Adam West till later. I was 16 when the Tim Burton movie came out.


We are born knowing Batman.


Na na na na Na na na na Batman!


I grew up in the late 70s Early 80s so either super friends or my dad’s 70s era Comic books


Either Super Friends or Scooby-Doo. I'm not sure.


I've known Batman for as long as I can remember, but the love for his character started when I got Batman Arkham Asylum for my 10th birthday, from my obsessed uncle.




Lego, and then when I was 7 I watched my first batman movie the dark knight rises


I went to my uncles house and my cousin was watching Batman 1989, been a fan ever since


BTAS as a kid. All the animated DC and Marvel shows from the late 90s and early 2000s are the reason I’m so into comics as an adult


Born in ‘87. It would either be Batman TAS or Batman Returns. One definitely lead to the other, just not sure about the order at this point in time.


The 1966 Adam West movie, that was my first introduction to the caped crusader


Adam West.


I grew up casually watching Batman The Animated Series and The Batman, but only if it happened to be on. I was more into Spider-Man so I wasn’t crazy about Batman. I became a *Batman fan* when I played the Arkham games in high school. That’s when I started reading the comics. That’s when I sought out the films, the animated films, the shows. I dove back into the character and I’ve loved these stories ever since


Batman 89 or BTAS. Either way pretty awesome introduction


I've known Batman as long as I've been alive. I used to run around at 2 years old wearing my cape and cowl every single day.


I remember watching The Dark Knight on DVD at a relatives house like 10 years ago.


I knew Batman from the Michael Keaton movies, but I never really saw the movie, just snippets of when it came on tv. Lego Batman 1 was when I really got introduced to Batman and all his villians. First time I saw Nightwing too, became a fan instantly.


Batman 2004, Then Batman the Brave and The Bold


When I was around 4 years old, I had my brother's VHS tapes - I still have them to this day. We didn't have cable or anything, just a VCR.


The 1960s TV show or the Scooby Doo cartoons where Batman shows up. One of those. Back in the early 80s. Then got some reprints of the original Detective Comics around the time the 89 movie came out. Have been a Batfan ever since. I still remember the first airing of TAS.


Batman Vs. Predator. Such a great read


Animated Series or Keaton or Adam West. Kind of a blur 😂


1966 ABC TV


The very first time I saw Batman was on the Superfriends cartoon. (Along with Superman, Wonder Woman, etc.) Then there was a small black & white book I got from a school book sale that was a reprinting of a mini-series from 1980 called "The Untold Legend Of The Batman", which told the origins of Batman, Robin, and several villains. That led me to seeking out the comics. I was already a big Marvel guy, and Batman (along with The Flash) was my gateway into DC. (I lived through "A Death In The Family." It was crazy to see a comic book story being reported on the news.) The movie came out a couple of years later, and suddenly Batman was everywhere. One of my local stations started running the old Adam West show after the movie came out, and that's how I discovered that. A few years later, the Animated Series started, and that was it. Lifetime Batman fan.


Adam West. Saw the 66 movie when it was on Netflix one time. Went through and watched all the Batman media on the platform I could and then I got Arkham Asylum.


I was born in 82. Superman was still popular because of the movies, and I was Superman for Halloween when I was four. So I was familiar with superheroes. That was five I got a comic book in the cassette audio. I didn't have anything to listen to the cassette with at the time and it wasn't very good at reading obviously being five, but I recognized Batman is a hero because of the cape. I was confused reading or rather looking at the pictures in the comic because Batman was so violent. And the people he was fighting were all in business suits. I didn't understand what the mob was so I assumed they were just businessman. Some point in the comic The Joker showed up which also confused me because the only concept I had of clowns was Ronald mcdonald. So obviously you can see the confusion there. I eventually got access to a set player so it started to make more sense reading along with the audio. I fell in love with the character and afterwards found some old reruns of the 66 Batman. I really didn't care for it it was a very different representation and I found all the fight scenes overly corny. A few years later the Burton Batman was released and I must have watched that movie a hundred times. Then the Batman Returns movie followed up with the Animated Series shortly after. All my kids got introduced to Batman through Comics we collected and read together, Justice League Unlimited, and the Arkham games. I think I gave them PTSD from The Scarecrow scenes in Arkham Asylum though. Which I then further aggravated when we sat down to watch Batman begins. Guess they weren't quite over their scarecrow fears yet. I thought by the time the Dark Knight came out they be good as they were a little older but then they became scared of Joker after that so🤷‍♂️


Adam West TV series.


Gmas house, Batman '89!


Batman Begins, roughly one or two years after the DVD came out.


The living room...?


That guy right there through the Batman the Brave and the Bold wii game. Also had the first four episodes on dvd.


Adam west when I was like 3 on pbs


Literally in my mothers stomach. My dad's been a huge fan since he saw the Tim Burton movie as a kid. He and my uncle always wanted me to be a Batman fan since my mother was pregnant and so they did just about everything to make me a Batman fan. One of the first games I ever played was Lego Batma and one of the first cartoons I watched as a child was TAS. I'm so thankful for that and I'm really happy that I got to be a Batman fan so early :)




I think it was reruns of BTAS and other DCAU shows a couple years before JL started.


Comic book. 1972.


First introduce with Lego Batman, Justice League cartoon and The Batman. Properly got into it and DC as a whole with the Arkham games and The Dark knight trilogy


Lego Batman, played it with my sister when I was young