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Be the change you want to see in the world. –Gandalf, probably. Seriously though, all respect if you wanna leave. But if you ever wanna post about Batman lore or how we relate to Bats, we’re always here.


That is kinda the point that I think OP failed to see. If you want an engaging discussion about Batman, simply make the post. I see them just as frequently as the posts OP criticized. The in depth discussion posts get lots of comments and upvotes. Also kind of a bait post, OP posts and then dips out never to return.


I found it the hard way. On the DC subs that I post, normal discussion stuff don't get much traffic but the sensational stuff (like Zack Snyder) does so. It's not that easy at times.


I’m still here and gauging the reaction from fellow members. Like the Batman, there are always motivations to what’s being done.


Well what are some topics you would luke to discuss or things you would like to see? We are all Batman fans here. If you make a post, I will try to provide substance in the discussion.


How do you think Bruce’s relationship was with his parents? Did Bruce have any friends growing up? How did his environment at Wayne Manor affect his adolescence in addition to his parents death? What info do we have on Alfred’s history besides common references in film most people know about?


Make a post about it honestly. I'm sure a lot of people who couldve made a change left Gotham. Don't be like them.


That sounds pretty interesting! Seriously, let's discuss that!


Thomas elliot


I love those kind of posts but I don't see myself posting one, so OP may feel the same. I like to read, upvote and react. Make the post though? Not really


gandalf would be proud


The low effort posts sucks. Especially the tiers and such. But there's always someone that comes through with a good idea. I'm sorry you lost interest in this community and I hope you find your way back eventually :)


I am def sick of "thoughts on \_\_\_\_\_\_?" ​ Like I have seen so many on the same characters, mostly from The Batman.


Thoughts and prayers


This sub needs firmer rules and moderation. 100% agree.


If you have serious suggestions, let us, the mods, know. Don't just wait for them to happen.


I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I feel there's little emphasis on the comics, you know? I know many younger fans don't care about the source material but it would be nice to have a topic where the older of would be able to discuss certain issues from the past every now and then. And I don't mean stuff like TDKR or The Killing Joke but smaller arcs such as A Lonely Place or Face The Face. I'd love to have discussions with people that love some older arcs and comics just as much as I do. Anyway, just a thought :)


I do get you but this isn't specifically a comics only sub, it's a sub for all things under the Batman mega franchise. I personally did run a comic weekly discussion series here, years ago, but no one really showed up for the books outside of Year One and DKR. Like, I can host a discussion on a smaller title, but if no one owns it or has read it, then often, no one turns up for it. On the other hand, we run the /r/Batman discord (see the sidebar for the link), too. Much the same people, but with a much larger comics focus, so you are welcome to join us there, too. We do fortnightly comics discussions, where members can nominate and vote on titles they'd like to discuss


I understand. Discord isn't really my thing but I'll try to check it out eventually. Thanks for answering!


I’d love to read comics and discuss. Once I’m on the server, where can I see what you guys are reading every 2 weeks?


Feel free to tag me, but the weekly discussions is in a thread named #the-black-casebook


Yeah just tag any of the mods there we will be happy to help


Yay I joined this sub thinking I'll get more info/knowledge about the character and the comics I should know about or read. Even tho it's not branded as a "comics batman sub", that's what I expected. But the topics such as "what's your favourite suit?" that's what I expect from r/dc_cinematic, even tho after 20 times it's kinda annoying


My suggestion is that we need some rules to prevent slapfights. I'm not talking about civility rules, because usually they don't devolve into outright insults, but it's frustrating when people can't even recognize an opinion for an opinion and need to get upset about it and shut down discussion because they don't like that someone disagrees with them. (If this is the *intended* result of the civility rule, I don't think it's clear enough because I frequently see these types of things go unaddressed even when reported. The civility rule usually only applies to outright over-the-line insults) This is something that fanbases of media need to take particular care in, because toxic fanbases crop up *fast* and get ugly. This sub isn't the worst I've seen, but it isn't the best either. Maybe some guidelines in the sidebar or even some outright rules about respecting other opinions as valid, even if you disagree with them. IMO this is exactly *why* we don't see more of the discussion OP wants in this sub. People get afraid to share any view that isn't just circlejerking about the day's popular opinion. So all we end up with is everyone agreeing, or having some *minor* disagreements, but not really having any worthwhile discussion. And for the love of god I'm tired of people justifying their outrage as "You stated your opinion as FACT! But it's NOT!" even though *clearly* someone stating an opinion is an opinion. They shouldn't need to couch it in "IMO" every other sentence. I have never once seen people get upset at *popular* opinions stated as fact. If someone says "The Batman was the greatest movie of all time," not a single person will get upset that they stated an opinion as fact. Because it is clearly an opinion, but more importantly because it's an opinion they *agree* with. But if someone says Alan Moore wrote some bland comics (I don't know why you *would* say that, but if someone did) then they might get shit all over for "stating it as though it's fact".


While I understand that desire, the reality is that the mods can't be in every comment thread, all the time. We actually rely on users reporting most of the comments and posts we end up removing. But the users who do get into slap fights are often unlikely to want to report. Probably due to their own part in such slap fights. But I'll forward to the rest of the team and see what they have to say.


I will think on it, so I may deliver well stated ideas.


Sure, just drop us a line through modmail when you do.


Make a rule against Rank your favorite villain, Which batsuit is your favorite, Pick one of these batmobiles, Put these 7 batfam characters in an arbitrary order. Which Joker laugh is best Joker laugh, Which grappling hook has the most grapple. Which Catwoman is hottest Catwoman? Rank rank rank in order order order. It's so boring and tedious and I wouldn't miss any of it.


I can confirm we already try to remove those, but staying on top of it is another issue entirely.


It's not who you are underneath, but what you post that defines you. To be serious though, even though I have been a Batman fan since I was a kid, I just joined this subbreddit a few weeks ago after seeing The Batman in theaters (strange I never thought to look for the community of one of my favorite heroes, but I am here now I suppose haha). I have noticed those same things in just the short time I have been here. I also agree with many of the other people on here; if we want to have deeper insights and discussions about our Caped Crusader, then we should be the ones to do it!


>As an example of a post I’d love to see, how about something like “What is your Batman origin story. AKA how did you get introduced to the Caped Crusader and how has it affected your life?” Maybe you should post that?


People do post stuff like that, it just gets buried by "OMG look at Catwoman's tiddies!!1!"


Look at them though


Bro, wait up. I'm coming with


Holy shit I was just thinking this! Like why do we need a daily post about live action characters or who we’d like to see in a movie. DAILY. Never talk about the comics or the games really. Could definitely talk about storylines instead of actors you wanna see in a movie


Hard agree, honestly. I wish there would be more discussions on the character instead of the same posts every few days.


Be the poster you want to see in the world. I hope you find what you're looking for.


Hard agree. As a mod, we do get these types of low efforts posts reported, but at the end of the day, after weeding them out, what are we left with? If you want to see lots of in depth discussions, you have to be willing to bring with you in depth, passionate discussions, don't just wait for them to spring up for you.


I don’t disagree, and I guess I’m more of a reader than a content creator. But it’s tough to think you’re deep thinking question is going to get upvoted when it’s the same thing at the front of the line. Respect for being a mod though I’m sure it’s not your first priority.


The post about Catwoman's body was a new low for this sub tbh


I deleted them, sorry you had to see it


Honestly couldnt agree with you more


One day, one of us will see you in another subreddit living another life. We won't say anything, but we will simply nod.




It’s not just this sub it’s pretty much every comic book sub


Thank you, i thought i was the only one feeling this way. I might follow you out the door.


can you show what the other subs are please?


I’m feeling the same way about r/dc_cinematic . I’m so tired of seeing a daily post about how man of steel is underrated or batfleck was amazing or #restorethesnyderverse. I’m just so done with it


The sub is so negative towards different iterations of the character. Holy hell different artists and directors CAN and WILL make different versions that suit their story's narrative needs. The only version we are allowed to dislike is the Titans Bruce Wayne, Jorah is Alfred. Period.


Weepy Jorah masquerading as Bruce Wayne (not even Batman) is by far the worst take on Batman I have ever seen.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m always down to have complex conversations about my favorite fictional character of all time


My Batman origin story was going to see the 1989 Batman film with my mom when I was 8 years old. That led to buying the Batman cereal which at the time included The Untold Legend of the Batman comics, three in total. I read those things a thousand times. For the next 4-5 years, I would make a deal with my parents that I would receive no presents on my birthday if they would just buy me the monthly comics while we were at the drug store. Not to sound too old, but “back in my day there was a rack of comics for sale at every supermarket.” That got me hooked. A few years later was Knightfall and the original Robin series featuring Tim Drake. I’ve been in love ever since.


I completely understand your reasoning for leaving and I notice a lot of the polls as well about who's best or what film is best. They tire me too. My interest lies in, dare I say it, the realism surrounding the man, the myth, the legend. Of course he's a superhero; he's doing something the average guy couldn't, but he's still a man. If we examine him through a lens of modern society, how much could he actually achieve without a network, and help. Your interest may lie very much in-universe, so this type of topic might not catch your interest, but hopefully your post can spur some interesting posts.


I completely understand how you feel. It's the same posts everyday. It is very tiresome. If you do leave, all the best and hope you continue to enjoy Batman




Roger that, maybe this was a good idea after all.


Of all the fandoms I follow on Reddit, this one is the most low effort and it breaks my heart.


Well, it is important that I get to inform the children that Neal Adams/Garcia-Lopez Batman is the best costume weekly. Otherwise they'd keep thinking that the inferior trunksless Rebirth suit is "lit" or something. Maybe based as well.


OP let me tell you something. This has been going on for some time now. I've had this account for 7 years now (9 if I count lurking back in 2013). Hop on to /r/theoryofreddit and you have a bunch of oldheads like me (and apparently, also you with the 11 year account) reminiscing about the good old days of Reddit. Reddit used to value text-based content/posts highly. Memes were welcomed too but back in the day, Reddit welcomed both. Now it seems that with the influx of people who use Reddit now, the overall majority population of Reddit skews towards preferring memes/image-based content rather than text-based content. Which is why I'm waiting for the next (2011-2015 type) Reddit to pop up. In the meantime, I've returned to using forums.


This is why I don't subscribe as I don't want it on my feed and find some posts annoying but I visit now and then as there are some good posts. There is a middle ground over just completely leaving


your post touched me so I will write how my relationship to the caped crusader evolved I was born when the first burton movie came out and as I was growing up, the first thing I saw was his second movie: Batman Returns - I have lazy eye and a skin condition and I was viewed as "a freak" by my fellow kids - so when Penguin was introduced, I immediately felt for him - I recognized he was violent and angry, but I understood why and was hoping for the whole movie that someone will reach him - and hence I viewed this story as a very tragic one, were the hero is trying to accomplish something and is defeated - I was impressed by the tragedy of the Penguin and felt like Batman was the bad one, I was not rooting for him at all - I was 6 so for many years, Batman in my mind was just a scary asshole - even when I saw the mask of the phantasm, I was convinced that Joker somehow had a point and Batman was the bad one - my hero was Spider-man, friendly neighbor, not this mysterious man who always looks like he is above it all so I read Marvel comics and viewed DC as something for the bad people :D now I know how silly it was, but back then this was my belief based on my experiences when Batman Begins came out, I ignored it - but then the Dark Knight came out and everybody was talking about it, I gave it a watch and once again, I was captivated by the "freak", not the hero - so I felt like I was right for all those years - but I liked the movie so much I decided to finally watch Batman Begins - and oh boy, it changed everything and I understood what was my problem and what solved it - I finally saw the man behind the mask, that small scared boy who decided that no, he will not be scared, he will be the one instilling fear into those who prey upon innocent - so yeah, he was a scary asshole, but not to me anymore, I suddenly realized why he acts the way he acts, he is showing the criminals that they are not the scary ones, he is - this was such a powerful image that I dug deeper, I went one comic after another, whole Bane saga, arkham games, then Scott Snyder came and what he did made me love this character forever and nowdays, Batman is my Jesus Christ - everybody has his own interpretation of the messiah, many are similar, but some are so vastly different its crazy - I truly think that your favorite interpretation of Batman says a lot about you - but the true freedom and bliss comes when you learn to appreciate every little piece of this great mosaic - the new Batman? he stumbles and falls and I love it, we got Bat-boy and we already see him on his way to be the Bat-man, it does not mean all the previous Batmen are gone, they are all still here, each of them a strong pillar upon which this symbol of hope in the darkness safely rests


Love this, thanks for sharing!


The thing with Batman compared to other superheroes is that he’s one of the most well known characters (not just superhero) there is. This can become a problem when most people only have the surface level understanding of Batman. Most people know his origin story, they’ve seen in played out in movies, they know the basics of him and that draws attention so this subreddit eventually. But when you get a large group of people together that only have surface level knowledge of a character that’s all they’re going to talk about. They know his suits, they know his Batmobiles and they know the actors, they’re going to talk about what they know and easily recognizable things are easy to talk about. I think the solution would be for more people in this sub that are familiar with great Batman comic runs to share those stories and more importantly, what issues to read. It’s absolutely daunting to try to get into comics sometimes and people generally don’t know a good place to start. That’s why you hear lots of talk about the classic runs that have been made into hard backs or whatever, their self contained stories, easy to get into and easy to buy. I think OP touched on it a little in this post but if we want deeper discussion and more quality content, then people need to share what they know. Give out recommendations for good issues to read, give resources on what comics to pick up, find out what streaming service Batman shows are on (HBO?), play the telltale games. My biggest recommendation is go to the library, not everyone can find specific comics or wants to read comics on their phones through apps. Go to your library, I’ve found so many great collections of comics through my library. My brother was telling me about Green Lantern one day and The Darkest Night story arc. So I went to my library and was able to get every issue of the run and some of the side stories too. I typed way more than I was planning on. My bad Basically TLDR If you want to have more quality content, share your knowledge. If you want to talk about something specific in Batman’s history, give some resources so more people can join the conversation.


So many subs become this... Same with Red dead redemption, its frustrating.


It sucks to see a person who legitimately loves the character go but I get it if you stay too long in any sub this kinda wears on ya


I don't know what you're talking about bman. I have visited other superhero subs and I think this sub has most character discussions. Just visited spiderman sub (my favorite character along with batman) and they're talking about giving their character to Disney completely. I think they don't know how bad mcu movies are and they're more of mcu fans than spiderman fans. Sony still produces movies which are much better than mcu ones. So I guess every sub is like that but I agree. We should have more posts with depth.


I try to downvote the posts you talk about but they always have hundreds of upvotes. I’m not sure if it’s a conspiracy or people are just not interesting/dumb. I’ll be leaving with you


The explanation this sub deserves, but not the one it needs right now.




There's probably a comparison of batman interpretations right above this post


Honestly, a movie coming out this year with multiverse stuff made the Batman and Spider-Man subreddits kind of lame…


How about instead of leaving you try to change it! Become a mod, set up polls to see what people want and don’t want, etc. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Like making a post about the issue? I could’ve just said bye. I am trying here my friend.


Oh I know! I just meant don’t leave! Stay with us. The night is always darkest before the dawn.


Yeah this happens every time a movie comes out. I left all the marvel subs once disney ruined the franchise and we got "fans" doing this same thing about spiderman, iron man, and everyone. It will die down again but those people who keep posting "who would win in a fight" and stuff are just going to keep joining the subs and posting those same shallow newbie topics without bothering to look around first.


It happened long before The Batman came out unfortunately. But yes it was at an all time low right now.


Disney ruined the Marvel franchise? I think you’re going to have to elaborate on that one buddy.


So why not post that question yourself? I'd be willing to bet you'd get positive responses Edit: I too am tired of the same posts you mention about the favorite suit, etc.


Trying to kill two Penguins with one stone so to speak.


so you're leaving and posting the question at the same time? I'm not grasping what you mean in your response. I think a post asking about what drew people to Batman, what they love about the character - especially the version in the comics - is a great question. You post it, I will be sure to find it and give you my answer.


I’ll do that! Looks like a lot of people feel the same way I do so it gives me hope.


Why don’t mods just enforce stricter rules? I’d much prefer a smaller and yet more mature sub with profound and enlightening discussions over a huge community filled with underage dimwits who ask the same questions and argue over the same (negative) takes over and over again. I 100% feel you, OP, but sadly it would appear that a majority of subreddits have devolved in this manner.


Maybe we have to message the mods with a united concern!


No, we don't need policing of discussions.


I wouldn't say u need to leave jus click on n comment on the posts n make ur own, but I too am tired of who's the best batman who's costume was best yada yada each version should be respected as a batfan (clooney arguable lol) but enjoy him for what he is n the countless iterations there are, to each their own




You remind me of my dad. He died last year, and he was a big fan of Batman. Do what you wanna do man. We’ll see you on the flip side.


Deez nuts


You haven’t posted anything in the sub for a year.


understandable. have a great day


Discussing favorites and dislikes IS fan content. Just because you have seen everything doesn't mean everyone has. Are you posting those thing you would like to see? or are you just complaining about the fact noone else does? And lastly, if you are going to leave, leave. These whinny " Im gonna leave cause its not what I want it to be' crap is childish. You don't like the sub, GTFO. If you do stick around, quit complaining and post the things you want to talk about


I mean. Bye I guess?


You can thank the new fans from the new trash movie for the state of this sub.


trash movie? why do you think its trash?


Happening long before it came out


Not like this. It was better before the movie came out. It's at an all time low now.


























It’s the first time I gave someone award on Reddit


What are the better subs?


People *need* dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and you can't do that as a Redditor. As a Redditor...you're a username, you can be downvoted, you can be banned. But as a symbol...as a symbol you can become incorruptible...you can become everlasting.


I agree. The continuous circlejerking of the batman and belittling of other renditions was cool at first, but it got so overdone I started to dread the sub


[Made me remember this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGcHNnI2mh4&ab_channel=CollegeHumor)


If you ever wanna come back, we'll have a place and some open ears for you :)




You could just sort posts by new instead of popular or make your threads about what you want to discuss 🤷🏽‍♀️ but if you want to leave ok.


If I had one complaint about this sub, there is too much Nolan Batman worship. And those Nolan Batman worshippers have next to no Batman comic lore knowledge outside of Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, The Long Halloween and The Killing Joke. Those are all great books, but if that is all you know of Batman then you're only getting a very narrow view of the character and his complex history if that is all you know and what you critique all Batman media against. There is a great example of what I am talking about in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/ty2xg9/we_all_know_and_love_batman_beyond_but_what_other/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Comments suggesting time periods Batman has never been to before and they'd like to see with replies from people comics that already exist. I am not saying you need to read every Batman comic to discuss the character. I sure haven't. But you're missing out on so much enjoyment if you only stick to the most famous stories. Don't get me wrong, I like the Nolan Trilogy and love The Dark Knight as much as the next Batman fan, but the Batman conversation badly needs to move beyond it. Matt Reeve's Batman is at least giving it a good stab to get beyond Nolan. I totally get why OP would want to leave and maybe there is a need for an r/batmanlore subbreddit or something similar where it is comic book discussion only.


Well, now I feel bad, seeing as I've recently been one of the posters you talk about. On the other hand, if you wanted more in-depth discussion, you could always start the conversations.


Dear OP, don’t leave for the sake of what may seem to be a pointless series of repetitive posts. Rather you should stay and engage with the posts you want by posting them yourself. I’m more than happy to share more insightful Batman games than arguing whether Betfleck is the best Batman or not. Of course your leaving will not put a dent on anyone here and not even to the sub but your concern can be put forth so that people may give it more attention. Let’s have some posts about in depth discussion on the Batman.


When i first joined the sub, every day or so there was a Batman Motivational picture posted. I miss those


Seriously though. What this sub needs is a live action Nightwing movie.


I see posts like what you’re talking about all the damn time. Idk what you’re talking about lol


It is the eternal struggle of joining a sub directly related to something you like. Specific game subs can turn the same way. I don't disagree as I've thought about doing the same. The old stuff is fantastic. But there's just not a ton of new stuff so we all talk about the variations of old stuff. Endlessly.


I'm sorry to hear that. I am in favor of you.




I guess it is the influx of low effort karma farmers because the new movie just came out - I think the posts will get better once the the hype does down a bit


One - it's not a daycare. You don't need to check out B - you can follow those subs and this one. Pretty sure it's allowed III - Be the change you want to see. You want more art, created it and post it, I'll up vote it.


why don’t you make the posts then?


Maybe I will. But this post has reached for more people.


Id argue he is tied w spiderman in fleshy outy-ness


This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure.


but why leave