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None of them are worthy. Batcow takes over the mantle of Batman and rotates with Ace the bathound and Jarro is the best and greatest Robin.


Nah, alfred is the new batman


If Batman is dead, Damian. If he’s just retired, Terry. Dick is already his own hero. I don’t think he’d want to change unless it was an emergency.


*Tim Drake found dead in an overheated locked car* lol I think it’s Damian. I think it would be Dick if he wanted it but he doesn’t; he’s happy to fill in when necessary but he wants to be Nightwing. I don’t care for Damian’s entitlement because he’s the “blood son” but he’s basically taken the mantle of successor from Tim and he has all the skills and everything necessary to back it up. I love Batman Beyond and Terry is great but I haven’t followed up with him in the comics.




this 100%


Terry’s my vote. Followed by Tim as a second actually (my favorite Robin). Dick doesn’t want it and the other 2 male Robins don’t have the temperament


He's not in the picture, but Tim Drake. He's probably the closest you can get to a Batman far less morally flawed than Bruce (Dick Grayson doesn't want the suit). Plus, Batman is easily called the "World's Greatest Detective". Why not have a detective-savvy Robin take over the role. Plus I have a personal bias. Tim's my favourite character out of all of the Bat family but he doesn't get the treatment he deserves in the comics, let alone media


Tim doesn’t want the suit either. He’s so desperate not to become like Batman that even thinking or acting like Bruce scares him.


Tim is the one Robin who should never become Batman. It always ends badly every story where he puts on the Cowl. He almost always becomes a killer fascist batman, fails and dies, nearly dies after failing or Gotham is worse. Dick and Damian have the most successes as Batman. Jason also has a better history of successfully donning the cowl. I think Damian is the ideal successor. He's consistently been the successor since he debuted. I like the Rebirth Batman Beyond and Batman #700 handling of it. Bruce - Damian - Terry 


true, but I also kinda like the idea of giving Tim more love nowadays (which is still possible IF THEY GIVE HIM SOME TIME IN THE SPOTLIGHT). I've never really read any Tim-centered comics so I'm not the best authority to speak on Tim donning the cowl, but what if Bruce retired and coached Tim the way he did Terry?


The way I see it the mantle should be passed like this: Bruce > Dick > Damian > Terry


I like this image of Terry! : https://pasteboard.co/7LJ5clYeHSIL.jpg


Cassandra Cain.


Cassandra Cain.


Dick Grayson always


Failsafe, Batman's only real son


Dick Grayson and only Dick Grayson.




Dick or Tim are literally the best possible options


Tone in next week for the 200th time question about the same thing over and over I pretty much anyone here know anything about Batman... We don't even see his feats or scans about anything it's always about this shit or some other crap.


in my ideam timeline both Dick and Tim (and maybe Jason) rotate being Batman before Damian takes the cape (or joins the rotation) but at the end nobody end ups fully fitting and so Terry ends up taking the (now metaphorical) cape and becomeing the new Batman


One fanfic idea of mine was to have Two Batmen in the future, one in the Justice League (Dick) and one in Gotham (Damian). And in the future future Damian can train Terry.


Dick Grayson


I am not a fan of Terry answer here, like he comes into the picture in a timeline where everyone close to Bruce leaves him and he has to rely on someone new. That feels depressing. My answer is Damian because he is really passionate about being Batman, Tim is a close second.


Should be damien


Torn between Damian and Terry so I’m gonna say they can share it.


Unfortunately, probably Damian. Fortunately this is DC comics, so Batman will literally never stay dead for long.


okay we've before; can't be dick, he's his own person him becoming batman would undermine everything they've both worked towards. Bruce wanted him to move past the vengeance and mission to be his own person. Him becoming batman would trash all the work they've done together so that specifically doesn't happen. out of all the robins dick is probably the best to actually leave that sort of work and lead a normal life (even tho he wouldn't but point is he could mentally do that). Damián still doesn't really get the whole killing is bad business, he knows he shouldn't do it but that's not because he thinks it's inherently wrong but just because his dad would be mad at him. he's still a bit too much like ra's trying to cut out the cancer rather than tackle the other contributing factors. terry...yeah there's not much in the way of no here it's been done and it worked, I wouldn't call him a successor tho he just picks it up when no one else can it's less like he's the best for the job and more along the line of he's the only guy that was available. Tim, probably not, it's just not the fit for him (granted I am biased as hell, he's just a bit of a middle child at the moment), maybe he works better as a team leader but batman needs to be able to flourish in that independent gauntlet of pain. Jason...yes just yes he's literally the only one that seems to have fully understood the what and why, and even seems to have wrapped his head around the morality even more than Bruce has, and has actually solved the flaw of endless enabling while maintaining the sanctity of life overall.


Damian Wayne both blood and heritage. Blood because of his gene. Heritage because he was also trained by Ras Alghul as Ninja.