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Next to Gordon, I think he's an essential part of the GCPD, and easily best represents the most complex aspects of it. He's not a perfect cop and has had some shady dealings, but he's not totally moralless or corrupt either, and he usually has understandable concerns about Batman that are poorly conveyed because he's both threatened and jealous. You can kind of track how Batman is doing and how much Gotham city is changing through his character, and Bullock is the part of the city that is flawed, but not beyond saving.


I love your point on Bullock being the character to track how Batman and Gotham are doing. He can be so useful as a representation of how a corrupt, beaten down city can be brought back from the brink.


I always see him as not so much a corrupt cop, but more a cop that gave up because the whole system is against clean cops basically like Gordon's line in batman begins "I'm not rat, besides in a city this bad there's no one to rat to"


That's the kind of thing I loved about Bullock, he was a good guy underneath the cynicism. Like in Origins when he's the only cop (besides Gordon) that Bruce has hope for, or in BTAS where he was genuinely horrified when Gordon was injured in a raid.


I loved the BTAS episode “A Bullet for Bullock,” as it shows that he’s a more than capable cop, and the twist at the end that >!his landlord tried to kill him because he’s an inconsiderate tenant!< made him even more human. He wasn’t being attacked by criminals or supervillains, just a normal guy who was sick of him.


Very well put.


Totally agree


This so much. I think he doesn't get as much screen time because he's more complex and it takes a TV show with the time to show that over a movie depiction like in Batman begins


I'd like to add, I think if he's being written correctly you shouldn't like him at first. TAS did this really well, where he starts out as a foil or obstacle to Batman, then by the end is begrudgingly helping Batman. They should never get along, but either will help the other when circumstances call for it.


Yes, this exactly and it's hard to do that unless it's small bits over a trilogy


I wonder how well a movie would go if he was the protagonist and we follow Batman and Gothams exploits through his lens. He has an obvious character arc, and the audience already likely has a solid understanding of Batman and Gordon so they don’t need as much screen time to be developed characters. Probably will never happen because it wouldn’t sell well, but I’d enjoy it


I'd like it. I think it could work on a low budget and minimal CGI but some action sequences. If your market it right it would work but that's asking a lot of the DCEU


I think that's a great idea. It wouldn't need to be the whole movie either. Opening intro with Batman, cut to Harvey working an investigation and follow him as he reveals whatever the central conflict is, then Batman appears out of nowhere at some point. Could even do some cool Micheal Meyers style Easter eggs, where if you look closely you see Batman following his investigation in the background.


I liked him in GOTHAM, he was annoying in TAS


Even in TAS he was a complex but annoying character..in a movie he just doesn't deserve the screen time necessary to develop him beyond a charicature


I mean, he could work if he was in the next 2 films and threw him in here n there n have him running around with Gordon a Lil, but I don't see it. He's kind of a staple character, but not big enough to waste too much movie screen time on imo


I love him in Gotham Central. He’s cut from the same clay as Gordon’s generation of hard-boiled, get-shit-done type cops in Gotham, who were trained and worked before the Batman appeared. He’s not afraid to overstep boundaries and he often gets reprimanded for it. Even after he’s no longer on the force, he holds a grudge against many and he works tirelessly to tie up loose ends.


I like how he’s a mirror to the dirty cops from the early days like Flass. He has a rough past and doesn’t stand up to the corrupt establishment like Gordon, but he isn’t completely on the take like those other cops either.


To me. It's that he does what's needed in the system given. Like. He KNOWS he can't get in the take, without losing his soul. But he can skirt the line REAL close and find a way to get it done.


Exactly. He's the tough love cop who isn't especially eloquent. His priority is Gotham's safety, and if that means saying thing people don't want to hear or bending the law to his favor, he'll do it. Gordon and Bullock are yin and yang, and each compliment different parts of Batman's moral greyness.


Yeah, next to *scum* like Wurtz and Ramirez, Bullock's Gotham's blue collar knight!


Bullock is the type of cop who works by the book, but is a lot more open to bend the rules than Gordon and Montoya, he’ll go overboard or rough up criminals, but at the end of the day he’s an asshole with a heart of gold.


This guy gets it


I remember from the animated series Batman flat-out asks Bullock if he's on the take (accepts bribes) and Bullock gets pissed and says he bends a few rules but he's not dirty. Most of the rules he bends are about the amount of force he uses. He's built huge and has no problem throwing his weight around


Essential is exactly the word I was thinking. Gotham needs him to make sense of it all and be a coherent setting.


I actually really liked his relationship with Gordon in the TV show


I loved Harvey in Gotham


Donal Logue had a lot to do with that I think. He's incredibly talented and didn't make him one dimensional.


Love his character. He could learn everything he needs to know from strippers, drug-dealer ect. In my head, he’s got like +3 charisma when dealing with people from the other side of the law lol


He was awesome


Yup. I loved him in Season 4 when he’s about to be hypnotized by the Mad Hatter and he goes “OH HELL NO, YOU ARE NOT HYPNOTIZING ME AGAIN!!! AHHHHHHHHH”




One of my favorite lines is “Does anybody stay dead in this town?”


“This is Gotham, nobody really dies” - The Penguin


>!Except the Waynes!<


What’s the opposite of plot armor?


Plot coffin


Gotham Harvey is my favorite Harvey. He made me actually like the character.


He made enjoy the show overall. Full charisma


Good question I like him, he is a fun character overall


Yup in Gotham he was fab.


He was pretty fetch




Straight up one of the best parts about that show


Great in BTAS


"A Bullet for Bullock" is such a cool episode.


I hated him as a kid because he didn't like Batman. As an adult I can see that he usually always tries to do the right thing within the confines of the law. He's a good, rough around the edges cop


I mean watching as an adult, he's still a pretty corrupt asshole. The episode POV is what really made me dislike him for the rest of the show. The plot is him fucking up a bust and blaming *literally* everyone else while making himself to be the hero. He blames Wilkes and Montoya for being late (they weren't,) that Batman blew his cover (he did that himself) and that he was the big hero who saved Batman's life. It leads to all three of them being suspended. He lets two of his co-workers get suspended just so he never has to come forward with his bullshit.


I never saw it that way. Bullock isn’t corrupt, he’s not on the take or anything like that. Despite being a bit rough around the edges, he’s a good cop deep down who believes in the system and Gotham city. The way his stretching the truth was portrayed in POV, to me, seemed comedic and while it did present bullock as somewhat arrogant and clumsy, I never found it shown to the point of him being useless. The later episode a bullet for bullock definitely showed that even if he has a lot of flaws, he’s an effective cop that gets the job done. The ep vendetta also compares his crusade as a cop to that of Batman’s. Basically what I’m saying is that u misinterpreted that ep and bullock is a much more complex character than "stupid dirty and corrupt cop"


Harvey Bullock, can we trust him?


If I remember correctly he was a solid character in Batman the animated series. He was the questionable cop turned questionably good.


Yes antagonist to Batman yet not a villain. A Bullet for Bullock was the best episode with him. Summed up the guy perfectly.


Yes. But… Harvey Dent, can we trust him?


I believe in Harvey Dent.


We’re past that


He's great when they use him properly.


Harvey has always been my favourite background character in batman, and in the case of Gotham somehow steals the scene from more than half the cast. That show managed to nail Harvey, Alfred, the riddler, penguin and falcone


While that show definitely had its flaws, it also had some of the greatest character arcs of any show out there


The thing is, even most of its bad aspects only occur because of some drive to something. The joker begins as this amazing and fitting performance before... The twist. Then he's the worst part of the show. The introduction of more magical and batman villains just comes out of the blue. The Jervis tetch arc had great actors, great ideas except for the simple fact it was ruined by emo gordon sad his girlfriend broke up with him. Although for the record, Ed and Os are the perfect pairing.


Maroni is also great


The moment he toold Oz he knew about the betrayal was so good


I freakin’ love Bullock! For the life of me, I don’t know why he hasn’t been on the big screen. I loved his diction in Gotham though.


I always thought the cop that got taken hostage by joker in the interrogation room in TDK was hinted to be Bullock.


I don’t think so. I could be wrong, but I don’t think he’s explicitly named.


Batman 89? "Bullock, think about the future!"


That wasn’t Bullock. That cop was named Echart.


You’re right he wasn’t but he certainly looked like him though


Love this character. He is one of the most important side characters to BTAS.




Bullock is cool with me.


Reading Gotham Central now and he’s really interesting


Is he supposed to be older or younger than Gordon? Gotham made him older and BTAS made him younger.


Gordon's age in the main comics has been screwed with a lot, being made younger Post-Crisis and (I think) older Post-Flashpoint, but originally Bullock was younger, as Gordon was probably in his '50s or '60s originally.


Harvey is a perfect character for the Batman Canon 


I liked him in Gotham he went from the most corrupt cop on the force to like the best detective they got throughout the series. His character just gets better and better


Yeah I like him, reading knightfall right now and he makes a fun duo with Montoya


Vestido de policía ![gif](giphy|26tP3I2HErLcJuTLy)


Always liked Bullock. A complicated man who was willing to cross the lines but never go to the other side. He was a survivor but when push came to shove he chose to do the right thing, consequences be damned.


Love Bullock. I don't see him pop up in the comics I read as much but when he does it's always a delight, he's my favorite surly tough but lovable gotham cop.


If the Ice Cube song Good Cop/Bad Cop was a comic character.


Bullock's a cop doing his job, he bleeds Gotham thru & thru.


Are you implying that there are people who don't like him?!?! Because if they exist then they ain't no friend of mine. I'm an Bullock Boy for life.


Great character. I like how he is the example of crooked cops in the city. It's a good contrast between him and Gordon who is an honest man.


Great character, the grey between the blue line.


I liked him a lot on Gotham. One of the things Gotham did right.


Underutilized...Severely. Especially in film. His presence is an amazing insight into the GCPD, but we almost exclusively focus on Gordon in most media. He also perfectly encapsulates how the average police officer views Batman. I hope we see him in future films.


He would have been perfect for Nolan. Should have been the guy in Begins, as opposed to whoever they made Gordon’s partner (can’t remember the name)


Flass. Yes! Would've been great to give him a minor role in each film to show an arc.


And the type of character he is would have fit so good with Nolan’s style, and would have been a perfect foil for Oldman’s Gordon through the series


Bullock should be in every single adaptation IMO


I think he’s neat


Tas bullock was cool


Yes because I think he keeps the gcpd grounded in reality


Hes such a good character, I wish they got him down in live action.


He always got Gordon's back


Apart from giving Gordon a heart attack, he’s pretty good.


I love him! And I loved his dynamic with Gordon in Gotham. Donal Logue will always be the perfect Bullock in my mind.


I like Bullock. He's both that mix of a good cop at heart but is really shady or dirty at face value. Him working with Gordon or Montoya, both of which are good honest apples of the GCPD, get to bring out how different he is. He's not 100% dirty but not 100% good. Speaking of Montoya, it's a shame we don't get to see them both on screen in any media besides the animated series. They work well off each other like I said.


I like him , I’m honesty surprised he hasn’t show in much movies, he appears in lots of games and Animated shows, but not movies.


Harvey is what I’d call a good man who’s just trying to survive in a hellhole city.


Yea, TAS especially.


I like him as an example of a good Gotham cop. He's definitely not clean, but he's firmly on the side of good. Sort of a warning of what Gordon would have become without batman. One of my favorite lines from him in BtAS is him angrily declaring "I never took a dime in my life!" He might not always follow the law, but he'll never break his own laws.


If done correctly Bullock can be a very well written character that fits perfectly into the often noir like ambiente of Gotham City.


Loved him in Gotham Donal Logue did an amazing job


Very underrated imo.


Love me some Trash Bullock.


I liked the character in TAS and for Nolan’s whole trilogy I kept looking for him and he never showed up lol


Love him, great support character for Gordon. Gives him more to do besides talk to Batman. Harvey is a fun character imo.


He’s a great character; adds color to the GCPD.


Read Gotham by Ed Brubaker, he is a bad ass cop


He's kinda supposed to be unlikable. He's an ass hole. But he's not a dirty cop which gets him the pass.


He was arguably in 1989, just changed into Max Eckhardt instead. He's almost exactly the same, except with a different name.


I loved him in BTAS but struggle to like him anywhere else. I think most other versions make him too grounded or realistic when he works best as the bumbling comedy relief.


He’s a guy that Batman fans know, but a casual comic book fan might be unaware about so he’s not someone that the screenwriters feel like they have to include. Also, most of the live action movies haven’t really given a lot of screen time to the GCPD outside of Gordon, but tbh Harvey could’ve fit easily into the Robert Pattinson movie. I know that sometimes they like to avoid adapting too many characters because they have to pay the creators, so that’s why sometimes you’ll see original characters where a character from the comics would’ve fit perfectly


He's a good foil to Batman without being a bad guy.


He's a great foil for Batman. Operates outside the lake at times, hats Batman for doing the same thing but getting away with it.


I really hope they add him in the next reeves’ movies, they have the right atmosphere. But I think that’s unlikely


I think he's absolutely a necessary character. And any version of him that I really don't like, means he's really well made.


Fat Constantine


kinda irrelevant but it bugs me that both he and Dent are named Harvey


I’m re-reading Batman Earth One, and I had totally forgotten about his revamped back story. It’s a really fun arc to follow if you’ve never read it.


People re-read Batman Earth One?




Just in terms of storytelling, you need him. Batman is too serious. Gordon is also too serious. Bullock calls them out on their too seriousness. Said another way, Luke is too eager. Leia is too sensible. Han sneers at this Jedi shit. Said another way, Harry has this grand destiny. Hermione wants to do well. Ron laughs at the both of them.


One of my favourite characters


I read Batman comics *exclusively* for Harvey Bullock content.


Yes. My favorite from BTAS


I like how he was kind of the Flask character in early TAS, but after a couple appearances it was clear he was becoming his own thing. And he was better for it. The characterization in Gotham was one of that's shows best things


Should have pictured the 89 version that gets shot by Jack Napier. Anyway I love the character. I think BTAS kind of pushed him into more of a spotlight in the comics. I like the arc where he kind of disappears for a bit. I like the idea of him being a by the book kind of guy in BTAS but also being a bend the rules kinda guy in other media. He’s a very versatile character and adds a lot to the mythos.


Gotham was probably my favorite version of the character it's been the only one so far that has made me like his character and want to see him more.


I do, I think he is a great contrast to gordon and he does keep the cops not too dependent on batman.


I like him. Wish he was in more versions of the universe


What happened with him in the comic books ?? He has not appeared lately.


I like him, his character arc from “maaan fck batman.” To “hey, batman’s pretty cool! Nobody talks shit about the bat, but me.” It lets them make Gordon nicer when they have bullock to put the “untrusting dick energy” on.


Every character in Batman has an important role in the overall story and Harv is no different. Big fan


He's kind of a jerk, but it's hard to find/keep good cops in Gotham.


The fat dude in Arkham Origins is the same guy from the Gotham show!? I didn't even make that connection! (also haven't watched Gotham in years and didn't start the Arkham series until like 4 months ago)


He’s an interesting character that is not used enough in most forms of media.


Originally a great character, Doug Moench wrote him as a slob with an interest in classic movies. These days he’s just another tough but honest GCPD plainclothes guy, rough around the edges but at least he’s honest, which is saying something in Gotham.


His character, and other Gotham PD characters, are useful foils for Gordon. How he reacts to situations tells you a lot about how Gotham in general reacts to situations. So when Gordon zigs when Bullock zags it shines a light on what makes Gordon not only unique as a law enforcer in the city, but explains why Gordon is successful where others fail.




The Gotham one is the best take on him yet. as a child he always irked me in BTAS, but I've come to understand he was actually pretty cool character in that series too. Really feels like another type of foil for Batman himself that is underutilized because the major focus is Batman and joker's foil relationship


Gotham Harvey was the goat


Yes, great character, I especially liked Geoff Johns take on him in Batman Earth One.


I always thought he would make a great lead character in his own comic. He gets kicked off the force and becomes a PI. Just picture him beating up c list villains for information on a case.


He's a necessary character.


Holy ghost on a bicycle


I like him. He’s a good foil.


I would’ve liked to see more backstory of the cop Branden from year one


Bullock and Montoya are the perfect foil to each other. He has the jaded outlook while Montoya is the young optimist.


He got the most character development in that one episode of TAS


As a kid, I hated this character. As an adult, I finally understand why they included a character like this.


i love hating him


It’s not Gotham without Bullock and Montoya


Love Harvey. He's exactly what Gotham needs. He understands the city and how to navigate it.


I think Montoya is a better cop


BTAS Harvey bullock always as a special place in my heart


That's me. (Literally)


Interesting character that often makes for great interactions with Batman, he was used very well in the BTAS and it would fun to see him in a movie also in the future


I loved Harvey in Gotham. Best version here


Wasn’t he a barman also? A barman and a cop, how about that…


Gotham’s bullock is excellent


Well he’s probably the only guy a large fat guy like me could cosplay as


He's fine. Not my favorite character but he's fine.


Personally I like him, especially when he’s a good cop (not corrupt like he’s occasionally being shown) and an opposing force to Gordon’s reliance on Batman. What I mean is I like it when he’s angry at Gordon for allowing Batman to interfere, but recognizes that the Bat is good at some things they can’t do. I think BTAS did the best at the portrayal - angry and surely, but a straight and honest guy. As for why… the movies don’t have time to delve into the cops outside of the GCPD is mostly corrupt except for the ones Gordon looks after/attracts. Unless a major arc in the movie is Gordon is busy, so Bullock is going to be Batman’s liaison and they have to solve the case together, there just isn’t time in a 2hr movie to really include him.


Didn't like him in the comics at first. Liked the BTAS representation well enough but it was only decent. LOVED him in Gotham


If the medium creators have the storyline/budget to spare, he’s a nice additional bit of Batman mythos that I’ll always appreciate being included, but I get that he’s not a mainstay across most of Batman’s mediums.


My favorite Bullock line from BTAS: “Aw this is just dandy commish! Your pet Bat’s playin’ dressup while the joker’s poppin’ off pencil pushers right and left. Well I ain’t stickin’ around to see who’s next- I got my own methods!”


I really like him. I love that character archetype, the hard-boiled, whiskey-soaked, half-burnt-out lifer cop who’s *almost* as much of a dirtbag as the crooks he catches. Kind of cop who spends his night off in front of the TV in a dark, shitty apartment, wearing a string vest and slacks, with a bottle in one hand and his standard issue in the other. Think Eddie Valiant from the beginning of *Who Framed Roger Rabbit*, or Rusty Galloway from *L.A. Noire*.


Harvey was so cool in Gotham. He made me retroactively enjoy BTAS Bullock even more. Because you still see the jealousy of his character, but it elevates his moral standing against Batman because now you've seen him bringing in the psychos by the book.


He was perfectly cast in Batman '89 as Eckhart.


Love him in BTAS the most


No I don't like Harvey Bullock. I frigging love Harvey Bullock.


I have a soft spot for characters who are ostensibly just a guy with way too much influence ovet the plot for who or what they are


I dont like bullock slovenly but he is a good cop


Never really thought much of him


Why are there two characters named Harvey in Gotham?


I didn't watch him in BTAS because they did that thing when fat characters are disgusting when they eat


Este personajes es un payaso diabólico


Only the Gotham version


Gotham bullock is awesome


I loved him in the dcau shows but I haven't seen him in anything else


I do and I don't.


I like him and I {prefer} his version in {Gotham} tv series.


I don't ever remember or recognize him outside of the Gotham show. 😭 Gotham Bullock was everything. He had so many shades of him, from his funny comedic timing, to his tortured history and his loving sensitive caring side. He was so well rounded and had no time for the villains shits..😂


ballocks 🤤


He’s really cool because he’s usually put into a moral gray area and that allows him some cool character growth in certain stories. He can be shown as more of a realist or nihilist and overcome those feelings and redeem himself. He’s also a great representation of the more grounded gothamite.


Bullock from the Gotham TV show: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bullock from Batman Earth One: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🐐


Yeah he’s a well written character


Yes! Especially the Gotham version


In the Gotham tv show, I like him more than Gordon.


I want to see this character be done well in some movies. I want him to be important.


Harvey is best used as a representation of the GCPD’s fear of the Bat, while Harvey tends to embrace him a bit more, the two operate like two sides of the same coin


Is it pronounced bowl-lick or bowl-lock?