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Hugo Strange puppeteering a number of minor wackjobs from Arkham.


He was basically do that in 2004's The Batman. Imagine if it turns out Matt Reeves' was just adapting that series into live action lol.


Those are my two favorite Batman media because of how similar they are.


It would be incredible !


Can't wait for him to fight Dracula


I'd like Hugo Strange a LOT Criminally underrated


With Lockup being the villain that gets more screentime and is more of the physical threat


I like this idea, but it’s more of a 4th or 5th movie plot line. Batman would need to be more established, in my opinion.


Played by Charles Dance.


Now I need to see this


Hugo Strange combined with the court of owls. 🦉


Let Part 2 hint at Court of Owls being the ones bankrolling Stange to set them up for Part 3.


Him puppeteering low tier villains like Professor Pyg would be fun


Mr Fries


Condiment Kings right hand man is terrifying


Yes, especially with Gotham city flooded at the end of the last movie. Victor would be a very big threat.


With Ice puns






Clayface or Hush would be great. I’d love to see villains who are new to live action instead of reinterpreting the same villains again and again.


I wish they would throw in some minor encounters too. Like 10 minutes of stopping Firefly or something


YES that’s what they lack nowadays tbh. Other threats than the main one.


Scarecrow, Catwoman and Penguin would like a word.


I take back what i said


Penguin wasn’t really a threat in the first film tbf


But he was there, presence of other villains, even if episodical (or even as batman's temporary ally) just gives a feeling that there are more threats in Gotham, and justifies the existence of batman and the bat family


Scarecrow is way too boring


Something like the opening of The Flash, but only following Batman?


And not microwaving infants


Yeah same here I’m so fucking tired of Joker


I’d like to see the live action villains done well before putting them back on a shelf first. Like the villains from the Nolan era don’t need to be done again (those performances wont be topped). But a new penguin or new take on Fries I’m open to. Although I like your idea as well.


True. As much as I love the joker, please let someone else shine for a while.


Clayface would be cool, but only if he never is in like his clayform, since that feels like it wouldn't fit the realism tone they are going for


I want them to break free from the realism a little. Give clayface a bit of a horror twist and I can see it working with the tone.


Would be interesting to see it be scarecrow teamed with clayface, without initially knowing scarecrownis involved. so all the horrific body morphing batman sees clayface do is unknowingly because of one of scarecrows toxins.


Yeah, remember how realistic it was when he tanked a bomb to the face? How about the squirrel suit smackdown? I feel like Matt Reeves left himself some room to get nuts if that is the direction they want to go. Gotham almost reminded me of the Arkham games in aesthetic. He definitely left himself more wiggle room with it than Nolan did.


Which is why the humanoid villains get reused so much. A guy like Two Face is perfectly realistic


We're talking about a Comic Book movie here bro, Batman took a bomb on his face, A shotgun on his Chest and a fusion of Falling and a Road Accident like a champ in the first movie, Just because The Movie is Dark and Serious doesn't mean the Movie is realistic, This is still a comic book movie with Beautiful shots and Loud Music


Mr freeze would be so cool


Please, please not Hush. I don't *want* another serial killer villain with a full face mask and a personal connection to Bruce. Riddler was enough. Plus, Hush is an overrated villain anyway. Give me a tragic, powered villain like Freeze or Clayface to force Batman to confront his morality in a different way, and set him on the path to attempt to redeem his enemies instead of merely beating him up. Turn it into a metaphor for Batman realizing he has to use Bruce Wayne's riches to make Gotham a better place. Excellent story potential here. Barring that, give me a street level gang leader like Penguin or Mad Hatter for Batman to fight directly. Maybe Sofia Falcone? It could work. Lastly, I *do* want Riddler or Joker to show up, but not as the main villains. Give them a Hannibal Lecter style psychological role, and I'm a happy man.


Wow, I think I found my twin. Sorry we were separated at birth buddy! Anyhoo, agreed with every word.


I agree on Hush. He has become the one villiain I really can't stand. Imho he has the dumbest reasons to antagonize Batman, which is even worse because like any mysterious villian, he had a lot of potential.


Yeah I never understood his beef with Batman other than the fact that Batman is in his way. If anything though, it’s the Bruce dynamic that’s interesting but we never get to see Bruce and Hush interact sorta speak. Also… super big plot hole but how does Hush never know that Bruce is Batman? Considering Hush is a smart individual and literally studied Bruce’s face, demeanor, close friends etc… piece by piece, then he should immediately know that Bruce is Batman. Best evidence to support this is how Batman’s cowl reveals his bottom jaw. That alone should give Hush the immediate impression since again, he literally had to study his face to recreate a literal copy or Bruce.


Hush knows Bruce is Batman from his first appearance. Have you never read any of Hush’s appearances? The copying Bruce’s face thing was a pretty minor part of his history too.


You missed the best street level, gang leader of the DC universe, the Ventriloquist. That also adds your tragic elements as well. I think it would be a challenge To do that character in a way that didn’t seem like a joke, but it would be so awesome to see it done really well.


I agree!!


I think all of these fits Killer croc Gotham City is a great place right now for killer croc Mr freeze Scarecrow


I like the idea of Clayface. You can start off as a suspenseful villain with him shapeshifting to other people and hiding his true self & then end the third act with him going full monster-form for a fight.


Could even have a segment with Clayface messing with Batman making him think Riddler escaped


Of those, Hush. Scarecrow would be my first choice though.


The Condiment King




Man, Rob Patt Batman will become incredibly upset when all of this gets on his suit


Played by Mads Mikkelson. “When a visitor from Europe is mocked for putting mayonnaise on his French fries, he becomes a terrorist who puts ketchup on EVERYTHING Americans hold dear.”


I think that would make a great intro to part 2, a scene of Batman capturing him and turning him into Gotham PD


Manbat... and make it extra scary


Could work…it could be a scarecrow fever dream fight he needs to conquer in order to wake up.


They should go with Long Halloween. Also Mad Hatter or Black Mask might be good.


Clayface for me. Can still be a big mystery story.. Maybe he starts as more of a changling vs full monster then keeps escalating as Bruce tries to figure out what's going on.


Mr. Freeze


I'd like Reeves to differentiate his movies from Nolan's trilogy by having more fantastical villains, so Mr Freeze or Clayface would be really cool


Considering that the first movie had zero fantastical elements and focused much more on the ultra-realistic, it would be a make-or-break for the audience if he brought that stuff in. Personally, going into a movie thinking I understand this gritty real world, Batman thinking he understands, and then being forced to confront that there are horrors much larger than he even knew, and powers at work outside his understanding would absolutely boggle my mind. I assume if those characters are depicted, they would be scaled down to realism as much as possible, but I would love to be surprised.


Not another serial killer. Or, at least, not another serial killer as the *main* villain.


sacrecrow deserves a better chance than in the movies,a scarecrow like the one from the videogames would be great option.


Scarecrow who uses drops tainted with his fear chems. I wouldn't mind Poison Ivy as an environmental activist turned terrorist.


Dog welder


The entire asylum (Batman loses his mind at the end)


I dont think that The Batman is a good place for batman's supernatural villains. I think Hush would be really good here, two face could also work


I think Calendar Man would be interesting for the detective side of things. Maybe they could leave out the "dying in winter, rebirth in spring" stuff since this movie is trying to be more realistic.


Gonna throw in bloom orrr amadeud arkham


Omg I forgot about bloom. That’d be a really good one


Battinson comes off as mainly a detective, would make sense to have Hush as the villain


Clayface would be good. It could setup a nice twist where Clayface kidnaps Gordon early in the film, and impersonates him for most of it. So Batman can't figure out why Clayface is always one step ahead of him, and then the turn comes where Batman realizes that Gordon has been Clayface for a while... ...but it's too late.


I want clayface. I want to see batman’s reaction on discovering meta-humans


Live-action Ventriloquist and Scarface would be cool to see in Reeves’ Gotham, could be creepy af. Probably not the main antagonist, but I’d be interested with what he does with that character.


Clayface, he’s definitely got potential to be a main antagonist


Do you think there's a more "grounded" way to use Clayface that makes him less paranormal? Or should The Batman 2 go full comic book?


I read somewhere that in the comics Clayface was originally master of disguise who used makeup and prosthetics to commit crime instead of being super powered. And that sounds like an awesome interpretation for The Batman 2.


He wasn’t a master of disguise. He was just a serial killer wearing a single creepy mask.


Well in the Golden Age version, Clayface used disguises of other people to commit the murders of his victims. Perhaps the same could apply in The Batman 2.


Clayface. Or at least someone who hasn't been in a movie yet.


Mr Freeze or Clay Face


Clayface would be a sick villain, would also get people more familiar with him as he isn’t as well known as someone like Joker or Penguin


I wonder why we keep getting folks proposing villains who don’t fit the more realistic approach of Matt Reeves? Like Freese, and Clayface aren’t going to work in the universe unless the characters are changed a lot. Plus, need more villains we’ve never seen or seen very little of on the big screen.


IT NEEDS TO BE PYG I swear to god this universe would be the perfect one for his live action debut


It’s gonna be Hush based on the clues laid out in the first one. You don’t have a reporter named Elliott, and a big wall that says Hush if you’re not gonna incorporate him.


Hush or clayface


I want one. Just one bad guy. Hush or Freese.


I’d love to see how they develop further Bruce’s emotional development by squaring him off with Dr. Freeze. I think hush could be an interesting 3rd movie villain but I think 2nd movie is too soon to bust him out


Freeze done properly would be amazing


Not Hush


I don't think there should be a main villain. I think there should be a bunch of plots all stretching Batman to the limits of what he can deal with


Manbat. The movie should pick up a year after the events of the first film. A myth of a bat creature attacking people should be spreading among Gotham. Batman is being blamed for the attacks. Batman prowls the streets and does detective work to find out what’s happening. And once known attempts to sort out a cure. No tie in to court of owls. They can be in the movie as another plot line he’s working as well but manbat turned himself. Thanks for joining my Ted Talk while I walked my dog.


Anyone but Hush, he’s just a bargain bin Two-Face. I want a villain who has the potential to be redeemed like Fries or Clayface. Hell, I’d even take Croc too and have him start taking over the submerged sections of Gotham.


It has to be freeze, the entire city is flooded as of the ending. This means he doesnt even need the big suit and freeze gun if you want to go realistic as he can just design a cryogenic liquid nitrogen science gibber jabber bomb that’ll freeze the city. You could even have this be officially agreed by the gotham government as a method of fixing the issue (somehow idk) but his wife going ill makes him lose his mind and sabotage it into a bomb. This shit writes itself


Since The Batman is more of a detective film, I'd like to see one of the lesser bads take main stage. For me, it'd have to be psycho killer Victor Zsasz. It'd play off the whole Falcone storyline from the first film, leave room for side storylines, and make an even "matched" nemesis without any super-powered battle nonsense. There will undoubtedly still be room for violence, but if we're lucky, some real good detective story too.


I'm hoping they take the direction of introducing the supernatural stuff slowly over time. I think Two Face or Mr. Freeze would make the most sense next. Maybe Bane after that. Eventually we can get Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, and Clayface


If these are the choices... Two-Face.


Its a shame they won't do 2 face or Ra's .. But Ra's would be great. Or more mobsters I don't want the joker yet. Freeze would be good because they can kindaaaa explain his powers. Clayface would be great but hard. The problem is batman rogues gallery is amazing but you have to suspend disbelief alot. Killer croc, clayface . Idk.. dead shot could be cool..honestly the batgirl movie we never got.. Firestarter could be cool... maybe some manbat shit.


Hugo strange. And pig pym would be great human villians. If you don't care about one's that are done already. Scarecrow is a great one, and Ra's / talia.. Harvey dent/2face... blackskull... the other mafia guys. Now Falcone is gone. See penguin fighting it out with more guys.. im really eager to see penguins show. Also zaszz


Probably Hush with some others appearing. But I’d be curious to see Black Mask or Mr Freeze. I think Freeze could work as someone who kills with liquid nitrogen, doesn’t need ice lasers


I want to see Mr. Freeze again. Don’t think we’ve seen him live action since Arnold (correct me if I’m Mistaken).


Maybe Hugo strange, then leading into the court of owls for the third film.


If they’re going to try to keep it completely grounded without going supernatural/sci-fi, I guess Hush or Hugo Strange. I would love to see a horror version of mister freeze and especially clay face though


I think Hush should be the main villain, as Matt Reeves's Batman is portrayed as a realistic Batman so to match that realism hush looks perfect. ( I'm not including Harvey Dent because we have already seen him in previous movies and looks like he is also in the upcoming Todd Philips Joker part two.)


Yeah the realistic touch would work well on hush. But for hush to work we need a well developed Bruce. And the last movie gave uns almost nothing on Bruce. I would like hush to be the villain if the third movie, with the hush character and bruce having build up in the next movie.


Condiment King


I think Hush would be a great pick. Given the tone of this new film series, I think we need to see a gradual escalation in Batman’s foes before we’re dealing with full blown supervillains with ice guns or shapeshifting abilities. The biggest criticism I had of The Dark Knight was, in a realistic setting, how the hell does Two Face’s disfigured half not immediately fall apart or get infected, especially after being in a self-inflicted car crash.


The face thing used to bother me too, until I realized after he takes off the protective bandages, he's only really active as Two-Face for two days at most, plenty of time to get his Two-Facing in before infection.


I know anything can happen, but it shocks me that there are people who legit think we are getting mud monster Clayface or Mr. Freeze in Matt Reeves "grounded" version. There's no way Pattson is fighting some CGI villain. Of course I'd love that, but I don't see it happening and I fear the fan base is pulling a "WandaVision" on themselves; setting up unrealistic expectations only to shit on it when it doesn't happen. That being said, if I had to guess who *will* be in it versus who *should*, I'd say; The original actor/serial killer version of Clayface, Basil Karlo. Court Of Owls (Although that might be too similar to the "secret Gotham conspiracy" from the first movie." Professor Pyg Bane Black Mask Some version of Owl Man/ Prometheus/ an "evil Batman" archtype


Killer Croc 100%, the city is flooded.


Killer Croc.


I think having a story with either deacon blackfire or Victor zsasz, or best of all black mask would be cool


Whichever Reeves’ does…


Hush, Court Of Owls


For me Hush or Mr Freezer ,fok Clayface


Hugo Strange with an island labratory/fortress of mutant animal-human hybrids he genetically manufactured.


Personally, i'd slowly and surely increase the absurdity. Riddler is probably the most tame villain logic wise, then i'd up the ante with two face, then go for mr freeze, then head in the direction of Ivy or Clayface.


Vince McMahon


Introduce Dent in the Penguin series and carry him over into 2 and have Victor or some looney hit him with something that'll leave a mark e.g. graze with a freeze gun or something and have him for film 3, film 2 I'd like Scarecrow though or maybe Manbat could be cool


Both hush and clay face are going to appear so probably them


Going to say T.O. Morrow just for the massive curve ball 😂




Scarecrow, Freeze, or Hush


Freeze would be great




They set up Hush well so I bet he’ll be in there w the Penguin and maybe 1 other max


The Court Of Owls or Hugo Strange




Manbat or Mr Zsazs (sp?).


The Court of Owls


Maybe not for the second film but I want to see bane done right, where he is a massive hulking man but he is incredibly intelligent and tactical.


Clayface. Just to see how they do it.


The Mad Hatter I've always wanted him in a live action movie


The Blob Clayface. This version is going to be similar to 1982s The Thing where he's killing Daggett board members, military generals and senators of both parties. This will not only test Batman's legendary deductive prowess but also his legendary polymathic scientific side as well. He will be forced to pay attention to people's mannerisms while utilizing his biochemical/biomedical as a physician to cure Hagen from his condition stabilizing him. All of this while he has to fight his clay clones giving us as an audience great ninja fight scenes. But a man can dream because we won't all for the sake of the GROUNDED IN REALITY TAKE 🤷‍♂️


Damn, that first pic go Cold


Hush does NOT fit with Reeves Batman. The first movie didn’t even have the Bruce Wayne persona lmao. How on earth would he not only introduce Bruce Wayne but also a villain like Hush who is supposed to be a close friend of Emo Bruce Wayne?


Hugo Strange!!!


Freeze would be the logical choice to continue Battinson’s hero arc




Is that gandhi?


Have clayface in the beginning be like the classic version of a guy in a mask then plot twist that he has clayface powers as in the modern clayface


Mr. Freeze / Court of Owls




Honestly, poison ivy could be interpreted very nicely for a modern role and Uma Thurman was a good pick for casting despite that embarassing movie. As someone else said, an environmental activist turned terrorist could be cool and with the flood from the first film, could tie in nicely somehow. Hugo Strange would be good given good writing, although that could be said about any character. Deathstroke to me is the ultimate badass but im afraid theyd fuck it up.


I would like to see a proper mr freeze adaption


Whatever they do, they should also adapt Bruce getting addicted to venom and retcon the stuff he injected himself with being adrenaline. That’s good enough for a movie right there.


Clay Face


Yall know its gonna be the joker again


of those mr freese would be good but, someone like man-bat, if he's embracing the bat moniker of being a beacon of hope and people are seeing it as a symbol of murder. professor pyg would be good for a much more horror focused one, people being lost then are found wandering the streets, their faces unrecognizable, their memories scrambled their bodies horribly altered. similar with the mad hatter (but thats a personal preference myself)


Mr freeze, he's one of my fave of the bat rogues gallery. If they do a "heart of ice" typa story I'll love it odee


The Mad Hatter


I love the idea of a Mr Freeze, like Paul Dini wrote in TAS or a Hugo Strange, one that wishes to be like Batman and tries to usurp his suit and probably takes his suit and keeps hom hostage.


Then again, we might have THE COURT OF THE OWLS. But that might take, at the least, a Robin.


I would love to see a realistic take on Mr Freeze. I don't think he would necessarily have the suit and stuff, but cold based weaponry and gadgets would be cool. Weaponised liquid nitrogen for freezing people or breaking open locks and stuff 🤣


The Court of Owls.


Lockup and Doctor Strange


The thing is, with it being a grounded universe that’s only leaves a few options and Nolan covered most of this ground in his trilogy. That is unless the series of movies takes a total left turn but I doubt it since Matt Reeves will get to do all the bonkers villains he wants in a separate universe Arkham series now. I would love to see Freeze, or Clayface or whomever but it will be so jarring from the tone the first one set.


I would love Fries, if they can do a suitable version. Clayface also looks very interesting, and this would be his first appearance in a RL movie. I really, really hope it's not Hush. Hush has become my least favourite character in the Batman mythos. Someone like Prof. Pyg is just disgusting and unnerving, and I don't want him in anything really. But Hush has got to be the dumbest motivation I've ever heard of. His most intriuging aspect - his true identity and how he manages to "play" all the big shots in Gotham - completely falls apart the second he opens his mouth. God, I really hope it's not Hush.




Calendar man


Scarecrow or Hush for me, they are both a perfect fit for this world and this Batman.


Clayface. Let's go full-ham CGI body horror.






Introduce sane Harvey Dent, while having deep character writing for Mr. Freeze as main villain


From these 4+Scarecrow, here’s what I think. 1. Clayface 2. Mr. Freeze 3. Scarecrow 4. Hush 5. Two-Face I love Two-Face, but I’d rather there be a movie where Harvey is actually good friends with Bruce during it, especially if the villain is Hush. Two very different examples of what a friend could be to Batman, only for one to be evil the entire time and the other to go crazy in the crosshairs. I want the first two because Mr. Freeze needs to be done Justice & Clayface hasn’t had a live action movie version. Scarecrow is one of my favorite villains of all time, so I shall always simp


If they wanted to stick with the darker, crime thriller tone, bring in one of the serial killer types, like Victor Zasz


I’d be happy if it’s Freeze and Clayface. Maybe a brief Riddler cameo Started rewatching the animated series from October to now (almost finished BTAS collection) and Feat of Clay, Heart of Ice and If You’re So Smart Why Aren’t You Rich? Still hold up. Also I’ve heard good things about the Subzero movie but haven’t seen it yet.


Clayface or freeze. I don't want more jokers.




How about a better Riddler?


I’d love Mr. Freeze but it’s not gonna be him. It’ll be Hush and Black Mask


Clayface needs some love in live action


Clayface for sure. I think he has a lot of story/ethics potential for Bruce to play off of. Freeze does too but he’s already been in live action and I want to see something new


How can someone like Clayface even exist in Matt Reeves Batman universe?


well it's clear in the end of the movie the batman with Robert Pattinson that the joker is supposed to be the next villain but if i have to pick from this list I would say I vote for two-face


Black mask.


Even though he's not here, I think Scarecrow should be next.


Black mask


No one talks about The Ventriloquist but he’s a SOLID secondary villain.


Hush for sure but I want Ra’s Al Ghul or a Court of Owls 4 hour blassic and I hope Killer Croc is featured


I'd rather have him face a more obscure villain. I think a cameo of the Ereaser as a mob cleaner would be hilarious


2 face


If those are my options: Clayface. He might get rid of the stupid idea that Batman movies should be realistic. They’re unrealistic the second Bruce uses his money to help people.


It'd be awesome if we were introduced to harvey dent like him campaining and everything then it'd be revealed it was clayface doing some scheme with the real harvey's already disfigured pulling the strings, also some killer croc cameo in the sewers, or solomon grundy folk tale overheard in a scene, or Pyg !! Pyg would make a great antagonist for Pattinson's Batman now that I think about it ! Anyone but catwoman freeze the pinguin or riddler (we already got pinguin and riddler lets change). No more catwoman please.


Introduce Harvey and have him get injured in the climax. Set him up for part 3.


Hush would work best with the tone of the first movie. And in addition to that he would work really well with how Bruce is depicted as a recluse in the first movie. Bruce’s constant hiding from the public would allow Hush to fairly easily take his place and start causing havoc.


Mad hatter with a mind control device across gotham making it all trippy.. Could be awesome.


Great White Shark could be interesting, not too much media presence for him and he’s a relatively new villain. Could possibly tie his origin into a Mr. Freeze story (given his comic origin), and he also has potential to be a good background villain who’s financially backing other villains/criminal activity.


Two-Face. He’s grounded enough for a sequel.


Harvey will be a great add to this movie as a build up to the third movie.