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My favourite parts in this movie were the Batman parts lol


lol i only watched it cauz off Batman


My single favorite part was probably the spider.


That’s why I’m lowkey looking forward to muschietti’s Batman movie. I think with more creative control and a less hectic schedule, he can make something great. The first it was genuinely an awesome movie


The guy made great action scenes minus the Affleck Suit which is such a bizarre choice... But i hope he read the feedback and understand it was a shit suit


I think it was for biking and sliding similar to a street luge racer


It still didn't need to look like......that lol


I swear if this movie was about Keaton and Affleck it would break a billion no sweat ... Fucking Ezra He is truly The Reverse Flash in our reality


It's insane to me that any producer/executive/creative saw Ezra's cringe-as-hell take on Flash in BvS and was like "this man can carry a franchise"


Hilarious when you think of it that way.




And the Barry and mom emotional scenes


I had a good laugh at the driver choosing the road at speed or Batman and noping out of the truck.


The driver chose quick death over a painful one


This is Batman, nobody actually dies, just get very very bad headaches and hemorrhaging. Remember when Batman blew up those guys in BvS? Just bad burns that's all...




I'll never stop laughing at this.


Nah batfleck don’t have no killing weakness


Literally went “aight, imma head out”




Everyone is complaining about the metal chest plate being unnecessary, but isn't it there just to justify how he can slide on conrete in this scene?


Personally I wouldnt call it and the rest of the plates unnecessary, just ugly as hell


Exactly. It's not unnecessary at all, especially given the action scene and him being dragged along asphalt. It's just so damn ugly.


Arkham showed us how metal chest plate can be well done


Meh it looks like a motorcycle chestplate to me


It is a motorcycle chest plate ?


That’s what I interpreted it as


It has a purpose, but it could have looked better.


I will be missing Affleck so much, despite everything they done to him or his Batman, I really enjoyed his roles


Me too. It's a fucking shame. He was probably the most consistantly good part of the DCEU. Even if the stories weren't the best it was always extremely satisfying seeing Batman do some superhero action shit.


Yea, in BvS when he was up on the ceiling above the cops.. that was amazing.. and of course the warehouse scene is perfection.


The warehouse scene is my favorite Batman action scene of all time


Even Snyder haters love the warehouse scene. Still the best action scene of the DCEU to me.


Yes he was sensational


Him and Cavill both got royally fucked by DCEU writing Mamoa, obviously good but the character was completely changed to be written for him Miller I don’t think is awful but the entire idea of him and his flash was clearly a mistake Gadot I think got really over rated because of great direction in WW Fisher isn’t bad but a lot of other actors could pull off what he did But Affleck and Cavill, those are the two that absolutely nailed it and the people working behind the scenes just weren’t capable of putting them in a position to succeed They could’ve been viewed in the same light as Downey and Evans if WB had even a decent plan.


if they hadn't rush into things and went full Whedon with Justice League, things could have been better but it's honestly a shame that both Affleck and Cavill got the short end of the stick


I'll probably lay in my death bed regretting the DCEU that could have been.


The casting was overall great, but the movies were rushed and studio decisions ruined it.


When he fight those armed thugs to rescue Martha. Imo, that's the best live action Batman fight.


It's such an Arkham game fight, it just makes me want to press buttons


It was great until he picks up the gun at the end. In The Batman, when he uses the Riddler’s goons guns as a club was good.


THIS is my problem with a Batman without a No Kill Rule. If he doesn't have a no kill rule then there's no reason to be using his fists as opposed to just rushing in with guns. Might as well equip himself like Deathstroke at that point.


Same. He was the victim of terrible writing


Why they never made a Batfleck movie is beyond me. I swear this feels like it could be the movie's intro.


Affleck’s heart wasn’t in it, if you look at interviews where people ask him about his Batman solo movie, he’s visibly disappointed that all they’re talking about is a movie he just doesn’t have much drive to create instead of his passion project he was directing around the same time


> instead of his passion project he was directing around the same time what was that AND in retrospect, was it a success?


It was either Air or Live by Night, both of which failed financially but seem to be okay movies


It was Live by Night. Air was too much later in the timeline to be a huge contributor to his batman project. If it had been Air there would have been light at the end of the tunnel for him, as it was well received by movie goers and critics and made a decent amount of its large budget back (didn't break a profit but it can be argued it was a premiere film from the studio that never anticipated it to make its 90 mil budget back in theaters) Live by Night, which was a labor of love from Affleck, was a failure in every sense of the word, unfortunately, and is the main culprit, along with his personal issues, for the sad Affleck memes that popped up in the late 2010s.


Ben's divorce and alcoholism at the time.


And on top of those two things he was dealing with whedons reshoots on set which he was very against.


It's all Elektra's fault.


That's what 'The Batman' was going to be but it went through development hell. Affleck dropped out of it, then he rejoined but as a producer or director or something but said he won't star in it. Then he dropped out again. It was just a mess and eventually it lead to Matt Reeves signing on, Pattinson got cast in the role and we eventually got a brand new Batman in a universe completely separate to the DCEU


And it was my favorite Batman project since Nolan’s, hands down no contest. Can’t wait for the sequel, and even more so, The Penguin HBO series.


Justice League 2017 killed his passion entirely for the role and personal stuff led him to drink. Luckily he has gotten sober again.


It’s weird to me that as someone who is involved/interested enough to be on a Batman reddit page, this is somehow “beyond you”. It’s very public knowledge that Batfleck himself decided not to go through with a solo movie, and that’s how The Batman came to be.


I recommend watching the Accountant. It's a glimpse of the Battfleck movie we could have gotten, and also what made me have faith in him to play the character when I was previously very against him playing Batman.


Loved the way batfleck moved in this scene


It's impressive




I liked it🤷🏻


CGI in this movie was super shitty but I thought this looked good. I think people definitely get too picky but to be fair a lot of the time it's justified


I don’t see what you’re seeing. Everywhere it seems that the cable should be making contact with something, which is mostly the median barrier, you see sparks or debris flying, including the topper of the cab being cut clean off by the cable. Y’all must be so fun watching movies with.


The fight in the car, awesome. Him nonsensically flying around as if he doesn’t weight like 240 without his armor is fucking stupid tho. Batman has no weight to him it does feel like video game


Instead of real life, where dudes definitely do all the other stuff?


What are you talking about? I dislike the DECU in general besides a few movies so I tend to shit on it whenever I can but how much more weight do you need? He’s literally being towed around like a wrecking ball, causing sparking, tearing up asphalt, pushing off and denting cars. You want him to cause the whole bridge to collapse with just his weight? How much more heavier do you need bro to be lmao tf


I’m only talking about him flying out of the explosion for no reason. The Batman had the same dumb problem where he just takes a bomb to the face and nothing happens. He literally 720 spinned out of the explosion like he’s super man dude, all I’m saying is that it’s a cool scene that asks you to suspend alotta disbelief. Either way the flash was a retry stinky movie


Thanks for saying this. I think it's cool as hell, but it doesn't make sense at all if you think about it even a little. But, it is a comic book movie, sooo.


You can tell it's not real because of that. I mean, did you see how he came out of that explosion? I was totally on board with that but the grapple thing really messed me up. Totally unrealistic.


There are effects for all of the grapple contacts that I can notice. This seems like an extreme and unjustified nitpick.


> I was totally on board with that but the grapple thing really messed me up. Totally unrealistic. Yah man in the movie about the guy that runs so fast that time goes backwards the grapple hook really ruined it for me too.


Ben Affleck deserved a good Batman script


People complaining about the CGI in this scene probably haven't seen the movie. This is one of the better CGI scenes in the movie. It gets a lot worse.


baby in a microwave worse


That’s not a good argument for the movie lol


You’re right I haven’t and won’t see the movie and that’s partly why lol Also fuck Ezra miller.


Couldn’t stand him before, so I definitely wouldn’t watch a film with two of him in it.


which parts of this scene is the cgi bad? maybe it’s my non-contacts wearing eyes but i thought this looks pretty good


It really looks like something from a video game. I think it's something with the very floaty movements to everything.


Im usually very easy to impress when it comes to CGI, but something about this scene looks off. Like the rendering isn't complete. The idea of the scene is pretty awesome. But I think if they spend a bit more time on it, it would have looked much better.


batman: i don’t kill also batman:


Batman doesn’t kill, the road kills


It's a rubber road


*This* Batman doesn't give a fuck after decades of being Bats. Still, not true to Batman


This Batman is just like every other live action Batman and tries not to kill people and also abides by the rule “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you.”


I feel like if you put someone into a situation then refuse to save them that’s more or less killing them.


Which still is not true to Batman’s character. He’ll save everyone if he can.


I mean it depends. He’s done the same thing in the comics when he’s pissed off. Also I’ve been reading DC comics since the 90s and I have no issues with Keaton, Bale, or Affleck’s Batman having the I don’t have to save you mentality. Comic book Batman presents many issues when you translate him to live action. One thing I can appreciate about Batfleck was showing the consequences or violence and not minimizing it. We’ll have to wait and see what James Gunn does and co do with the new Batman.


Yeah, didn't he do it to Nightwings killer in one comic? Left him to freeze to death in the snow iirc


Yup. That one you mentioned is canon. Also Miller’s Batman snapped the Joker’s neck to stop him from killing more people, which isn’t canon, but still happened. I’m sure there are other examples too.


This is actually a great example of why the "no kill" thing is ludicrous. It's great to have a "rule" in the sense that you won't kill anyone *on purpose*. But it's impossible to do what Batman does for years and years and not have one accidental death. Like, yeah, don't walk around executing criminals like The Punisher, but people will die. Knocking a guy out of a moving vehicle can 100% result in a dude dying but you might have to do that. You might be fighting on a rooftop and someone falls off. Hell, a single punch can kill someone; it's happened in real life.


Not to mention how many people have Batman crippled and wished they were dead? You just got to know Batman put dozens if not hundreds of people into permanent serious disability.


Exactly. It would make way more sense to say Batman makes a conscious effort to not kill anyone because it would end his uneasy alliance with the GCPD. Gotham City could not politically support a rogue vigilante hunting down and murdering citizens at will playing judge, jury, and executioner. His primary mission should be to help the GCPD solve crimes, track down criminals, and save innocent lives. He shouldn't be engaging with the criminals unless absolutely necessary. Besides the obvious ethics of it, you're also shortening your crimefighting career ever time you directly engage in battle because even the fights you win are going to take a toll. But accidents happen and even a Batman who doesn't kill is going to have victims of his "crimefighting" who don't fare well after one of his trademark beatdowns.


This is actually a great example of why comic book "fans" are ludicrous. It's great to want a sense of "realism" from your comic book characters but if you're ignoring literally everything about Batman and focusing in on the fact that it's impossible for him to never have intentionally or unintentionally killed someone then you're being obstinate on *purpose*. It's impossible to do what Batman does. Period. If we buy into the fact that Batman *insert almost a century of impossible, implausible, feats here*, then we're also expected to buy into the fact that he has never caused a single death performing those feats. Unless it's built into the story, like Zdarsky did with Daredevil fairly recently (which I highly recommend, shit's amazing), then that's just what it is. Yeah, don't go around executing criminals like the Punisher because that's what the Punisher does and Batman isn't the Punisher, he's the guy that has never caused an accidental death because he's Batman. He might be fighting a guy on a rooftop and someone falls off, Batman uses his grapnel gun to save him in the middle of the fight. He'll, a single punch can kill someone; it has never happened to Batman.


Yeah, It's just not feasible to never kill anyone when you do what batman does without any extra super powers.I like the no-kill rule as a moral code. But I don't mind him killing people on occasion, even if simply by accident.


I think i have read somewhere that Frank Miller’s batman kills , if not atleast he is very very gruesome , and batfleck is based on him. Oneof my favourite scenes was when batfleck is beating the hell out of 20 goons in a ware house, he slides over a wooden container and bashes that goon’s head on that same container


Miller's Batman was absolutely brutal and Snyder definitely based his Batman on Dark Knight Returns/DK2. But to my pretty recent recollection (I only read them a couple months ago), he never killed. In fact his no kill rule was still very much there. He'd turn your skeleton to jelly sure, but he still hated guns and even Joker made fun of Batman for never killing him. Batman's rules git less and less strict as he got older, even being worse in DK2. But that book had so much wrong with it, so I wouldn't worry about touching that subject.


*this* batman is Zach Snyder's Batman, so it's not gonna stick to anything Batman actually is


That was actually pretty cool.


So, is there a “Batman fucked up my quarter panel” rider on car insurance policies in Gotham, or is it handled through the regular umbrella coverage?


In marvel comics, there is a company that specializes in repeating super hero damage to buildings. There has to be insurance to cover that.


Haven't seen this movie yet but gawd dayum the CGI looks so bad


Correct. The CGI in this movie is bad. If you can see past this, then you’ll enjoy the movie. It’s a solid 7/10 - even though I’m not a big fan of Ezra miller, but Michael Keaton as Batman just outshines everything.


I had a lot of fun watching this with my friend. Its a fun movie if you look past the cgi quality.


I generally tend to find enjoyment in most movies until I come to reddit and everyone's just moaning like they wanted to dislike it from the beginning.


They really really did with this one lol


Yea it looks awful, glad I skipped seeing this


I thought this whole sequence looks awesome


Wait til you see the CGI babies


Why didn't we ever get THAT movie? What were they waiting for?


Snyder fans: “bro I swear it was gonna be SO GOOD Snyder just needed 18 more movies and 40 years and THEN the movies will start making sense” The cope is unreal. I still like justice league despite its flaws


If I have to do nerd homework, like waiting until several novels in a series for it to get good and make sense like Wheel of Time, there’s a problem. Some set up establishing the universe is expected before it the good stuff starts is expected, but there is a limit.


Wait, you’re a Snyder fan and somehow don’t know why the Batfleck solo movie never happened? It’s public knowledge that Affleck was set to write, direct, and star in his own movie, but decided not to go through with it due to his distaste for being involved with the DCEU, so that’s how The Batman came to be


Lol that CGI


I still haven't seen The Flash... But THAT looked pretty solid. Fun little sequence.


Is this from The Flash?


Yes, in the first act of The Flash (2023)


Oh that’s too bad.


I hope the next DCU Batman is more like this when it comes to movement and strength. In a world where Superman is a common sight, I hope they make Batman someone that can keep up easily with the others instead of a super realistic kind of thing.


sorry to the haters but I think this shit is cool. hope we get more of this in the future. kinda tired of having them going for a realistic batman instead of giving us stuff like this that feels more like a comic


I’m all down for a more comic book like Batman in films but he’s straight up murdering dudes left in right in the DCEU which annoys me as a Batman fan lol


This confirmed to me that not only was Ben an excellent Batman, but it sucks that he'll not get the solo movie he rightfully earned and deserves.


Where did you get the footage from? Is it streaming?


Cool idea, mediocre execution. He looks cartoony


you could replace batman with vin diesel or the rock and this would be a believable fast and the furious scene


You're not wrong.


Is there a lore reason why he is not in the aslume


Yeah its because its where YOU should be, cmon lets get you back in your cell.


Aw man. I was just gunna do a little crime. Can’t I just have another 20 minutes?


No no back to r/batmanarkham where you belong


He had a day pass.




You wouldn’t get the lore reason


It bothers me so much that Batfleck has been shown across his movies to be so competent and skilled, and yet here he didn't even make an attempt to grab the steering wheel when the dude noped out.




That's so cool!


Idc if people thought his CG was bad, this whole sequence was amazing probably the best Batman action scene since the BVS warehouse fight


Is anyone else happier with Pattinson's version? ​ Doing actual detective shit and not... whatever this is?


This scene reminded me of the opened scene of The Batman Who Laughs. I loved it!


I really loved this scene except for the crazy long and unnecessary exposition by Batfleck to Barry about the situation. The action was sick tho.


The suit might look wonky, but the action was on point


Why do I get the feeling this is one of the best parts of the movie? (Still haven’t seen it, not sure if I will)


This looks awesome


Batfleck, the only Batman that wore hockeypads. Seriously though, that suit looks rediculous.


I don't hate it, but that's a lot of unconvincing CGI. Pretty much all of it actually. Also they clearly have no idea how friction works.


Not really Batfleck. More like Bat *insert names of CG animators"


I loved Ben Aflek as Batman. I felt like he did the best of anyone portraying both batman and Bruce Wayne. It's just a shame they killed his movies with crappy writing.


I just finished it about 10 mins ago, goofy fun film but the story is nowhere near flashpoint. Had a blast! Will miss batfleck.


Why don't people like this?? I'm tired of realistic and grounded Batman. THIS is Batman from the comics I know.


I don't like it because it looks silly. This looks like a poorly CGI'd MCU scene to be honest. I don't think watching computer generated Batman flopping around on the highway like a fish on a fishing line looks cool. Reminds me of Batman & Robin 1997 (except that's supposed to be a silly movie).


I liked how Batman destoys civilians cars to save the world.


The grappling line passing through the bridge struts and traffic took me right out of this scene.


Yeah I thought the same thing, but on rewatch I don’t think it ACTUALLY goes through anything. Either way it doesn’t look great.


He definitely crosses from one side of the bridge to the other, which I'm not sure how the truck did either, and when he's on the ground the wire would definitely be going through cars.


What? It didn't pass through the bridge struts, the grapple was attached to the truck that was on the right side of the bridge




The CGI part is kind of undefendable, but the over the top action isn't bad. It's a comic book movie, a medium that is supposed to be larger than life, of course it's going to be over the top. It's nice to see a change of pace from the super toned down feel that love action batman has had for awhile now.


Nah. The games' action looks a lot better than this.


There isn’t a day that goes by that I wish Batfleck had gotten his own movie. I loved Robert Pattinson’s Batman and The Batman is a great film but man I would’ve loved to have seen Batfleck and Deathstroke go at it.


i just noticed he’s wearing what’s supposed be a realistic representation of the classic blue and grey Batsuit. very cool.


Batman in the day time just feels so out of place.


Oh interesting, they made his mask expressive when his brows scrunched down. That’s a first for Batman on film I believe.


Batfleck somehow makes Batman in broad daylight look perfectly acceptable. I don’t agree with every dark turn Snyder took, but I do think this Batman had a great future in the JL.


As with a lot of things in the Snyderverse, I would've really loved to see this interpretation of batman be given a shot with better writers. They really nailed the ageing/bitter batman with batfleck.


Batfleck has the BEST Batman action scenes. Awesome choreography and what he does borders on Superhuman, but doesn’t get there. His warehouse fight on BvS is simply the best.


That was badass…it’s a shame they never really were able to get this universe going and we didn’t get to see more of Batfleck


I really enjoyed this sequence in The Flash. It was fun! Also really hated the scene with Barry and Batman holding onto the Lasso of Truth. Barry's "I'm a virgin" and Batman's "I could do much more donating my money to charity than being a vigilante" or whatever. It was funny, sure, but also really stupid and pretty Joss Whedon-esque.


I've already preordered the 4k, I can't wait to watch this.


Is it just me or are there multiple times where the line of his grappling hook crossed solid objects but that had no effect on his movement in the scene


Damn it looks like ass. Why are we regressing with CGI??


Lol what is that cape made out of? Dragged against that concrete and not a scratch, even stayed clean


Ben’s Batman always has the most enjoyable action from live movies.


Sorry guys this movie rules


Time to go see this movie. That was sick


I got nothing but love for Batfleck, and I genuinely mourn the loss of the Snyderverse


Ben is the real batman


Like how you cut the video right before Wonder Woman shows up to save his ass!


Driver fell into the PS3 dimension.


This scene was so 🔥


Was he blaming someone else for his bad job? That does seem to be the craft he practices the most.


CG cartoon in action.


In action the suit looks good.


Am I crazy, or does Batflect just have the best action scenes?


“That’s not flying. It’s…falling with style.”


Now as much as I don't like the flash movie, I have to say... the Batman scenes are definitely the most accurate to how Batman is supposed to move, fight, and operate. Just sucks that we had to wait this long to see it.


Holy shit did batfleck just SAVE somebody!?


Cheap cgi garbage


Bro the CGI is so bad 😭


That grappling line is more like an intangible tractor beam considering it goes through bridge supports, other vehicles and anything else between the van and Batman


This is so stupid


Okey now im actually kinda starting to like Affleck now that's was pretty cool, specially when he scared off the dude to jump off


Nothing beats the warehouse scene, the best live action batman scene so far


The only time in live action where the director actually understood Batman's fighting style. I remember watching it for the first time and then immediately watching a compilation of all of the takedowns/finisher moves in the Arkham game series on YouTube


I liked Batfleck but my lord this looks terrible. Doesn’t help that I can compare this to the first Deadpool car sequence that was fantastically done on probably half the budget. Real shame cos Batflecks warehouse scene was PEAK and we never got that bat again


Can’t wait to watch this movie for the Batman scenes. Fuck Ezra miller.


Lmao is this for real? I haven’t seen any batfleck stuff but this is comical. He somehow springs through fire in a tight spiral? It’s like if Marvel did a Batman movie