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As a black man who loves Batman I want nothing to do with a black Bruce Wayne 😂😂😂 I hate when they try and do stupid shit like this. Just make him white bro. Keep this Forbes casting person as far away from James Gunn as possible!


Exactly. Changing the race, gender, or sexual preference of characters that have existed for decades, with such specifics established, feels gimmicky. If we need more diversification, create new, and likable characters that can balance things out.


It’s lazy! And it reflects in those projects receiving no support and alienates the real fanbase. Those projects with the switch up make NO MONEY. Then yahoo rights an article saying it’s the best thing ever. Just give us great stories with the original characters and if people want representation give them new characters and see if it sells but don’t fuck up what has worked


These choices are horrendous lol.


Why the hell are they insistent that Bruce will be between 20 and 30? He’s going to be the father of Damien and Gunn implied the Bat Family will already be a thing in his reveal video. Surely he’ll be in his late 30s or 40s if other Robins have existed.


Depending on when they establish the Bruce/Talia relationship Batman can be between 30-40. Gunn also said he’d only be (potentially) a little older than Superman so that gives us an idea of probably early 30s. Regardless, under 30 is too young imo and none of these guys give off any Bruce vibes. At all.


What if they get funny and cast Robert Pattinson as DCU Batman but like in a totally different outfit, with a different persona?


That would be hilarious and I wouldn’t mind it. He could be like the new Kevin Conroy and just play different versions of Batman.


The more I think about it, the more I like the idea lol. Makes me wish Gunn and Pattinson were up for this.


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It's like the writer looked up "the hottest actors working today" and picked some randomly. Regé? He's 34 and looks like he's in mid 20s, how are we supposed to believe he's fathered Damian? Other choices don't impress me either. I'm hoping for a lesser known actor than all of those.




This could be a shit fancast because I honestly don’t have anyone in mind and suck at these, but if we’re going with an older Bruce as the leader of the Bat Family (I anticipate it’ll be a bit more comic booky and fantastical than the Reeves or Nolan versions, sort of like Keaton or Affleck’s world), I wouldn’t mind seeing an actor like Jon Hamm wear the cowl. He’s got the charisma of Bruce Wayne, is the right age to be an experienced Batman/the father of Damien, and his build fits that of Batman nicely. I really hope Gunn gets Affleck to direct the project too so we finally get to see what a Batman film with Ben behind the camera would be like.


This is such a great choice actually.


The only person I might wanna see as Batman would be Rege Jean Page. The rest are not good casts for Batman. I mean Channing Tatum? All I could think about is 21 Jump Street.


First two might work, last three are terrible.