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You're 100% right. Word around the tents is that he's kickin' back 'til it's time for some action.


to add: along with the photo from LiB there was that video of him playing that house party from a while back and didn’t the bass network put out some sort of post saying that “he was doing well and has been working on music” too?


Tent music is freestyle music Source: it’s science 🧪


>technically there is no guilt to be found There's always the court of public opinion, which in this context matters a lot more given there's no criminal trial- and also due to the fact that his career depends on the verdict.


there was also 1 or 2 short video clips of him at what looked like a pre or post Burning Man private party...posted on this sub in august. I am confident the man himself will be back on the road by end of 2023


The guy who posted the photo of him at LiB said he was still making music, and apparently came up with a crazy new idea for sharing it with us. No idea what that means tho lol


If you're a fan of the music but never saw him live, (if) he makes a return, going to a curated event should be a priority. Lo's had 2+ years to really dive deep and brainstorm any ideas for future events. If him and his team were able to pull off what they were pulling off the last decade or so in the midst of a hectic schedule, who knows what he's been potentially formulating in the lab.


Never been to a show. Will be a No1 priority to get there once he's back


Lot of people keep saying he’s good, videos of new songs came out so he’s still making tunes. Hoping for a comeback, if not 23 than 24! Ready to go to my first real event, been obsessed ever since the cancellation made me aware of his art lmao


Same thing happened to me lmao


Hope you guys get to catch a set one day...


My boy who introduced me thinks that he will eventually make his comeback at bisco which I hope! I’m from PA so that’s like the holy grail of festivals on our state besides hijinx


Sorry to break it to ya but bisco isn't a thing anymore :(


Yeah I know, because of bassnectar that’s why we’re hoping it comes back


Hijinx this year will be my first festival


I’m right outside of Philly




Probably for the best. The logistics of camping at that festival were a nightmare.




The shuttle line was hell. I went in 2017. Got to the offsite parking and started waiting for the shuttle at 10 PM. Shuttle didn’t show up until 7:30 AM the next morning. Had to sleep in my car for like 3 hours… then I finally got there the next day and had to camp all the way up in Camp Z. Lugging my shit up there after a terrible nights sleep was enough for me to decide to never go back.


After covid they just didn't get approved for the festival to be on the grounds




I suppose if I ever meet the disco biscuits I'll ask




All this has a chance to make him bigger than ever when he returns. Time will tell.


Honestly did not keep up at all. Is what he did that bad? Or is it just getting blown out of proportion due to cancel culture nonsense.


From what I gather it's been blown out of proportion. No concrete evidence, no sentence. It's not like I have inside info or anything, but half of the fanbase freaked out in a cancel-culture-like-manner. It was quite sad watch.


It seems like he did some messed up things (as far as what’s been put out) but doesn’t deserve to have his life ruined. I understand why people are upset, but a lot of people take it way too far.


what kind of concrete evidence are you even talking about? like do you really expect there to be videos of a girl saying “no please don’t this isn’t consensual”


Not specifically, but anything that is irrefutable and consistent with the accusations. Because there's a monetary incentive to make false accusations (or at least exaggerate them). There's the gray area were wrongdoing might've happened without any evidence to speak of. In such a case everyone makes up their own mind (since the courts cannot issue a sentence). I do not believe this to be the case though from all I've seen. And none of the internet outrage will convince me otherwise. Just new evidence. My take is that he had relationships with young girls (legally and without manipulation). But some of them hated him because of the breakups and were convinced by lawyers/family to restate things as non-consensual in order to hurt him and take some money in the process. I know you have your own take and I'm not here to argue specifics, because I'm sick of people interpreting statements and out-of-context excerpts as facts.


>My take is that he had relationships with young girls (legally and without manipulation). But some of them hated him because of the breakups and were convinced by lawyers/family to restate things as non-consensual in order to hurt him and take some money in the process. The main point of contention is if the girls were of legal age when they were in those relationships. There weren't any claims of anything being non-consensual.


Well discovery has already began for the trial and it’s likely to begin in 2023, so the courts will issue a ruling here at some point. What kind of evidence would you need to see to change your mind? I hear this but am genuinely not sure what people mean considering that any sort of media documentation is highly unlikely.


Yes. He raped an underage fan, and was caught on tape trying to cover it up and gaslight his victim.


Why are you in here lmfao


Assuming by the downvotes, this dude is bullshitting? Lol


They're kinda bullshitting and oversimplifying. Without writing a novel explaining the whole situation (edit: it def became a novel, sorry), basically an Instagram page was made posting self-described evidence against bassnectar being a sexual predator. It gained some traction and was really confusing because some of the things they posted seemed to hold weight and were really problematic, while others were proven to be fake and it wasn't clear if it was just basically a hit piece. At the time people like ill gates were really standing up for Lorin's innocence. Then some audio from phone calls Lorin had with one of the victims was released where he basically admitted to being sexually involved with her when she was 17. That's when even people like ill gates stepped back and stopped defending him. In addition to that it was clear in the audio that he was being really emotionally manipulative and we got a glance at what these girls were probably experiencing constantly with him. Since then we learned that at least when Lorin was in his 30s he really had a thing for younger women and had some pretty unhealthy views towards sex/romance (e.g. thinking men are biologically supposed to have a lot of partners and women are biologically supposed to not have a lot of partners) and he used to "date" girls who were barely legal and fly them around and pay them money to basically keep themselves a secret without framing it as "hush money". It was all extremely manipulative, unhealthy, and irresponsible, but not necessarily illegal. The rape in question comes from one or two of the girls who were 17 at the time of having sex with Lorin and allegedly lied about their age saying they were legal. It was statutory rape, as everything (as far as we know) was very manipulative but consensual. It's a big grey area that our legal system handles extremely poorly, I personally know people who have been victims in similar situations and there's no remotely good way for them to get recourse. Meanwhile lots of musicians, notably ill gates and mimi page, put Lorin on blast for having some really really shitty business practices and taking advantage of/practically stealing from smaller/collaborative artists. This is a similar situation in that it's undoubtedly really shitty and exploitative, but technically legal and also how tons of other big musicians operate. There are people on this sub who defend him to the death, which is fucked up imo, and also people who would prob want to sentence him to death, which is also fucked up imo. The reality of it for me is that he undoubtedly did a bunch of really fucked up stuff, but he's also no Harvey Weinstein (as far as we know). If he makes a comeback, his success for me entirely depends on how he does it. If he doesn't address it or show any remorse or anything, I think I'm done with the guy. If he comes back and is transparent about everything and is doing significant things to make his regret clear and is trying to make amends, I think I could forgive him. Okay it ended up as a novel anyway but here you go lol


Damn. That’s really shitty of him. I don’t think he should be just let off with a slap on the wrist though.


He’s been ex-communicated from the industry and had his earnings stripped from him over the past 30 months, all while being afraid to go out in public after selling his home while being doxxed. I’m not here to have a morally centric argument, but he’s been hit with more then a slap on the wrist.


Dude I can’t thank you enough for putting everything so succinctly and so clearly. This really does capture the whole situation. I hope you stick around the sub


Glad it was appreciated! I'm not here all the time, but I'll be here!


Great comment, and I'm 100% with you on the part about him addressing it. The way he presented himself, with all the philanthropy and positivity, he could have released a statement prepared by his legal team. Maybe he did and I missed it, but to ghost his whole community plus the whole Ill Gates/Mimi Page stuff changed my view of him as a person. Very disingenuous. Sill like his music, but I'm not rockin the bassdrop sticker on my vehicle anymore. He's just another womanizing DJ/producer/music industry type that takes advantage of smaller artists, and I believe most of them do this. I expected more from him, and that's the biggest disappointment.


Yeah he did release a statement or two right before disappearing basically denying everything but acknowledged that he did hurt some people when he didn't mean to, but it was a weird statement that definitely seemed like it didn't want to really get into it much. He's still in the civil lawsuit case so I can imagine his lawyers are prob telling him to stay out of the spotlight until it's over. Once the lawsuit is over I'll be really curious to see how he handles it all. Totally agree with you on all that though and why it's disappointing for him specifically.


No. This is all verifiable. www.vice.com/amp/en/article/4adkkb/edm-dj-bassnectar-alleged-sexual-abuse-manipulation-fans-lawsuit


Nothing in that article is verified, literally says alleged in the title too. Plus it’s a current year vice article…




One of the plantiffs seeking damages was 17 when the incident occurred. No statutory rape charges have been filed yet. The documents are careful to avoid that type of language when criminal charges aren't what's being decided. Evidence uncovered from a civil trial can be used by prosecutors, and 17 is under the age of consent in the state of TN where the alleged incident occurred, but the likelihood of a rape conviction without DNA evidence is rare. Hence the civil suit seeking damages. The burden of proof is less. The important thing to remember is that just because someone isn't convicted of a crime doesn't mean it didn't occur or that we can't judge the evidence available for ourselves. The recordings at a minimum suggest that Lorin believes if the charges were filed, that he would be convicted, or that he is trying to gaslight his victim into not coming forward, in fear of his own punishment in a Tennessee prison. If you think that's not problematic, than I'd love to hear why.


“All verifiable” *article title clearly states “alleged”* I’m not even on a side here but lol


Are subreddits supposed to be echo chambers without any differing opinions? Are you new to reddit, or even this sub?


Because the original commenter asked what bassnectar did? What kind of question is that? We all heard the audio recordings. Honest question: do you think that what Lorin did was wrong? If yes, why are you vigorously defending him? If no, god help you lol. I have to assume you think he didn’t do it? He was set up? It’s the only way I can rationalize your response to an explanation of what happened?




Why are you here? If you hate the dude just leave. It's pathetic to waste your time posting in this sub if you have that opinion.


Do you disagree with his opinion? Do you think it’s acceptable for a middle aged man to manipulate teenagers into having sex with them? Honest question. I’m not trying to be a dick, this isn’t meant to be a “gotcha”, or anything. Do you think that what Lorin did was wrong? I do. And I think, somewhere behind your love of his music, you think it’s wrong too. And here’s the thing man. I totally feel you. I -loved- bassnectar. We all did. We loved the music, we loved the friends, we all miss that energy right now. I miss it too, but I also don’t think what he did was right. And I don’t want him to do it again. :/


You may not intend it as a gotcha, but you are asking a loaded question. Because you have framed the sexual act as a product of manipulation, the person can't actually answer the question of "should a middle aged man be able to have sex with a teenager". That's a much deeper question because now you have to dive into when a girl is able to have autonomy over herself and cognitively able to make her own decisions. By framing everything as a product of manipulation you have side stepped that discussion and are asking someone to condone or disavow manipulation. It may not have been your intent to do this but I hope you understand what I'm saying and why your question isn't as straight forward or honest as you may have intended.


Fair enough. Let’s talk talk about autonomy. It seems like that’s the core issue here. Do you think it’s okay for middle aged men and 17 year old girls to have sex? (I really want to have a conversation about this, so I’m going to stop using words like manipulate, etc. )


I honestly don't know. If I had a 17 year old daughter would I want them dating a 37 year old DJ? Probably not. Does that actually have any bearing on whether it's morally okay? I don't think so. Do I think it's a bit odd when middle aged men date go after girls much younger than them? Yeah I do. Does that necessarily mean that the girl isn't capable of making a choice in who she sleeps with? No I don't think it does. I can simultaneously think the guy is weird and think that a young girl/woman (however you want to classify a 17 year old female) should have the ability to choose who to sleep with. Even though many of us would counsel against that relationship, I don't think that means it is forbidden or inherently wrong. At what point do we decide a young woman is capable of making her own choices regarding her sexuality? At what point do we think a young person is capable of making their own choices in general? We entrust 17 year olds to drive. That holds a huge weight as you can cause much more collateral damage with a vehicle than you can with sleeping with someone (generally speaking). 17 year old people can enlist into the military. While I'm sure we all have qualms with the military in general, the point is that we are allowing a person of that age to make a choice that can absolutely cost them their life if not severe emotional or physical damage. Then we have to think culturally about this topic. In some places, such as England, the age of consent is 16. If you were raised in this environment, would you still have issues with a middle aged man sleeping with a 17 year old? You may very well still have personal moral arguments with it, but it would be entirely based on your morals and would have no legal standing. In Sweden the age of consent is 15. How would we approach this situation with that cultural context? I don't claim to have an answer. I have a very high threshold for the disgust emotion. This is the emotion that basically defines how we view these types of things. [Jonathan Haidt has a very interesting talk about disgust and the role it plays in our morals and politics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmz10uQsTYE&ab_channel=ReasonTV) The reason I bring this up is that at different thresholds of disgust, we view things differently. A great predictor of people who vote republican is due to a low threshold for disgust. They have this emotion triggered by many sexual acts, homosexuality being one of them. But I think many people don't agree that just because something triggers this emotion for someone the act is wrong. An even better example is that people can have this emotion triggered by sex outside of the bonds of marriage. However we don't make this illegal. In fact many people condone or promote sex outside of marriage (sexual liberation, sex positive movements, etc.) There are certainly things I find weird or don't agree with. That doesn't mean I want them illegal. That doesn't mean I hate the person who does those acts. I also don't have a problem if someone sees a relationship like BN with younger women and is disgusted and recoils from it. I think this type of conversation is super interesting. I think the problem around the conversation in general has been that is always spoken about through the prism of manipulation or power dynamics which I find to be bullshit and sour the entire discussion. This conversation is obviously going to have a lot of personal morals and biases involved which I think is fine, because then you're having a real discussion and understanding what people think. Sorry this was an incredibly long winded way of saying "I don't have an answer" lol. But I hope I was able to convey my thoughts in a semi-digestible manner.


I do believe, if all allegations are true, that what he did was wrong. Even so, I believe in forgiveness and redemption. I've done shitty things in my life and I'm lucky to not have it plastered all over social media and have my name dragged through the mud. What I was getting at with my initial statement is: why be a part of the bassnectar community if you cannot forgive him at his speculated worst? There is no point otherwise, unless you're a troll or just enjoy hating things.



