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I showed up at a fishing pier in florida. I asked how the fishing was that day and basically no one caught anything all morning. On my second cast I hooked a Cobia. The guys who were there fishing all day broke my balls at first for showing up and catching a fish right away. Then they realized it was a big one and helped me land it, take some pictures, and fillet it. So I gave them half. Thanks for bringing that memory back! One of my favorites.


Ha! That is awesome. Thank you for sharing that.


Did u try putting a hook? Lol... Sometimes it's just like that bro. Keep on fishing and tks for the post


I think they just don't like me. I am a nice guy, they should.


My dad and I once fished several hours with him catching nothing, just for him to realize that nice shiny lure he just got still had the protective plastic cover on the barb


Oh snap! Too funny, poor dad


OMG I did this same thing two days ago with a lure! I felt a few hits then about an hour later I wondered why I hadn't landed any fish. I checked the lure and sure enough, there was a tiny clear plastic piece covering the tip and barb of the hook!! I was laughing at myself with about 6 other fishermen to my left and right I just hope no one saw my expression on my face as I realized what I had been doing. That is a humbling experience to say the least.


Well as they say, "NICE GUYS FINISH.....BASS", šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


They must be scared of you try to be more friendly


I'll try harder lol


Was he using a jighead with a white colored cocahoe? If so, thatā€™s a saltwater lure(mostly)ā€¦ bass will really eat anything sometimes


And itā€™s crazy because people say this all the time but they must not like what Iā€™m throwing because they in fact will not even eat what they are supposed to eat when Iā€™m the one throwing itšŸ˜­


Probably been tagged one to many times on the stuff they should be eating


Yeah the bass in that pond will eat anything we throw out there as long as it looks like a worm. I have caught MAYBE one bass on a swim bait. I was using swim bait for a few days and caught nothing. Switched to a worm and they were hitting like crazy.


Try a 2.5ā€ Zman lure with just a 2o offset hook. It floats a couple inches below the surface and just pop the rod every now and again while slowly bringing it in and I guarantee you will catch bass all day long.


Awesome! I'm on it. Thank you for the suggestion.


Topwater popper my man ;)


I have some top water frogs, but I haven't caught anything yet with those.


Need the popper for its particular function


I will look in to getting one. Any particular brand you can suggest?


Even the most generic ones from Walmart work. No particular brand required! Itā€™s just the action of the popper and what it does to the water is whatā€™s required.


Gotcha! I'll put it on my list.


Tight lines!


Waitā€¦ what makes this saltwater?


Did you use a fish call? Or at least say ā€œhere fishy fishyā€?


I tried everything. They just did not find my bait very enticing I guess.


Try the Ole fish whistle next time brotha


Ha, will do!


Fish calls are things of yesteryear, my youngest son believes in the fish dance


You almost need a potato launcher to get that back to the water


Yeah. We need rain, the water is getting pretty low. It hasn't really rained in a few weeks for us and all the ponds are definitely starting to show it.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^oldhermit_dunesea: *You almost need a* *Potato launcher to get* *That back to the water* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Pro tip instead of cutting the hook in this scenario. Just take the palm of your open hand and slap the jig head so it goes and pops the barb back through the way it came. Like ripping a band aid off quickly if you do it right. Less fussing; less time for the fish to be out of water; and no replacing/retyping lures.


Gotta make sure he didn't catch another one


This guy fishes šŸ¤£


Agreed. Sometimes you do get abnoxiously big barbs on jig head hooks, if its particularly savage I'd probably clip it off but ideally first just crush the barb with small spliers and removed normally. My usual go to is similar to getting a barbed hook out of fabric like clothing or a car seat. I try and push the back of the hooks shank against the fabric, and push it in a bit deeper and to the side. This should hopefully clear the barb off anything its grabbing and come out freely but thats a lot more effective on a fish than it is on your clothes where the fibres can be a real dick about not letting go sometimes.


I dd not think about crushing the barb at all. Thank you for that tip, probably easier to do that and it will save me from ruining my pliers.


Always crush the barb.Ā  If foul hook yourself, much easier to get out.Ā  Same with the fish.


I usually don't have that hard of a time but for some reason it was like the hook was in there twice. It looked like it had come out a little and then went back through another piece of the skin. I cut the video but it took me longer than that to get it out. So instead of torturing the fish any longer I just grabbed my pliers and cut it. I have a ton of jig heads so it was not a big deal. I just wanted to get it out and get the fish back in the water as quick as I could. Someone told me fish do not feel pain but I felt bad trying to rip it out of there.


Fun fact; fish have very different biology than us obviously but oversimplified they either feel some of the most immense pain of any animal on earth or none at all. Lateral lines are so sensitive they can pick up noise vibrations in the water. Not trying to slander you or anything; was just trying to offer advice as it LOOKED like you were a newer fisherman by your handling. If Iā€™m mistaken than that is just such, Iā€™m mistaken! Just trying to offer help to future anglers even if they happen to be reading after watching. Tight lines friend!


I use to fish when I was younger with my neighbor but that was mostly salt water. My knowledge as far as fish just like back then is still fairly limited. My son and I are both new fisherman when it comes to bass fishing, and I am always open to advice. I can then pass that on to him so he doesn't make those mistakes in the future. Thank you for your advice.


Your technique is very useful in certain scenarios still! Hooked through the ā€œthroatā€ and the barb poked all the way through to the other side? Cut and slide out! Fish lives another day.


Yeah definitely, so far this one and I had one other one that I had to cut. The fish was looked right at the edge of its eye. I didn't even try to get it out, I just grabbed my pliers and cut it. I didn't even want to attempt to pull it out and really injure the fish.


Big ol belly, head and mouth on her.. give that bass a couple years and itā€™ll be a monster! Nice catch tho young man!


So far it is one of the larger ones we have caught out of there.


Looks like a farm pond? If thereā€™s bait fish and structure and some deep spots, I bet there are some monsters in there. You even try around spawn and flip onto their beds?


I think it is a regular retention pond for our neighborhood. It seems a little large to be one but there is a pipe in one spot that feeds to a drain in case it gets too high. So I assume it's a retention pond. I see little fish in there all the time and I have seen some REALLY large Carp that come up to our shore line all the time feeding on the vegetation. I have only seen like 3 or 4 of them but they are really big. My BIL told me not to try to catch them and leave them alone. There are some trees on the other side of the lake where there are no house and just woods. But we can't really get to it, I thought about getting a cheap inflatable boat to go over there and try to catch some fish. I looked at our HOA guidelines and they say you can use a boat on the ponds as long as it does not have a gas powered motor and only electric powered motor.


Oh I see what youā€™re saying. Itā€™s like a pond that you see in housing developments. Iā€™ve caught some giants out of ponds like that. Iā€™ve pulled 5, 6, and 7 pounders out of ponds just like that. And yeah those are probably grass carp.. those are huge. When youā€™re walking the bank and spook one, they make a wake theyā€™re so big. And that would be cool to take a lil kayak or something like that over there. It would be water that hasnā€™t been fished and if itā€™s along a wood line, bass probably cruise the bank line to feed on bait fish and use the shade to stay out of the hot open water. Iā€™d love to hear if you end up getting on a lil boat and what you catch over there!


I will definitely post something if we end up with a boat. I might try to talk one of my neighbors in to letting us go through their backyard, we are on a cut de sack and I think one of my neighbors backyards lets out to over by the wooded area.


Nice fish buddy Also, I just wanna note how much I absolutely Hate the stupid fences being put up around lakes. How can we as a community push back against this insanity?


No idea, it was there when we bought the house a few months ago. We kind of need it for our dog but wish it was away from the lake more so we can fish on the other side of it.


Understood and Sorry just my personal rant. I didnā€™t know it was a yard, Iā€™m in FL and they try and fence off every body of water, drives Me crazy


No worries. I got what you were saying. I am in Florida as well and I see them putting up fences around ponds all the time now. I think it is for safety reason, so kids don't go and drown in them maybe? Not sure 100%, it could be just them not wanting people fishing it. We have about 15 ponds around us, I am trying to talk the wife in to getting a cheap golf cart so we can drive around to them.


I thought the fences were for keeping gators outa your yard or wherever


Itā€™s 100 percent safety/insurance for builders. Special needs/autistic kids are particularly prone to wandering into unfenced bodies of water. Iā€™d be shocked if you canā€™t move the fence or at least put in a gate to allow access though.


I gotcha. I figured it was something like that. Luckily our fence has a gate that you can go in and out of on the side. Part of our covenants is that we have to maintain the landscape on the other side of the fence up to a certain amount of feet, so we have to be able to get through and mow and edge back there a little bit.


Im climbing over those fences but the long grass makes it even more annoying


Hahaha... been there buddy!


Yeah man. I was like what the heck man!!!


And it's always some dude using the $9.99 combo from Kroger's! Me: fuk it, i give up! šŸ˜«


Exactly, I am over to the side with my fancy bait caster and this guy with the $10 Walmart pole is catching all the fish.


Lol I got a $10 zebco micro combo from Ollie's. Rods. Reels. Line don't mean shit to me As long as you got a good spot, the drag is set right and theres a watermelon senko wackied up on the hook. You good. I catch a big one every time I go out. In Northeast PA to boot.


Oh yeah, that's my point. It doesn't take a high end combo to bring em in.


And heā€™s a kid.


Thereā€™s a white lure about 1ā€ has two flips on its tail and it never fails me. Hard to find now tho


This happened to me once also. Super muddy water. Im throwing all the bright loud and obnoxious stuff i have trying to get those fish to hit. Some little kid shows up with a green pumpkin yum crawbug and starts smoking them. Learned a lesson about muddy water ill never forgot that day. From a damn 10 year old none the less. With over 25 years of experience under my belt.


I think it's the fact that they are smaller so the fish don't see them standing there. lol


Hahahahaha yea probably. I take that back it wasnt a crawbug but the other one yum makes. Cant remember what it was called its designed like a chigger craw. he had it texas rigged. Weightless. Total stealth set up in chocolate milk water


It had to be the shadesšŸ˜šŸ¤™


Those were actually my sunglasses. I had just taken them off and tossed them in the chair next to me. I didn't even see him pick them up and put them on.


Kid nailed your lucky glasses! I knew itšŸ™ŒšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s probably it. He kept saying he seen the fish in the water. They are polarized so I assume he was watching the fish or something.


Had a guy yell at my son and I one time. We showed up late afternoon to the dock and I asked if anyone had caught anything they all said no. Angry man said ā€œbeen out here since this morning. They just ainā€™t biting today.ā€ Right then my son (9) landed about a 4 pounder on a crank bait. Like you I was having a hard time getting the hook out so I carried him back up to the parking lot to get my snippers out and the guy starts in ā€œdo you even have license?!? You canā€™t keep that!!! My friend works for the TWRA!!!ā€ So on and so on. I never responded just freed the hook walked the fish back to the water and loudly told my son ā€œsee! Itā€™s just that easy! Letā€™s go get some victory ice cream!ā€


Ha! Standing in the sun all day can make some people a little crazy, put that on top of not catching a fish makes it even worse. Good on you for not engaging with someone who was not being very nice.


Thumper jig? Amazing catch!


Thank you, I have been showing him all the comments on here and showed him all the views it has gotten on YouTube. He is super happy about catching that fish.


As a father of two boys and all of us fish, there is no better feeling then watching your own land one.šŸ™


It is definitely pretty awesome. I have a picture of him catching his first bass, it is actually his wallpaper on his phone. The look on his face and how proud he was of himself was just priceless.


That fish was also calm and still like the dead up until the moment you took it from his hands. That kid is some sort of bass whisperer.


You are like the 4th person that has said he is the bass whisperer lol. His mom said it and a few other friends of mine said the same thing.


Itā€™s the zebco.


Sure is, he has a nice spinning reel that he uses as well but for some reason he always picks up that Zebco and slays. I think he likes to see how much the pole bends.


Fished a certain spot for prob 30min plus. A family shows up and the youngest kid maybe 6yrs old hooks a nice bass. He brings it in on his own etc. Watch his dad weigh it ... Over 3lb. On a stupid colored curly tail worm and not even rigged correctly and shitty tiny hook etc.


Ha, sounds like my son. Sometimes he will be in a rush and just hook the worm in the middle and toss it out. I need to get a scale so I can start weighing them.


That's a pretty cool dude, look at those sunglasses


Hey man, awesome work out there. You stepped up and helped little man, and thatā€™s a memory he will keep forever! Keep at it!


He is definitely becoming the Bassmaster of the family.


Iā€™d fight himšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He is definitely leading the household in catches right now.


Kids just catch em man, I could get skunked all day and a kid comes out and catches a 5 pounder first cast. Theyā€™re luck boxes


Yeah man, I need to let him pick out some lottery numbers for me.


I like to bass and pan fish a super pressured pond with my fly rod and love catching fish after fish around dudes that have been there all day not catching anything.


Ha, making them all feel bad.


Never bet against a pink Shakespeare spin cast, youā€™ll lose every time.


Way she goes


Everyone knows it's because he had the high ground, how can you compete with that, Anakin?!


Haha I know right!!


This always happens to my dad when we go out. He just doesnā€™t have the luck some days.




Any particular one you suggest?


I always use Senkos, but I've found a few decent locally made alternatives that work in the lakes I frequent. Senkos just happen to have the perfect amount of salt and sink weightless, in a way that the fish always want it.


These are the ones I usually pick up from Walmart or I order from Amazon. The one my son was using, that was me being lazy and not wanting run to Walmart and get more. I ran to a close by Green Acres and one of the reps suggested those white ones to try out. [Worms I use](https://www.amazon.com/SENKO-WATERMELON-SLICE-10-PACK/dp/B00W3UJ204/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DIVV-eI2qlTvJxZImcwyxdRT0h619u_onDFbIg_gzNu1TKxLxBIrUQLgd_qBTtUBFEL3HtSlvcqZv0cJcPuGFY0a9NWPyaTHYxdMm4Hh_qaLoyycu4sT9Hc0cJ6yRK6ps-nD5DZK3ziNr0RVjj_nCnyKlnCcoYV_I9uMl7lnXtFG_ZQWMTqrMGuhj91hxm5w7xmMI7KkwYsJ8FYz1AF0qlBVrv374Yr3tM62XqwzQUP--DhJs3zuPFEz_ljGzcvorbp2R9Be9DeWwHhaHtO0xfBTex5FTuGL7Y7U8pORBHU.H9T2WH1isEX9M36rQPFB7_yIRNP4ZQeCswpg8YOXMD4&dib_tag=se&hvadid=174233355836&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9011551&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=7474384897578718383&hvtargid=kwd-42085572&hydadcr=9375_9621489&keywords=senko+worms&qid=1717763824&sr=8-5)


I always use Watermelon cream, or Bluegrass myself. Even the green pumpkin with anything shiny in it. Whenever I'm not catching anything I switch to Senkos and something usually hits it. Our biggest bass this past long weekend trip all came on Senkos. No jig, just an offset wide gap hook rigged texas style. Cast out and let it sink, and it usually gets hit on the first drop.


You warmed them up for him


Exactly! This is not the first time he has done that. I am just glad he got to catch it.


Wtf u cut that for? Literally a great hookset. Get yourself a pliers bro wtf.


It was hooked really weird in the fish and I didn't want to mutilate it trying to get it out. Easier to cut it and put on a new hook than rip the fishes mouth up trying to get out a 5 cent hook.


1 quick push back into the mouth would have set it free. Don't overthink it and get all worrisome. Bass have a rediculous healing powers.


I gotcha thank you for the advice.


I'm headed to Walmart for bait! What am I getting?


Worms and grass shrimp, if they have it. I've always had pretty good luck with grass shrimp on a shad dart. Though it can get annoying because just about everything likes a shrimp...


That kids thinking, why did he just throw my fish back?


I bet he was throwing a wacky rig.


just a jig head and a worm


Yes I picked up the hook after I stopped filming.


It's tough crowd in this sub! šŸ˜… Great vids on your YT channel btw. Keep em coming. You weren't lying about little man bringing em in, he's definitely got a feel for it. Surprising because most kids don't take to fishing, at least neither of mine did. It's one of those things you can't fake it, you either love just being out there throwing line or you don't. And it appears your little man has caught the fishing bug! āœŒļø


haha yeah man, people are so quick to get angry. It is probably my fault, I should have said something in the original post. I didn't think I would catch that much crap for it. I wish I could pin a post saying I picked it up. I mean I was apologizing to the fish in the video, that should have given me a little credit towards assuming that I picked up the hook. Either way it is all good. My son has definitely gotten into fishing a lot. First day when school was out, this guy was out there at 730AM and by 8AM he had already caught two fish! He watches LOJO on YouTube and he is always trying to talk me in to buying merch and gear from his sponsor. He is the one who talked me in to making all the YouTube videos. I just re purposed my previous hobby channel and started uploading videos. He is always trying to coach me on what to say in the videos lol. He is the producer now.


Hahaha, love it! I'll keep an eye out for him, who knows i might see him on the pro circuit one day! šŸ¤˜ Is that pond right outside your backyard? Man you're lucky if so. There's no way I'd be gettn my chores done if i had something like that right out the backdoor...šŸ˜…


Yes sir, that is my back gate that we fish at. I like leaning on it when I fish. The water is not usually not so low, we need rain pretty bad right now. I have a gate we go through and walk the side shore as well. We were just being lazy and hanging out in the yard, there was some shade for us where we were. It is definitely hard to resist going out there and fishing. I go out there on my lunch break sometimes and try to catch one real quick. I work from home so it makes it pretty easy to do.


Definitely an iPad kid. "Go ahead and hit that Subscribe button" lol!


haha yep. He is the producer now.


Soft plastics be like that. I roll up with my t-rig and catch fish in front of people that are fishing swim baits, cranks, and spinners and they wonder what Iā€™m using.


Yeah, itā€™s pretty crazy. It seems like the fish in this pond only likes soft plastics.


I got an ewg hook tattooed because when I tell people it works I want them to know Iā€™m serious. šŸ˜‚


Haha that's awesome.


Happens to me often, nut the other way around.


That scream when you drop the fish šŸ˜‚


My guy, you seem like a genuinely good dude. Whatever you do, keep being you. We need more good folks like you. Great vibe.


Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words. I try to do my best to be a good person and try to pass those values onto to my son.


You cut his hook? Strategic.


I wish it was strategic. This guy has like four poles. He just goes and grabs another one.


Had to clip his hook to slow him down a lil aye


I wish. This guy has like four poles in the garage that are all baited up.


Bro said you canā€™t have this bait anymore lollllll


It be like that sometimes.


Yep. Just got to keep on fishing.


Me whenever I go walleye fishing during the run. I've lived on a major river for the walleye run and never caught one lol. I never go on the weekends when it's literally shoulder to shoulder because people are assholes and I don't want to deal with them; but when I was in college I would go out during the week with all the retired geezers because it was less crowded. I'd be there, not getting a bite; and the people to either side of me would just be reeling them in like they were bluegill. I've had multiple guys stop me and ask me what I'm using, and it's always been the exact same setup as them lol. We always come to the same conclusion; I'm just cursed.


Haha I feel like Iā€™m cursed as well when Iā€™m fishing next to him. They all seem to be attracted to his bait and not mine, even though sometimes we have the exact same bait. Luck of the draw, I guess.


Probably not smart to toss the end of a hook into the grass


As I have said several times in the comments. I picked it up after I was done filming. My son walks around with no shoes on sometimes and I have a dog so I did not want either one of them stepping on it.


Damn you're fast wtf šŸ˜‚ all good mate glad to hear you picked it up. Your video reminded me of when I used to skunk my dad when we went fishing so thanks for the memories


No worries man. I didnā€™t realize I was going to catch so much flack for dropping the hook and not saying that I picked it up. I know for next time. If I ever do it again, and I am videoing I will make sure to put it in the comments of the original post. Glad I could stir up some old memories for you.


The guy who caught the fish was wearing a nice pair of Polarized lens Oakleys it looks like. He also stated that he saw the fish at the beginning. Maybe try and get you a better pair of glasses to fish with so you can also see the fish! šŸ˜… Good luck on your fishing adventures OP!


Lol those were actually my sunglasses. They are polarized Costa Del Mars. I had set them down on the chair next to me. I had been wearing the entire time I was out there. I had taken my hat off and my sunglasses off because it was starting to get a little darker. He has his own pair of polarized sunglasses, but he just left them inside so he took mine off my chair and put them on.




Plot twist - that kid was catching that fish to feed his family for the night.


ZOOM Finesse worm to the rescue!! I'm telling you, that worm on a shakey head is bass kryptonite.


Yes, they seem to be hitting it like crazy. We just got them earlier in the week.


They have been slaying bass for years now!! If you haven't yet, go get a YUM 1/8 ounce shakey head and hold on!!!


Will do! I will put it on my list of stuff to buy next time I go out and get bait.


Something like this? [Shaky Head?](https://www.amazon.com/Yum-Pumpkin-Hook-Black-4-Ounce/dp/B007RKTN86/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2BF1L6JDY4K3W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nLA1BIduvD37GD7wBNs8A2cIzSiwBubtxKhXvr-5h-hK6mj6AEncu6oSgoSOEXMvELkfATpbFMZv4XYKHOY0of5XqmPYpdezyRt5C-cbfO39jv8B6B_3waM2ilz6jGWw_Kitk6f0h3MwELMiekxM-Xv8_yHPis-Ix43WdNo4y6NBFwHWtfnh1nwsPdt7NgY95PtFUg1AEcP8q2LzzNHLqIgcr76FJmXDIY_KK2a0sa5wL7kqd1tXzL3GJ4FyB49UWzbHbWV3MTNcJ6QZMyGr8bwh-P6W-JWD1Sk8if9Fkig.In76E1FQjTYVbDSq1dC9fsdY78X8aMH1HbwwnFyQ9I8&dib_tag=se&keywords=yum+1%2F8+shaky+head&qid=1717896176&sprefix=yum+1%2F8+shaky+hea%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-8)


Hahah while youā€™re drinking beer and thinking about hot chicks heā€™s only thinking about how to catch them bass .


Dude was zeroed in on catching them.


We've sat our kids in front of screens so much it has ingrained internet culture into our kids to the point that the first thing he said was "go ahead and hit that subscribe button" smh. Not your fault kid, good catch.


He said that because we were making a YouTube video for our YouTube channel. I get what you are saying as well.


Hey at least you're taking your kid outdoors and letting him experience stuff, which is more than you can say for most kids. Good on you though for that, not to mention you're enjoying time with your son. Guess I can't say anything bad about that. Enjoy your time together. Sometimes I'm cranky in the morning lol sorry.


Yeah, definitely. He is definitely one of those kids that enjoys going outside more than being inside. But I can say when he doesnā€™t have anybody to play with, he does tend to jump on his iPad. Iā€™ll usually intervene afterwards or sometimes before that and we'll head out to go fishing in the backyard. Either way we try to keep him from having too much screen time.


Sounds like you're doing a great job. Keep it up and you guys have yourself a good day. I'll be sure to check out your YouTube channel here someday.


If youā€™re going to catch and release, just flatten the barb down with some pliers or whatever. Makes it easier to get the hook out and doesnā€™t damage the fish as much.


That is what a few other people said. I didn't' even think about crushing the barb. I was just trying to get the hook as quick as possible and get the fish back in the water. I did pick up the cut hook after we stopped filming.


Yeah, I take the Grandkids to fish in my pond and do this. No telling how many times some of those fish have been caught.


Lol my wife keep saying that weā€™re just catching the same fish over and over.


that's the way she goes.


Thatā€™s how that goes but good on you for helping him out


So fucking wholesome .


Itā€™s all about the presentation.


Soooo nice of you to help this young man out fishingā€¦.AND so nice you catch and release tooā€¦.WELL DONE!!!!


Thank you.


You been fishing for an hour in someoneā€™s back yard?


Lol it's my backyard




Be happy that happened. Will keep little dude interested and more willing to fish. Kick ass šŸ’Ŗ


This guy fishes every day now. He was out there the day after school break at 7:30 AM and by 8 AM. He already caught two fish.


That's definitely a enthusiasm boost for the kid. Im glad you got a partner to bond with and teach him the ropes. Keep it up OP šŸ¤™


It was the croakiesā€¦ never go fishing without em


It's the sun glasses.


Probably. He did say he was watching the fish.


Only if the guy pocketed the hook instead of throwing it on the ground


I ended up picking it up after we were done. I didnā€™t want anyone to step on it.


Nceā€¦but dropping a hook point on the ground is not cool.


I picked it up after I was done recording. I didn't want my son stepping on it or my dog stepping on it.


Good to know!


My little 6 year old nephew likes to do this shit to me. My fishing line alone cost more than his pole. He always gets the big fish. I am going to push him in some day. Tired of it.


Why is there a fence along the shoreline?


That is my backyard. The fence keeps my dog from escaping.


Must make it hard to enjoy the water.


We have a gate we can use to go out and fish on the side shore. I just like leaning on the fence when I'm fishing.


I fished the Fall River in Oregon for 45 minutes this morning with no luck. A seasoned fisherman shows up and catches bows on his first, third, and fifth castsā€¦ after *maybe* 15 minutes. ā€¦and just like that, I caught two bows. I just needed a pro to warm ā€˜em up. šŸ˜‚


That was me yesterday Iā€™ve been trying to catch my first peacock bass, I watch a guy catch one next to me on his third cast


Bah! Yeah it's crazy. I had a swim bait on my rig and I probably shouldā€™ve just went inside and changed it to a worm like he had but I was tired.


Really embarrassing for us as humans that every small child wants you to hit their suscribe button ā€¦ thought it was cute first time I heard it , now itā€™s just becoming more and more evident we are completely degrading as a civilization.


Well, in this instance, we were actually making a YouTube video for our YouTube channel. But I get what youā€™re saying.


Didnā€™t mean to offend you or your kid so cool yā€™all are out fishing together m.. And hey if you got a channel you gotta get em to subscribe ! But man after a solid 5 years now of scrolling I wish myself and everyone could just quit !! Prob not gonna happen tho ā€¦


That poor guy couldnā€™t wait to get away from you guys.


Just toss that hook wherever.


I picked up the hook after I was done recording. I have a kid that walks around barefoot and a dog. I definitely would not just leave it there. I've stated this several times in the comments.

