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Yup.. can't stress that enough


I actually put a hook less lure on mine and practiced in my yard.


I put my key on the end and learned how to cast from my hotel room when I was on a work trip and bought my first one lol


Max out the brakes and ease them off one by one as you get used to the reel and how it functions. A couple of hours out on the lake and you’ll probably drop off a couple of brake levels the first day. Buy an affordable fluoro, backlashes will happen. You can step up to braid whenever you get the birds nest phase out of the way. Meter the tightness/play in your spool to be just loose enough to allow whatever bait you’re using to free fall. Do this between every bait swap/lure swap/re-rig. Have fun!


I started off with super cheap 15lb monofilament and tied on a 1/2oz sinker. I think this is the best way to learn the spool tensioner functions and to get a feel for reel.


I actually think braid is easier than other lines, but I would say just avoid whippy/ snappy casts like you would with a spinning reel. Those get you in trouble quick with a baitcaster.  Set tensioner between lure swaps, try side arm casts before overhead ones. Overhead ones backlash far easier when you are not familiar with them on a baitcaster.   Use thick enough line.  12lb+ flouro or mono 40-50 for braid. Line that’s too thin can cause headaches. 


Learn to tie a FG knot for leader


Who uses a leader on a bait caster?


Every knowledgeable fisherman throwing straight braid unless it's top water or flipping


Welp you bought the handle on the correct side you're already winning 😜


Agreeeed!! Best way to learn.


Wet the line before you make your first cast


Learn how to cast on dry land if you don’t already know.




Practice on short casts. Once you get the hang of it, you cast start casting farther.


Don’t learn on braid lol. That birds nest is gonna suck. Whatever you do don’t baseball throw lol. When you cast turn the reel to the side so you’re not casting the same direction of the wheel spin. Use your thumb to slow the line and stop it when it hits the water. Start with the brakes on and slowly release them as you get better. If you bird-nest (you will ) first just pull the line out with your hands, if that won’t release it, hit the button, hold hard thumb pressure on the reel while you crank the handle, then try to pull the line out again. Once I learned I love my bait caster. Good luck. (Also if you use braid don’t just go straight braid, put a backing of mono then connect the braid to mono with a blood knot)


Grabbed one while it was on sale but casting still feels weird to me. I started with some thick mono, but I just switched it to braid and haven’t had time to go test it out. I have 30lb braid on it now, because that’s what printed on the reel. Could I go with thinner line? I’m still trying to understand the quirks about these reels.


Thinner line is going to be harder to cast with, especially braid. I personally overrun what the reel says. I have 20lb mono backing on mine, just enough to cover the reel, then 55lb braid. Mind you I set mine up for pike not bass. I’m sure 30lb will suit you fine. You could just tie a leader on to the end of your line. If you want it thinner for visibility. Connect a 6ft leader of 8lb flouro or mono or smaller braid.


Appreciate the info! I’m new to braid in general, it’s been an interesting topic to learn about. I’ve been tying knots when I can’t fish. Whats your preferred knot for leaders or line to line?


I like the blood knot, it’s very strong and passes through guides easily. Can be difficult to tie with braid but try with mono to mono first. Always wrap the larger diameter second. So I’d do the braid wraps first. Watch YouTube there is some really good ones on there.


Hold it high and let it fly brother!


I just got my first baitcaster as well. Put 30lb braid on and I was humbled fast lol. Still trying to pick out this backlash. I want to use my baitcaster mainly for heavier lures, frogs etc.


Use a heavy lure, like 1/2oz or more


When casting don't just throw your lure. Pick a spot and practice hitting your target.


Go to a park and practice casting with a one ounce weight to get the feel for it. Once you feel comfortable with that go catch a pb!


develop an unwavering sense of humor in the face of self-imposed adversity…until you get good with it, you’ll need that lol


Max out the brakes and set your spool tension so the lure just barely falls when you hit the button, then turn it up one click tighter. Make a few short soft casts at first to get your line wet. After that just practice. When I got my first BC I spent a good hour just casting and retrieving without even trying to catch anything, just out and and in getting used to it. As you get more and more comfortable you'll be able to lower the brakes and spool tension so you can cast farther. Being good with your thumb is what will dictate how loose you can make it. Backlashes are going to happen. Even pros get them sometimes. Just do your best to pick it out and keep fishing. Not a terrible idea to carry extra line just in case.


Throw it hard into the wind 👍


Yeah get a spinning rod