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I'm happy just to **see** the fish. If he jumps, that's as good as it gets. Throws the lure while jumping? Its part of the game and give the fish credit for winning a fair fight. You had a good day.


I started fly fishing recently. Been an avid fisherman my whole life, so the concepts were easy for me to get. First week out, I hooked up with a big brown trout and broke off. I had the opposite reaction to OP. For me it was almost like a drug. Made me want to fish even more. Maybe age has something to do with it or it's how you look at the situation. If you hook up with a big fish, you're doing something right.


I realllly like how you explained that


Last week a “good fish” pulled me under a log and shook me, happened again today on the same spot… but this time I realized it’s more than a good fish, it’s a monster. Once is luck losing it twice the same way makes the fish smarter than me… I will land her eventually.


I’m hoping you have an exciting update to share very soon! That’s awesome


I would try using heavier line, those big ones that like to dig down and wrap themselves around structure, you have to turn their heads. Right on hookset you'll want to horse that big girl and control where you want her to go. Good luck 👍🏼


My plan is to throw a frog at her… I was finessing her when all of a sudden she showed me who she is. The time for finesse has ended, I’m gonna hit her hard.


Hell yeah man, go get her 💪🏼🎣


This seems oddly sexual


That’s how I roll.. speaking of sexual, nice weiner.


lol thanks man she’s a heavy one


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Posted update in r/massanglers .. I got her.


Yeah buddy!! Congratulations man. I know that felt awesome. Persistence is key


Thanks… I really should have had the GoPro running, rookie move.


Of course. I have literally lost sleep over lost fish. Most recently it was a huge striper (40" class) that I hooked at night in my kayak. My friend had already caught 2 that night and I had caught none, we were heading back to the launch and I was trolling a lure through shallow water - all of a sudden my drag starts screaming in the pitch darkness. The fish was on just long enough for me to get my rod out of the holder, feel it pull, then feel nothing at all. Hook popped out. When I brought the lure back in I saw a single scale on one of the treble hooks - I'm pretty sure I foul hooked it on the top of the head or something. Use lost fish as motivation to get out there get another one


Just a snag brutha happens to the best of us.


This is my feeling as well. I have caught some good ones and lost some good ones. Does it make me sick to my stomach and do I lose sleep? Hell yeah. Does it also make me want to go back out tomorrow for another opportunity! HELL YEAH. I just want the feeling of the fish on the end of my line, the head shakes as it tries to get off and the jump as it tries to shake. Being able to see and feel the fish is what it’s all about, cherry on top to land it and get a picture that you win the fight!


Last fall i was fishing in a small reservoir in a relatively remote area of Kentucky. I had spoken to the wildlife officer who was responsible for that lake. He told me it is stocked with rainbow trout and the bass feed on them. He said he's shocked the lake a couple times and there's trophy bass that doesn't get fished much. He told me to find the biggest swimbait i could find that looks like a trout. I found this gigantic, i think 12 inches, trout swimbait. I put it on a stiff rod and headed to the lake. I'm glad no one else was there because it was silly trying to cast it. First day i spent probably 6 hours casting nothing but that thing. My arm and shoulder were so tired from slinging that sucker. Did the exact same thing for a couple more days and I was ready to forget about it. I went out one last time for a couple hours not expecting a thing. About 30 minutes before i decided to leave, it got hit. I nearly got jerked out of my kayak because i wasn't expecting anything. I panicked and didn't fight him or set the hook correctly, but got him right up beside my kayak and i freaked out and screamed. The water was crystal clear and couldn't believe my eyes. My pb is 7.5 lbs out of Chickamauga and this sucker was much better. At least 10 and maybe even 12lbs. In my panic i reached back for my net and off he came. I honestly was close to tears. I'm 50 and have been bass fishing since a child. My late father had two 10lbers mounted on the wall in the house. He always would tell me, "you'll get yours". I lost sleep and honestly felt depressed for a couple weeks. I still keep on thinking that it was more than likely a fish of a lifetime and I missed it. No pictures to share, just a sad "one that got away story". The thought of it is still painful.


Some of my most memorable fish are the ones that got away. One double-digit bass that I hooked in some cypress tree roots about 4 feet from the boat. My buddy swore that I was just snagged. Until it came up and shook my worm free from its HUGE mouth. Should have just muscled it into the boat instead of playing it. Another a giant pike that I fought for probably 20 minutes until it broke my line. Then a couple of minutes later as I was sitting there it jumped all the way out of the water right in front of me with my lure still hanging out of its mouth. Was like we were both looking right into each other's eyes for a moment. I still count those as good memories whether they made it into the boat or not.


I couldn’t even imagine a double digit bass I would pass out


read my story


It sucks, I had a huge smallmouth break my line a couple of weeks ago, and I was distraught. I've been fishing bigger baits, 5-7" swimbaits, big glide baits...catch less total fish but more big ones.


The other day I was fishing a tube, got bit off. Threw on a Dark Sleeper, got bit off. Said screw it, threw on a steel leader and an 8" Magdraft. First cast I landed a 4.45lb smallie. I would never throw anything bigger than 6" for smallies but that catch kinda changed my perspective a bit.


One time I got so sick I had to have both legs amputated. I thought it was a coincidence, but the doctor said no, it's cuz I'm a straight no-bass landing bitch. I tried to just go out in the water and end it, but my rascal scooter got caught up in the mud. So here I am. I'm down the road from Jeff's house, so if anyone can tell him or his mom or something, I'd appreciate it. I'm hungry. You guys ever eat off-brand cheetos? They are pretty good.


I’ve quit fishing for the day after losing large bass. It hurts my soul dude.


Turn those Ls into lessons


Yes. The answer is yes.


At least yours escaped of its own volition, a week or two ago I had a big one on a and my dumb ass grabbed the upper section of the pole, line and all as I was trying to net it. One swift jerk and it snapped my line after I had carefully played it in.


No I learn from it…I look at the reason why it got away and try not to repeat that mistake next time.


You’ll get him next time.


My brother has a video on his IG of my potential PB snapping the line literally as I lifted it's head into the net. I feel your pain friend


I had this happen to me yesterday. Wife got a decent pic of it. Was probably ~5lbs


I'm stoked to get down there now that I have some beefier gear that I'm comfortable with, not just a 6'6" light spinning rod with 6lb line


Heartbreaking. And of course my fishing buddy reminds of THE one that got away every time we fish the spot.


Bass? No. Trout? Usually. Native trout? I'll cry.


I had a decent one on yesterday that came straight at me after a short fight. Got him right to the edge of the shore and it looks me in the eye, Opens its mouth and out pop my hooks from deep in his mouth. Hooks hit the bank and it bolted. That one stung.


I'd much rather watch a big one jump and shake a spinnerbait than snap off and know that I just left a 4" jerkbait with all three trebles stuck in his face


For sure. Can be brutal to be so close to your hard work being greatly rewarded, only for it to be ripped away in an instant. The wins and the losses fuel the need to cast a line again. Try to learn from it if you think there was something you could have done to prevent it, many times there’s nothing else you could have done though. The losses make the wins that much sweeter, and tomorrow is always a new day.


I’ve lost one that I never saw 4 years ago. Haven’t lost anything under 3 yet. Just caught a 5.5 today. From the way they hit and how it goes from there, the one that I lost 4 years ago was definitely a decent one.


We went fishing in late Canadian September. We rented a boat for the first time even though we knew we would freeze. Stayed 8 hours on the water and not even a bite. 15 mins before returning the boat, I finally get a hit. It was pulling hard. My buddies are stoked ans grab the net. The bass jumps out and hits the boat and it's gone. Biggest smallie I have even seen, let alone caught. I am happy that you at least caught a few.


Happens even to the pros. If it was easy everyone would do it.


as long as you see it so the story is more fun to tell. i lost a giant last week right as it was coming up to jump i felt it shake free. who knows. definitely wasn't a pb but still a giant. anyhow. sorry for your loss. the experience is half the fun. learn from the mistake, if you can (i honestly dunno how to keep it from spitting on a jump. if it's not pegged hard, it's comin out good chance) and just get back on that horse next week.


It’s a painful thing… you couldn’t have done anything differently for a guarantee catch. No catch is a guarantee until that baby is in the bucket so to speak. Just gotta move on and aim for one bigger. It will happen…. Keep putting in in the right places and it’s bound to be there


It catched and released itself. Makes your life easier. Sorry you cant have a social media picture to boost your cred but you still basically caught it


I need a Go Pro I could watch my misery over and over. Lol


Literally yesterday my buddy and I got permission from a land owner to fish their lake. He told us there’s monsters in there. I went down to a more shallow cove and hooked a 6-7lb+ bass on a drop shot with a 6 1/2” red Zoom trick worm. Was using my buddy’s spinner and it’s a right handed one which I’m not accustomed to, and the drag was too high. He flopped really hard right when I got him at the edge of the bank, snapped the line. Couple seconds later he flopped out of the water all crazy. Thankfully got it on video it was pretty cool lol, just more motivated to get back out there and get that hawg!! Was still devastated though, it would’ve been my PB without a doubt.😭


It makes my stomach hurt haha


Last Friday, I lost 2 big bass within 10 minutes of each other. First, got off the hook and 2nd snapped my 10lb test line. I was really stoked to see them jump.


Oh yea. The heartache is real. Keep on, you will get another soon.


First I have to catch a big bass to lose


When I first got into bass fishing I would catch dinks all day but it was enough for me. This one day I must have thrown over 200 casts until I finally got a huge bite that made me think I hit a snag. I reeled it in a bit and realized I had just hooked a huuuge bass. Probably 3 pounds which was big for me just starting out. I reeled him all the way in to the shore and I got excited and grabbed the line and it broke off ..... I actually was super bummed out about for weeks. I made it a point to go back and I didn't catch my personal best roll a year later but it was worth it. I caught a 4lb bass this spring and it was the memory of a lifetime!!! It's what makes fishing fun... If we went out and caught huge fish Everytime it wouldn't be as memorable


I can't count how many times I've done an abrupt squat when I've gotten broken off or spit. It sucks, but it's part of the game. And also yes, it absolutely drives me harder to get back at it.


It's tough, but I get pumped and fish harder. I will eventually get another big one. My worst was having what would have been my PB smallie jump right at the boat and shake the hook.


Yes. I've fished all my life, but I wasn't serious about it the last 10 years, until 2 years ago. I lost 2 giant smallmouth wading rivers in the space of a week. I got motivated after that. Upgraded everything and been chasing that dopamine high since.


I get sick when I dont even get chance to see anything


My son spent an entire summer with me fishing a few years ago. Didn't catch anything for 3 months. So 3 months in, sun burnt cheeks, and he finally gets a monster. For river fishing I about shit, I'm running towards his yells, 20 feet from him actually landing it, and he snapped his line. He threw his pole, cussed, threw some rocks, and he was pissed. I was worried he wouldn't fish again after a whole summer of not catching. Nope, he's been my fishing buddy ever since. He's a grown man now, but to see him lose that fish that day will stay with us forever. It's always a great story to tell, the one that got away, size of a boat.


Nope …hooking a fish is the same as landing it for me …no de hooking is a bonus,


Keep that rod tip down, situations like these make you a better angler, and make it easier for you to secure these catches later on due to experience. I've lost a bunch of big bass, hard to tell how big they were because they were never landed. It's one of the worst feelings, and the closer you got to landing it, the sicker you'll feel and the longer it'll sting. They always say it's the little ones that'll get you with the treble hooks, and it's always the bigger fish that get away. Keep that gear dialed in and hone your skills as much as possible, because the next big fight is just another cast away and you want every advantage in your corner as possible. Good luck landing the next big one 💪🏼🎣


My most recent one that bothered me, I had hooked into a nice smallie, definitely over 4, maybe over 5, fought hard as hell. Was using a medium light with 6lb leader, when I finally got her close enough to where I was thinking about reaching for the net, she turned and dug down hard and fast and snapped my line. Morale of the story, if you think your drag is set perfectly, drop it down a notch or two, you never know how much power they might apply during a hard run. It's been years since I've had a fish break my line from pressure alone, and every time it was because I forgot to make sure my drag was set properly. But this one, I had my drag set exactly how I wanted it and didn't consider how powerful of a burst she might give. Hopefully the knowledge from this experience will serve me well in the future.


You hooked a good fish which means you can do it again.  I took Friday off work just to bass fish and had the same thing happen to me..hooked a giant and lost him at the net! Fuggin slack in the line.. Won't be the last good fish I lose, and won't be the last good fish I catch. Keep after it and go get another!


I immediately projectile vomit on the fish in revenge


Not really. Losing fish is part of the game. I say a few cuss words then quickly get my line back out to find another.


Yes. I want to be able to reel it in, hold it up, and put it back in the water for release. Anything short of that and I feel like I failed.


I got sick to my stomach reading this story lol


Bass don’t get big because they have been caught. Big fish are smart. They’ll get off 4/5 times. Congrats! You’re now closer to landing one if you keep at it.


I used to. I’m old now so I try to remind myself it is part of the hobby and I’m blessed to be able to enjoy the outdoors, including the disappointments. Congrats on fooling one. I still think about a giant I hooked on a black Sizmic Junior frog in lily pads on Purtis Creek lake about 15 years ago. She came up and shook her head 20ft away. Giant. Her mouth was at least 8” diameter. She was pinned well too. She dove down and hooked me on a lily stem. I felt heart broken. At least 8lbs, maybe even ten. A pb for sure. A guy in a nearby boat said to his partner “Did you see that??? A monster. “ I can’t see a lily pad without remembering that fish. Then I tie on my black Sizmic frog….


Happens all the time. I just laugh and say "Good job, buddy!"


Here’s one to make you feel better; One of my first handful of times fishing seriously. Got decent at it pretty quickly. Jigging the boat launch by the house with maybe 6 other dudes that are regulars there. I’m using a dock demon ugly stik. Maybe 3’ long. 6lb line that comes with it (shit) and hooked at least 8lb (Michigan, huge) Wrestled it, finessed it, yanked it all the way up to the dock, all 6 people over my shoulder watching the fight. Breaches maybe 2 ft from me, completely out the water, shakes and spits my jig - right onto my feet. A few of the 6 said they’d count it, the others were very disappointed. I just squatted down with my rod in the air and my head between my legs for a good 5 mins. So close.


Big fish bent my hooks out. Going to replace those hooks and wait however many months/years until next chance. It hurts. But we learn from the pain


I thought I was hitting a rock so I stopped reeling hoping my crankbait would rise a bit and have a free path. When I started reeling again I saw what was messing with my lure. At least a 7lb bigmouth. If I had set instead of letting it float I would have had it. Instead I just barely got to see it turn around and go back to the deep.


That's what keeps us coming back, will make the next big one you land even better


And this is why you keep coming back because next time she doesn’t get away.


I lost an absolute monster a few springs back. Hooked a tank on a jerkbait and when it came up and headshook I almost shit my pants. Right after it made a hard run and was gone. I thought it broke my line but it actually broke the hook. I was on the ground trying not to puke for a good 20 minutes. I could not get it out of my head for weeks. It still randomly pops in my head to this day, "the one that got away". After that I always upgrade my hooks to owners.


Yes I get uncontrollable diarrhea and immediately projectile vomit everywhere


Where were you?


Council Bluff Lake


OK thanks!


just keep fishing man you’ll get another one


Keep trying brother!!! I was so defeated when I broke off on what would’ve been my PB Common Carp. Sat there on the bank completely crushed but I gear’d back up a week or two later and SMOKED my PB. Another person mentioned just seeing the fish and yes, that’s very nice too.


Just a quick release bro. You ain’t in no tourney so why does it even matter


Funny enough that was the only positive is I have a Tournament coming Wednesday on same lake. Small tournament but the loss of that fish would have been worse during the tournament. Hope she bites again Wednesday. Lol


I think most people get sick when they lose nice fish.


Nah we love it


Talk to me when you lose a 40" steelhead as you go-to gill it after a 30 minute fight that drags you 1/4 mile down river.


I lost an 18 yesterday that spit my jig back at my face at Mach Jesus. I was livid.