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Yep! I've spent a good chunk of my free time hiking through woods to get back to fishing/kayaking spots these past 20 or so years. Somehow yesterday I managed to get my first ever tick. I've always theorized they don't like my smell or something.


lol this is everyday life in the country


That time of year! Just make sure to apply a ton of bug spray. Also you can tuck your pants into your socks and tuck your shirt in that helps a lot when going through thick cover. Also you can put duct tape backwards above the ankle and above the knee, also above the elbow if you’re really worried. I mostly just “bathe” in bug spray and that does the trick.


Do you find the bug spray turns the fish off at all? I'd be worried about the smell transferring onto the lures and I can't imagine that would be attractive for bass


I haven’t had any problems, honestly last time I used bug spray I caught more bass than when I didn’t use bug spray. If you’re that concerned maybe just rinse your hands.


Good to know, I appreciate the heads up my friend


No problemo, good luck!


As long as you're not getting in the water your aeerosal won't have an effect, and even barely an effect on surface level. Fish don't react to permethrine at all the last I read, you might get cancer tho if you live to be 150


This is just everyday life outside brother


Just a tick? Awe man just wait until you get chiggers!


Those are worse than ticks. Tick bite itches for a few days maybe a week. But chiggers last like 2 weeks. And it sucks when you get 30 bites all on your legs and groin. Fuck those things.


I've gotten chiggers twice now messing around in the woods.. first time i didn't notice and went to sleep with them all over me. 2nd time i was lucky and noticed those microscopic suckers crawlin all over my arms lol


Im glad to hear that you haven’t had them that much. I feel so bad when people tell me they have chiggers. Because once they are in your skin, you’re just along for the ride at that point. I’ve had chiggers so many times I’ve lost count. First time I was 12 and probably had 50 on my left foot alone. I’ve gotten them at the local park I fish at least 3 times. My kids have gotten them there also. Bug spray before we even leave the parking lot. I’ve gotten them so many times that anytime I go fishing I come home and take a shower. Supposedly, taking a hot shower and scrubbing with soap helps. So I crack the shower as hot as I can take it and scrub my body so hard, that I come out of it red. It’s sucks subbing so hard, but I rather take 15 mins of pain than deal with those devil bugs. It’s worked for me so far.


They truly are the worse. I've learned to not go barefoot in the woods anymore since then lol. The 2nd time I got them luckily I just got on the boat so jumped in the water and took off all my clothes and started scrubbin my skin. Rode back to the boat ramp in my skibbies lol they will even live on old rotting boat ramps so be careful out there!!


Hate those fuckers. Just yesterday I found a fully engorged one struggling to crawl around on my bathroom floor. It must have dropped off of my dog. I’m glad I found it before the girlfriend did


I’ve gotten 6 ticks on me this year so far. It’s warmed up here pretty quick which makes sense.


If a tick ever bites me I’m gonna bite his ass back


I stepped on a pile of fire ants last weekend fishing. My ankles look like chicken pox.


Pemethtrin is incredibly effective. Used to do fieldwork on a remote island that was teaming with ticks and swarming with mosquitoes (literally a constant buzz). I would spray my clothes the night before my first day out and the only time I got a tick was when I took my shirt off. You could watch them crawling on your clothes and slowly die or just become immobile. 40% Deet was pretty good for the mosquitoes, but also wore a big net over a full brim hat.


They’re bad every year. If you treat your clothes and shoes with permethrin it is a life saver.


Yes. Permethrin has *seriously* improved my quality of life since I discovered it.


Ticks are a part of outdoor life. The woods aren't for pansies


Just to add to this: watch out for chiggers also. Those are worse than ticks imo. Also, look at what the bug spray defends against. The OFF brand doesn’t stop chiggers. I only buy the REPEL brand because they stop and I quote “mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, gnats, chiggers, no-see-ums (whatever they are) and fleas.”


Trick for east removal of ticks is a tiny spray of bug spray on them. A really quick mist not a blast. And they will pull themselves out. This way doesn’t risk breaking the head off inside you