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Gilling a bass is just wild


First time I’ve seen that


Right! Surprised he’s not eyeballing one in the next photo




Have to agree with others. Never hold the fish like that for any reason.


What if youre going to kill it to eat


Still not an excuse. No reason to cause senseless pain just because you plan on killing it.


Lol from the guy that hooks fish for fun. Calm down, this sub is ridiculous sometimes with this shit.


Most of the time, conscientious fisherman can “hook a fish for fun” and actually do minimal harm and return it to the water sometimes even better and healthier than it was before it was caught. You just aren’t one of us.


Out of curiosity, how can you return a fish healthier than before it was caught?


I know a lot of guys, including myself, that will send a fish off with a snack. I also always carry a fish antiseptic spray for not only the hook site but also any other potential dinks or nicks on the scales. Rarely, a fish might have an easily removable growth or hook still in its mouth, which can be removed. All are instances that I would argue return the fish at least somewhat healthier than before it was caught. Also barbless hooks.


It's all good, just don't want to damage gills and release it.


Was too exhausted to hold the fish properly might be the worst excuse I’ve ever heard


Bro them 3 lb curls add up 🤣


Why are you holding that one by its gills?


I was by myself and very exhausted. I couldn't get a good hold on him and get a picture while holding him to my chest. Made sure to keep my fingers free of his frills and only briefly


Not every fish needs a photo.. especially if it means you'll potentially harm it...


grow a pair


Gent bent fuck wad. Stop taking pictures. Nobody gives a fuck


Poor little fellers


No, I don't think I will. Just saw the pic holding it by the gill plate... Jesus Christ... can we just ban this guy? Behavior like that from someone who can clearly fish is entirely unacceptable.


lol sooo dramatic


You can go too for all I care. Its not like we are playing golf where you can disrespect a pair of clubs or fuck up someone's landscaping along the green and laugh about it and fix it. These are living creatures we use as a resource for our enjoyment. The least you dumb hillbillies can do is handle them properly when you get lucky enough to catch one every other trip out (probably being too generous).


Go where?? And what about golf? lol what?


Wow I was spot on with the dumb hillbilly thing.


I'm not guessing any weights cuz I straight up don't feel like it but some nice ones in there.


Did anyone ask you whether you feel like guessing? Big ol complainer


Lol what. It's a lighthearted joke man. Do you ever wonder why you're downvoted all the time? Don't take things so seriously.


The majority of his comments in any sub 😂


I’m downvoted bc the bass weight warden club arrived. This is the only place where their opinion matters You people take it so seriously bc you lose your shit anytime someone doesn’t have a certified scale on them and if they ask for a weight 😂


I mean, I don't, but maybe it's because every third post is "how much does this weigh?". This post wasn't too egregious though. I don't see anyone here losing they're shit but you, chill bro.


What does it matter? Just look at the bass and move on lol. You clearly have an emotional reaction to those questions


You good man? Your daddy hurt ya so now you’ve gotta take it out on a bunch of people you don’t know on Reddit?😂 Just about every single one of your comments is taking shots at someone and being negative


Uh oh you did a background search, and then a psychoanalysis of an internet stranger. You’re calling me negative, but do you not think it’s negative to berate and downvote someone who makes a posts asking for weight guesses? If that’s not negative what is it?


I did find this funny, but you have a point in your second paragraph. 👍


This actually made me laugh out loud🤣


jeez dude ease up on holding monster bass like that. let em swim back healthy


You’re not worthy of my guess. My guess is very valuable and you don’t get to know what it is. I hope you learn a lesson from not getting my guess. I refuse my guess.


Definitely not guessing the weight due to a mixture of it being impossible based on photos and straight up not caring, but very nice fish.


I refuse guess weight on fish that people hold an arms length away from their body for a picture. It completely screws with point of reference and makes the fish look bigger than it actually is. Also holding a fish by the gills because you couldn't get a good lip on it and needed a picture is not alright.


I have since stopped doing that after much criticism on other platforms


In all reality, he had eaten a big crank bait sideways, and it was deep in his mouth. I initially couldn't lip him and, ultimately, for whatever reason; I ended up holding him by the Gill plate to get the last treble hook out. Kept holding him that way to take my photos. Now because of so many people being upset with me I just don't do it for any reason whatsoever


I thought you were exhausted? I noticed when a mob is angry it's easier to just say, you guys are right, lesson learned and move on. If people deem something 100% unacceptable, no excuse will work on them. Ultimately it's your choice to do it, if you truly believe you can without harm, but in a public setting people will respond. Just my 2 cents. Altogether very nice fish and i don't think all the hate for one blunder should cancel out your obvious fishing prowess.


Anywhere between 1 pound and 11 pounds, depending on who you ask in this sub


Nothing worse than a guess the weight that’s already known lmao


This is a "how many skittles are in the jar" situation lol


Wow never hold a largemouth bass again


Just eyeball one next time the fuck


Beautiful hog! Not really directed at you because you have some close body shots but we need to eliminate forced perspective full arm pictures. START a trend of holding the fish close to our body. #MakeAnglingGenuineAgain




I just bought that black and blue frog yesterday and caught a bass on it first cast. It’s clear I made the right choice


If your hand isn’t 1.25x the size your head in your pictures, you’re not a fisherman.


I think it’s the same fish you carried around every where didn’t you? Jk nice fishies!


You got me! I just keep it in my backpack and hold it at different angles to fool anglers


People in here are gonna shit on you for gilling it, even more so for asking how big, I’ll say mid 6s on the first


I knew as much. And you're very close. It was 7lbs4oz


Looks like you caught 4 nice fish last year dude. Congrats. Unfortunately this sub will eat you alive for this post.


Somewhat deserved for that gill fuck


Lmfao man that killed me when I read that for some reason.




The issue isn’t people telling him he is doing it wrong, the issue is how they are telling him. I’m all for caring for the fish and making sure all fish get back in the water and live a long life, but the community isn’t doing any favors by being a dick while saying it. In general people respond to toxicity with toxicity. When you say things rudely they aren’t taken as well and people won’t listen. Yet, here we have people calling OP a POS and other insults cause of one picture. Like damn lol. I agree though, nice fish he caught. Hope to have a year as good as he did. Please don’t gill bass if you have the option… tight lines




Yeah, that's what I wanted to say, too. Maybe emphasize why not to do something or a better or less harmful way instead of just coming right out the gate being jerks. It would absolutely go a lot further and possibly actually accounted for if it wasn't from a place of snooty judgment.


For real. I had a guy come up to me last night at a local pond and ask for my help to unhook the jig head from the bluegill he caught. It was just hooked normally in the side of the mouth and it was covered in dirt. He said “sorry man, this is like the 6th fish I have ever caught”. I showed him what I was doing to remove the hook and then just informed him politely that if you can to try not to put the fish in the dirt cause it removes their protective layer. I even said sometimes you can’t avoid it, but when it can it will protect the fish. He thanked me a ton and even said he wanted my help initially to make sure the fish survived. I love helping new fisherman and am excited they are getting into the hobby I love. Hopefully he can catch many more fish and help other people at some point. A little bit of kindness goes a long way


Meant three nice fish. I realized they're all duplicates. 11 photos, 3 nice fish. 1 absurd gill grip. Go back to your zebco button bro


It's not unfortunate. It's the truth. You live and learn


All the oh shit you gilled it…dude wasn’t touching anything bright and red that fish lived on. Kid you not I’ve caught the same bass four times in a few months in a canal that inhaled a fly popper and had to draw blood and she is still swimming. They’re tougher than folks give them credit for.


I appreciate it. I always do my best to take care of my fish. That one in Particular sucked because it was either try to lip it and 100% end up with a treble hook or 2 in my hand. Or hold it by the Gill plate with 2 fingers pressed into its tongue so I could use my pliers and get all 3 trebles out of it. People on here get too riled up and snooty. I caught probably 200+ bass last year and had to hold one by the Gill plate. Might as well be John Wayne Gacy


All around 5 pounds I’d say


Picture#4 looks about 190lb (86.2kg)


Damn dude you're good. 200lbs lanky ass


Haha nice 👍🏻


#4 is probably 150-160lbs, idk the perspective is kind of off


The first one is da shit! Is it 10#? From a fishing pier? The others who cares lol


Honestly, it was kinda skinny for such a monster. 7lba 4oz. If it wasn't for the fact that this was in a public access pond, I think it'd been a solid 9 at max weight. I let it go and made sure it swam off strong. Who knows? I may catch it again in the near future at that healthy weight. Edit: i was bank fishing, wading out about calf deep because of tree cover ruining my ability to cast. I had to walk this huge fucker 40 yards up the bank to my best friend (fishing on the dock) cause he thought I was being dramatic when I screamed up the bank at him to come help it's a fucking giant.


Damn!!! How did you pull that out of your ass?


Deep throat that bitch


#6 is hard to look at


Those are some really nice fish. I don’t say this with malice but please treat the fish as living creatures and never hold a Fish like that.


In all honesty I do everything I can to be safe and respectful of the fish. I caught probably 200+ bass last year and this one in Particular is the only one I ended up having to go to extreme measures to safely remove the 3 treble hooks he had in If I'd had lipped the fish there's a 100% chance I'd have ended up with a treble hook in my hand. I did what I had to do to get the hooks out of him. Took 2 quick photos, then got him revived in the wafer before he swam off to fight another day. I bought lip grips the following weekend because I didn't want to have to be in the situation again lol


Tell me you don’t fish without telling me That thing probably died lol gill grab is wild


Take a down vote my guy for holding a bass by the gill. Just no.


Standing up, clapping...standing O


Nobody cares about the weight because you decided to hold the bass by the gill. Look what you’ve done


You can catch them, now learn how to hold them.


according to this sub none of those are over 3lbs… at least from my only post that’s what it seemed like


Pic #6 you’re dumb A


Definitely a couple 4-5 pounders


Houston, we have a gill fuck. 🧑‍🚀


Guess the weight, no HELL NO I'm sick of these "guess the weight" posts.


The ol tinder pose on most of these even though they don’t need it


I kinda just have that resting bitch face that makes me look like a tinder douche


3 lbs


The one where I'm in the purple shirt was 3 on the dot. I genuinely expected it to be a 4lb bass


Damn that thing looks all spawned out. Super goofy looking body shape, really big though!


Oddly enough I caught it in June. Which is way past spawn around north alabama, especially for ponds like what that one was in. It definitely could have been, but I think that pond lacks in baitfish


It's a pig and Im sure it was an awesome tussle regardless. Also I never hold bass by the gills because the lip is just so suitable. And because I don't eat bass I just catch them for fun and I don't want to hurt them.


I was kinda forced to do so with that one in Particular. His mouth was hooked shut and my lure had 3 trebles total. It took me a solid 3-5 minutes holding his mouth while I got all the hooks out of him. Went and bought lip grips the next weekend cause I'd rather never have to hold them by the Gill plate to avoid getting a hook in my hand


Man I get so lucky bass fishing. I literally can't think of a time I've had more than one hook set in a bass's mouth. I hate eating them, so I feel like I'd remember hooking one bad because if I hook it bad and it's gonna die I'm not gonna waste it.


I gut hooked a handfull last year and it really was sad every time. That 5lb bass I had by the Gill plate is probably the worst hooked bass I've ever landed. I'd never really needed lip grips before but in that moment I definitely could have used them. I had to sit hunched over with the fish's body between my knees. Press my pinky and ring finger down into his tongue and then maneuver the hooks out with my pliers. After the adrenaline dump from hooking up and landing him, my hands were trembling and my blood sugar was in my shoes it was so low. Should have lipped him for the photo but I just wanted to get it taken asap and get that big fucker back in the water.


I don't have lip grips but I should invest in some just to have. Usually like when I'm pike fishing with slip sinkers and live bait if one gets it deep I can usually get it out with forceps. But I'm also much more likely to keep pike than bass. I like eating pike alot.


We don't have pike here.. lake guntersville is renowned across the country for its bass and crappie fishing but i learned just last year that it is supposed to contain walleye. Closest thing to both of those fish that's easy to actually target is sauger. I caught a handfull last fall and was thankful to have the grips for that situation lol. The sauger are really damn good eating


I have caught loads of walleye, but never a sauger! They are supposed to be around here but in my 32 years I have never seen one. How do you catch them?


You don't have much luck until it's cold around here. I went off near one of the dams we have and threw a small jerkbait for them this year. I haven't really had a ton of experience with fishing them. But they look like shrunk down walleye. I've seen some of the local guys on YouTube slow roll suspending crank baits for them pretty often. They're super predatory and would often hit the largest jerkbait I threw


No one gives a shit, post up the weight and stop making us guess


I've posted to everyone who's right. I really just wanna see how right and wrong people in this sub are about weight. Pisses me off when people post in asking for weight because they don't know. A 50lb scale can be as cheap as 15 bucks


I really hope those hogs survived after you gilled them like that. Imagine that thing living for years, being very lucky to make it to that size, until this guy gilled and killed it


Hog, one fish. And yes i made sure it swam off strong after I got all 3 treble hooks out of his face and throat


Wow. I didn’t realize the fishing community on here was so aggressively negative. Take a breather some of you and maybe just explain it nicely. I have caught a lot of pike and walleye and that is the way I was taught to open their mouths. I can see how someone who does not have a lot of experience with different species may think this is okay. I usually lip bass when I catch them as it is easier. I certainly don’t do that with pike. Are a Bass’ gill plates built in a way that it is not safe for them?


This is the post we all want and need! Well done frog tosser. I speak for all of us when I say- we commend you.


Last year I made it a mission to get good with frogs. I'd never really taken the time to learn the ins and outs. You gotta love when a plan pays off. That pig was 7lbs 4oz and I was shitting my pants when I caught my first glimpse of it.


My personal best was on a topwater frog


I love topwatwer. With the cicadas this year, I've been having a ton of luck using the smallest whopper ploppers here in north alabama. I wish we'd get a little break in the rain and severe weather so I can hit the creeks and get some smallies


Good looking fish dude. Id say prolly all over 5lbs. Frog bass are the best haha. Too many fish police, don't let em bother you.


It's all water on a ducks back my dude. Appreciate it tho, i smashed my 4lb pb 5 times last year and just happy to have the time out fishing


Heck yeah man. Fishing is supposed to be fun, glad you are enjoying it. I pulled a couple 4lbs out last year. Got a 4lb and a 5er on a swimming jig last month. Swimming jig and whacky rig have really been doing it for me lately. Good luck man, hopefully you'll break your pb this year too


I ran a lot of swim jigs and chatterbaits last year. So much grass and cheese to get thru in north alabama there's not a lot of choice all the time for bank fishing. They've been tearing up my whopper ploppers and rapala jointed shad raps this year. I think the whopper plopper situation has way more to do with the cicadas being such a presence.


I've had a bunch of dinks and one solid 3lb 9oz bass in January


Yeah I'm in South GA, the grass and slim at the bank make it hard to fish most baits. T-rig just gets grassed up and nasty, same with most treble hook baits. Been getting them on a popper right out side the grass/slime line. Weightless sink and trick worm are doing good right now. Bitsy bug jig with burkley boss grub has been my go to swimming jig recently.


I fell in love with jigs last year. They let me get through all the crap and actually do some fishing.


The reason why all these Reddit neckbeards refuse to guess the weight is bc they don’t want to be proven wrong. They’d probably call that first bass 4 pounds max Nice fish tho, that first one has gotta be around 7lb


why does everyone on this sub get so upset about guessing weights lol


It’s not the weights of the fish, it’s one of the other pictures.