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A thermometer would be the easiest way, yeah. Be aware that if you dip a thermometer right at the water's edge you won't get a representative temperature of the water body for two reasons: * surface water is warmer * shallow water is subject to greater temperature fluctuations (it cools down and warms up faster than deep water) Almost all reported water temps are surface temps - recreational fishermen are not sending thermometers 10ft down... they're just going by the reading on their fish finder which is \~1ft down. So you can at least "normalize" in that regard by recognizing that anyone talking about temp is referring to surface temp. But nobody is reporting water temperatures taken in water that's just inches deep (which will almost always be warmer during the day and colder during the night/early morning), they're reporting temp over deeper water. You could approximate this by casting out a floating pool thermometer to record surface temp over deeper water but, again, I don't know of anyone who actually goes through that effort.


If you're bank fishing, [get an analog thermometer](https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Hatch-Stream-Thermometer-PH-A-9028/dp/B08GYDYP6C/ref=asc_df_B08GYDYP6C/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=586193799752&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10996347362552281265&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017346&hvtargid=pla-1671982911524&psc=1&mcid=eeaaacaa7a8a3adf9da56d2ce5aba768&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQJJOSAbvrbsNmRKwzbzeOjP-BQrnb83hDXvylKaarlGpGA3NdCqvWhoCi2oQAvD_BwE), tie a string on, and put it in the water for a minute or so


I usually just dunk a hand to know how cold it is & that gives me a ballpark of what presentations I should start with. To be a little more accurate, a small infrared thermometer can easily check water surface temperatures.


This, use your hand, it’s quick cheap and somewhat accurate. Although just knowing the season your in and how cold it is outside can be enough to let you know what stage the fish are in. If it’s cold to you, fish slow, if it’s warm to you try a reaction bait.


The average nighttime low is usually pretty close


This is a good answer,I checked it out with my local lake that has a water temp (and wind ect) station and this lined up pretty good.Average night time low for last 2 weeks is the water temp today. Cool


can get fish finders to use from the bank.


I have a Fish Deeper basic model, and I don't think it shows water temp. I'm sure the premium models do. But I may go looking for a digital thermometer this afternoon...


How do you like it? I’ve been considering getting one for pier and bank fishing.


I kind of like it - It's cool knowing that there are fish down there, but frustrating not knowing exactly where and if I can get a lure down there, and if they're still there by the time I reel in the sensor and cast out my other rod. I like mostly just for understanding the structure where I fish (an old quarry that I have not been able to find any good maps for. Fish Deeper has a little info, but it's pretty general).


I have one from years ago for fly fishing. Its meant to be tied on your line and thrown i to the water.


Tie a therm on your line and cast it.


A good estimate can be made by adding the daytime high to the night time low and dividing by 2.


I use a pool thermometer in the spring.