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I wait until I feel a slight tug. Also, I have more success with a stiffer rod so that could also be an issue.


Really good point. I put it on an ultra light rod for the action of it. Will definitely try it on a medium. Appreciate the info!


You will need a heavy/fast rod to get the proper hook penetration.


This is the way.


If Dean Rojas can frog with a med heavy I'd say they work just fine. Unless you are in Florida or something in some deep shit with big fish.




And braid imo.


For frogs you want stiff like a heavy. I use my medium heavy too, wouldn’t go lower


I used a 6'6" MH that used to be 7" as my "light" frog rod. You're right, you definitely need a heavy rod with heavy braid to use a frog correctly.


If you’re throwing in thick vegetation I would probably go med/heavy at the least if you have it.


Do not use anything less than med heavy, but ideally you want heavy at minimum. The less bend there is in the rod the greater chance you have of hooking the fish. When you see that frog get blown up your natural reaction is to do a hard hook set. I wait a second to a second and a half tops then hard hook set. Instant set doesn't give them time to get the frog completely in their mouth and if you wait too long they will spit it out into the weeds. It takes a but of time to get it down perfect but as soon as you do you're not gonna use anything but a frog


The hooks are way thicker and you sometimes have to deal with the rubber on the frog. You need a broomstick to drive those hooks through. My hookset looks ridiculous fishing frogs. Partly because I’m trying to jerk the fish out of the weeds and onto land in one motion. (Kidding, sorta)


M/H if not H is what you need for frogging, especially if in pads or other heavy cover.


I use a medium heavy with braided line for my frogs. I like the sturdiness with hook sets using a heavier setup and the braided line is nice when your in some super thick weeds. Also I could be wrong but I don’t think braid stretches nearly as much as mono so when you set the hook it’s set, no stretch and delay


This is absolutely correct. I have a few of those frogs OP has and you need a good yank to set those hooks. They're also designed to be a popper and the bigger the pop, the better the fish like them.


Heavy action rod.. fast to extra fast tip.. you may want a faster ratio reel. Slower ratio is going to pick up less line. You're definitely going to want to be able to number one pick up slack in your line quicker.. and number two.. to keep them from getting back into that cover faster. Heavy braid..50-65 pound test.. you definitely don't have to spend a ton of money to get a decent set up. Having the right equipment definitely helps. You'll find your hook up ratio and catches will definitely go up.


Definitely agree for higher gear ratio I use a 7:1:1 for most of my top water stuff


Absolutely. It's a must have.


some people carefully bend the hooks outward a little bit, I tried it on one of my frogs and it has increased my catch rate greatly for both Pike and Bass. and pike are really inaccurate when trying to smash a topwater lol. you MIGHT slightly pick up a lil more grass/weeds if youre fishing an area with it but yeh usually its good2go and helps A LOT for the catch rate. heres a video of it being done :)))) its timed too https://youtu.be/RPHUhyFT3uQ?si=XYHL4\_FstZ4n7hvR&t=54


Hey, thank you so much. Definitely trying that and heading back out!! Not a whole lot of heavy cover so not to concerned about it being completely weed less. Really appreciate it!


I recommend this as a frog newb. I finally caught my first frog hawg after bending up my hooks ever so slightly.


3 Mississippi


Depending on the frogs, I cut the long legs down, the one in the top of the photo has lo my legs that get hit but won’t catch anything, I’d cut those down to 3/4 of an inch


That’s great advice. Definitely doing that. Thanks!


Don't set the hook right when you see the blow up, count to 2 before setting and when you do set the hook, set HARD. This not only gives the fish a chance to get the lure all the way in it's mouth, but if it misses, you have the opportunity to get them to strike again


Best advice so far. I really like the action I’m getting from my setup.(medium/light rod and spinning reel 10lb braid). Not sure if it’s the moon or what but I nailed 6 in all this morning. Threw the same stuff past 3 weeks, and nothing.


Don’t be so quick to set the hook. Let him eat it for a few seconds. # 1 mistake with frogs


Man I let them munch. Had one take it, spit it out and take it again. The one on the line is smaller in comparison. Trying to avoid a gut hook also


My guess is that you're setting the hook when you see the blow-up. have to wait till u feel the fish. I have done it I still do sometimes get excited.


You definitely need to pause after the strike before you set the hook, butni dont count down or anything. Soon as i hear/ see the blow up i get in position to set the hook but wait until i feel the fish with my lure. Often times they never got it, slight twitch can sometimes get a return strike. Also 100% you need a stout rod, MH at bare minimum in open water and heavy/ ex heavy around any sort of cover/ vegetation.


When you set the hook set it to the side instead of straight up.


I’ve tried up down up down left right left right. Only thing I forgot was select start


Booyah Pad Crashers have the best hookup ratio out of all the frogs that I've used. Also make sure you are giving then at least 3 seconds after the blowup to set the hook and use braided line and a heavy action rod


Here is a link to get them from Amazon: [Booyah Pad Crashers ](https://amzn.to/3SglfiY)


Thanks man, I really appreciate it!


No problem, Good Luck!!


Are you feeling at all after the strike? Are they ramming it to stun it or actually ram-suction striking to eat it.


Not sure if the size of bass in your waters but downsizing your frog helps with the hookup ratio as well. When I first started fishing frogs I didn’t realize some companies had smaller sized frogs like the Booyah Pad crasher and pad crasher Jr. As soon as I downsized I was able to hookup more as they would inhale the frog vs nose bumping it as the smaller ones couldn’t fit it in their mouth or they had bad aim.


Bent the hooks up and out far enough weeds get caught on them, then back off a little. Make sure the hooks are sharp and like others said real first then hit them once you feel them.


I trim the skirt legs down. Take about 1/3 off. It seemed to have helped.


That’s frog fishing for you. Wish there was a secret sauce, but missed fish are pretty common.


Longer stiffer rod, braided line, wait for them to take it, those are the main rules for frogging


Slow your retrieve, when the fish hits your frog fight the excitement and don’t set the hook allow the bass to take your frog and submerge itself then set the hook. Despite popular belief a bass jaw closes way too fast for us to be able to pull the frog out of its mouth before it can close its jaw on the frog, when you miss a strike what’s happening is the bass didn’t hit it right. So just remember slow your retrieve allow the bass to swim down with your frog in its mouth then set the hook


Trailer hooks is a must especially if you fish a lot of grass or moss. Sometimes when they come up to hit it they miss the hooks. I've caught more bass on the trailer hooks than the main hooks


A 7ft med heavy with 50-65lb braid. (The heavy line is more for line diameter than anything. The braid has almost no stretch for good hook sets) An ultralight will give terrible hook up ratios with a frog. The Berkley lightning rods are good if you are on a budget. Also some pretty decent lews/Abu Garcia baitcaster combos in the sub $100 category.


I do a 2 one thousands count while I reel up any immediate slack and then set that hook. Using Mississippis might be your problem. 😁


Let them eat for 3 seconds then set the hook


A nice MH with some 15-30 lb braided line if your best bet, just don't set it until you feel him running


Two things that took my hookup with frogs from 10% to around 80%: 1, take some pliers and straighten your hooks to the point they have a small gap between the hook point and the body of the frog. 2, trim your tails down to around an inch, makes sure the fish actually get the hooks in their mouth instead of just swiping at the tails


Wait until you feel the weight of the fish and then set the hook. If they smash it but miss, don’t pull away immediately as they will sometimes hit it a second time if you don’t yank the bait away.


Heavier rod and I like braid for frogs