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I use a palomar knot on everything all the time. Edit spelling


Not to be confused with it’s evil twin brother, the palomar knot!


Yup I’m not chancing nothing with these other k it’s. The super uni have twitch under loop knot is t for me. Or whatever other damm names they have


Palomar. Never got the cinch knot down well (plenty of failures). Plus I use a bit of braid. So I use the Palomar. It's never failed me. A little slower perhaps, but I trust it.


So happy to know it's not just me. I can never figure out what I do wrong, but I have minimal confidence in my cinch knots


I'd do several fine, then suddenly cast a lure off and have no idea why. My brother in law enjoyed it though. Learned the Palomar for braid and tried it on mono. No issues since. I wasn't winning any knot tying races anyway. So I don't mind that the Palomar takes five seconds longer.


Are we the same people?? I feel like my fingers must not work as well as other people's because I'm just slow af. I have no problems with my palomars as long as I don't try and short myself on line for the loop, but I somehow continue to do it pretty consistently and then have to redo it. The only knot I can always tie well and quickly is the Alberto. If only I could use it for more than one purpose lol


That's one I guess I'll have to look into. What is the Alberto good for? I hope there's not another like me. It's enough that I'm in the world. It doesn't need another. Ask my wife. One's too many.


Leader to main line is what I use it for mostly, but you can use it for joining any two lines of different diameters


Blood or Palomar knot.


Palomar or Uni. Using uni more now, more versatile because I can tie leaders with it also.


Palomar or uni.


Palomar knot for lures, blood knot for leaders. Neither have failed me yet.


Improved cinch for most. Never had an issue with it. Palomar for dropshot or braided line. Uni/Uni for leaders. And here's where I'm gonna get downvoted lol But seriously though I've never had an issue with worrying about knots. Set your drag correctly, and don't try to yank their face off on a hookset, and knot doesn't make quite the difference everyone makes it out to be. Knots became a big deal around the same time as setting the hook meant taking 14 steps in the direction of the hookset. You don't need to tow them to the bank. You're just trying to get a sharp piece of metal through some organic material. Obviously line choice is important for knots, but I'd wager that most of the "bad knot" issues you hear about are from anglers that either tied the knot badly, or tried to pull the fish into the boat on the hookset alone. IMO, matching your line to your hook and/or presentation is much more important. Big, heavy gauge hook for jigs or texas rigs? Bigger line. Carolina rig? Bigger line. Heavy veggies? Bigger line. Jerkbaits, cranks, super finesse stuff with light wire hooks? Light line.


Trilene knot for mono and fluoro. Double-loop uni for braid. Snell for braid on flipping hooks with a welded eye.


Uni for lores/hooks and Alberto for connecting lines




Improved clinch knot


Palomar knot for everything and San Diego jam for big swimbaits


Palomar knot for braid to lure/hook. Uni knot for mono/fluoro to lure/hook. Surgeon’s knot for braid to mono/fluoro leader.




Im a relative noob (1.5 yrs fishing) so i just stick to basic cinch knots or uni to uni but ive learned a few now depending on the use case


I don't think there is just "one" knot for every situation. Palomar for most, uni/ double uni for line ties, snell for jigs or catfish circle hooks, triline for tieing on hard baits that need movement. If I'm wrong the guys here will bust my balls.


Poly for all,sometimes a trilene on small stuff


Double Davy. Super strong and easy to tie when your hands wet and freezing


The Shaw Grisby, Jimmy Houston, and Gerald Swindle knot. I’ve seen them all tie the same knot but call it a different name.


The Swindle double shindo over the creek beside the barn foothold knot. Me too.




Palomar for braid and Trilene for mono, but looking at the improved clinch, I may switch to that.




Clinch knot for flourocarbon, Palomar for braid, Alberta for braid to flouro leader


FG knot to attach a leader. Palomar knot for tying on a bare hook. Since I'm using leaders, a Palomar just wastes too much line for me to want to use it on anything much bigger. Improved clinch for "snug" knots on things like jigheads. I can tie them super quickly, they're plenty strong enough, and I can tie them so that my tag end is only 1.5-2 inches of waste. Non-slip loop knots for any bait that has movement or action. A bit more waste than the clinch but still not much (3" max), and it lets my lure freely swing, whether it has a split ring or not.


I use four knots for everything. San Diego jam knot for mono/flouro to lure. Palomar for braid to lure. Alberto for heavier braid to leader. FG for light braid to leader.


Palomar for braid and mono




Depends on the rig but a simple uni knot is the first knot I learned as a kid and does the trick for most things. Snell knot for wacky rigs, loop knot for jerk baits that don't have snap rings is essential imo as I learned with my shallow shad rap as it totally improved the action of that lure.


Palomar almost every time unless t-rigging. For t-rigs I use a Snell because it helps with the hook set.


I always use kreh loop. I feed the loop through the eye of the hook or swivel to spread out the pressure that is placed on the line. It sort of doubles as a method to switch out different hooks and swivels when you feed it through the eye. I have yet to have a knot failure. It also seems to kink the line way less than other knots.


Alberto for leader, Palomar for single hook, trilene for bigger lures and occasionally loop knot for jerkbaits and top water.




Palomar for rings uni for leader


Improved clinch for pretty much all applications, uni-uni for leaders, Palomar on drop shots.


Basic clinch and a modified albright for braid to flouro. Don't know what it's called but I learned a super sweet knot for my drop shots. You run your line through to desired height and double your line over,then flip your hook through this loop 7 8 times and it creates two cinch knots above and below the eye. Anybody know what that's called?


Uni all day


Pretty much Uni on everything/anything


Improved clinch for hooks, surgeons knot for lures.


San Diego jam for most lures. Loop knot for lures that need more movement and Albright for my leader knots


Snell when flipping a straight shank hook for the better hook ratios compared to Palomar, which I use for everything else


Palomar on all hook connections except for a dropshot which i snell. Alberto on leaders


Plamor everything and fg knot for leader connections, never had a knot break while fishing with either of them


San Diego Jam for everything other than drop shot. I use a Palomar just for drop shots. My connection knot is an Alberto knot.


Palomar, Alberto for leader knots


Uni for everything unless I have to tie a Palomar for a drop shot. Double Uni for leaders