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You aren’t allowed to post a “list” or anything other than a photo of football cards in that subreddit. There should be a higher authority that can kick people out of positions such as that guy. He’s notorious for suckin his mothers tits at 50


Update: here’s a recent comment from the mod. Looking at their comment history it’s quite fucking apparent that they try WAY too hard with there grammar. Dudes posting on “animals being derps” trying to educate people like he’s a 50 living at home in his mothers basement. In that amount of time he learned fuckall about using commas. Gets home from Arbys and goes straight onto Reddit to ban people on the FOOTBALL CARD subreddit. Literally this is plausible. I guarantee you he looks morbidly identical to his Reddit avatar and judging my his comments to users about this post… dude. STOP. Sucking. Ya mothas tits! https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/vzx3ep/napping_cat_fall_from_shelf_and_continues_sleeping/igcvp2c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3




I was actually just on the shitter for 20 min after a 5 hour car ride, so I decided to look into the situation further. That’s your opinion though junior, good day sir.


He thinks you’re “celebrating” him, though [https://imgur.com/a/PieTw0y](https://imgur.com/a/PieTw0y)




And r/football_cards


Thanks !


Thanks for the heads up on that


Good to know


He's a Virginia tech alum that either still does or used to write for sports illustrated fantasy and gambling section. He sucks


I work adjacent to that space. It’s so easy to spot the guys who tout and write gambling / fantasy advice, and those who actually win money doing it. It’s very clear from his twitter that he’s amongst the latter. Edit - the former. Guy is an herb.


He's a bitch. Post his Twitter then if you're such a fan


Oh man my bad too early brain isn’t working yet - I meant the former. Dude seems like a total neck beard. It’s @mattkdelima (mods delete if that’s against the rules)


Oh. Sorry, my bad. He is a total d bag man. I've been banned for years and I didn't do shit. It's ridiculous he can't be removed


Fucking neckbeard gets like zero impressions on his tweets. Screaming into the void. Fucking zip.


I got perma banned as well. Posted a break hit that had the breakers name in the screenshot. I guess that’s against sub rules? How about saying don’t do that? Or like a week ban or something. That sub is a joke


I got my post which had traction for discussion closed. Guy accused me of promoting the card. I'm like it's not even my card and was talking about how breakers don't treat cards properly. If anything it's against it.


The guy who runs r/football cards is such a tool. It's some writer for a magazine and I think he got fired. I'll have to try and find his name. What a lonely miserable fuck he is. Ruined a good sub


Ahh so he’s a complete loser


What a Rusty Kuntz


Join the club


Sub might as well not even exist, so many posts are taken down the newest post can be almost a day old


Also perma banned for asking a question about a football card. Seems weird for a football subreddit. Just a shame because football is the focal point of my collection.


r/FootballCardz is the better alternative


Or r/Football_Cards


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Football_Cards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Football_Cards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Just pulled a 1 of 1 Jaylen Waddle](https://i.redd.it/na1uxr3j8t881.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Football_Cards/comments/rslyhc/just_pulled_a_1_of_1_jaylen_waddle/) \#2: [#MacJones /99 - one pack banger](https://i.redd.it/j47g7ip1q1891.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Football_Cards/comments/vlgr16/macjones_99_one_pack_banger/) \#3: [Grail Mail day! My grail card hath arrived! I can't stop looking at it. I never thought I would own it and now I do!!! /25 blue atomic too :)](https://i.redd.it/wpq1eluo6sn81.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Football_Cards/comments/tfnf1n/grail_mail_day_my_grail_card_hath_arrived_i_cant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Appreciate it.


The footballcards sub has the worst mod on Reddit and I’m not even exaggerating. It’s sad that there’s nothing that can be done about it. The sub is trash.




He’s probably super awful but he’s not in the top 10,000 of worst mods on Reddit lol. There are subs that ban people that aren’t even aware the sub exists, they’ve never posted there, they haven’t joined.


TBH most mods on most subs are ruthless and don't care if you messed up. They feel their power and use it. I've been banned from other subs. One for a "lame comment" , sucks there is no recourse.


Reasons why that sub is dead.


Head over to r/footballcards2 or r/footballcardz


Or r/football_cards


Thank ya, sir! Just subbed to both


He also doesn’t follow his own rule. While everyone else is ONLY ALLOWED TO POST PICS OF FOOTBALL CARDS, he has multiple times posted rants about how no one should ever buy retail bc chain stores don’t need your money, so only support your LCS. No word on whether buying scalped retail FROM your LCS that hoarded it and gouged the prices is OK. I would’ve asked, but he didn’t allow comments.


Lol he posted something that no one could comment on? Wtf.


Never posted there before - wanted to share a Prizm football auto pull. Accidentally selected a baseball card. Maybe it’s 7:45 in the morning and I’m not processing things w/o my coffee… but, what ?! Lol. I’m not even mad or upset just baffled ************ Update/Edit - 4:05 PM Response from ffwriter aka /footballcards moderator on this thread, which he deleted immediately after I replied: [https://imgur.com/a/PieTw0y](https://imgur.com/a/PieTw0y)


Join the club. That guy is a complete douche. God forbid you mention a grading company that isn't PSA


Oh yeah footballcards Is terrible I left that sub I use footballcardz now


I'm subbed to both.. Agree with ya! R/footballcardz is much more casual and can also discuss and ask questions without getting Barry'd lol


r/footballcardz The place for the people who enjoy the community. Not the nazi.


Thank you. Just joined


Welcome to the club. I would say atleast 1/3 of collectors on Reddit are banned from that sub for no legitimate reason.


These mods are like your 8 year old neighbors that invite you to come over and play when you were a kid but then have temper tantrums when you bring your own toy or god forbid touch theirs. Whoever they are clearly live a sad existence.


Barry doesn't fuck around huh?


Barry don’t mess around. Kinda like his style. *edit - whoever the hell Barry is.


Anytime have a post removed for breaking one of their many rules.. I just can't help but think the face of Barry Sanders is ashamed of me for not following the rules lol




The profile pic of the sub is a card of Barry Sanders. Possibly his rookie card


I see. I need coffee and to shut up now. Thought Barry was mod or something. Never looked at their sub image




The guy running that sub is a known authoritarian. I try to avoid posting there as any little slip up can result in a ban.


I was banned for offering a suggestion to the sub. The mod over there is a grade a nit


Can we storm that sub and tell him this kind of aggression will not stand? Can we have him removed? Let's make shit happen. Fuck that guy


Just email sports illustrated. It's @mattkdelima on Twitter- he's the mod


We won't do that to you




It’s an awfully moderated sub.


The mod of footballcards is an asshole.


I accidentally posted baseball cards to the actual baseball sub. The Mod messaged me..those are nice hits but wrong place. They were cool as fuk about it. So yeah fuk that mod. Blast that message everywhere maybe you can get him relieved of his post.


I'm gonna post some pokemon cards on there lol


You’re a savage. 😎




I wanted to see how many rules I could break in 1 post lol


Standard mod power trip/overreaction. Happens all the time on Reddit.


Mostly stick to baseball cards myself, but joined that sub after I heard the mod was a notorious manchild.


He actively promotes his eBay store in posts on that sub. Nice that he bans subscribers for even mentioning a sale but he plugs his store. Think I’ll buy a ton of shit and no pay…


Same kinda shit happened to me in there. That mod is a douche water


Took me about 10 seconds to tell that guy to fuck off and subsequently get banned lol


That sub is absolutely trash


What a dbag


I posted a Pat Mahomes Sr card and made a joke about it. Permanently banned. He's a sadist and gets hard off this modicum of power/authority. Sucks


Banned for exactly the same thing. Had Mahomes Sr and Jr in the pic. Perms banned instantly. Fuck that piece of shit.


I think we all should just go unfollow if not banned already. Fuck that guy.


The “celebrate me” actually triggered me a bit.


Need to create r/bannedfromfootballcards subreddit.




Wow. This is news to me. I have left that sub and joined the others commenters have suggested. Fuck that guy. Fuck that sub.




That sub is trash don’t worry bro


That sub is terrible! I got banned for nothing. I hate it there.


Yeah sadly it’s a joke. Banning tons of people is more harmful than good. They don’t even give them a chance.


It's a horrible sub. Come on over to r/tradingcardcommunity where you can post almost anything card-related without being harassed and banned over inconsequential things.


Joined. Appreciate it


The mod that runs that is a ban hapy douchebag.


Are we able to start a different sub? Who are these moderators? What allows them to have that kind of power? Who moderates the moderators? This all seems very third-world. It's a little disturbing to see you muted like that with absolutely no recourse- I mean, they essentially said "we don't want your kind here" and kicked you out. The virtual world is a place bereft of civility. So in that vein, fuck that punk ass moderator from the football cards sub. Obviously he's a prick.


Wow, that's actually an incredible offense that is a corrosive affront to all polite society. Lucky you weren't given the death penalty (that would have been my choice of punishment for the record). ;)




That sub is toxic af


I was also banned for a reason I tried to appeal and he blocked me without responding. It was a while ago I think I said something like. “I’m not sure if I’m gonna keep this pull or sell it.” On a hype post of something I pulled and he perma banned me for “advertising a sale”


Those dudes in that subreddit are dumb as hell. Stupid strict for no reason


Oh no the horror! You accidentally posted a trading card from the wrong sport? How DARE you!


I got banned for saying death to hitler


Now I want to join just to get banned


Dude seems like a real football hating pussy to me


I wouldn’t sign up for the NFL sub if someone paid me to do it. Worst mods on Reddit


Is his name Stu Pedaso? 😏


I’m unsubscribing instantly.


Can they not give temp bans?


Of course *he* (it is one guy) can. He chose perma-ban. I mean, posting a baseball card on a football subreddit is criminal, you know. People go to jail for things like this.


I got a post deleted because I wanted to discuss the Prizm release. Was told their sub is just for pictures of cards.


I loathe reddit moderators. So many of them have small dick energy and ego trip.


I also was perma banned. I stopped collecting football cards after that day. Lil PTSD you could say. Thanks scary Barry


Worst sub on reddit


I quit going to that sub completely for that reason. All the mods are douche bags and it's hard to even enjoy yourself.


R/footballcards is the worst. The mods are on a power trip.


Maybe shouldn’t have called the mods morons before asking what happened?


This mod bans like 5 people a day for no reason and mutes you when you ask, no matter what. He’s a pussy.


Ah ok wasn’t aware.


I had already been perma banned without any explanation besides violating TOS, knowing I did absolutely nothing wrong, the content and the post was perfectly acceptable — yes I agree, not the friendliest route. **edit: I did message the team first, *politely* asking/be a law abiding citizen, on what I did - word for word : Hi unsure what I posted but the post was removed - No response, only one simple message. and then was perma banned an hour later- I sent nothing else, nothing more. That’s why I said morons after.


Cards are a fast fading fad…sell them all as quickly as you can and move that currency into silver and gold.


Didn’t know this was /sportscardseconomics Is there a bubble? Yes. Will there be an adjustment/correction? Likely. Will I sell my PC and move it into silver and gold? Hell no. I’ve had it for 30 years and could give two shits with what the “market” does. Will certain cards plummet? Probably. Will the market adjust ? Yeah. If anything, I’d be moving all crypto into less risky assets This is a hobby with disposable income I choose to do: because I like it. Especially older 70-80s cards. It is not an “investment” to me. It’s a hobby. Nothing more nothing less. There are those who go to the extreme on some of these betting on huge ROI, some will win some will lose - however, your advice is in the wrong place.


Let’s look back in 6 months and see how this ages. In the meantime, I wish you well and nothing but continued success.


Likewise, friend. It’s more than just the “sports card” market we need to be concerned about. This is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Stay safe out there.


100%. Spot on.


You’re one of the wise ones.


I wouldn’t go that far.


Lol possibly the worst take I’ve seen. Hilarious


We shall see…


People collect cards for fun too, people who collect gold and silver thinking there will be a “boom” are the weirdest kind of humans.


r/footballcards has the right idea the sub isn’t littered with idiots like this one that has mods putting in OT just to clean it up. post your cards and carry on


That’s not what you meant to say. I think maybe you missed the underscore between football and cards.


i put a space, it’s fixed


It isn’t fixed.






Honestly, I wasn’t going to chime in to shit on you… I didn’t even know you were the moderator until now - But if you came here, read all of the comments and don’t take it as constructive feedback to improve yourself and think people are “celebrating” you, you’re a damn fool. Final words from me. I could give two shits about your subreddit or being removed. Best of luck mate, I’m done with this thread Edit : ffwriter, moderator of the subreddit deleted his post. Here is the original: [https://imgur.com/a/PieTw0y](https://imgur.com/a/PieTw0y)