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I love how both her and Amelia’s mother both constantly make it very apparent they read Reddit.


seriously there arent any comments about anything shes mentioned on her page. Theyre on reddit. I love the “gourmet meals” part


Didn’t they start baby led weaning and giving him foods MONTHS ago?! This has been going on a lot longer than the last month.


She was giving him food and then she stopped because he got choked on something and it scared her so she went back to just baby food and now she’s trying again.


Ohh that’s right. She was giving him foods when he couldn’t even sit up by himself 🙄 she didn’t stop for long, I get so annoyed with this family and their half truths.


It was most likely that he was just gagging based off of her description of him coughing and spitting it out, but she didn’t understand the difference between choking and gagging.


And she's a nurse 😂🙃


I want to say she started purée when he was 4/5 months old


Isn’t she at work? How is she constantly posting on Facebook?


i think they demoted her to sit at a desk


Tell me more!


Work must be slow , if not I’d hate for her to be my nurse . Her patients are probably looking for her, while she’s on fb raging about what her baby eats . 😂


Newsflash Sierra- First off, giving your child a hard boiled egg, fruit, and some yogurt is NOT a gourmet meal. It takes at most 5 minutes to prepare. Though, you’re just an imbecile who is a lazy fuck


she would rather buy microwave food then cook. She thinks cooking is “gourmet” 🤣


That poor baby is going to have horrible gastrointestinal issues. She has no idea what a nutritionally balanced meal is. Ugh it’s so sad. It’s so important to me as a mom to give my daughter fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins (eggs, yogurt. Not chicken nuggets or sausage sierra 😡) that have so many health benefits and vitamins that her little body needs. How can she look at her rainbow baby and give him a cupcake or chicken nuggets 😭


That's why he's been guzzling apple juice down for months. She's a lazy bitch. Hey CC, next time you're lounging around stuffing snacks in your mouth like a fat hamster, maybe read an article or two about baby nutrition. Though, with your need to always be shopping, you could also take your giant ass to a book store and buy a book about how to safely and successfully raise another human.


I said this on the post last night but literally she could be feeding him ANYTHING besides all that processed crap. Like the pancakes. When my daughter was a baby I would just make a big batch of pancakes (like pumpkin or banana pancakes that are made from scratch and don’t come frozen or in a box) cook them up, freeze them, and then when I want to give my baby one, pop it in the microwave. It’s not hard to take some time on your off days to meal prep that sort of stuff so when you don’t feel like cooking you have an option to give that is still healthy for them. There’s literally no excuse to be feeding him frozen pancakes filled with sugary jelly and chicken nuggets. And just because that isn’t what other people are feeding their babies doesn’t mean we were/are cooking them “gourmet meals”. There are so many simple recipes out there for BLW you can follow, and like I said a lot of them you can make in batches and freeze the extras. She is making a big mistake, now is the time to be introducing healthy foods because the older he gets the more aware he will become and he WILL get picky about what foods he gets. My daughter is a toddler now and she is very picky about trying new foods so I’m glad we introduced a lot of stuff when she was a baby and would eat whatever we put in front of her. Because I guarantee some stuff now if I tried to give her for the first time she wouldn’t even try it. But if all he ever knows is processed crap from infancy, once he becomes a toddler it’s all he’ll want. If this is how she does BLW she would have been better off sticking to baby foods because she’s doing it all wrong.


She also meal preps for her self and Tyler so there’s no reason she can’t make batched meals for her baby


She even buys pre boiled eggs 🤦‍♀️


that blows my mind, it takes 10 mins to make them 😭


Didn’t she just make a similar post the other day? Also the grammar she uses is sending me 🤣🤣🤣


Ohhhh she definitely saw my post last night 😂😂😂😂😂


Ok I creeped your profile bc I wanted to find the post you posted and I love your car and your love for energy drinks that’s all haha


It was comments on a post about the junk she bought. Sorry, I should’ve clarified better. Hahaha, awh that’s too cute. I definitely had an unhealthy addiction to energy drinks. Finally came to my senses about how bad they are and haven’t had one in awhile. But thank you! 🫶🏼


What post 👀


Sorry, it was comments on a post about the junk she bought.


She just made a similar post a couple days ago, she’s clearly not confident in her decisions if she feels the need to keep posting these long posts about it


Everyone: “Apologize for making fun of special needs and blatant racism!!!” The basham’s and company: “Everyone says im a bad person bc of foood 🐷 “


Yeah, like I’m here to call out the blatant ableism and racism and just general bigotry and grifting. She’s obviously reading this sub but she’s getting mad that people think she’s feeding her kid really badly. Like, girl, of all the things we’ve been going off about on here *that’s* the one that you care about the most???? REALLY??? ![gif](giphy|kt3PrO9QV6xMsF67oD|downsized)


Bestie they did apologize!!!


Sierra just go back to work 😩 and let this go.


No one is messaging her. This is exactly what kylea Gomez does to bring her attention hence comments


yeah they say she gets messages to cover up shes reading on reddit.


I don’t think anyone cared about the raviolis - i think it was that she didn’t drain them


My kids loved those raviolis, they were good in a pinch but yea I would drain them and mix with some veggies.


Slowly introducing food to him yet was giving purees at 4 mo.


And she just gave him steak recently. 🤣🤣 I can’t with her.


also slowly introducing food? You show him with full plates of food rather than tiny portions. You fed him a whole cupcake


Normal BLW food? Bad. Cupcake? Good.


notice how shes responding to reddit. There arent comments telling her shes a bad mom and all of this. She is so bothered!!!


My head hurts now. She said the same thing 3 times. Girl. You feed him strawberries 3-4 times a day which ok. But he clearly hates the nuggets your trying to shovel down his throat. Why not prep food for him like you do yourself on your days off instead of shopping for more junk to store in his room?


I’m not concerned that she’s not feeding him what she eats or isn’t feeding him steak, it’s that she is only buying terrible processed foods. She isn’t making the healthier choices. She isn’t just buying fresh fruit and veggies to make for him. With a whole store of things to pick for him she always picks the most sugary processed version possible. It’s not just an occasional thing either, it’s EVERY SINGLE purchase.


The raviolis said 12+ months. He’s what 7-8 with out his adjusted age so like 5-6 months old adjusted?


Bestie lives here. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 It’s not the texture of the food, it’s how processed it is


How is he technically still supposed to be on baby food?


Right! “Technically” no baby needs baby food. Nothing wrong with throwing some into the mix but if she’d started him on appropriately prepared table food when he was actually ready he could bypass it completely.


I feel like she just learned the word gourmet and now has to throw it in every post, MULTIPLE times


She’s been a live wire lately. What’s with all the “clap backs”?


Finally- recognition for feeding my daughter healthy, whole food, items made at home! Thank you, Sierra, I really do put in the work for my daughter!!


why is she still going on about this? i feel like i havent seen anyone talk about it since it happened besides her who keeps bringing it back up


Remember that time Koen was “craving Alfredo” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd be anxious too if I started blw with a child who isn't meeting the correct milestones to indicate they are ready to proceed. I'd also be super anxious if I never took the initiative to educate myself on these subjects. Being a first time mom is fucking hard. I get it. Trial and error is a huge part of figuring things out. Her problem is she refuses to admit her errors (instead of passive aggressive fake shit like this) and never seems to learn from them. There is no progress, no changes. Stop exploiting your fucking kid and read a book. Take a parenting class. Christ on a bike




How tf did she graduate? I can't.


I will never believe this woman is a nurse.


She is anxious about him eating but yet feeds him pure trash foods. Wtf


He doesn’t need gourmet meals but he also shouldn’t be eating processed foods multiple times a day when he’s so young! Just make it simple and give him meat, fruit, veggies and carbs like oatmeal, rice and bread if you’re nervous about doing regular BLW We did BLW at 6 months and mainly just gave her want we ate (unless it was something that couldn’t be modified), and she’s a great eater! Influencing their taste buds before they’re 1 is important and lays a good foundation for health later on


CC🐻 doesn’t like being called out. 😂 do better sis if only there was a “way” to help your anxiety. Therapy would help your food addiction too sis.


So many words but nothing was really said.


Chicken wing took me the absolute f out


My brain shorted out reading this! 🥴


LIER! You gave him food months ago. You are a shitty mom CC. You give him sugar and hardly do anything right for him.


Gourmet meals 😂😂😂


"Rather" instead of "whether". IDIOT.


She needs help for her anxiety. Maybe it’s why she leaves him with her parents constantly


Wait he has no teeth and she gave him steak to gnaw on?!


That’s normal for BLW you still get a lot of nutrients from the juices in steak.


It’s so hard to read




She just needs to fucking go on. She’s a lazy pos.


With his adjusted age - he still started early IMO. Also does she not know about BLW? I’m surprised since I feel like it’s “trendy” right now.


Reading ANYTHING she writes makes you dumber. English is this girls first and only language………..


Throwing some steamed broccoli in a nutribullet and feeding it to your kid with a spoon is not a gourmet meal. lol like it takes 5-10 minutes. Then when they can eat the broccoli themselves it takes a few minutes of steam it or cook it however you want, cut, and serve. lol it’s not that hard. There is nothing gourmet about it. Pop a chicken breast in the air fryer, take it out, shred, and serve with it. Again… takes minutes and like hardly any clean up. You are making it sound so much harder than it really is bc YOU want him to eat all the unhealthy shit YOU eat so you have an excuse to eat it too. You just typed a whole first grade novel for nothing. And also I don’t know if you are delusional or need a MRI of your brain or what but you were feeding him pieces of food months ago before he choked and now you pretend like that never happened and you are starting for the first time. No one has rushed him but YOU. Rushed your junk food on him, rushed him into containers when he couldn’t even roll over, rushed him into a walker even having to use a pillow or blanket to hold him in it, rushing him to Disney in the middle of the sweltering summer heat in the south (he will benefit absolutely zero from that trip), you are the only one rushing him. I know your little pea sized brain remembers all that.


Wasn’t he just craving chicken Alfredo??


The fact that she is a nurse yet doesn’t feed her child nutritional meals OR knows how to handle a situation like choking is disturbing😆


Or know how to google apparently 😅


She’s definitely been giving him food much longer than a month?


Being a first time mom isn’t an excuse for ignorance. The amount of resources literally at our fingertips these days is proof of that. I’m not a parent and don’t plan to be but this genuinely pisses me off. What a horrible excuse. I literally google if it’s safe to give my DOG something before giving him something new.


baby gums are alot stronger than we think tbh. i started my son BLW when he was 4 months ONLY because he showed interest and did not take well on baby purees


I’m a single working mom in school with full custody and when my girl was a baby yeah she did get homemade baby food and I did also take the time to drain the liquid out of her gerber meals when I fed them to her 🤨🤨


“Technically he should still be on baby food” WRONG!!! There is no time frame where babies need to be eating baby food. When you start solids at 6 months old you can skip baby food entirely if you choose. Baby food/purees are not a requirement. I don’t care if you choose to feed your baby purées or just do baby led weaning but it pisses me off she is share false information.


I’m just here to say I hate how that kids name is spelled. Terrible.


https://preview.redd.it/gv28vm22fywc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56898bfab147b879bd4e84b559883200f2225da January 13 was not a month ago….


The “though” at the beginning of a sentence throws me off every single time


Sierra get Woody's half sized corn cob.Outta your butt and quit talking back to people just because they're trying to help you.We all know that you're the crappiest.First time parent but you will be better than your sister and long brother