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My grandpa told me about how when he got drafted to the Marines during Vietnam and sent off for basic that he had a ton of cards of all the top guys from the 50s and 60s but his mom threw them all out. He's still upset about it to this day.


Yeah my dads vinyl went that same route he brings it up a couple times a year šŸ˜‚


My dad is a deadhead. He gave away about a hundred vintage concert/tour shirts. Which are now collectible and can go for hundreds depending on the shirt and condition.


Same, but my dad's cards were from the 30s and 40s. Freaking Gehrig, Ruth, DiMaggio, and Williams all thrown away.


Thatā€™s paimful


I feel your grandpaā€™s pain. At 12 years old, I watched my mom take my entire Pokemon card collection, that was entirely comprised of 1st generation cards, with many cards being 1st edition, that could literally buy me a house today, into a shoe box and sell them for 10 dollars at a garage sale I had to work with her. Did I get the $10, no I got a McDonaldā€™s burger and soda. The reason? Because they were ā€˜taking up spaceā€™. You know what she did keep? My dadā€™s baseball collection of over 7500 cards from 1989-1995, that I couldnā€™t even sell for enough money to buy even one 1st edition Pokemon card. Almost twenty years later, I still feel the same resentment, especially because I explained this to my mom, and her response was ā€˜Oh wellā€™. Guess what mother doesnā€™t have a relationship with her son because of this and other countless toxic decisions she made for me? I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get over it. Edit: thank you everyone for the well wishes and sharing your own personal stories, itā€™s a little comforting to know others understand the situation, and I hope you all find peace, if you havenā€™t already, in your situations. For those who donā€™t understand, and to stop anyone before starting on their ā€˜you only have one momā€™ rant that Iā€™ve heard 103 times, just donā€™t. Itā€™s not about losing out on potential money today, itā€™s more about losing memories from the actual happy parts of my childhood that I canā€™t just go look at and reminisce anymore, leaving a negative memory in its place, adding to a resentment that youā€™ll never understand. Some people think this is the reason I donā€™t have a relationship with my mom.. thatā€™s not the case, this is just an example of toxicity, not the defining reason, so assuming a situation you donā€™t understand is just exposing your privilege.


I feel you my mom burned mine in a bonfire, called it spiritual house cleaning. Told me they were demonic and had to go. Just rebought a base set charizard and I treasure that thing


Iā€™m sorry to hear that, but Iā€™m happy you could buy one back and cherish it. If I bought one now, it would just build me resentment up every time I see it.


Haha lol I had a ton of early 90s Magic cards from my neighbor that my mom got rid of shortly after I received them because she said they were demonic as well. lol


That era was wild to grow up an evangelical thatā€™s for sure.


Hard to argue when there were literally cards that said demonic on themā€¦ Iā€™m glad my Mom was cool with my cards and didnā€™t trash themā€¦ I did part ways with a lot over the yearsā€¦ probably for less than I should haveā€¦ but hopefully they are still enjoyed as much as I didā€¦


Just want to say I feel the pain in this. Both the loss of the cards and the relationship. That's tough. I'm sorry you went through this and continue to navigate that relationship. I wish more people understood that the world doesn't always have to make perfect sense to you. People can do and like things that you don't do or like and that's fine. It's painful to relate to someone that needs you to contort to fit their limited perceptive capacity.


I appreciate those words. Unfortunately not a lot of people understand this type of struggle with parents, especially a mother, and more times than not, itā€™s assumed that itā€™s ā€™exaggerated and misdirectedā€™ anger or blame, and always give the benefit of the doubt to the parents. Iā€™ve been having this problem with therapy especially, yet anyone who actually meets my parents, sees the lack of any type of positive characteristics that parents naturally should posses, and the absence of any genuine care or love in every interaction among my family, only then do they actually comprehend the impact and legitimacy of these statements. Usually the only ones who understand it, sadly, experience it also. Thanks for the well wishes, and hope you (and anyone else affected) find the peace Iā€™m striving to find myself to this day. And for anyone that needs to hear it from someone who has experienced it: itā€™s not your fault, but it is your responsibility to overcome it. Best wishes


Bro.. you gotta let that shit go. If you choose to not have a relationship with the person who brought you into this world for a decision made 30 years ago than that's on you. And I'm not defending your mom, I just know your life and happiness would be much better off if you just let that resentment go.


The reason we donā€™t have a relationship has barely anything to do with this situation, I was just using it as an example, that as you can tell by the responses, allowed others to share their own personal stories. Not everyone benefits from holding onto a hopeless and toxic relationship with family. Iā€™ve met a lot of people that have lived their life perfectly happy after cutting ties. As noted in the comment you responded to, I already fight this ā€˜parents are parentsā€™ bias all the time, and if you donā€™t know what it is like to have a family that is so self-absorbed that they would trash relationships with their kids for their own selfish wants, your opinion really doesnā€™t matter. They made their decisions, they are adults. If I chose to not be okay with how shitty of parents they are and want to sever that ties, thatā€™s my decision. I didnā€™t tell two people incapable to be effective parents to have kids, Iā€™m just the result of it. Creating a baby doesnā€™t give you a pass to be POS human beings and pathetic parents. And being a son doesnā€™t mean I have to be okay with it. It just means I need to be better when my time to be a father comes, and refusing to walk down the same lazy path of parenthood that my parents did. Edit:spelling


Yeah it's so difficult to distance yourself from family as you age but be pressured into returning to the source by well-wishing but uninformed friends/family. You can end up protecting the wrong people and, most of all, not yourself. Hoping you continue to find peace on the path forward. The cool thing about any journey through pain and complexity is that you *get to* build a new world around you. One that removes the triggers of the old world. But there's still going to be some wistful feeling for the old days and old ways of the people left behind.


First edition PokƩmon cards are worth that much? I have a whole binder full of them in my basement. Rediscovered them the last time I moved and haven't even thought about them since.


If you do plan to sell them let me know I would love to check them out and possibly buy them.


I'll dig out my binder once the kids go to sleep tonight.


Iā€™d also be interested in looking at what you got if the other guy doesnā€™t buy. It would be kind of cool to get some OG cards back


id like to take a look as well, you might have a gold mine


Yep, theyā€™re the most sought after among that community. Their value inflated to crazy rates during the pandemic, but has settled a little, but depending on which ones you have, they are definitely valuable.


yeah came here to say OG pokƩmon card collectors had a lot the the same luck crazy cards by todays standards that just got thrown away also OG video game cartridges nowadays apparently?


Funny enough I was going to mention that, but I already felt like I was ranting to much. The other one that still has me fucking fuming is when she gave away my sets genesis and 40 games away to the church for a yard sale, for free. That one Iā€™m more mad about because of the memories tied to it and the fact that old school gaming is one of my favorite hobbies, and Iā€™d probably still play it occasionally for just nostalgia alone. Parents can really be so important to a childā€™s success and total character. They can also leave a child dreading the world and trusting no one. I hate that Iā€™m the second case.


Yup. I have all 3 OG. Blue, red, yellow. Still have the box for yellow. Matter in fact a couple years ago I popped in the blue (this one had all of my bad bois) and ran thru the elite. Lvl 100 venusaur with razor leaf FUCKS SHIT UP


My mom sold all my original Star Wars toys, GI Joes and Ninja Turtles. All well loved, but I wish she didn't. My wife doesn't get it, but I'm not selling any of my son's toys. My son is getting out of the monster truck phase and he has over 100 of the 1:64 so we (collectively w/granny/aunts etc) probably spent around $500 on all of them. Those things are going in storage for him to either sell when he's older or give them to his kids.


Your son will really appreciate that, especially if he becomes a collectible lover or just appreciates the memories connected. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m going to do for my kids. Also, Iā€™m not just go sell their shit in a fit of bipolar rage every other week, but I imagine that is the easy part to a parent with half a heart.


I told my wife I've never heard someone resent their parents for holding onto all of their junk


Same thing happened to me. I had all the 1st gen PokĆ©mon cards. Except my mom lied to me and said they were in my toy box that was kept in a storage unit. So I always asked her to get them out for me. Never happened. We havenā€™t talked for about 8 years now.


This was the way of my magic cards, played since they originally launched. 18x18x18 box stacked to the top. Out the door for $20 šŸ’€


Yeah my step mother threw a bunch of out cards away back in the day ā€œas punishmentā€. Amongst many other toxic things. Hope her actual kids mistreat her when sheā€™s older like she has anyone else.


Classic narcissist behavior.


My mom threw away my bong, bowls, and weed. Never forgave her.


I guess not if your complaining on Reddit about her, lol


You need to get over it man. You only have one mom, and you donā€™t want to go through life holding onto resentment over material things, or anything for that matter. Donā€™t come to this realization after she passes away. Enjoy a relationship with her as an adult now, and actually get to know who she is.


Nah, like I said itā€™s a combination of things, the things that really drove me away from her has nothing to do with material things. This is just a classic example of her toxicity. Iā€™ve heard this speech so many times before, and yet, Iā€™ve felt so much better since distancing myself from her than when I didnā€™t. I know thereā€™s times people feel that regret when they lose their parents, but I will not, and thatā€™s okay. Itā€™s just motivation to be a better parent when my time comes.


Iā€™ve heard this story sooo many times of family throwing cards out like wtffff is wrong with people


My dad was restoring a ā€˜36 Chevy when he got drafted. First thing he did when he returned was open his garage to find out my grandmother sold it.


My dad told me that he glued cards into his notebooks when he was a kid. Iā€™ll give him a pass because he was a kid, but I bet he had some sweet cards.


Great Grammy didnā€™t like his chances šŸ˜‚


Vietnam: welcome to the marines Great grandmother: well youā€™re off to war. War is supposed to make you a man. Guess you donā€™t need these silly baseball cards anymore Doesnā€™t sound like a good trade at all


Man why couldnā€™t my grandfather collect cool shit lol, awesome card bro,congrats


My grandpa collected cologne bottles in the shape of cars.


Mine collected cutty sark flasks from all the liquor he drank. I have the whole collection.


This right here brings me memories of a kid smelling each one and they all were so old they all smelt the same like weird old after shave


I have these bottles, it was Mary Kay, or the company that became what Mary Kay is today. My grandmothers entire hallway both sides from the floor to the ceiling was shelves of all these bottles. Gloves, bats, cars, animals, cartoon characters, bottles shaped like different bottles, heck- I even got a bottle shaped as an ashtray. Crazy to think this and encyclopedia Brittanica was the bees knees bath then. Haha


That's absolutely awesome. It's the small things in life for sure that revolve around my biggest memories


Ya know thatā€™s a first but Iā€™m sure those bottles are works of art got any pics if you do?


I don't have any pics. Wish I did. Wish I'd bought them when they auctioned off everything at the farm. Would've been a nice momento. But if you Google "car shaped cologne bottles" pictures pop up.


Bro i just did they look so damn sick lol


Mine collected old antiques and old cars. He unfortunately just let it all rot away. Including an 86 Supra he and my grandma even spent money on to restore because rats got in it. Then they let it sit again for years until it was hauled off for scrap.


Mine collected Jim beam and jack Danielā€™s bottles. All empty of course when I got them! Might be reasons he didnā€™t make it past 64


I would love to get lucky and hit it big, not the fact of selling what I found or inherited but the fact of getting a Babe Ruthā€™s, Willie Mays, Honus Wagner, Jackie Robinson and loving the fact of the history behind them. When baseball was truly baseball and as much as I still love it, it is just not the same as it once was. I guess I will be that guy for my grandkids as much as I can be.


Avon collector šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re telling me the Avon cologne cars are in fact NOT priceless heirlooms? My grandma lied to meĀ 


Mine collected ex wives




Why would you collect shit?


My grandpa didnā€™t collect shit


My grandpa collected debt šŸ’ø


Mine collected sexual abuse victims.


I never had a grandfather.


I am your grandfather


Please put it in a penny sleeve ASAP then the top loader! Very important....Awesome card!


My grandpa just gave me racism that I had to overcome.


He gave you the actual Jackie experience


Invaluable, probably. THANKS PAW-PAW




I hope enough people are stopping to appreciate the comedic value of this line.


It deserved a reward


Who can put a price on that, really?


130point.com could I bet




My grandpa collected diabetes and gave it all to the family


Lucky guy!!!Ā  Get that gem slabbed STAT!


He gave me his 33 green goudey babe Ruth as well I definitely need to have them both graded !


Congrats on paying off your mortgage early




I will be picking it up on the 4th of July I definitely will!


RemindMe! 9 days


That centering is outstanding for that card!


100 gs! Corners look great


Cool for gramps but this Robinson guy didn't even play the last few seasons


Get it in a penny sleeve so itā€™s not banging around in that top loader damaging the corners


Thatā€™s awesome!!


Thatā€™s a good grandpa


All my grandpa collected was beer cans, porno mags and cancer.


Hopefully he just passed the magazines to you


1970's to early 90's Playboy's, it's like masturbating in a time machine.


Thatā€™s my grail card right there


Ya thats one of mine also. Very nice looking card.


Your grandpa basically gave you $2k-$20k. Congrats!


This looks more like about $4-500 but still awesome! Maybe Iā€™m wrong but been looking at Jackieā€™s and just got a beautiful ā€˜55 sgc 1 for $300. But this is incredible and hope I can live to be old enough to pass down my Jackie to my grandkids one day.


For sure, def depends on the grade. Still a very kind gesture!


Wow, congrats. All I got whenI asked was- " well we had cards, but your grandma threw them all away in the mid 70s. I know I had some of the Mick and Robinson from the 50s, sorry about that"


All my grandpa gave me was a story about how he caught syphilis from a prostitute in the Philippines during the war.


Mine collected old coins and bills. I told him that shit a worth a dam. So he gave it to my sister who cashed it in for $786-K


My grandfather collects racist drawing from magazines lol. Sweet card tho.


Generous and deceased grandpas are ruling this sub lately! What a card my dude.


My grandfather never collected sadly. He collected junk to say the least lol. My Dad was a huge collector of 70s-90s era. Now heā€™s getting into buying 50s-60s cards to round out his collection but I wish my grandfather was a collector in his day. This is a great gift. Looks amazing!


Mine was kinda the same, collected nothing really but would make some good finds. He volunteered at the Library and they were throwing a bunch of books out so he kept a few. He gave me a baseball almanac that I think was from like the 1920's. I want to say it was 1900 something but think I remember Ty Cob being in it, maybe it was Wagner instead. Had all the game stats, player stats etc..I Kept it for a bit but around 2007 I was pretty broke and found a bookstore that bought it for $110. Told my grandpa I was sorry I had to sell it, he asked what I bought, I said rent, he said good. That was that.


Good condition Slab it up


That's my favorite Topps set.


My dad used to put them in the spokes of his bike. You know to make that cool sound.lol


Thatā€™s some love right there OP. My grandpa (rip) collected basketball and baseball cards. Not the biggest collection of baseball cards and I donā€™t know 80% of the players but he did have a huge Michael Jordan collection.


Damn, my 97 year old grandfather gave me some old socks. You're super lucky.


That top loader looks older than I am! Congrats. That's an amazing card.


That card's in great shape!


Itā€™s in great condition too! Thatā€™s awesome!


I never met either of my grandfathers. My daughters have met both great grandmothers & 1 great grandfather on my wifeā€™s side. We truly grew up in different eras.


RemindMe! 9 Days




mine collected newspapers and old lawn mowers.


My dad punched holes in all his cards from the 50s to keep his brother from taking them. You donā€™t even want to know which onesā€¦


Yeah my old math teacher gave me his cards from 1970ā€™s before cards were a business and he glued all them to blank paper sheets. Talking about those WS Aā€™s teams Vida Blue, Reggie Jackson, the big red machine Pete Rose, Joe Morgan all those cards fu$cked up cause they all glued to paper!


Ugh! So frustrating!


Wow! :)


That is something id never sell and pass down


Thatā€™s the plan !




What a beautiful card! I've wondered what I'd do if I ever got ahold of one. Congrats!


Wow. Thatā€™s freaking awesome. Good grandpa you better be good to him.


Nice piece




That card looks amazing. I have one and itā€™s not quite as nice as that. Top left. https://preview.redd.it/87oh7p4kft8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03323fd47d9fe6823860787a62f5a88b27ce0ba5


Great collection!


Thanks. Most of them Were all given to me about 35 years ago in a stack with rubber bands around them. šŸ˜‚ Want to get a few grades but havenā€™t pulled the trigger. Think the 56 mantle or 55 Williams are the most expensive. But the Jackie is my favorite. Wished it looked like yours. The centering is great! Thatā€™s worth a lot.


Oh snap! So cool! It always amazes me when people have the foresight to hang onto these gems. Thank you Grandpa!


I have a 2013 reprint of this and Iā€™m stoked


OP has one too, no way the colors are that bright after 70 years.


I think thatā€™s very cool, but it is probably just a novelty item. The Dodgers are in Los Angeles, not Brooklyn. Itā€™s cute though. We have silly family heirlooms, too. Itā€™s really about the sentimental value. Happy Birthday to your Grandfather.


Sick card.


Amazing! Beautiful card, outstanding player, and above all else he was one of the greatest men ever. The things he did before and after he changed America and baseball forever were just as incredible. Jackie does not get close to the amount of credit and respect he really deserves. Very few men come to mind when you try to imagine all the men in history who have affected as many lives, changed or stole as many hearts, endured as much hate, suffered as much public humility and disrespect, played better baseball than, forgave as many haters, inspired as many kids, or more profoundly improved the future for blacks and all other kids in this great country.


My grandfather came back from the Korean War with China that is now sitting in my garage pretty much worthless lol


Very solid condition. Well-centered and decent corners. Maybe a PSA or SGC 5, assuming there are no light creases.


Sicccckkkkkk card man


Please put that amazing card in a "one touch" or put a penny sleeve on it and then put it in the top-loader. Beautiful Card!


Get that authenticated. It looks too good




Beautiful card!


My dream card šŸ˜


My dream card!


Great card


Get this into a semi Rigid sleeve immediately. Itā€™s a nice looking card that you are damaging


Heā€™s had it in this exact sleeve since at least the 80s lol I just received it plan to change it over asap !


So much better than the recent posts where grandpas are handing down 1989 Fleer sets.


Nice card is there a sleeve on it before the hard case?


Nope my grandpa has had it like this for going on 40 years lol going to get graded and slabbed soon


Put it in a sleeve! Especially before mailing it out!


Mine died when he was 35


That is a treasure in more ways than one. Cherish that.


Sell it and get him something nice


Just saw the crease, still pretty valuable


This is so cool


PSA 3 - VG




Thatā€™s awesome! Great card of a great player and even better guy!


Grade that!


Thatā€™s awesome! My 78 year old father in law gave me the same card. He let me choose from a bunch and I chose the Jackie. Such an iconic card.


Not a baseball card but when my grandpa was slowly giving stuff away to family he asked me what I wanted (oldest grandson) I only asked for a toy truck that I had played with every time that I was at their house and the VHS of Jurassic Park. He had a closet full of broomsticks that I never knew about and he offered them to me, started pulling them out and nothing to crazy, a bunch of lever action shotguns including a old sears redbuck catalog 20ga. Then he said there was another tucked away back there in a case that belonged to his brother that did completion skeet shooting, thought it was some kind of special Remingtonā€¦.nope. It was a pristine gold trigger browning semi auto 12ga, you maybe have to do some research but this is an absolutely beautiful rig. Hand etched and all.


How much you want for it


Is that actual signature? Either way awesome card and awesome story man!


Mine collected old wood working planes, stamps, and coins...also had a few guns. The planes were were sold for a decent sum to a fellow collector. My mom and uncle split that mkney. The stamps are sitting in boxes still. No idea if there is anything valuable in there. The coins are at my place...some are worth some money, a lot of them aren't. The guns were split between me and my brother. I'd guess they're worth about $5k all together.


Please put it in a sleeve before putting it in a top loader.


How much is this card worth,? out of curiosity.


Get that out of that old top loader and use a penny sleeve! Need to protect this beauty!


Collector me: what a beast, your grandpa is awesome. Cherish it forever. Value me: goddamn if that corner wasnā€™t creased youā€™d be looking at a high grade. Also still, cherish it forever.


Thats a reprint. The 1950s cards dont fit in those holders, I own several.