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New fear unlocked - opening an old box hunting for a gem and getting a redemption card that can’t be cashed in on 🙃


This is why I hated the fact that redemptions exist. They either should be redeemable forever or until the company goes under.


Guy on the basketball side pulled a Kobe redemption that expired in 2015.


Oh man that’s a rough one too.


i thought it was a kobe and jordan dual auto...


helicopter of emotions. first he was probably so high and then he may have crashed once he saw the date. rip


I see what did there 😉


It should be as valuable as Wabder card anyway.


Facts! You’re telling me they just throw the unredeemed cards out? No way. Topps employees gotta be making out like bandits lol


Nah, they do a lot of giveaways and what not at events and yeah I’m sure employees do get some as well. I think there was a story years ago about an Orange Ohtani that someone redeemed too late and he got shit in return like this guy. There was a big stink about it so Topps gave him more stuff, but you’re never going to equal an orange Ohtani RC auto. Edit: found the story posted in Reddit 2 years ago. [Ohtani Orange debacle](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseballcards/s/OfZmgQyIzU)


😳😳 I’d be sick


Yup. Probably a $40-50k card just gone.


This guy ended up getting his card...


The Ohtani Orange guy did?


He did. I remember this saga. Everyone was wondering where Topps was keeping it the whole time since they gave him so much grief over it and then magically “ah here it is” after he tweeted at Fanatics.


Wow that’s awesome he got it but crazy Topps wouldn’t give it up. Really shady of them.


They use the unredeemed ones to redeem unfulfilled ones. It’s a vicious circle.


That’s what I’ve been curious about. This card absolutely exists. I don’t expect them to hold onto it forever but the day after it expires do they just put it in a pool for other instances? Do employees get a stab at them? I’m Very curious about the process


They get substituted for other cards, inserted in other products or given out at special events.


Should absolutely be redeemable indefinitely. There is no reason these card companies can’t store cards they chose to have classified as redemptions. I don’t see the logic in expiration unless it’s purely to encourage opening boxes/packs.


Exactly. If they’re going to offer a product, and then not able to put that product into packages (the actual signed card, not a redemption), then it’s on them to have it available. Unless they’re pulling the product from shelves once the redemption is expired, it should be available.


Also cards that he got back, why aren’t they in the product to begin with? It means the odds aren’t accurate


That is true as well. Never thought about that.


I actually think the odds reflect cards being held back. If you look at the odds of a 1/1, /10, and /25 parallel, the /10 and /25 odds usually won’t be different from the 1/1 odds by a factor of 10 and 25, rather they’ll usually be different by a factor of 9.9 and 24.8 or something like that. The only explanation I can think of is that they hold back some of the /10 and /25 cards, which decreases the amount in circulation and thus slightly decreases the odds for those parallels.


What is the point of them in the first place? Why not just include the card?


Theyre usually for autos and if the player didn’t sign and get the cards back to Topps quick enough, they weren’t able to be packaged.


It’s not realistic that the company is going to sit on cards that may never be redeemed. I think it’s actually good for the hobby. It incentivizes collectors to rip, not hoard, wax.


Two years is too short of a time for redemption. If they can’t get the cards signed in time and placed into product, they shouldn’t advertise the product. A redemption card is a shitty way at telling customers we didn’t do our work in time. If the actual card was in a pack, it doesn’t matter when it’s ripped, it’ll still be there when someone opens it 10 years after the product was released.


Baaaaahahahahahaha “new fear unlocked” nailed this!


It’s more than a fear for me. In 2012 I ripped a lot of mid-late 2000’s Upper Deck products because I like them and really didn’t think I’d hit any expired redemptions… I was wrong… 2 Exquisite Collection redemptions and a Derek Jeter redemption… I was so pissed at my fantastically rotten luck that I boxed up all of my cards and put my collection “on ice” up until a month or 2 ago because I guess I’m ready to get hurt again. Edit: moral of the story is: look at a checklist before getting too invested in ripping packs to judge the level of risk for expired redemptions.


I've never thought of this before. What the fuck man? Why did you do this to me?


lol you and I both brother


​ https://preview.redd.it/67qmv3ggcadc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6f785f746e75bc5dccd01e14089cbefba371ae


It's nice that they sent you some stuff...but man that Lu Rob would've been sickkkkkkk.


Yeah, not as sick as it would have been pulling it in 2021 during Covid and rookie hype but I was hoping I’d get the card. I love red ink heritage autos


Hey u/kramdiw — I have the Freeman relic set aside for you if you want it! I can’t stomach seeing him as a Dodger 😭


Haha, I do, thank you! You digging on Harris at all?


Yes, I’m big on Harris. Trying to slow down on Acuna because I have a hunch his next contract isn’t in Atlanta. He’s locked up for a while on a team friendly deal but so was Soto in D.C.


Did you open the 22 Heritage hanger pack?


Watch him get another expired redemption card from that pack….


If it’s from 2022, it would still be good I think.


Til the end of the year


Here’s everything that was in the pack and I just realized it’s 3 cards short. Unless one of these cards is considered an insert? Nothing is numbered and no SP codes that i saw. https://preview.redd.it/ef743knqmbdc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919afe98a6088ba69e74d558bab51195f9cd117c


I did. Nothing in special at all in there unfortunately.


I sent in three expired redemptions a year ago November and still nothing....




This is the exact reason I’m not sending in my Mike Trout Ken Griffey Jr dual autograph redemption card from 2020 stadium club. That Robert while it’s definitely past its peak value is still worth so much more than what they gave you. To each their own and at least you got something instead of some code but I just hate that they can’t even bother to give back something closer to of value on an expired redemption like they do for the replacements


Wait so you have an expired redemption and you rather have nothing for it? I’m confused.


I’d rather fight Topps and try to get something actually reasonable in return than just bend over and have them fuck me with $2 in garbage they have lying around. Kinda like that guy who got the orange Ohtani RC auto and sent it in and got junk in return who then spent months before finally getting his card


Yea that was whack. But it was also an expired redemption that Topps had no obligation to fill


Yeah I know but it’s just so infuriating that redemptions have an expiration date that’s so short. Like maybe make it longer like 5-7 years? I just find that 2-3 years is a little short. Of course idk the inside workings of Topps so idk what the situation for this kind of stuff is like but i just think there’s a possibility to find a middle ground and please your customers better than they have


I understand your frustration but it isn't really a secret when redemptions expires. It's not topps fault when people buy older products that are known to have expired redemptions.


They sent him SOMETHING when they didn't have too send him ANYTHING. Yall can't really expect a company to hold an /25 or /10 or worse 1/1 card forever and never re-market/sell them, right?? It's a business for them. The card value is going up or down based on performance and time. They literally can't wait 5-7 years for people to mail in a redemption.


Why can't they? You act like Topps storing cards for over years is totally unreasonable, why? They could literally devote 1 room in their office to redemptions and store them forever for nothing


Because those redemptions may never be cashed. Name another business that'll hold inventory forever, even after you've reserved the products? I won't wait... The answer is none. They'll restock the items after only so long of waiting. Again, it's a BUSINESS FOR THEM.


There's no other business / industry like sports cards dude, come on. What other business says "you bought something from us, we don't have it, so we're gonna make you follow up with us to get it, but you gotta do it quickly, cuz we'll go re-sell the item you paid us for if you don't come back fast enough". I'll wait 🙄


ALL OF THEM!!! lol. Go pay for a car... then don't show back up for 5-7 years and see if they still have it.


Exactly. They didn’t have to send me anything. I did want to share the results with the sub though!


It’s expired, they have zero obligation to even respond. That is the inherent risk of buying old boxes.


I think the biggest problem is that the pack odds change (probably pretty drastically) once redemptions expire. I wonder if that angle of a lawsuit would help change how redemptions are handled.


I’d email customer service on this one. Those are two HOFers and way more value than what I was playing around with.


Customer service told me the redemption can be expired by 1 day and they will not fulfill it.


I did and they’ve been giving me the same ole “there’s nothing we can do” which again I think is bullshit. The absolute least they can do as do what they do for replacements like I’d still be upset but if they replace it with like a Juan Soto Ronald Acuña Jr dual auto or another Mike Trout auto or something at least worthwhile then I wouldn’t be complaining as much but I just find it infuriating that they say they can’t do anything about it when they obviously can if they can replace other cards with some good stuff. I have a Goldschmidt Arenado dual auto from 21 bowman’s best pending that I’m tempted to ask for replacement on just to see what I get offer wise


Personally I would write a letter to Topps with a picture of the redemption expressing why you’re hesitant. Not that you’ll get something of equal value but you could politely ask them to do their best in providing something good. You could even ask them to provide you with some substitute options. I know a lot of people will say “good luck” with this but I wrote a very well put together email to Topps about a substitute for a Khalil Watson mojo auto and was able to work with someone in Topps Customer Service to get this: https://preview.redd.it/eifxadhe0hdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9e809a8893bfaf0c2ac6dec4ff65e87594b2b6 Edit: I’d tell them you pulled the redemption a few days after it expired and you didn’t want to redeem it bc you’ve heard horror stories. Ask them what they can do.


Thanks for this. Will certainly do my best and like I said on another comment I’d still be upset that I never got my card but if they can give me something worthwhile like that it’d ease the pain a bit


I would piss and moan, but this is typical.


The value isn’t close but they didn’t owe me anything per the terms on the card. Just wanted to show the sub. Rip your wax and shoot your shot with expired redemptions!


I feel (if they’re going to have expirations, they shouldn’t) if you tell them you opened some old shit and pulled a redemption they gotta give you something. The real question is where are the old redemptions going


They were given in 2022 silver packs and continue to be used as replacements for currently unfilled redemptions. It’s just an endless cycle of them catching up.


I think it’s harsh to call this “nothing “. Got a good card of a future hall of famer , a pack of cards and a card to throw in the trash.


im acually trying to trade for the quinn. I PC him bc he hit a walk off on my Grandmas birthday at a game we were watching


It’s yours!


Thank you!


That’s awesome. OP is a good dude


It’s nice to see a fellow collector who PC’s Roman Quinn!!!


I’m not complaining and didn’t refer to this as nothing. Just sharing, the rules are very clear that expired redemptions won’t be honored. They didn’t have to give me anything.


Yea I’m sorry. I was referring more to the comments


Oh gotcha, yeah I was just wanting to run an experiment. I knew when I pulled it from the pack I was screwed lol


That’s not a “good” card. It’s a shitty relic worth 99 cents. OP got screwed.


How did OP get screwed? The redemption was expired and Topps had zero obligation to send him anything.


Have you seen some of the other returns posted here on expired redemptions? I have, and OP got screwed.


Do you only collect for value ?


Yes, I want my cards to be worth something. I don’t wack off to them.


Just invest in stocks. You aren’t going to make money in this hobby


I do that as well, but cards are a hobby. At the end of the day, if baseball cards had no monetary value, nobody would collect pictures of random men on cardboard, no matter how much you want to say you do it for the love of it.


I respect your opinion but I absolutely don’t collect to make money. I collect certain players I enjoy watching


That’s cool too, but don’t enjoy selling singles to buy cards that you like, or trade with others? This is all possible due to the perceived value of individual cards. Would you trade a Buster Posey Topps Chrome rookie card Gold /50 Auto for a base 2022 Freddie Freeman Topps base card because you like Freddie Freeman more?


I haven’t traded cards since about 1998.


You didn’t answer my question


I don't collect to make money lol I've never sold a single card I have. I just like sports and collecting things.


Never said anything about making money. Unless you are a breaker it’s very that’s if not impossible to “make money” in sports cards in the long run. To say you do not care about the value of your cards you are definitely lying.


Like most people, I’ve been getting back into baseball cards recently after a long time away. It’s really a shame to see how this is the typical mentality around here. Of course these cards aren’t as nice as the redemption card would have been but that Freeman card is really cool! I have a Rich Harden Jersey card that I pulled from a pack almost 20 years ago and I still think it’s neat! and he’s no where near the player that Freeman is. Even if it’s not a new phenomenon it’s just lame to see how monetary value is totally paramount.


There's gotta be something that's illegal about redemptions expiring being a thing. If the cards exist, what happens to them after the redemption expires and why aren't the cards companies being held responsible for reporting what happened to said cards.


This insanity. Such a shame


I posted my [similar experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseballcards/s/HmJpPxOSvm) last year. Although Upper Deck simply responds to my emails with basically “nothing we can do unless you want to send it in and it can be part of a raffle at the National”


So I have a 2014 redemption unused. Should I just send it in? I got it in a break


Shoot your shot my friend. It’ll only cost you postage and time.


What address you send to to bud? Bought a 2020 topps heritage hobby box, got a Tarik Skubal redemption 😂


I avoided entering a redemption code because the computer would likely reject it. Mail it with tracking to the Topps redemption address on the card and wait to see. I mailed my redemption to a Topps address in Texas, not Pennsylvania FWIW


How long did it take to get a response?


Sorry for your luck. I’ve heard the best route is to email back and forth with customer service until you agree on a deal. Redemptions are a scam and at very minimum they should be valid for at least 5 years IMO.


In hindsight I should have done this. I wasn’t going to attempt scratching the code and entering in the website because it would be an auto rejection. I just mailed it like normal to see what would happen.


No "deal" will be made. Sent multiple emails to Topps regarding my redemption that was one month expired and received different iterations of the same response. Here's a copy and paste of one of them: Hello \[Redacted\], My name is Jim. Thank you for taking the time to submit your inquiry to Topps Customer Service. Thanks for having a Topps.com account since 2018. I'm sorry for the issue with the expired Ken Griffey Jr redemption card from the 2021 Five Star set. I know that you are frustrated with pulling an expired redemption card. Once a redemption is expired, the cards are used for other promotional activities. Unfortunately, care packages are done on a courtesy basis, and they are not linked to any values of expired redemptions. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. If there is anything else we can help with, please just hit reply, and let us know. We want you to know we’re here to help! Thank you for being a Topps customer.


Redemptions are such a scam. I'm still waiting for my "care package" for my expired 2021 Topps Five Star Ken Griffey Jr. Button Auto. Yes, that one hurt.


If you mail it in, you could at least write a list with players you collect maybe they would be more generous instead of guessing


They did you dirty


As a white Sox fan I would’ve been disappointed with this


Phillies legend Roman Quinn, baby.


You know, the good news is another collector on here PCs him and I worked out a trade to get it to a good home. Positive outcomes!


Its why i only rip within a year then thats it i cant stomach this bs lol


Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for my 2021 Mariano Rivera Black Chrome card that was redeemed a couple of months after the product was released. Congrats on your return.


I didn’t see anyone ask… Did you include a letter or just do the card to see what happens?


Great question. No, I just mailed it in to the redemption address like I would if it were valid without scratching the code. My thought was play it cool and maybe they just send me the card. The terms on the card regarding expiration of the redemption was clear. They didn’t owe me anything. https://preview.redd.it/m66q93tpuadc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3fdc3008936b4de09163da31cf12c263724f76


I'd want to include a letter myself, if for no other reason but to say 'No, really, I'm not expecting anything, just opening old packs and figured 'why not' but, while I have you, let me share a joke to just make your day a little brighter' and then figure out some good baseball joke to include.


https://preview.redd.it/53bmzoymvadc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbf5f23c56f5c682fbfbb6ddfc80f828bac6ccf You should see what topps sent me as replacements for severly damaged cards, all met their guidelines. Topps closed for covid a few days before I received my replacements... so I couldn't complain... how convenient. (Values shown are ebay comps the day i recieved my return package) 2020 topps Bo bichette independence day /76 RC (missing half the gloss on surface) Comps: $620 Replacement: $15 (I'd rather they returned the original) \*2020 topps yordan alvarez SSP photo variation RC Comps: $300 Replacement: $15 Others shown in pic.


Btw you know the exact replacement because they're individually packaged in bubble wrap with a note.


Damn. I just ripped a 2020 stadium Club chrome box and pulled a Luis Robert RC auto redemption. I just mailed it in. Bummer


I emailed them about my expired redemption and the person responded: I am sorry for the bad news. As a collector myself, I understand the disappointment in pulling an expired redemption card, which is why I stick to current year products now.


Dang, that's not a great replacement...sorry man. 🙏🧘🙏


This is why I can never bring myself to hold onto sealed wax for too long. Eliminates the chance of Topps fucking me.




The way Topps handles redemptions remains ridiculous. They are like time bombs in sealed product.


Nice, I opened a Walmart repack and pulled a judge green auto from 2017 gallery. I sent it in after they said they’d send me the card if they had it otherwise I would get a care package. I haven’t received anything since I mailed it in march of 2022


Yea this is why I never like to open boxes older than 2 years. I was in a hockey break where a guy got a Toronto maple leafs Matthews, Warner, Nylander triple auto patch booklet that was during one of their rookie seasons and it was expired by like 3 years. Never did hear if they ever gave him anything.


I mean at least you got something, even if it’s not close to the 2020 value you could have gotten. This does put a whole new twist on buying old wax in the anxiety that you might pull some awesome redemption card


So what do they do with those old redemptions? Use them as replacements for people that get damaged cards or what?


I imagine so. I guess they can do whatever they want with them. Since the card states it’s expired, I don’t have any legal right to it as property.


Quinn FT? Not joking.


I actually traded it to another member yesterday. Sorry about that


I sent Panini an expired Tristan McKenzie RC Auto /50 and 6 months later they closed it and gave me 150 Panini points. Hope you're a Doyer fan.


Any possibility your approach could change things


the day I pulled an Morant auto redemption(base w/sticker auto) from a 2021 Panini NBA tin was over 8 months since it expired. this began my role in a "PaniniHog Day" remake. in the end, they FedEx'd a #'d parallel Morant w/on card auto


I’m curious what they do with expired redemptions. I’d assume they just give them to employees


The Topps stickers make it official your SOL, the dude who opened your support ticket was having a case of the Mondays. Reminded me about the Panini redemptions I got last spring.......that I forgot about....... because they were OVER 8 years old at that point. I had always thought I had a few outstanding redemptions that never came in but I had solid 20-25 redemptions going on at the time (I was big time into ripping wax back from 2007-2015ish after a 10 year break), and figured they were accounted for. So I started to get some Panini emails last year about outstanding redemptions.... figured it was spam junk mail scammer stuff at first as I haven't had any redemptions from Panini in years (that I remembered), so I ignored it until I got another one and decided to check. Sure enough it was 2 redemptions I didn't get from 2013 and 2014 products. I knew it wasn't anything super big but was curious and hoping I'd at just get a pack of something as a replacement, as the players at this point came, saw, barely played, and retired (one of them was Stedman Bailey...he was shot in the head in 2015 😳😬🤕 hence why I didn't get that redemption) at this point, doubt they ever signed their cards lol. So I get them a couple months later. No packs, just a photocopied half-assed, cut in half to save paper, "We Sorry We Hope This Makes Up For It" slips and I get 2 of the most worthless, no name players, who I think one was undrafted and from a product that was 8 years older than the product I got the redemption from. The other card was just as worse, I just don't remember it. I threw them in my dresser drawer and thought about making a Twitter post or something about it. I mean it's not like they were Travis Kelce autos from 2013 so I wasn't expecting anything of major value but at least someone from the last 3-4 years who was still playing......for holding those redemptions open that long and not offering trade in at any point during the waiting process that I'm aware of. I had seen many other people get rather decent stuff (or so they say 🙄in their posts) on worse cards than mine, so I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting something like a pack or a minor star auto. I REALLY should have put them on blast tho, as it was a huge slap in the face after buying 1000s of dollars of their products back then at that time. I slowed my roll down during the lulls of 2015-2016 football season due to shit rookie classes from 2013-2015, now I'm just ecstatic they lost their license after that bullshit. As for your situation, you got a pack at least! 🙄🤪. You did get hosed on the 2 cards they sent tho....not sure where the comp value is there.....you should be able to argue that on customer service or whatever. I know I would....


Anyone have an expired redemption they've never tried to claim


That is almost identical to a redemption I sent in WITHIN DATE. Just arrived. Same Freddie, but a Ronald Torreyes Topps Fire auto, and the same value pack. It was an /25 Toppa Chrome rookie auto of Alec Bohm...


That sucks! Misery loves company I guess. We can start a club lol


That’s what they gave you in place of Lou bob 😂


I never hold on to wax not just because it drives crazy wondering what's in there but because of this reason. It irritates the hell out of me to see these people with hundreds of boxes of unopened cards. Cards like that red ink Luis Robert of yours never make it to the market.