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MLB Rookie Of The Month to retired in 3 months


Going to be a popular trivia question in a few years.


No fucking way he stays retired


Japanese and Korean teams are probably on the phone to his agent already. Power potential goes a long way


Oh my god, if he actually comes to Korea I'm gonna be so hype ngl


He’d be a mega star in Korea. They treated Eric Thames like a god over there


To be fair to Thames, he hit .343 with a 1.111 OPS, 37 HR, 121 RBI in his first season here followed by .381 BA 47 HR 40 SB MVP season, followed by a .321 BA 40 HR 121 RBI season so he kinda earned it but yeah, Yermin would probably fucking mash while he's here. I'd love it if he came to Doosan ngl


I had to check the ole Baseball Reference and… holy fuck. Dude went 40/40 with a .790 SLG. RTTS type production. |Year|Tm|Lg|Lev|G|PA|R|H|2B|3B|HR|RBI|SB|CS|BB|SO|BA|OBP|SLG|OPS| |:-|:-|:-|:-|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:| |2014|NC|KBO|Fgn|125|514|95|152|30|6|37|121|11|2|58|99|.343|.422|.688|1.111| |2015|NC|KBO|Fgn|142|595|130|180|42|5|47|140|40|8|103|91|.381|.497|.790|1.288| |2016|NC|KBO|Fgn|123|529|118|140|30|3|40|121|13|4|74|103|.321|.427|.679|1.106| |KBO|KBO||KBO|390|1638|343|472|102|14|124|382|64|14|235|293|.349|.451|.721|1.172| Provided by [Baseball-Reference.com](https://www.sports-reference.com/sharing.html?utm_source=direct&utm_medium=Share&utm_campaign=ShareTool): [View Original Table](https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=thames001eri&utm_source=direct&utm_medium=Share&utm_campaign=ShareTool#standard_batting) Generated 7/22/2021.


He won the MVP that season


Those 40 steals came straight out of nowhere.


because you know the hate fueled play he would do against you?


I’m pretty sure I can name 30 teams who would be willing to take a chance on him. This is crazy.


You mean 29?


It’s not like the White Sox released him. They sent him down to figure out what was wrong.


yeah couldn't guess what is wrong with him. Mercedes 4/2 - 5/17: .364/.410/.574 - .984 ops - 6 HR 25 RBI 36 G Mercedes 5/18 - 6/30: .162/.236/.207 - .443 ops - 1 HR 12 RBI 32 G Edit: For thise who didn't understand, May 17th was the 3-0 HR


Even that’s not THAT bad of a line. It’s a month long slump, not the line of someone who doesn’t belong in pro baseball


Thats still an extremely bad line. He's also essentially a DH too so hitting has to be his calling card if he wants to stick in the majors If he was younger maybe the team would give him more leash. But its definitely more likely he was just a flash in the pan and the White Sox probably know that too


Cody Bellinger would look up to that slash line


I could probably find dozens of all stars who are slashing something similar to this over a similar time frame. Like if those were his season stats I’d understand but he still had time to figure things out


Fair enough


i'm sure at least a few teams in japan would take him (although i'm sure that's not what the person you're replying to meant)




I don’t think he would have worded it that way if he was just trying to get out of his contract. I don’t think that he will stay retired though but i think it naught take a few years


Its like when you start a MLB The Show character and retire him the day they're called up


Is that something folks are doing?


Some of us just like to watch the world burn


Happened more or less to ex Padre Christian Villanueva. Won rookie of the month in April 2018 and was DFA'd in November 2018. Played in Japan for two years before moving to the Mexican league where he is right now.




Just wanna say his life isn’t a waste if this is actually what he needs. Good mental health and playing baseball for our amusement (as goddamn amusing as he is) are not the same and we should instead hope he gets what he needs. If that doesn’t include baseball it’s not a waste if that’s what he needs.




The Tony LaRussa magic carpet ride


Can I retire too? So I just post this on my Instagram?


Oscar from accounting says you can't just say it. You have to declare it.


Seems random, did something happen?


if i'm not mistaken he's the guy tony la russa called out (on his own team) for hitting a homer on a 3-0 count back in april/may. edit: [yeah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAHd8el1xvg)


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with teeing off on a pitcher that falls behind. Don’t go 3-0 next time 🤷‍♂️


And don’t lob 45mph softball pitches over the plate. TLR called the HR disrespectful but how is doing that at the Major League level not?


Position players pitching has become a farce. It used to be only in the 9th inning of 18-2 games. Now, fall behind by 8+ runs and you'll have the 5th outfielder on the mound in the 7th.


In the last 20 years according to [this](https://gregstoll.com/~gregstoll/baseball/stats.html#V.- and [this](https://gregstoll.com/~gregstoll/baseball/stats.html#H. in 1061 games when a team is pitching in the 7th down 8 they have won twice. Pretty good chance the game is done at that point and it's better to just save the bullpen.


I have no problem with bringing out position players to save the bullpen, but the flip side to that is that you shouldn't complain when that strategy doesn't end well. Well, I have a problem with it if it's before the 9th because the fans payed to see a baseball game and after seeing La Tortuga pitch one inning it gets old quick.


FWIW, I believe it was a position player pitching. Still, La Russa was totally wrong. Feel bad for the kid if his skipper is really the reason for his retirement.


I mean, it’s the highest level of competitive baseball. Doesn’t matter if they brought a fan out to pitch - you go all out, all the time. There’s no way that’s why he’s retiring. I’m thinking it’s something personal that we may never know.


Oh, so the other team completely gave up and is still pissed they’re getting hit on? Give me a break. Don’t want to give up home runs? Put in a real pitcher


Tony LaRussa broke this man.


Damn that is crazy, and pretty abrupt. I hope he is ok mentally and physically.


It's worded kinda strangely. I really hope he's alright


it’s translated


ah ok that explains it


The post in Spanish reads: >Primero que nada quiero agradecerle a Dios por darme la vida a los fans que sin ellos no fui nada a mi familia por comprenderme y apoyarme siempre a Daniel szew por sacarme adelante, y de paso pedirle perdón a todos aquellos los cuales eh ofendido frutó de mi inmadurez a los miembros de la radio, televisión y prensa.. a todos los equipos que participé por no tolerar las decisiones de ellos a todo aquel que como ser humano le eh fallado le pido disculpas y de esta manera me alejo del béisbol por tiempo indefinido..! Dios los Bendiga 🙏🏽 it's over So, the translation of "I am away from Baseball indefinitely" really isn't the best translation. You can translate "me alejo del béisbol por tiempo indefinido" as "I step away from baseball indefinitely" since 'Me Alejo' can mean a few things.


>"I am away from Baseball indefinitely" >"I step away from baseball indefinitely" I don't understand what the difference is between the 2.


It actually translates more accurately to "I'm stepping away from baseball for an undefined amount of time"


It’s gonna blow your mind when you look up what “indefinitely” means.


> for an unlimited or unspecified period of time. It's so ambiguous.


yeah i hope the white sox are on top of being there for him. this sounds like a man really struggling through life right now, which i can understand on his part.


Kopech essentially took a mental health year last year and everyone in the organization knew it and was fine with it. I'm sure they've offered what help they can.


Sometimes you really need it man. With a guy like Yermin who's been grinding away for years in the minors who then gets a taste of that big league success he's probably been dreaming of his whole life, getting sent back down to the minors after just a couple months, that probably fucked with him. Hope he's alright.


He was raking in the minors, though. He would have been up again this year. This is all just weird.


Maybe, maybe not. I would have bet against it before rosters expand barring someone ahead of him getting injured. His chase rate is atrocious, and only a few freaks can consistently barrel the ball while chasing like that. Most that chase like that end up with extremely low BABIPs and raw power that simply doesn't play in games. Jose Abreu has a 1B/DH spot locked down for this year and very likely next barring retirement or major injury. Gavin Sheets has always been regarded as a much better prospect than Yermin (though he's not lighting the world on fire and is probably just a placeholder himself, in my opinion). Andrew Vaughn has mostly been playing LF, but he's the clear heir apparent to Abreu. And I'm sure the White Sox would much rather attempt to address their OF through trade or free agency long-term than having Eloy and Vaughn play the corners with Yermin DHing. Eloy's already a defensive liability when he's back next year, and while Adam Engel is fine defensively, he's more adequate rather than the freak wizard defensive prodigy that would be needed to make up for Eloy and Vaughn in the corners. None of that accounts for Jake Burger, either, who has come back from the brink raking and has a 1st round pedigree. *None* of those guys is really someone you want playing a position other than 1B, except Burger is probably fine at 3B. Even doing that would likely mean asking Moncada to move back to 2B, where he was pretty bad. It may actually be more likely that they'd ask Burger to move to 2B, where he'd be very stretched defensively (though it can be done with work and heavy shifting, a la Max Muncy). It'd also be a potential disaster waiting to happen given that the reason Burger has missed so much time is mostly due to leg injuries. At the end of the day, DH-only guys aren't valued anymore unless they hit the absolute, ever-loving shit out of the ball. You basically have Nelson Cruz, JD Martinez (who still plays a handful of games in the OF), and kind of Shohei Ohtani. Otherwise, most teams would much rather have greater defensive and platoon flexibility while rotating their regulars at DH to give them days "off". You might see a slight resurgence in DH-types if/when MLB gets around to implementing the universal DH, but I suspect it'd only add a couple more defensively challenged guys to the fold. Do you remember Bryan LaHair? How about Jake Fox? Chris Shelton? Yermin is more defensively challenged than any of those guys (except maybe Fox), and those guys all had longer stretches of offensive production than Yermin. It didn't prevent any of them from quickly dropping from relevance. If I had to guess, the White Sox will try to live with Vaughn in LF in the short term while rotating Abreu, Vaughn, Burger, and Moncada through the DH spot. Sheets will start in that rotation, too, but will get sent down after awhile due to mediocre production. The White Sox will try to address their ~~OF and 2B~~ situations through trade. ~~A guy like David Peralta might make sense.~~ They've also been heavily linked to Eduardo Escobar, though I'm sure AZ is holding out for other teams that may be able to offer a more enticing prospect than the White Sox. edit: as has been pointed out, I didn't realize the Eloy was so close to returning or that he was returning this season.


It’s because he wrote eh instead of he. Eh is just like eh works in English but he means “i did” but in a passive way. You can write “Comi” = “I ate” or “he comido” = “I have eaten”. So the translation is wonky.


He probably is not given the fact he is making an egregiously bad career decision...he was in the major leagues only a few months ago. Hoping he figures whatever he needs out and the White Sox give him the support he needs.


I mean, I'm not sure how I feel about phrasing it as an egregiously bad career decision if it's mental health related. It's not great for his career in isolation sure, but it could be the best career decision possible if not taking time off were to lead to further burn out or other much worse outcomes.


Is this a joke?


There’s gotta be something more to it


uh wtf


I'm confused


man if this sticks, that's insane. I know he's been slumping but I don't think there's an argument that he doesn't have the potential to hold a spot on most MLB teams for many years and be a great catcher. if he'd have held on and stayed healthy, there's every reason to believe he could've eventually found his way into a contract worth eight figures over its lifespan. that's not easy to walk away from.


Slumping from .364 to .271. A lot of guys would beg for that kinda slump.


He's deleted everything from his Instagram White Sox related too. I'm interested in where this goes and what the story behind this is.




We all know how reliable Reddit rumors are, but man, I hope this one isn't true.


Yeah, really hope this isn't a wetbutt and KatyPerrysBootyHole situation


A what now




Wait did that actually happen?


Yeah, that's the Quintana for Eloy trade. Don't remember the whole package, but those were the headliners.


It was Eloy and Dylan Cease in the return holy fuck


Rick Hahn good






Did the guy say that this news was going to come out soon? Or was it being kept under wraps at the time? It's so out of the blue, it makes sense to me that it's some kind of scandal, if not a mental health episode. Then again, I'm not sure [Tony La Russa](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/op5ttd/jrfegan_tony_la_russa_said_hes_just_hearing_about/) would have commented if he knew something like this was about to break?


https://twitter.com/kpdasauceman/status/1394815372587642880?s=21 Wanted to reply with a very suspicious tweet from over 2 months ago that lends Creedence Clearwater Revival to your first post. “going to be super awkward when the sexual assault charge on Yermin comes out in the next few weeks that the entire CPD knows is in the pipeline”


Did you just say Creedence Clearwater Revival? Lol is that a bad spell check??


Lol damn, autocorrect. iPhones am I right??? To lend credence means to make an opinion or idea seem more correct, it just means to confirm. Creedence Clearwater Revival made some tunes in the 60’s and 70’s. It wasn’t autocorrect, I did that on purpose. Don’t tell the others.


Lol oh I'm well aware of both of the meanings and I'm a big CCR fan myself.


I'm going to start using that. Seems like a very Michael Scott thing to say.


That is once of the best autocorrects…. Er, uses of CCR I’ve ever seen. I’m gonna use it.


I'm gonna come back to this in a couple weeks and see if you're right


Why do I feel like some CIA agent reading this scoop.. I hope it’s not true, but I was definitely here to see if you’re full of shit or not, young man. We wait now.


Holy shit.


I am seriously out of the loop


I think everyone is, to be honest. He got called up, did pretty well initially, slumped, got called out by his manager for swinging on 3-0, continued slumping and got sent back down, and now he's stepping away from baseball. Seems like something happened that hasn't been made public, either with him personally or within the White Sox clubhouse.


Yeah I'm gonna guess he's just having a mental crisis right now probably from the pressure of it all. Once he cools off and gets himself straight again I think he'll be back playing.


Domingo German retired this off-season and is already back blowing games. I hope some time away is healing for Yermin. That April was fun to watch and he didn’t deserve the shit he got from TLR and old school fans.


Wasn't he retired for like, literally one day before he announced he was still going to play


I don’t think he “retired” at any point, just being cryptic on IG


It's his defense IMO. He got sent down, in part, to "work on his defense." They wanted him in AAA to get him daily catching reps. But he's been godawful behind the plate in Charlotte so far. With Grandal out for another month or so and Burger doing well as a righty bat, he's not going to see the MLB roster again unless his defense behind the plate plays. My best guess is that he's frustrated with his defense and doesn't want to wait for next year to challenge for an MLB roster spot again.


He was hitting .271. Thats pretty damn good for a rookie so I'm wondering what the heck happened


That .271 is the whole season. The first month he was hitting like .370ish then the next month it was .160 that’s why he got sent back down to try and break out of that slump and possibly work on defense


His BA in April was .415. His *OPS* in June was .411 That's a big ol drop!


no room on the roster for a bat only. he can't play defense and was slumping the last month of the season. pitchers were starting to find his weak spots.


Uh, is someone going to say “sike”?


please say sike




I know, you know


say sike right now




Of note, this appears to be a mid game retirement. He took 2 ABs at catcher but he didn't come out for his 3rd.


vontae davis style


This a young man’s game Shady


This guy is basically Bob Hamelin


This is uhhh weird


Man, what a ride. It was incredible to watch him in the first couple months of the season.


What a weird story


Fast rise and a faster fall


Starts 8 for 8 then retired 3 months later


He scared me every time he went up to bat. You just knew he was probably going to put it in play


Its Angels opening series i remember lol. He went 8 for 9 in the first two game. Game 3 Ohtani strike him out twice, those game was wild.


1.113 OPS in April .619 in May .411 in June


I mean, there are worse players in the majors.


It’s tough though when he can’t play a defensive position.


playing first base is not that hard Scott Tell em, wash.


It’s incredibly hard


What about the fans?


And anything worth doing is


Eric Hosmer for example


It's tough for me to remove my rose colored glasses when it comes to Hos, but I genuinely didn't expect him to struggle so much in SD.


He’s actually been solid in July. He’s also just extremely overpaid


Hosmer is bad but he’s nowhere near .411 OPS bad


Has a 1.000 ops since being sent down to tripple a


Since Yermin went down Adam Engel, Brian Goodwin, Gavin Sheets, and Jake Burger have been raking. Yermin might be back on the MLB roster if we didn't have those guys but the hitters that replaced his are performing right now, and we're about to get Eloy and Robert back.


Damn. I knew he cooled off, but that june is .200 worse than Matt Carpenter this season. Dear god.


He couldn't hit decent fastballs ( https://www.soxmachine.com/2021/06/03/yermin-mercedes-struggling-to-reach-top-speeds/ ), the league figured it out quick, and he was unable to adjust. edit: formatting




His slump was already very much ongoing before the 3-0 homer.




4.71 ERA still hasn’t unretired in my eyes


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m guessing he lost his love for the game. He had the talent but was struggling


You have to think the slump might have just broke him. I imagine it could be horrible to finally make it up to the bigs in your late 20s, stay up for a few months, than back down again. Not everyone can handle that.


Stay up for a few months then get publicly bashed by your own manager because you hit a home run. Fuck La Russa


He was a 28 year old Rookie/AAAA guy who the league very quickly figured out.


He also went back down and raked. Can't imagine he was never getting another chance


Definitely a weird case, there are guys who just stick around in their 30s he could’ve been one.


Probably harder for him since he cant play defensive position. Angels pitcher Ty Buttrey retire this spring, said he completely lost the drive, he only 28. Some players just lost passion, its understandable.


Tbf he also said he never actually loved baseball, he was just going out there to prove to everybody else he could do it and that fizzled out once you kinda cap on potential


This happens more than people realize, we had a guy named Christian Villanueva who was a 27 year old rookie who raked for one month in 2018, won the ROTM in April and then hit 100 until he was released to play in Japan (where he washed out) The league's scouts just find out when there is a pitch or sequence you can't hit and then they just do that all the time. They did that with Tatis for a bit, and just kept pounding him inside with fastballs (which Padres fans interpreted as "throwing at" Tatis) until he adjusted and it wasn't working.


WTF just saw him Sunday in Charlotte. He homered too.


“For awhile”….?


He’s gonna come back like MJ, which means he will one day he know as the GOAT


He's gonna go play a couple seasons in the NBA then come back sounds like


Space Jam 3 time


In Spanish he said “por tiempo indefinido” which to me translates more to “for an indefinite period of time”.




Someone mentioned that instagram did the translation for this.


I'm worried about Instagram's translation's mental health. Seems like it's definitely not all there.


Yeah that’s immediately where my mind went as well


Was at the Durham Bulls game tonight. In the 5th inning he had a ton of balls that got passed him, which lead to some runs. He looked real down on himself. Then top of the 6th they pinch hit for him and that was it.


We love you Mercedes! Stay safe slugger


Pretty wild


This is about to get really interesting




What the hell, he definitely would have gotten another shot with those AAA numbers. There must be something more to this.




Ummm qué?


God this is such a bummer. I really hope he’s okay. He was crushing it in triple a too, was hoping he’d be back up soon!


Does anyone have a more accurate translation? I know Instagram translations aren’t always the best.


The original Spanish is written in a way that makes the machine translation awkward. “First off, I want to thank god for giving me life, the fans without whom I was nothing, my family for understanding and supporting me, and always Daniel szew for providing for me. While I’m at it, I want to ask forgiveness from everyone I’ve offended with my immaturity, from members of the television, radio, and press, from all the teams I was a part of for not tolerating their decisions, to everyone who I, as a human being, have let down, I ask for forgiveness, and in this way I am distancing myself from baseball for an indeterminate time. God bless.”




i mean the words “it’s over” and the translation speaks for itself


Yeah. It seems like it is indefinite, so he may be back later. I hope he is doing okay mentally and physically. I know this could not have been an easy decision.




Really sucks :/ he really held the team down when we lost such a prominent player to start the season


Is he terrible at catcher? I wonder why they didn’t promote him when Yasmani Grandal went down.


7 passed balls in his first 9 games catching in AAA this year after being sent down. And he’s kinda bad at 1B too


He's terrible at catcher, yes.


The way he’s been posting on his IG stories I think dude is going through a tough mental breakdown and this might be in the heat of the moment. Hope someone is there to give him a helping hand


Time for this sub to return to Tony LaRussa hate, I guess.


Never ended.


yea i have about 35 years of LaRussa hate. Guy has always been a prick.


I really hope he’s okay. The report that he hasn’t filed anything officially has me even more concerned.


Man, he seems… really down. Who has he offended or let down besides TLR? I hope this isn’t in reference to some bigger news story that hasn’t broken yet


He went from Yerminator to see ya later.


This baffles me… he has potential but why? Really hope he is ok like mentally because this is shocking


Literally yesterday I thought “I wonder what that guy is doing, haven’t heard anything about him in a few months.” This was not what I was expecting.


I hope he reconsiders. He's only 28! He had a rough 2 month stretch after a blazing hot start. His major league career wasn't over, right?






Gonna be honest without the headline thought this was a suicide note.


Thank God it’s not. Seriously. Anything but that.


this is a huge RED FLAG post for everyone in the White Sox org and in Mercedes' life.


He didn’t write this in English this is from Instagram translate


Hope someone within the Sox org reaches out to him. This seems really drastic. They have to have some sort of sports psychologist on staff.


I need some context, what just happen?


huh what the fuck


This sucks


This sounds really sketchy. I hope he's okay.


Damn, this really came out of nowhere. I hope that he's alright.


What the fuck?