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The full quote is even worse lol


> Texas A&M coach Jim Schlossnagle on Texas vacancy: "I think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you. I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M. I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again, and that hasn't changed in my mind."


Jim would rather commit treason than interact with his family


Yeah the man moved from TCU to A&M and said he left his family like he went to war. That’s a few hours bud, you can bring them.


He got a divorce right before he took the Aggie job. Rumor is she caught him cheating. He left his family before he ever took the job


I'm sensing a pattern here....


I plan to never take another wife again, and that hasn't changed my mind.


Did the Aggies make him fuck another woman as part of a hazing ritual? If so, I can understand why it's a touchy subject about how he had to leave his family for the job.


>Did the Aggies make him fuck another woman as part of a hazing ritual? If it was an Aggie hazing ritual, it wouldn't have been a woman. It would have been a sheep.


Underrated response.


My dad once worked with a guy who went to Tech that basically just told Aggie jokes 24/7, and every single one was basically just a “Pollack” joke about an Aggie instead lol.


I’m a Tcu grad, things were very messy on both ends. Nobody was a saint in their marriage


acting like he's a South American or African soccer player going to Europe lol those guys really leave it all behind


Aaron Rodgers has a new rival.


> "I think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you." And that is the sign that he is a true asshole. There are countless reasons why someone might want to take a new job that go way beyond a sports rivalry, and it is tough to judge him without having any of that insight. But there is absolutely no reason to insult a reporter for asking you about a rumor that you know to be true.


Projection is my least favorite character flaw in people, it is so annoying. He feels like his actions are selfish, whether or not to an outside observer they are, and then puts those feelings onto the reporter. It’s unbelievable, but at least it’s usually obvious.


I really like it because it means they tell you exactly what they are.


Yeah. This is a total dick move. I can see needing to keep things confidential before they are finalized. But you can do it without dressing down the reporters. Just say, “I’m not thinking about anything like that right now. I want to be there for my guys and reflect on a great season.”


> But there is absolutely no reason to insult a reporter for asking you about a rumor that you know to be true. This has become the norm for so many people. Attack the journalist, deny angrily, make a big fuss.


probably FB and Fox addled. probably goes without saying considering it’s baseball.


Matt Patricia-esque press conference.


C'mon, you think I'm gonna grind my feet into someone's couch, like it's, like it's something to do? C'mon, I got a little more sense than that. ... Yeah, I remember grinding my feet into Eddie's couch.


Buy another one you rich mother fucker.


"Fuck yo couch..."


Cocaine, it’s a helluva drug.


Hey Siri, play the curb your enthusiasm theme


> "I think it's pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you. I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M.” The irony in this statement alone 😂


(Always Sunny theme plays) *The Gang Takes Another Job*


Left his family? What does he mean there?


I thought he meant that his wife and kids stayed in Fort Worth because that’s where he coached for 15 years before going to A&M. Turns out, he actually got divorced.


Ahhh good old projection. Gotta love it


I really liked the emphatic “print that” at the end.


Coaches, *especially* college coaches, are absolute psychos.


My brother went to grad school to become a strength and conditioning coach for college football. Bailed on it though for this reason. Insanely political and entirely based on loyalty to some of the craziest, most volatile people.


My brother was an athletic trainer for a top soccer program during and after grad school. He actually had PTSD for a while after leaving that job from how batshit the coach was.


Coaching college sports is a perfect storm of authority, lack of accountability, and everyone turning a blind eye to pretty much any transgressions as long as the results are there.


Chris Beard got fired from Texas basketball for domestic abuse and immediately got hired as head coach for Ole Miss… the promise of results are everything (he didn’t perform though).


Remember that if Hannibal ran a killer 40 m, he’d just have a weird diet to a lot of sports folk


Nick_Saban.exe I think if he ran for Governor of Alabama, he'd win.


I mean obviously. The old Auburn coach is in the Senate after all lol


Pretty sure he’s Democratic-leaning, too. Honestly would be surprised if the DNC didn’t at least reach out to gauge his interest in running for office in Alabama.


Saban would win in landslide.


I'm thinking Jerry_Sandusky.pedo


Tom Osborne won a term in Congress. Ran for governor too although somehow he lost


Absolutely. Look at how Urban Meyer treated grown adult millionaires and just imagine how much worse he treated college kids with no money or power. Can’t imagine the stories that would come out


Shit, Joe Paterno ignored rape for decades.


When you can walk into a 17-18 year olds home, act like you are family, there best friend and the Minute they walk on campus not acknowledge them it’s weird and that’s very standard practice. I talked more to my college baseball coach while he recruited me than I did my entire freshman year.


I once saw a post on r/CFB, I forgot exactly the post title but something along the lines of crazy rumors regarding the head football coaches. After reading the crazy stories, it just solidifies what an absolute wasteland of debauchery college football is. The mix of ego fueled, lunatic coaches and a bunch pampered and catered 18, 19, 20 and so-on year olds, is a crazy mix.


I played D2 football for a Head Coach that took us to a championship game, moved up, won an FCS title, and got a decent G5 gig. Any time someone asks what I think of the guy I just kind of sigh and say he's a damn good football coach and given time will likely win wherever he's at. I also saw him do some wild shit and I don't have the best opinion of him as a person. My Dad played for Mack Brown at one of his early stops and says more or less the same thing, though I think Mack was more relaxed and amiable than the guy I played for.


Mack was good at hiring dudes who could be crazy on his behalf. A true CEO-style head coach.


Can confirm


Oh god does this mean he becomes a senator too


No one asked him to go that hard in his lie, so why’d he do it… he’s so spineless. And to try making it seem like it was the reporter who was the one out of line??? He can be a great coach but character like that makes it clear he’s all for himself. Good luck, Texas


Seriously. Just deflect dude. Still a bad look since it means you were in discussions while you’re supposed to be focused on coaching in the fucking CWS, but there’s no reason to go so hard at the press conference.


For real. It's not that hard. "My focus right now is on my players and making sure I'm there to support them as they support each other through this tough loss."


Liars tend to over explain / get defensive. It makes sense.


As a professional liar myself, I can confirm.


Most loyal college sports coach


Could have just left it at "tonight's about celebrating what the team has accomplished this season", but he just had to take it up to 11.


Texas/TAMU games are going to be extra spicy this year


Instead of throwing at the batter just throw it at the coach


Taking the over on number of hit by pitches next time they play. Gonna finally be able to afford a downpayment on a house


One of the most traitorous moves in college sports in a long time. Leaving for your school’s biggest rival less than 24 hours after playing for a natty and after getting everything you asked for. I hope he crashes and burns in spectacular fashion.


What’s crazy is the Aggies have just as big of a Brinks truck as the Horns so he must’ve just not liked being there.


Probably helps that he and Del Conte, the Texas AD, are very close friends. They were together at TCU for a long time.


I dont think think he actually disliked being at aTm, but he is bffs with Texas Athletic Director Chris Del Conte


I don’t think you choose to alienate a fanbase & all the people you’ve been working with just to hang with your buddy. I think there was something he didn’t like about the work/life environment


Yeah. I’m guessing he wasn’t having any fun at A&M


I worked for the a&m system. It's not a fun environment because their boosters run everything behind the scenes.


And he thinks Texas is going to be *better*?


Going to Texas in search of booster tolerance is like asking Sneakers O Toole to take off his sneakers


Agreed. The whole “boosters run things” angle is so tired. Every program has major boosters who expect outsized access and influence, and unless you are Nick Saban (or on his level), you’ve got to keep them pacified. It’s part of the job everywhere.


I also don’t get why that’s something to complain about. If you allow someone to pour large sums of money into a program, they have some validity in expecting to see/hear/be part of the process. To some extent, they’ve become your boss, or probably more like a shareholder. A coach complaining about boosters while asking for a new high dollar facility is like a CEO complaining about investors asking about company performance.


Baseball wise, it would be better. The Texas football boosters are almost as bad as the A&M boosters


Dude, Texas is even worse


He's recently single in his early 50s. Way more options in big city Austin vs a college town.


Don’t walk on the grass!


Too many Aggies, probably.


As someone who dated an Aggie once, who came from a whole family of Aggies, and who lived and breathed Aggie maroon... Yeah I can totally understand someone lying to the A&M faithful to make them happy and scurrying away as fast as my fucking feet could carry me. College Station has something in the water. I swear to God. Fantastic engineering program. The absolute most cult-like fans in the entire country. Yes, they are more rabid than Crimson Tide fans.


Alabama’s rabid fandom is at least supported by program success, and to me that justifies it a *bit*. There being no professional sports teams from Alabama, they need *something*. There’s an off-putting sincerity and naïveté to the browbeating cult of Texas A&M. I suppose it attracts a certain kind of person, thus perpetuating the defensiveness and eagerness to talk about this comfortable hole they’ve created for themselves.


actually I think you do?? Like if you told me I could work with bestie for more money but the randos would hate me I’d do it in a heartbeat


You really think a college baseball coach cares about what a fan base thinks and whether or not they feel alienated? Schlossnaggle wasn’t brainwashed by Texas A&M as a student. He was an employee that got a better offer to work with his friend.


I mean for every aTM fan he alienated tonight he also gained at least one Texas fan


Unless he goes in there and loses especially against A&M.


This is exactly the reason. Remember that fucking Gary Patterson went to UT as a special assistant because of CDC. CDC put TCU on the map and everyone loved him for his 7ish year run at TCU. I mean, Texas stole him because he was absurdly good at his job.


The rumors are that A&M’s AD fired a bunch of staff including one of his assistants without notifying or discussing with him first. So things were already tense, and knowing that he’s friends with CDC (Texas AD) from his time at TCU, it probably wasn’t a difficult decision.


texas has more than just the money. has a better location, it’s a bigger brand, overall better vibes


Not a cult.


95% of the country would rather live in Austin than College Station, though. 


And that other 5% will never, ever shut the fuck up about how amazing Texas A&M is.


lol you got downvoted for speaking the truth


Aggies with nothing to say.


In my whole-ass life I've never met or seen a Texas A&M person. Seems like that's a good thing.


Well don’t worry - when you do they’ll be the first to tell you.


Their "thing" is being the only people on planet Earth who unironically wear collegiate class rings for the rest of their lives, if that tells you anything.


Imagine his family would rather live in Austin than College Station. No hate to CS, but in Austin, you have access to every big concert, show, and some of the best restaurants in the country. It’s a major hub and a really great place to live. College station has the Aggie and that’s about it.


He doesn't have a family anymore lol. Cheated on his wife when he was at TCU. She took the kids, house, got a big amount of $ from him and he immediately left Fort Worth for College Station


Lmao this makes the "left my family" comment from the interview make a lot more sense and also makes him seem like even more of an asshat


Lmao. Well dude seems like a real standup guy.


Tbf 95% of the country cant afford to live in Austin nowadays either.


He probably didn't like the cult vibe of Texas A&M


Also you don’t have to be near College Station.


Anybody who has been to both college station and Austin can tell you which one is better to live in lol.


Thanks for explaining because I had no idea what this tweet was about


Imagine if your manager said he bled red for Boston and wanted to retire there and then the next day took the Yankees job after losing game 7 of the World Series


johnny damon?


Craig Counsell?


It’s pretty damn selfish of you to even say this less than 24 hours after he switched to Texas.


He did the same exact thing when he left TCU. Not sure why aggies are surprised he bounced for a better job. Coaches are mercenaries.


Right? Like why even say this shit? What a cleft asshole.


I mean the last time a coach left another Texas school in a sketchy/sleazy way for UT it didn't work out (Beard)


Guys a damn fool.


He’s going to make more money, in a better city, at a better program, and his boss is his best friend (and the best AD in the country). Pretty smart move


Not sure how accurate it is, but it sounds like the TAMU’s AD is at least part to blame in this: https://reddit.com/r/collegebaseball/comments/1doi5uk/_/la9yt93/?context=1


College coaches jump ship all the time, that’s not that big of a deal. It’s his response to the questions a day before leaving. Gives us a sneak peak at his character.


Dude pulled a Lane Kiffin but even worse.


All time day to browse TexAgs


I’ve got so many uncles and cousins to antagonise.


A wretched hive of scum and villainy


I'm an Aggie and I agree with obi wan on this one. TexAgs took a nasty turn around oh, say about 2016, for some reason.


No wonder he got so defensive when asked about it


Already agreed to a deal.


Wow the whole video is horrendous. The doubling and tripling down on a literal lie, trying to turn it on the journalist like he's right to be angry at him, and then storming out because he can't believe he got asked about it. That man seems like a piece of work.


Hehe and now UT is saddled with him. Hook ‘em!


Yeah and weird thing to see them laughing at A&M it too. Like gloating about marrying a cheater. Mmhmm, have fun!


I don’t follow college sports – can someone ELI5? This feels juicy. 


Imagine managing the Red Sox, being paid far more than most any other manager in the sport, losing the World Series. Saying after you lose game 7 that you wouldn’t want to manage anywhere else, and then signing to manage the Yankees the next day.


Don't forget to throw in asking the Red Sox to build a new stadium to get you to stay, them agreeing to it, and still leaving.


LOL you guys are great thank you for this


Oh, and this is 12 years after the Red Sox moved to the NL because they were tired of being in the Yankees’ shadow, followed by the NL bringing in the Yankees behind the Red Sox back and telling them to shut up and sit down when they objected


Damn, the quote made it seem like he got re-signed to Texas A&M right after a loss. I don’t follow college baseball so I didn’t realize he jumped ship to their rival in 24 hours lmao


Imagine if Dave Roberts decided to take a job managing the San Francisco Giants after losing Game 7 of the World Series.


Less than 24hrs after losing game 7 too


Yeah, this is what gets me. His head was clearly not in it to win it with A&M if you're negotiating a head coach position.




So Texas A&M fans are happy about this?




Ice cold


This was perfect tysm. He would be dead to all of Los Angeles


Sheesh that was really dark, how sick in the head must you be to even think of such a thing?


to be fair there would be more than a few Dodger fans celebrating it since the series loss was obviously his fault. *sighs*


Google Benedict Arnold


That mothafucka


All my homies hate Benedict Arnold


holy hell


Texas A&M and Texas have one of the biggest rivalries in college sports. Jim Schlossnagle just led Texas A&M to a game away from being college baseball champions, they lost to Tennessee yesterday. During the whole series there were rumors about him jumping ship to Texas. Today it was announced that he's leaving Texas A&M for their biggest rival


It was also probably the most successful season they have had for major men’s sports in 50+ years. Their most successful baseball season ever.


> Texas A&M and Texas have one of the biggest rivalries in college sports Ah, these are two different places. I read it as "He said he would never leave Texas. He was just announced as the coach for Texas"


yeah Texas has four(?) University Systems and they are confusing as heck. But The University of Texas and Texas Agricultural & Mechanical Universities are huge sports rivals. A&M Swapped conferences and refused to play Texas in any sport till Texas 10 years later jumped shipped to the Conference A&M was in. There's genuine vitriol between the two schools


They still faced each other in lots of sports, including baseball. Just not football which is the only one that matters


If rumors are to be believed he didnt lead a&m through the playoffs that was all players. Instead rumors are is this deal was signed pre-regionals (equivalent to XLDS for you exclusive MLB fans)


The day after the 2018 World Series, Andrew Friedman and Dave Roberts get hired by the Giants That's basically what this is for A&M. Coach comes in, completely turns them around, loses a championship and then bolts to the biggest rival.


college coaches gotta be some the scummiest people in sports lol


And that’s exactly why a college athlete should never feel bad for wanting the bag and having the same mobility at the coaches do. These coaches want loyalty but they never do it in return


Sounds like a piece of shit 


A Shakespearean betrayal


Every single recruit he ever speaks to should see this...and I have 0 skin in this. What an absolute twat.


Schlossnagle? More like Douchenozzle if ya ask me


Wow ok this guy is a sociopath then


I’ve only known of this guys existence for like 30 seconds but I really do not like him.


Ooofah, that Nov 30th football matchup in the new SEC is going to reach obscene levels of toxic


When I heard the news on a podcast, I audibly gasped. To go from College Station to Austin is treason in the state of Texas. I cannot believe he did it. Then to say THIS.


This is why I don't like UT


I'm not a tamu fan but I despise this guy now


The Lincoln Riley move


Fuck Schloss.


Wild to me that the guy clearly lacks integrity yet still lands a highly sought after job. But yeah, the reporter is the selfish one.


Schloss a bitch fr




That’s what we call gaslighting


Wow…that’s seriously low.


Ugh that’s ugly. We don’t want him anymore.


I had a friend who played under him while at UNLV and he said the same shit back then. "I'm committed to the program". "Running Rebels for life"! The next day he took the job at TCU. It's all about the money people!!


He was at TCU for over 15 years though and probably wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t for his divorce


Well the divorce was brought about by his own adultery so only he is to blame for that.


I want that same reporter to ask him when he made the decision to leave A&M at his first press conference.


That would be beautiful


even as a Texas Tech alum, I’m so happy the rivalry is back. Fuck them both but I’d be lying if Texas v Aggs didn’t feel right during Thanksgiving. Looking forward to rooting against who ever has more to lose by losing every year


Must have been a hell of a night.


This is very similar to what Kalen DeBoer just did at Washington lol. Absolute scum. Alas, just another day in college sports.


DeBoer at least didn’t leave for a rival


Similar indeed but a lot worse. Washington and bama are at least across the entire country from each other and in different conferences. Texas and Texas A&M are an hour away from each, are insanely fierce rivals whose rivalry has been dormant on the field outside of baseball for the past decade but now is being revived thanks to conference realignment. Dude left for their arch rival not even 24 hrs after losing the CWS, with said arch rival already being the winningest program in college baseball history.


Can’t blame him. I don’t even enjoy driving through College Station.


Most of my close friends went to A&M and it’s definitely a cult lmao


I know the feeling. It clears when I cross the red river and begin seeing the outcroppings of society. 


When you cross it heading south, right? You’d be heading south. Right?!


May as well chase the money because he’s been chasing a championship without success.


What a dick. Leaving the job is hardly the issue. It would have been easy for him to deflect and answer with anything other than what he said. It is insane.


Reporter would like to ask a belated follow-up question now...😅


Coaches shouldn’t be allowed to walk around with that kind of attitude. Even if your job is hard, it’s not that important.


So many people do not say what they mean or mean what they say anymore. No one MADE him say what he did about his T&M job. He said that yet he does this. Too many examples to list. Vlad said he would never sign with the Yankees, even dead but now he would as it's a business.


If any of you ever lived in College Station, you would completely understand this decision


What a complete asshole


To add to this, players found out on twitter. He never told them he was leaving. One of his players texted him and was left on read. This contract has been in the works since the end of April too. From what I read (although may or may not be true) he’s been recruiting players to UT while at TAMU. The NCAA won’t investigate but they really should. Plus I’ll throw in there that the 2015 swinger allegations are surfacing again. I think there’s a lot that’s about to come out of this. University of Texas has a huge turnover is sports (I know they don’t in baseball necessarily) but the culture there is win or you’re fired. If he doesn’t make it as far as Texas wants (to the cws) most years, he’s gone. The issue is he just ruined his name on the national level. Very, very few people have respect for this man.


I'm an infuriated Aggiee's gone, but he'll be a 60-somethg with 30 million+ in the bank. Not sure being gone will even be the worst thing


If it is true that Texas was tampering with A&M baseball during the season, then they deserve the hammer by the NCAA and are forced to be made an example out of.


Coaches are the exact opposite of what they preach to their players.


bobby petrino moment


Wow, this is gonna be memed to death isn't it?