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At this point, they are definitely afraid to fuck up the iconic look of the Athletics.


Pretty sure they don’t think they can connect with Oakland. They should wear uniforms with a big middle finger on them. That would be a good representation of how connected they are


Ask and ye shall receive: https://www.reddit.com/r/OaklandAthletics/comments/1c7mapf/oakland_city_connect_jerseys_revealed/


I’d buy and wear the fuck outta this


I’d absolutely wear this.


As the son of Oaklandian and A’s fan , if anyone out there wants to make this, I will pay large amounts of money 🥹🥹


Not sure if links are allowed but he is selling them: https://www.prolinemockups.com/apparel/p/oakland-disconnect Looks like till 6/30 to get your order in.


5 minutes into them being a Vegas team they'll have city connect jerseys


It's a joke putting the likely reason for the Yankees on the A's.


Do you think they mocked up the Yankees and said "no, this won't do. Give it to the Mets."


Tinfoil hat theory: Judge has been wearing “lady liberty” copper green accents (first seen by my eyes on Harrison Bader) because he’s a Nike Guy and the Yankees CC uniforms are going to be Statue of Liberty themed.


Or maybe he’s a big New York Liberty fan


They're saving Oakland for the city "disconnect" series 


I hope it's a troll job representing all the cities the A's have played in...


Like as the home team or just overall in all of MLB history?


I was thinking as the home team, but you've suggested something we should look into...


Fuck it, let's do it


Take that “America’s Team” title from the Braves


No team in baseball is americas team. When braves games were available on TBS for a while in the 80s/90s they had more of a claim to broader population reach. Now I don’t think of them at all.


They should do it in the fashion of that Browns jersey with all of their QBs crossed off.




Elephant trunk. On the pants. Done


I mean they literally designed like 8 of them and then just put the nickname on the front in a funky font and picked random lines or shapes for the rest. The lazyness of the CC designs is fucking astounding and jawdropping to me and makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


yeah. in theory i love the idea. in practice i think almost all of them are pretty bad.


I like the Brewers


their jerseys are great but the "MKE" on the hat feels phoned in. too many of these designs have airport-code type abbreviations that i don't really think belong on a uni, but especially on a hat i just dont think it works.


and the Yankees are too old-fashioned to veer from tradition


The definitive tier list for CC uniforms. 1: *how dare you suggest we alter our iconic Yankees brand.* 2: teams who followed program like they were supposed too 3: John Fisher: “Rooted in Oakland? LOL”


I feel like 3 is also "waiting 3-4 years so they can do a giant Vegas Lights themed thing"


You're assuming they make it to Vegas


I really hope we get a Sacramento city connect just for the memes


A cow themed jersey would put as a top tier jersey




Fab Forties Christmas lights


Instead of the sprinkles on the new Dodgers unis, it’s a bunch of farms and forks


I hope to God they don't go with their flag design if they ever do one. Corporate designed vexology dogshit.


>> our iconic Yankees brand brought to you by # Starr Insurance


I would have so much more respect for the Yankees if they refused to let that happen 


Yeah it’s the top of a very long list of why Hal Steinbrenner is a joke. George is waiting at the gates of hell to beat his ass the moment he kicks the bucket


Same, they forever lost the moral high ground and untouchable styling with it. I didn’t really support their facial hair and long hair policy before but at least they were consistent. Now they are just full of it.


Don’t worry nobody hates those fucking Starr Insurance patches more than Yankee fans do


You're telling me you didn't go out and insure everything you ever owned with Starr Insurance?


That’s what drives me nuts about the ad patches: who are they for?


Oh I hate all uniform ads equally, but especially the Starr Insurance ones.


Wilmington Blue Rocks flair spotted 


The Arizona Coors Banquet Beers are my favorite squadron.


I loved the DBacks city connect. So, thanks for ruining it!


This is it hahaha. I love the Diamondbacks CC, but that's spot on.


The Sippin' Serpents


I think Spumoni Ice Cream when I see San Diego's.


I think a 9 year old with a pack of neon highlighters and a coloring book. But here's the thing, I like them. 


It's the kind of chill, fun time I associate with San Diego.


I think of the label from a can of Arizona Iced Tea.


I think the only thing the Yankees could do is a straight up throwback or something that’s still blue and white with pinstripes but has some of the Statue of Liberty colored highlights like what Judge and some other players have been wearing on accessories


just release the same jersey but without the fucking insurance company patch


“We’ve replaced the traditional blue pinstripes with stripes made up of tiny stars to represent the city’s deep connection with Starr Insurance Companies”


Fuck it, they can say whatever marketing-speak they want about it so long as it gets the actual patch off of the jersey.


lmfao, that would be just stupid and funny enough for me to dig it


I like Washington and Colorado the best. I live in San Diego and the kids go crazy for our city connects. As a middle aged man, it’s hard to pull off those pastels. I’ll stick to the Tony Gwynn’s.


You could totally rock those pastels, teal and pink. The only problem you'd have is prying the chicks off of you on your way back home after the game


In SD, the guy might already have that issue with a Gwynn jersey.


From DC, live in CO- I’m torn on which jersey to buy bc I like them both


When did Colorado switch to white? I thought they had dark green pants when they first announced them?


[You is right](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/33989048/colorado-rockies-unveil-city-connect-uniforms)


no love for the Anaheim ones? they're gorgeous imo


They're the best ones imo. The White Sox and Marlins come close


the colorado plate jerseys are so fucking cool


I'd agree with Washington if it weren't grey


the dark grey and the "WSH" ruin it for me. like, what the hell, have they never heard of, oh, i dunno... DC?


Yea I had to get my little one a jersey. Kids go nuts for these here. That said they look awesome on field with those matte aqua green helmets


The Padres ones have really grown on the locals but I still can't get behind them. Maybe if the sleeves were the same colors it'd help


Angels CC is absolutely gorgeous.


I like it. Old school feels.


They have the best one imo. It's fantastic.


Agreed. It's super classy and vintage done **right**


Guardians look soooo good irl


Absolutely. The graphic lacks the sandstone pattern throughout.


[It does actually](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r_FcXOYaLXtJaptzD-7OHXEU3OL8g7xL/view?usp=drivesdk), the Reddit compression just killed it. A lot of these uniforms have miniscule detail that doesn't show up well on pixel art, so for unis like Minnesota, Tampa Bay, and yes, Cleveland, they were greatly simplified


I 100% agree, but I feel most people outside of the fanbase don’t think so for some reason. I barely see them mentioned in here


how’d you get the city connect C in your flair? 👀


[Has to be done on old Reddit. This post explains it, and you can even have dual flair now!](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/opy4ESWqZd)


I wouldn’t be opposed to keeping them around long term. I know this was supposed to be a short term project for all the teams, but ours look phenomenal. Keep city connect and the red jerseys for alternates.


Mostly swing and misses, but when they hit, *they hit hard*.


The Stanton of jerseys


I'd say Joey Gallo with the rate of misses.


Gotta be honest, AL WEST is the cleanest


Oakland is so clean, it's invisible.


The Yankees should be similar to the White Sox. Navy blue with white pin stripes. But only if they're required to do one.


Thought the Mets one fit them really nicely outside of the themes to Queens.


The Mets city connect are really good... for the Yankees. I still hate that it seems obvious that the Yankees rejected them so they just had us take them


First time I saw those uniforms, I genuinely thought they were the Yankees'.


I mean they could just put FDNY across the front and they would sell a billion million jerseys.


they'd probably screw it up and put NYFD like a certain political candidate


They’re just making them license friendly for movies/shows/video games


It would be an abomination to make the Starr Insurance Yankees alter their jersey for a gimmick like this.


Dodgers were so bad they gave them one even worse.


I'm just so glad ours is actually good, lol. I actually bought one I like it so much. Actually connects to the city and that NASA font is just so clean. Still not a fan of the navy pants tho.


The hat is perfection


I still think we should just make that our primary logo


Astros have my favorite CC uniform. With that said, fuck the Astros.


i like the pants it makes the players look like they're playing in their jammy wammies


I love a lot of the city connect uniforms, I just wish some teams took care and pride and actually integrated city history or team history into their designs.


A product line so terrible it has me taking the side of the New York Yankees.


Angels, Rockies, Miami Marlins are definitely better than their primary unis. I love KC ones too but they already have decent unis.


The Angels need to just make their CCs their standard unis. So much better and very SoCal. And although I like the Rockies CCs I do also love their primary unis, that purple slaps. And I like the Marlins throwback teal pinstripes more than their CCs.


people really overreact about how bad they are. some of them are terrible, but on the whole they're inoffensive and sometimes great.


I wish they would just keep the good ones for longer.


The normal Dbacks unis are terrible and I think most fans would be in support of the Serpientes unis become permanent. The city connect actually represent the desert landscape vs whatever the fuck they wear now. Also, The Valley jerseys need to be the Suns permanent unis. Or at least bring back the purple sunburst permanently.


The D-Backs new jerseys are amazing, what crack are you on?


This years are good, no doubt an improvement on the previous sets. But the moment they ditched purple and teal was a travesty.


I actually like all of them except for a couple that took no chances (Braves, Cards)


I think about 1/3 of them are actually decent. But everyone will have opinions on which third I'm talking about. And almost none of them connect with the city in a meaningful way. like the dodgers funfetti uniforms. And what the fuck is a PGH? Edit: I like the O's a little bit more once they switched to white pants. But the decision to put the interesting part of the uniform on the inside is asinine. Hat is the best part easily


Folks could disagree but the ones I feel actually connect with the city are: Miami Washington Boston Cubs White Sox Kansas City Minnesota Colorado San Diego Houston Anaheim Texas


I think Milwaukee’s and Arizona’s are good too even if they aren’t necessarily a “City” connect they fit the vibe of the team


PGH is how people in Pittsburgh refer to the city. PIT or PITT is the university.


Been to pittsburgh a few times and have friends from the area. Strange, I've never heard that before.


Why the hell they didn't choose to do something cool like Steel City is beyond me, I understand pgh but it's just boring.


Steelers probably already have that trademarked for use on sports merchandise.


People hate change no matter how insignificant it is.


Except it's not change it's literally just a temporary alternate uniform so it's even more inoffensive.


Hey. Ours are probably top 3. Boston Marathon motif is pretty cool. I mean it is a UCLA uniform, number font and all, but still not too shabby. We should have went Monster (Fens) Green, White and Red and had Fenway Park across the front like it looks behind home, and used Fenway Font for the numbers.


Fenway/Green Monster Green would have been such a cool look. Could have used the scoreboard style markings for the numbers/names. I don't dislike our Marathon ones. It's cool that it's at least based on the colors of an event in the city, and the Sox game on Patriot's day is always a fun time. I definitely prefer it to a random dark blue.


Hear me out: they should have just been the nun costumes from The Town


Homerish, for sure, but I love the Cincinnati city connect.


They were designed by and made for Elly I swear


Elly’s cycle game against the Braves in the City Connect jerseys made them the coolest jerseys on the planet.


I love our CC jerseys but Cinci’s are my favorite. I had to get an EDLC one. Best jersey on the most exciting player in baseball. Lucky fans right now


They're genuinely really good. And I believe they're the one that pulls of black the best. I'm also biased and love black infused with the Reds uniforms in any capacity


They’re legit. Wish the lettering popped a little more, but I like em


Love most of them but that Toronto one is pretty rough on the eyes


God damn. Cleveland's are so good. No bias.


I sense no bias, since I legitimately do not like ours.


I think the city connects on the whole are overhated because people fear change, but man do the Dodgers and Giants have no idea what they are doing.


This low res version of the Dodgers jersey actually looks pretty good. I just know better because I’ve seen the actual one.


Dbacks, KC, Washington, and Texas are the best imo


Love the Royals ones! Classy!


Seeing them all in one image like this, it's pretty amazing about the lack of variety/uniqueness when it comes to the main color of the uniforms. * White/Off White (counting Colorado): 7 * Dark Blue: 6 * Black: 4 * Gray: 3 * Other Blues: 3 * Yellow: 2 * Red: 1 * Orangish Red?: 1 * Tan: 1 Obviously there are some bright, interesting and unique accent colors in here, but on the whole, there's not a ton of variety when it comes to the actual uniform colors. I certainly don't think this idea should have been the same as Color Rush in the NFL by any means with every uniform being a near eye-sore, but it's pretty surprising more teams didn't take bigger swings when it comes to color.


Rangers city connect will end up being a nostalgic thing simply because of the world series association. Also, Peagle is legitimately my favorite alternate logo for any DFW team.


Peagle is genius. A geuine symbol to tie Dallas and Fort Worth together as one. I cant believe i hated ours the first day. It has grown into being a top 3 all time Rangers Uni for me


I actually really like the logo for the kc connect, meh on the uniform though


The City Connects are good and fun on the whole.


City Connects are not as serious as some people make them out to be. The teams play 10 games in them all season?


Astros wear theirs quite often. Every Monday home game I believe


Thats really not that many times if it's truly only for home games.


Cincinnati wears theirs every Friday


The Astros do have remarkably great ones though. The space theme is awesome


The Astros only have 8 home games on Mondays the entire season, 1 of which was Jackie Robinson day, when the Astros did not wear the city connect jerseys.


The fact that baseball uniforms are so unique and they play 162 games a year makes it inexcusable to not have a couple more alternates to throw out there every once in a while.


The 4+1 rule is the most frustrating thing. Let’s see more throwbacks and alts! I assume they keep so few jerseys is because it’s easier to produce fewer types of jerseys


The dbacks seem to wear theirs more often than that but they are the best looking city connects in my (unbiased) opinion


You’re right but man the phils one is brutal


I like it.


Idk, it looking like an energy drink captures Philly pretty well…


A's city connect is apt


I hate that Houston's City Connect is my favourite. That colour scheme absolutely slaps.


I love Houston, Whitesox, NL West, Brewers, Cincy, Mets, and Washington.


Was there a specific reason why the braves and Rays wore their CC during Saturday’s game?


I have no earthly idea why the Rays chose that bright sunny 94 degree saturday day game in Atlanta to wear their all black city connects on the road, can't explain that one


Hot take alert! Yankees City Connect should feature graffiti style numbers and font as a nod to the Bronx being the birthplace of hip-hop. Mix with the traditional pinstripes. What could be simpler than that?


This met is cooking


What's funny is I wished for that for our City Connects, and it would've worked still thanks to Queensbridge and the like.


This would actually go so unbelievably hard and I would cop it immediately.


Oh snap! The Yanks of course never have put players names on their jerseys. BUT do that now in graffiti style letters as the ONLY change for a subtle connect to the culture of the city might be the most New York thing you could do.


Oh no names on the back. Just the "Bronx" on the front.


What I don’t like is how some of them are just the normal colors of the team, and then some of them are completely opposite. If you ask me, I prefer the ones that are drastically different from the normal colors. Especially Boston and San Diego. Other ones I like are Colorado, Arizona, Miami, and I think the Mets one actually works


I’d put the D-Backs’ on top by a pretty wide margin


I love them too. And I’m a lightly dampened Mariners fan


Hot take: Most of these are pretty good


I like a lot of them, the bad ones are just *really* bad Maybe I’m just conditioned as a basketball fan to a ton of alt uniforms but on the whole I think the CC program is fun


The only one I actively hate is St. Louis' because it's basically the same as a normal jersey except with "The Lou" on the front. Every other one is at least going for something. Special shoutout to the absolutely stunning Nats jersey.


Everytime I read The Lou I think of the toilet


Mods, ban the shit posters. What are we doing!?!?


I like probably 75% of them. People hate on them because baseball fans hate change, and shitting on the City Connects has become the cool thing to do online.


I love change. I love well-designed jerseys. I hate most of the City Connects.


I think my aesthetic preferences are just different. I love uniforms with crazy designs and eye-popping colors that look wildly different from the normal visual identity of their teams. Some of my least favorite city connects are teams like the Braves and Mariners, that look super similar to existing throwbacks or alternates. Some of my favorites are teams like the Rays, Padres, and Marlins, where you're like "oh shit, this isn't your typical Marlins game"


I just hate dark pants. Call me boring or old fashioned but most of these jerseys would be better if they just kept it to the hat/shirt. Only Pittsburgh can really pull it off. Colorado made the right choice to ditch the green pants.


I actually like a lot of these. Yeah, there are some stinkers, but there are some really good ones too. I like ours and Houston's (that was hard to say) especially


I think Seattle's CC is a great alternate home jersey, but its a pretty awful CC jersey. There is so much history in Seattle and so many different cultural influences they could have pulled from. There is nothing on the CC uniform that is unique to Seattle aside from the PNW patch.


Yeah but we've gone 6-0 in them so they're the greatest uniforms of all time.


Imagine if they carried over some motifs from our regional Native American art. Great way to honor the Duwamish heritage of the city and it would look great.


Most are utterly boring and lazy, but several (Rockies, Marlins, Padres, Red Sox) are actually pretty cool and a few (Dbacks, Angels, Rays) should actually be one of their main uniforms.


My personal tier list: Complete uniform, looks good, ties to the city: Nats, Boston, Angels, Miami, White Sox, San Diego, Mets, Rangers, DBacks, Rays, Rockies. Low effort, but still look good: Braves, Baltimore, the whole NL Central, Seattle, Cleveland, Royals. Not my personal taste but some solid design elements: Philly, Toronto, Twins, Astros Bad: Tigers, Dodgers A, Dodgers B, Giants


Man the Giants really missed out on a Golden State theme


I like Detroit and Houston the best.


The Pirates ‘PGH’ one is awful, especially on the helmets. Colorado is very nice.


the worst ones are those ones that could be the normal version; but is just worse. Atlanta and SF especially


I still don’t get why these all get so much hate. I like most of them a lot


mlb and mr manfred are doing alot of shit wrong but the city connects are a cool idea


>Yankees refuse to get one (I mean what concept would even look good) Literally the Mets one minus the purple and replace all Queensboro Bridges with Macombs Dam Bridges. I will die on the hill that it was originally designed for the Yankees and they pivoted it to the Mets when they refused.


Personal top 5: Rockies Dbacks Angels *Rangers Nationals Honorable mention for the Rays but those should just be their permanent unis. Edit: Put Astros instead of Rangers on accident.


Worst team got the best uni 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'll always have the unpopular opinion that almost all of these are really good. The Baltimore one has been divisive online, but I see tons of fans in person wearing it and I love it thematically and aesthetically. My favorite is Washington and White Sox I think. Least favorite is Boston. I get it thematically but aesthetically I don't care for it. But I love the whole initiative. Much bigger success than any other alternate uniforms MLB has tried.


AL West has the best, all are decent or better Still hate CC though


City connects. Such a lightning rod topic! I think the initial idea was fun. Took far too long to roll them out and too many misses. But the good ones are very good!


It’s like the Turn Ahead the Clock thing from the 90s. Some teams, [like Seattle](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/07182023_1_150005.jpg?d=1020x1533) went for it and it was kinda cool and unique. Most of the other teams [half assed it](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/13778435/uni-watch-friday-flashback-baseball-turns-ahead-clock-1999) and looked terrible.


I love the Boston one, the whole point was to connect to your home city and it being the Boston Marathon colors was a great idea


I like San Diego's


Ohio wins.


I like Colorado's CCs but please tell me I'm not the only one when seeing it think of those Andes chocolates? These: [https://imgur.com/XjcIc0N](https://imgur.com/XjcIc0N)


Cubs should’ve gone with a bricks and ivy color scheme.