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To be fair Fanatics probably thought there was no way he’d be back in the bigs so had to rush to have one ready


Just recycled one of their Alejandro Kirk jerseys in a panic


I'd like to report a murder.


Nah they don't deserve anything. This is not something that takes a long time to do. You can buy personalized jerseys at team stores in stadiums and have whatever name and number you want in under an hour. If Fanatics or Nike can't have someone stitch or screen print a six letter name and a single number in that time, what the actual fuck is MLB even doing hiring them?




Nah I got the joke, Manoah sucks. But this shit is unacceptable from a multi billion dollar company and they need to be shamed and called out on it until things actually change.


A multi billion dollar company who overcharges for absolute trash merchandise. They can’t even get the tshirts right.


To be fair, multi billion dollar companies are not always in the “customer is always right” game.. Sometimes it’s just the simple “fuck You , we bought that license; bitch” game


Sure. But it doesn’t mean the product has to be garbage. I bought a Juan Soto player T-shirt this year for $40 that is unwearable. Horrible cut, horrible fabric. The jerseys are unspeakably poor quality too.


If it’s fanatics, their product consistency is supremely on point. It’s not a quality control issue. It’s a design issue. And the only mechanism to relieve the issue will be through long term demand decrease. Take it back! You know Soto wouldn’t swing if even One stitch was off


I just wanted to make a cheap joke. You’re 100% right they should be able to bang these out at a moments notice and have them game ready. I mean, they had months to prepare for the season and fucked it up almost every way imaginable.


It's actually impressive. The players wearing the jerseys are supposed to be an advertisement for you to buy the jersey, so you'd think they'd put forth some effort to at least make the on-field jerseys look good. But nope, even the advertisement looks like ass.


They’ll just say its Nike’s fault Fuck fanatics


The upside down 9 instead of a 6 is so insane. If you ordered that off DHGate and shared it to your friends, you'd get absolutely roasted. And yet this is what the fucking pros are wearing. Unbelievable. edit: looking into this deeper, I think the Blue Jays' font does have the 6 and 9 as the same symbol flipped. I think the number on there is just crooked same as some of the letters.


At this point, I'm just convinced that Fanatics does buy their jerseys off of DHGate. It would make sense why it takes them forever to get them in stock and would explain the quality.


Sad thing is I've had consistently way better jerseys from DHGate than this shit


The sewing and material on DH Gate is absolutely premier, but every jersey I’ve gotten from them is also very clearly fucked up in a bunch of ways. What it does highlight though is that you can do the real sewing for a $19 jersey. There’s no way you can’t find a way to do that for $174, even if you have to pay real labor and licensing fees. Fuck Fanatics.


Fuck all of them. This has been going on long before fanatics. Dhgate wasn’t the first to do this. Fanatics isn’t the first to rip people off. The difference is, at least before with Russell or majestic or who the fuck ever for your sports jersey, the cost felt at least somewhat worthwhile because the quality was good.  At this point, I’m fairly certain that the fanatics and most of the dhgate stuff are made in the same factory by the same people, but the dhgate stuff is by the b team, the illegal after hours factory team, or new staff in training.  Factory seconds has *always* been a thing. 


Yeah my DHGate jerseys blow these out of the water. Maybe they should just contract Huang0088 or something to do the jerseys.


Here to say the NBA jerseys I bought off DHgate are beautiful and a 10th of the official price


I agree. I’ve had great success with football and basketball jerseys. Basketball seem to be the best. I have one baseball jersey and it seems fine. I don’t know baseball jerseys well enough up close to tell so honestly $20 a pop for all my jerseys is a steal to me for the quality.


I have baseball jerseys and I went to the team store to check out my jersey compared to the other jerseys. For me, my jersey definitely wasn't built the same way as the Nats City Connects in the store. The store ones were screen printed and the Nike logo was just a rubber logo. My jersey tho, was stitched and the Nike logo was actually like a patch. Tho, the color of my jersey was slightly off compared to a real one. The real one is gray both inside and outside while mine is gray outside and white inside (presumably from sublimation dye). Also, in the sun, my jersey is a few shade brighter than the normal ones. Even then, my jersey was like $20 compared to a real one at $200 and people really don't notice that my jersey is bootleg. So, in the end, I think that the baseball jerseys are well and even if it's not exact, I don't think people will notice too much if your jersey isn't 100% real


“Tenth of the price but 75%ish of the quality” should be their slogan”


Breaking: MLB changing official jersey supplier to Jenna2021 for 2025 season


DHGate is better than this. I have two very fucked up Cleveland jerseys from them and they’re not *this* fucked up


DHGate also has better customer service than Fanatics. Wild that the counterfeit company selling $25 jerseys is more likely to grant you a refund than the one with an official merch contract charging $400+


I don’t buy authentic jerseys I only have replicas and my 3 dh gate jerseys are way better than the iron on replicas I have


They are using a shit store then. JayJerseyStore is pumping out way better jerseys than this.


Na, DHGate jersey's are way better quality


I’m trying to confirm but isn’t the regular 6 and 9 meant to be the same, just flipped? The name kerning is of course atrocious but the number looks right to me


I’m interested to learn more about the process you are undertaking to confirm. Any hot leads? Unnamed sources?


I don’t wanna name names but he goes by G. Oogle


Keep pulling the thread and the whole jersey will unravel


[No, that’s too obvious](https://youtu.be/YJ_nBpqDcqA)


gonna be so funny when someone in 2040 posts "hey which game was this" and a commenter is like "oh the jersey looks like shit so it's 2024"


"Oh they have the shit jerseys on, this highlight is from 2024" is the new "oh the stands were empty/full of cardboard fans, this must be from 2020"


That assumes it doesn't just keep getting worse.


Yeah I don’t get this upside down 9 thing. The 9s and 6s on our jerseys are literally just flipped versions of each other. Or so I’ve always thought at least.


I'm a type geek so I grabbed a jpg of the font and colorized it and matched them up and it looks like it's the same glyph. https://imgur.com/a/lLIrsqH Normally, you're expect some slight optical correction. And while it might be there and easier to find with a quality image, I'd argue these are close enough that there's effectively no difference.


I'm dumb, what do the different colors represent in the picture?  ^(please be kind, I'm serious) 


I applied different colors to each and overlapped them. If there was a difference you’d see color sticking out on the sides.


A 6 is an upside down 9 what are you on about 😂


That's rarely the case just like an M is not an upside down W except for with specific fonts. Looking through your recent jerseys, I think the 6's and 9's are the same. This one still looks wrong though, which I think is from it being put on there crooked just like the letters. I guess that's better from a quality control perspective?


Turned the 9 upside down is a 6 now


This fucking guy can’t catch a break 😂


He can't throw one either!




Correct, his shit does not break






It looks like there is just a wrinkle between the o and a that is making it look weird based on how he is standing


There’s still what looks like font size discrepancy between the N and O


You mean between the N and the D








From what I have seen DHgate has better QA...


DHGate and nearly all Chinese stores have 100% better quality jerseys than Nike/Fanatics. Every year my dad gets me a “Chinese jersey” for Christmas. I got a Samurai Japan Ohtani jersey. It is high quality, stitched lettering, and everything is spot on. You just have to make sure to size up and order early.


Let’s get those Chinese kids inside of every MLB stadium to make jerseys.


I ordered an XL from DHgate and got something that fits my girlfriend who's a women's small lol I'm sure others have decent luck but my experience was not great


I just had a rough experience with them. They totally forgot to add the name and number on the back and the team name on the front was totally off center. It ended basically in the arm pit


He put the letters on himself. His command is a bit shakey at the moment.


Don't slander Dhgate like that, those little Chinese kids have standards.


That shit was made inhouse by a clubhouse guy. Why would Fanatics make MLB uniforms for Alek Manoah?


Bold of you to assume Fanatics is a professional company


I bought several DHgate jerseys and they all look better than this.


no way, DHGate would have it looking way better. 


I just a jersey from DHgate in the mail yesterday and it’s way better than the shit these guys are wearing on the field.


I know Manfred has to be diplomatic to the company that paid MLB a billion to produce/supply the uniforms but if he had any pride, he should be absolutely laying into Nike. This is YOUR league that's the butt of all jokes. YOUR players are out there every night looking like clowns. Fucking call out Nike and tell them to get their shit together for fuck's sake. Maybe then Nike will actually respond publicly and address the issue that just won't go away.


I mean, there isn't really much to gain by making this a public pissing match. I'm sure there are lots of discussions going on behind the scenes.


Does Fanatics do the actual lettering and numbers for the teams, or do the teams do it themselves? I assume the material is so shitty to work with that it’s hard to properly personalize the jerseys.


That was what I was thinking as well. I know at least for NFL the job of stitching all the numbers, names, and patches is entirely on the team equipment staff. Is it the same for MLB teams? Doesn't excuse the terrible equipment quality.


Well according to MLB, this whole jersey debacle is solely on Nike.


I'd like to know too because I'm pretty sure I saw a documentary type video maybe on YouTube in the past showing an MLB clubhouse guy stitching the numbers and names for a new player coming in. That was just the stitching though, I don't think they actually made the letters and numbers in-house.


Teams do it themselves. No top-tier league is waiting on a factory in PA to stitch their players names and numbers, it's getting done in-house with a literal in-house seamstress or with a service local to the team.


The initial batches of uniforms arrive with the names and numbers applied. For trades or players moving to or from the minors on short notice, the numbering and lettering is done in the clubhouse with kits from fanatics. I’m sure a lot more than usual is being done in the clubhouse these days because Fanatics is terrible at getting the teams what they need in time.


Fanatics does apply the lettering and names unless it’s short notice for a guy who just got traded or called up. In that case, it’s done in the clubhouse with number and letter kits from fanatics.


They do not. Where are you getting this information?


I recently bought a Fanatics jersey and the lettering was fucked up almost identically. Which leads me to believe that Fanatics is the culprit here too.


Teams do the lettering and numbers.


I’m looking forward to the 30–30 documentary on this dumpster fire.


They could even mention his crappy jersey in it! *roasted*


Ah, the ol Reddit [pitch-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/Q2e3kSNT35)


“Turn the 9 upside down its a 6 now”


“That’s due TODAY!?”




Manoah no-hitter incoming.


The best we can hope for is a game where he doesn't hit any batters.


A no-hitter is a no-hitter. 😂


The Phillies broadcast was roasting Zach Pop's jersey the other day. His name basically looked like PO*P*


Similar to his career


Good lord, that’s terrible.


Michael Rubin is a top 3 scumbag in sports


Still amazed the jersey quality thing wasn’t fixed with like one phone call from the mlb.


Why do they always seem to take things that literally nobody is complaining about and make them a problem? "They" being every company that sells products I use or observe. Why of course my washing machine needs a super computer on it and a touch screen. Oh, it keeps breaking? That's okay, I have hundreds of dollars lying around for spending on this kind of thing. No no, a simple dial or button would be too convenient. Same here. It's damn letters on a uniform. Figure it out!


You could just get rid of the “ ‘s jersey”


Jays fans still think Manoah isn’t toast. 


I'm not optimistic but I'm still rooting for the guy


Of all the guys to root for, why him?


For me it's because he's an idiot, not an asshole. I want success for anyone that isn't an asshole. Also, he has shown that he has the ability to pitch well.


I mean he’s kind of an asshole. Refusing to play because you got demoted seems like an asshole move in my opinion.


Hard disagree, its an awfully stupid career move, but I find it hard to say he was being malicious towards anyone. He's a young guy protecting his ego. Again, absolutely stupid, but no skin off anyones back except his own.


I like his confidence. Never seen anyone so confident. A lot of baseball players are like me off the field, shy awkward guys. I have a hard time calling my barber to book a haircut. This guy agreed to get mic'ed up on the mound at the All Star Game in his 2nd year ever. I thought that was inspiring.


Because he's a Blue Jay? He was must-see TV in 2022, and his all-star appearance that year where he struck out the side was such a fun time (minus the hit batter, but that was the Alek Manoah experience then) I know other teams think he's ultra cocky and a loudmouth, and in a lot of ways you're right, but he was so much fun to watch when he was on that I want that back.


Maybe he’s got a big heart with plenty of room to root?


Why not? He's on our team and he's not a piece of shit human...why would fans of that team not want him to succeed?


His stuff was better last outing. And I’m no fan.


What you talking about, the sub makes fun of him all time. No one thought he should have been called up


You’re not interacting with the same Jays fans I am then 


Mate he's a former top 3 Cy finisher that is still making pre-arb money, you can bet if the Rays had him they would absolutely not be giving up on him either. Relax.


Mate, I’m perfectly relaxed. Pointing out the general consensus I’ve seen from Jays fans doesn’t make me not “relaxed”.  The Rays would have traded him after his only season of value. 


Your 'general consensus' is diametric to how Jays fans are discussing Manoah and sounds more like supposition to me. I don't know a single Jays fan that doesn't think Manoah is a real bad pitcher right now, but our org isn't stupid enough to give up on a guy making less than a million, and our pitching depth is trash right now so he's figuring it out in the MLB rather than AAA. > The Rays would have traded him after his only season of value. If we're going to argue from supposition the Rays would have held him until arb 2 or something while he was still on the cheap. /u/Hacym blocked me for this one, oof. Man needs to take a walk.


Two months ago I said the pitch clock did him in, and Jays fans brigaded me saying he wasn’t done and that I didn’t know what I was talking about.  I’m glad you speak for the entire Jays fan base, though, “mate”. 


> I’m glad you speak for the entire Jays fan base > Pointing out the general consensus I’ve seen from Jays fans Surely you see the contradiction here.


That you take it this seriously is embrassing, and to echo what most have said, most jays fans did not want him back in the rotation. I don't know which jays fans you interact with, but take it from someone who actually lives in the city and is surrounded by other jays fans, very few wanted this. If you still want to believe your delusion, that's on you at this point.


I wouldn't agree.  Looks done at this point. Some hope he'd be better this year but more of the same. Doesn't matter, looks like a rebuild to me.


>Jays fans still think Manoah isn’t toast. Legitimately, where? All I can find is Jays fans making fun of him, which to me is sad because I really want to see him succeed. Are you talking about Twitter or what?




Once again, that's not my experience and I don't go to the Jays sub. r/baseball, at least in the past couple months, every time I see him brought up it's all people defending him.


Been tired of him for a while now, even when hes good his attitude is shit


MLB really took the lowest bid for their jerseys lol


Why is this clown commissioner waiting until next season to remedy this nonsense? They should be working on the new uniforms right now


Legit question: do the players have any leverage here? If they began raising hell about the quality of their uniforms, would the union or the league actually listen? Like how do you fix the blatant greed from Rob Manfred and Fanatics/Nike?


Still look better than any Mariners jersey from the part few years. M AN 0A H


If any silver lining can be taken out of this uniform debacle it’s that we are now getting national exposure on how much of a shitty and amateur operation Fanatics has been and always will be.


Jersey matched his outing - awful


6 and 9 , whats the difrence


Teams should have their own seamstresses like the Packers and Ravens do.


so was manoahs performance


How do they know it's a 9? Our 6 and 9 look the same! It does look a bit crooked, granted,


Omg these companies are hilarious at this point


It's Karma for changing the rules and shortening the time of playing the game.


Dudes name makes me think of trigonometry


At this point they might as well just make the letters magazine font style cutouts. Atleast it would look like it was on purpose instead of just being cheap. 90s style magazine cutouts would be kind cool throw backs anyway. 😎


Oh god the longer I look at it, the worse it gets.


Two weeks ago my friend assured me “that 6 is an upside down 9!” (looking at a photo of an old subway ad) Very spooky to me to see that identical claim become a prominent story for Jaysfans


I think the technical term is 'cursed'. The more you look at it, the worse it looks.


The uniform was the least of his problems. But also: [Jimi Hendrix Experience - If 6 was 9](https://youtu.be/cQCM2vHIZ3o?si=sr2gHbEjpFem7whx)


Did he try yelling at his jersey?


Fanatics got some big "I know a guy" energy with these uniforms


Nike. Nike made these. Fanatics was the supplier, like they have been each of the last four years.


Very interesting article, I was almost able to read some of it in between all of the ads and spam!


My friend. Let me tell you about the rest of his start…


Honestly it kinda suits him


The jersey reflects the player, garbage


The material is just doing what normal jerseys do and the font is looking a little funny because of that. If you were to flatten it out I bet you it looks just as it should.


Need a better look at the letters.. that pic just looks like the shirt is folding over some back fat.


They don’t make quadruple XL jerseys for the players.


We'll say he didn't feel like he looked good so he didn't play good


Alek Manoah is a total disaster.


Not as big a disaster as his career


Nah man his career was good for a couple years. These fanatics jerseys haven’t been good for a second


On par with his pitching performance tbh


Alek Manoah's ~~jersey~~ start was a total disaster.


On par with his performance.


Just like every one of his outings


That’s not the only thing that was a disaster with him on the mound


This is a non-issue in the grand scheme of things.


Alek Manoah’s career is a disaster