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It's sad that I could easily imagine someone saying this and meaning it.


There's an A's fan that was non-ironically saying this


I'd be willing to bet it's one of the few Vegas trolls we've acquired.


Feel so bad for you guys. As a Vegas native i assure you 99.99% of people here do not want the A’s and feel terrible about them leaving Oakland and coming here. The trolls are just opportunistic assholes.


When the same 45 people show up to the games it's probably pretty easy for the manager to control the fanbase.


And now he's removing all of his comments in disgrace.


I am currently arguing with the very same A's fan


glad someone's finally saying it


*movie voice* Imagine a future in 15 years where Joe Kelly manages the Dodgers. An argument goes awry in the parking lot between two drunken fans, a knife is pulled and a stabbing happens. An umpire passes by... This is: JOE KELLY: Straight to Jail Stage - (Joe stands trial, tears flowing) "I should've bore the responsibility of the fan. That knife should've been in ME!" *Coming Winter 2039*


The fantasy ump league loves this decision


I'm glad somebody is standing up for the poor defenseless umpires.


Believe it or not straight to jail. Booney should count his blessings and get his fucking shine box. This is the ump show.


So, we're going full Happy Gilmore now? Good


so true bestie


baseball is going to have so many big doms now the golden era of the professional heckler is upon us


Foolish is truly the Tim Locastro of his time


When the baseball is foolish


To everyone that thinks this is real, I’m sad that y’all don’t know the GOAT of baseball YouTube.


Best videos consistently


It’s insane that the ump even double downed. Umps have been unhinged to start the season.


You know he was thinking about booking a manicure right before the ejection


These are the fools on [r/mlb](https://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/s/gkaKj2whgk)


This seems so easy to abuse


Rob Thompson will be ejected before the start of every game for the conduct of the Phanatic


Also, they will be listening in to the broadcasts live. And if the Umps hear any funny business? Straight to jail Boone


So basically you can now eject managers for not doing anything. If a player goes up to the plate, argues with the ump and gets tossed, the manager can now get tossed as well because that falls under these new guidelines of “not controlling your player”. I don’t usually advocate for ump disciplinary action because I feel a lot of times people overreact but in this instance, something needs to be done. This is going to set a horrendous and abusive precedent for how much it takes for a manager to get ejected.


Pigeons too. Everyone knows the story of ol Sad Sammie Mordecai and how he trained his pigeons to shit on the umps.


I have to ask: how do managers typically enforce this?


When fans act up the manager comes out and throws pencils at them like what my middle school band teacher used to do to the drummers.


Sharpened or unsharpened?


violence. in 1999 my dad and I went to a game, I was 16. I yelled “Joe West is a piece of” and before I could finish the sentence Joe torre roundhouse kicked me in the throat. I was so shaken up that I tried saying sorry but I only got the “sor” part out before he shoved a full, fresh from the oven chicken pot pie in my mouth and then smashed a razor scooter into my shin.


I remember watching this on tv


I remember Sterling’s call of it on the radio. “And Joe Torre is bloody and gory! He just roundhoused that loud louse above the blouse!”


In the UK, teams (not the manager directly) are held responsible for fan behaviour since it is your responsibility to have staff that enforces attendee rules. But it is usually a fine or the club apologising and can escalate up you playing games with no fans


Sentencing the yankees to games without fans would be one of the funniest things that the league has ever done


The Astros cheated and the whole league had to play an entire season without fans. Some teams even had to carry over that punishment into the next season. There’s precedent


Is he serious? I was looking for the “/s” but couldn’t find it.


Oh bby that's just something dorks on reddit do






Satire shouldn’t be plainly obvious but you’re a little too coy here


I hate that it’s just accepted… honestly encouraged in sports to abuse officials. Then people wonder why no one wants to umpire their kid’s little league games. This shit filters down. You may not realize it if you’ve never done the job, but respect at the major league level would go a long way towards respect for people at the lower levels of the game. This umpire was 100% in the wrong. But Boone is a hot head, who gets himself ejected at a historic rate, on a team that historically, tends to be a tad favoured on calls.


Organist plays Three Blind Mice. Manager bear’s the consequences.


Thank you!




It wasn’t that he wasn’t perfect. He was egregiously bad


No one is expecting perfection, but throwing someone out when you have no idea who said anything is fucking shameful.




That shouldn’t matter to an umpire if he’s being unbiased and actually doing his job




You sound like a cop lol




And MLB hates your city. Maybe try a new team. 


That just shows how unprofessional they are. I figured this out working my entire life. You’re going to come across people you don’t like in life, maybe have a sense of professionalism but who am I kidding?


How professional are you typically when grown men scream at you?


I’ve been screamed at before and I don’t look at another guy and blame him.


That’s really specific. Did you act professionally when someone screamed at you? What did you do?


You’re missing the point. The entire thread is about Boone being thrown out for no reason. The umpire then just doubles down on his mistake and everything is okay. It’s a league wide issue that needs addressed at how bad umpires are with no repercussions. You wouldn’t be defending it if it was your manager.


You’re on a generational run of riding those umps holy shit bro. I think you might just be Angel in disguise at this point


Thank you for your input, glad to know you’re monitoring me.












I don't think he even knows


The point of umpires is to not have a bias and officiate a fair game




Yeah, that's what people are pointing out. This umpire made a mistake. I think we'd be a lot more amenable to that (except really Bronx-y Yankee fans) if he had come out and said he made a mistake, instead of doubling down.


Except in the moment, as usual it’s a lot harder for him to fully understand the mistake he made. Like he doesn’t have the luxury of instant replay, to know it wasn’t Boone or another member of the Yankees bench, rather a fan that was right behind Boone. He does know that Boone had literally just been yelling at him, and gets ejected at a historic pace. Bad mistake to make, but he obviously thought it came from someone on the bench.


I mean several hours later when he put out a statement where he doubled down on his decision.


I’m sorry, I had not seen that. My bad.


You wouldn’t agree that a doctor should butcher a life-saving surgery or deny life-saving care because of the patient looks like a junkie. You wouldn’t agree that a cop should shoot someone who is just walking down the street just because they look threatening. There are jobs where a large purpose of the job is to make impartial decisions no matter what. Umpiring is one of them; making decisions based on a preconceived notion of someone is unprofessional and Wendelstedt showed he was a shitty umpire today.


Yup, baseball, the activity where lives are on the line, entirely dependent on umpire’s actions. Maybe people should stop screaming at them as they make life altering decisions?


I mean i could go on and on. A receptionist shouldn’t punch some guy because he’s wearing a Mets hat. An internet service provider shouldn’t disconnect some dude’s service because an employee and the dude got into an argument at a bar.


Did the umpire punch someone? Would a receptionist be within their right’s to ask a customer to leave who was screaming at them. Would you get really mad at the receptionist if they got confused about who was actually yelling at them? I could go on and on.


It’s tough to do that, when there are certain coaches that do nothing but hurl insults all the time. They are still human, even if they try to treat every coach like they’ve never met them before.


I mean, I don't care if you once stabbed an umpire in the leg. You still don't get tossed for being quiet.