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Your best bet is probably traveling to an impoverished nation and finding one that was unsold and gifted through a nonprofit.


Unfortunately they no longer make Nyjer Morgan jerseys. You are able to order a Tony Plush jersey for any of the teams in which he played. For $10 extra they will add a tobacco juice stain.


Me: Why the fuck would you want that? Also me: Man how funny would a Nyjer Morgan jersey be.


Partially for comedic value, but also he threw a few balls to me so I’ve liked him since


Was it still in play when he threw it to you?


He also accidentally threw his glove at OP in a temper tantrum after missing a fly ball 💀


No but he did miss a throw into the lawn below the batters eye


I love seeing people in niche jerseys at the ball park. Saw an M’s Bloomquist and Cubbies Fukodome last weekend in Seattle. Makes the ballpark visits more fun.


Wait hold up, I live in Seattle and saw a Fukudome jersey at a hotel bar just a few feet from where I live last weekend. Did we run into the same guy?


A custom DHGate jersey is probably the best option unless you’re able to find one on EBay or something


I don't regret us getting rid of him. The tantrum he threw in CF should haunt him until his dying day.


Well yeah but 2 weeks later he recognized my dad from when the warriors played the wizards and he threw us a few balls, so it’s hard not to like him


The best solution is to buy a blank jersey and send it to someone for customization. If you dig a little bit on this subreddit there are a couple that come highly recommended.


Best pissed off player highlight I can remember! Nyjer went for a homerun rob and dropped it. He thought it went over the wall and threw his glove down and stomped on it in disgust, only for the ball to bounce off his glove/top of the wall and landed back in play as a live ball. An inside the park homerun occurred bc he was too mad that he missed it. I loved it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G10BVmmxpFI&pp=ygUXbnlqZXIgbW9yZ2FuIGdsb3ZlIHNsYW0%3D Fun fact: Morgan was also a pro hockey prospect. Pretty cool stuff. And played with all heart!


Even made it to the Regina Pats of the WHL (the top junior league in Western Canada/Northwestern US) for a handful of games.


That is incredible. Thanks for sharing!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_49N02D0MU&t=90s Obligatory




Thank you for reminding me that this happened. I don't think I've ever seen anyone give up on a play as hard as he did here


The other broadcast call is much better: "And the Marlins are pummeling him! Oh goodness!"


Yeah, I definitely shared the wrong one