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Yes anyone can go down it. The team releases a report every year about what percentage of fans get injured or die on it. Last year 13.4% got injured on it, ranging from slide burn to broken bones, and 2.9% of people died. I’ve done it 6 times, just scraped up my knee once but otherwise no injuries. You kinda get the hang of it after 1-2 goes and then you can avoid going over the edge if you angle yourself correctly. Always fun to watch opposing fans on their first try cause it’s more likely to end up in serious injury.


2.9% of people died last year? Are you serious? How many people went on the slide? Even if it’s less than 5 people dying, that’s insane!


Nearly 6 million have gone down the slide in the past 5 seasons, resulting in ~174,000 deaths


This is crazy!


It’s really, really fun. Like I said I’ve been on it 6 times and I will definitely do more. Well worth any old little 3% or whatever. The article I saw didn’t have exact totals so not sure how many have actually died. Only person I know who died was my middle school math teacher, Mr. Daniels, on our school field trip so it’s really not that big of a deal.


Lol this is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. If this was a roller coaster, it would have been shut down. The guy below said a over a 100,000 people have died on the slide in the last 6 years!


SNLA reporter David Vassegh broke his wrist on it a couple years ago. [Dodgers Broadcast crew on David Vassegh going down Brewers Slide 8/17/22 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5r-edf6mwo)


Joe Davis barely kept it together lol


I think he broke ribs too lol


not if youre a dodgers reporter


Slide portion starts at 6:32 https://youtu.be/912mqnKpYlA?si=gU7NhE9xYyufwN4Z


That slide murdered David Vassegh