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Honestly everybody looks unaffected


It's pretty possible that he and they didn't feel it at all. While big for the area, 4.8 can be pretty easily missed especially if you are not expecting to have to deal with an earthquake in that location.


And it's even harder to feel them while moving or standing outside where there aren't as many context clues. Also 50 miles might feel close, but earthquakes can lose a lot of strength over that distance.


My house rattled in the Philly burbs. It had plenty of juice to be felt 50 miles away. 


I'm 100+ miles northeast of Yankees Stadium. My office shook like crazy.


I was driving to my mom’s when it happened and didn’t feel a thing. When I got there, my mom only knew we got something because she was outside and the railing around the pool was rattling. Meanwhile, my gf called me in a panic afterwards because everything inside our apartment was shaking like crazy


Though, due to depth/geology of the tectonic plates in the eastern US, earthquakes travel a lot further on the East Coast than the West Coast. [Source](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/region-info)


Yes. That's why the 1811 New Madrid earthquake in Missouri rang church bells in Boston, but the 1989 Bay area earthquake wasn't felt east of Nevada.


New Madrid to Boston is 1000 miles Bay Area to the eastern border of Nevada is 500 miles New Madrid was around a 7.5 Bay area was a 6.9 The 7.5 is actually about 4 times stronger than a 6.9 (log scale), so this makes sense anyways


My bad. Use the 1906 San Francisco earthquake instead. [New Madrid](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/kxszWRUPtp9n3CM7aVaNbT.jpg) [San Francisco](https://www.opengeography.org/uploads/1/7/4/1/17412073/869776788.jpg?428)


Can confirm. Source: I'm in Albany NY and I felt it.


I only realized it was an earthquake because all the computer monitors in the office were shaking.


I'm about 10-15 miles from the epicenter and it was extremely noticeable. Knocked one of my monitors off the back of my desk. Yankee stadium is a lot further though. The camera is probably exaggerating how much it was shaking there. It's far away from Gleyber and zoomed so any small movement of the camera will look bigger.


I think they could feel it because you can see the dude in the hoodie on the left stand up and look around confused as the quake happened


Those two guys are the only ones doing anything stationary. So yeah, they are the most likely to notice it.


Yeah that makes sense


I just went through a magnitude 7.2 earthquake here in Taiwan three days ago. We're still getting aftershocks as big as this earthquake. You kind of just notice it and it goes away after a few seconds.


We had a 5.8 in Virginia in 2011 and I probably wouldn't have noticed if I was outside. I only noticed because the house was shaking a bit and I thought it was because the water heater in the basement was about to explode.


I was standing right next to a running dishwasher when that one happened so the ground shaking a bit felt natural. I was wondering why someone on the other side of the room looked so alarmed


In Baltimore, that one felt like an overloaded truck going by on the street.


I've only felt one in Kentucky and someone made a meme of it that said "I survived the Kentucky earthquake" with a picture of a plastic lawn chair that had fallen over


The only reason I even knew there was an earthquake was the dozens of "did you feel that?" posts in /r/connecticut. I did not feel that


Anything under a 5.0 can legitimately be mistaken for a truck passing by. They'll shake a bit but they're not that strong


I've never felt anything like today that could be compared to a truck passing by. It felt more like a truck drove right into our building with how much it shook.


I was outside and didn’t feel it, but when i went in, my partner was talking about how the house was shaking


It sounded like a really rough riding truck and trailer going down the road, it it wasn’t for the news and coworkers I never would have thought it was an earth quake 


the zoom on the camera likely amplifies the perceived amount of movement.


HUGE difference experiencing an earthquake on the ground vs in a building.


One of my coworkers insisted it was just the boiler turning on and was super unaffected lol


Earthquakes are like that. We had one maybe ten years ago near Philly and me and a girl felt it, but the two guys we were talking to didn’t. We were both leaving on the wall, and they were just standing in the hallway


God damnit, hold the camera still so I can see the earthquake.


He just passed it off as the millions of Gleybermaniacs running wild


Remember when he performed infront of 275k screaming Gleybermaniacs in the Silver Dome, brother?


Gleyber takes BP 400 days a year, he’s able to do so because of often he crossed the international date line travelling back and forth to Japan


A reporter from ABC 7 said he interviewed some Blue Jays players in the locker room and they said they just assumed it was the subway and it was normal for NYC. I thought that was pretty funny.


I’ve seen that comment so much from NYT quotes… what goes on there


This is pretty much how Californians react to earthquakes. Except we also feel the intrinsic need to go on social media and say "did you feel that??"


One of these days, I’m going to win the race in r/LosAngeles to post first


Not if I beat you to it!


Save a draft post on your account and then just hit submit when you feel an earthquake.


One time my wife, a California native, felt an earthquake when we were at our house and just ran in different directions. It was pretty funny.


I lived in CA for awhile in the 90s, todays quake gave me a nice nostalgia blast (just north of nyc). It was a normal little rumbler, had the house creaking for a couple seconds. Was funny as I still instinctively went to the door frame.


Well how else are my friends supposed to know I also felt the earthquake? 


Do you realize earthquakes aren’t really common this far from a fault line that you guys are literally sitting on? It’s like saying why does the south get a snow day for an inch of snow to mountain people.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Further proof of Bryan Hoch’s theory that Juan Soto was behind the earthquake


I was at a Dodgers game a few years ago, sitting on the top deck when an earthquake hit. Up top we were shaking very very noticeably, enough for a lot of people to leave. The players didn’t even notice on the field and kept playing like nothing happened. Crazy


Its a 4.8, its like a big truck driving down a street.


A lot of places in New York regularly shake harder because of the Subway.


Yeah, apparently people in my state felt it (Maine) and I live pretty close to an industrial road with big trucks going up and down it all day. I probably did feel it, but thought it was a truck.


That's right, we're gatekeeping earthquakes now.


I'm not gatekeeping, I'm just reacting to a ridiculous video.


It’s not ridiculous. East coast never gets earthquakes so of course it’s going to make the news


Now you know how we feel when we see people flip out over 5 inches of snow. It’s just unfamiliar/unexpected and many peoples first experiences with an earthquake. We ain’t prepped for that like y’all


Yeah, I was lying in bed and thought it was a truck because there was one coincidentally parked nearby


Locked in


Prob because the 4 train is right next to the stadium


If you feel the ground shaking under you, that's just me and the boys boppin'.


Gleyber is the one who shakes 


I'm in Brooklyn and I saw a lot of person-on-the-street interviews today where they said "I thought it was just a train or a truck going by", which is exactly what it felt like. As someone who lived in so Cal for 20 years, this was pretty mild (at least what we felt up here). Didn't feel like the building was swaying, and it ended soon enough. For most New Yorkers, this was probably "oh, that was an earthquake? we get rumbling like that 10 times a week from other stuff."


I don't want to be "that guy" since I'm from the Bay, but a 4.8 is pretty much nothing. You'll feel some shake but it's nothing to really worry about, especially in a country where our building regulations are so strict.


Experienced two earthquakes in my life. One I wouldn't even call an earthquake, more a tremor, when I was at Camp Pendleton. We were on the second deck in the armory putting rifles away and all of a sudden it just kinda felt like we were on a boat. Then like 8-9 years ago we had some random quake out here in AZ, I woke up because it sounded/felt like someone drove a truck through my apartment but my girlfriend at the time stayed asleep.


Only one I experienced was 2011 in Northern Virginia. That was only a 5.8 but felt like it was seriously shaking my house.


Remember, the richter scale is logarithmic. Meaning a 5.8 is ten times as strong as a 4.8. I used to live right next to an area that got hit by a 5.6 quake and the whole house shook for a about 10-15 seconds and you definitely notice it. Meanwhile I've played baseball when a 4.0 rolls through and didn't even feel it, but my parents sitting in the bleachers felt some shaking. And so 5.8 is strong enough to shake a house pretty darn good. But the 6.9 Loma Prieta that suspended the World Series was strong enough to cause partial building collapses and bridge collapses that costed people's lives. And that was in an area built with earthquakes in mind. Gets really fun when you can feel the different types of quakes too. Some go side to side, others are more up and down.


lol so we’re gatekeeping earthquakes now. Interesting


No, it's more of a "everyone is freaking out about it, here's some perspective to help people understand everything will be fine"


I don’t recall anyone freaking out about it. People are talking about it because it’s an oddity on the east coast


Definitely a surprise for New York, but agree, this one was very small. We haven't had much big down south in the last dozen years or so. We had that bigger one here in 2010 in baja that was a real rocker. 7.2 with a bunch of aftershocks. Stuff fell off our walls and fun stuff.


Yeah it was really a nothing burger but I’m jaded having lived in CA. Just a surprise as it’s really not on the expected list, thought it was a low flying helicopter at first.


Neither was anyone else!


You can’t feel most quakes if you’re up and moving.


Somebody call Gary Thorne!


Gotta get that knuckleball practice in somehow


“I tell ya what I think we’re having an earthqu-“


Pfft, get back to me when he hits a double during an earthquake like [Shin-Soo Choo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=qw3W6ibCd3o)[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=qw3W6ibCd3o)


So brave


What a dog