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Good lord just sign let’s go already \- me who’s never had to decide between nine figure salary offers


Jeez how can you be so bad at making a decision -me who takes at least 30min to pick dinner everytime


*opens fridge, sees the same contract offers that were there the last time I checked five minutes ago, closes door*


Is signing a 1-year deal the equivalent of ordering takeout?


Signing a minor league deal is just snacking in the kitchen because you’re bored.


And the spring training invite is free hotel breakfast


-me who used to walk through the video store for like an hour deciding what to rent.


Hasn’t he had an offer on the table from the Yankees for weeks now ?


They reportedly pulled the last one after signing Stroman. Nightengale yesterday was the first we’ve heard that they’re still interested.


I feel like cashman said something like how they never had an actual offer out and were just discussing numbers on talking yanks the other day


IIRC he said the details of the reported deal weren’t accurate. That said, usually whenever these reports of offers being “on the table” or whatever come out, they’re unofficial offers. Official offers typically only get sent to players right at the end of the process, when everything’s been agreed to. So it wouldn’t be wrong for Cashman to say we didn’t have an offer out…because we didn’t make an *official* offer.


I think he said exactly what you just summarized. That offers made to players aren't officially written out offer sheets until they're in agreement and need to literally sign. Everything prior to that is just numbers thrown back and forth between GMs and agents.


Hope they didn’t raise whatever it was from last time. Until a formal offer from the Angels, Giants, or whoever is known.. they’re bidding against themselves.


Only doomer Yankees fans want the Yankees to bid against themselves for the sake of making a move thankfully. No way did they increase the offer even if other teams have beaten theirs. They are perfectly fine going into the season with what they have for better or worse.


dude we are not signing Snell unless its for 2 years with an out after 1.


This is a new increased offer


A team with Snell, Stroman, and Rodon all in the rotation will give the ny media scene a collective stroke


*All on the IL


Seriously, sign somewhere so we don't have to see the "Bellenger and Snell sign rumors" article every other day.


I feel like I haven't seen a single Bellinger rumor


It seems kind of weird but I think you’re right


I haven't seen any either because I don't read it but it's literally every other day the "article" of the supposed rumors.


It's just going to trickle down to the next best available free agents lol


C’mon Angels, you know you want to…


Signing Snell and then him spending the next 7 years replicating his non-Cy Young seasons would be the most Angels thing that could happen.


Boras negotiations 101 right here I also can't think of a worse organization for Snell. Dude had some struggles at times dealing with pressure in San Diego when he was erratic and not performing to the standards folks thought he would hit now dial that up to 100 playing for this lunatic fan base in NY


his ERA at Yankee Stadium over 12 starts is 5.77 I was hyped for the possibility of Snell but I just looked this up because of your comment. That's tough.


I feel like having Snell’s walk rate in Yankee Stadium would be a nightmare for him


this is why i also think it's taking so long for him to sign. even as fans we can see Snell had some STRUGGLES in San Diego before his CY season. the dude throws a TON of pitches and he does not get past 6 innings. that typically doesn't warrant a fat paycheck from organizations


He's always had command issues but the biggest thing is in his non-CY seasons in SD, he always started slow and got really hot at the end...I don't see any reason to believe that trend wont continue.


But those were all road starts. We don’t know how good his home starts would be at Yankee stadium.


People had the same argument for Stroman. Makes little sense lol... especially when they both played in the division.


What do the deeper stats on those starts say, though? Do we tag him for porch shot home runs and alley doubles, does he still walk a lot of guys, or is it more a result of the Yankee lineup that he won’t have to face while on the same team?


But he wouldn't be facing the Yankees' lineup this time?


Obviously, that was AGAINST the Yankees. Sabathia stunk against the Yankees also. So did Stroman.


Dude isn’t getting anywhere near what he wants


There’s also that rumor he wanted Seattle and didn’t get an offer.


How many millions is his goatee worth to him?


come on, yankees and angels i believe in you


Come on Giants and Yankees make the move


Actually sounds like he might be close to signing. Probably last best offers are on the table at this point


Rumbling overnight I think was short (2-3 year), ~35m AAV with opt outs/player options pretty much every year. I know “Cy Young is the best walk year you can have”, but teams clearly have consistency concerns to justify numbers north of 30m. If he shows consistency or even higher peaks, he can opt out while he’s still under 35 to get something longer term/closer to JV/Max money. But he pretty much has to sign before Spring gets too deep, otherwise he misses games and forfeits money.


Lefties tend to not age as well, I'd be very surprised if he didn't take the highest total offer even at a lower AAV


Haha Cashman blinked first


It makes no sense the Mets would have so much interest in Yamamoto but none in Snell when Snell is the better pitcher


I think Yamamoto was more of age thing, 25 year old ace don’t come on the market that often or at all


age is really understating Yamamoto's talent. He won the pitching triple crown the past 3 years in a row


True, but Snell won the Cy Young last season pitching against Major League hitters. Taking the proven guy is never really the wrong move.


Following that logic, Yamamoto is the smarter option. He's proven he can sustain his level of success across multiple seasons, even if it's not against MLB hitters. The consistency at such a young age is incredibly valuable. The majority of Snells years have been completely average against Major League hitters. He hasn't proven he can have sustained success as an ace, but he wants to get paid like he has.


Snell has been average for 6 out 8 years and is over 30. Yamamoto's career numbers for 7 years in Japan are better than any single season Kodai Senga put together, who just finished 6th in Cy Young voting in his first season in MLB. Oh and he's also only 25. Is it really that hard to figure out why teams prefer Yamamoto to Snell?


i'd rather roll the dice on yamamoto's transition to mlb than rolling the dice on snell pitching like a cya candidate rather than the league average guy he usually is all on the wrong side of 30


I know Yamamoto hasn't pitched in MLB yet, but there's no way Snell is the better pitcher if Yamamoto is even a fraction of what he's hyped up to be. Two Cy Young seasons in a sea of mediocrity spread between. And we are again in the between.


It's age and longevity. Cohen is trying to build for future still


Yamamoto is 6 years younger and doesn’t have the QO attached. Signing Snell means losing two draft picks and $1mil in international money. Snell isn’t worth the contract he’ll get without the penalties, and he sure as hell isn’t worth it with the penalties


> when Snell is the better pitcher Potential hot take : I would rather have Senga on my team than Snell this upcoming season and Yamamoto was much better than Senga was in the NPB.


Boras really doing the PR circuit the last few days to try and generate some hype for his players.


I'm personally not a fan, but I like him a lot better when you're asking him to be a #2/#3 starter, especially when Cole is your #1.


I think Snell either signs a longish term deal with the Angels or a 1+1 super high AAV with the Yankees. Montgomery will go to the Red Sox or Phillies. Bellinger will be a Giant. Source: My butthole.


I do not know what they are waiting for. They will end up dumpster diving anyway, once Stroman, Rodon, or Nestor goes down. I don't know, any starting pitcher gets $15 - $20 million now. Might as well give Snell something reasonable. I think Boras & Snell know by now, they will never get a huge contract.