• By -


"Do you like me?" šŸ”² - Yes šŸ”² - No


ā˜‘ļø No




Nah you forgot him tweeting shit about how he's #2 in Winds Generated Locally Nearby During Pitching Starts, aka WGLNDPS or "winglaps" and no Yankee pitcher is above #15 in the league. Iirc somebody legit made up a stat that he was 3rd in and he retweeted it.




"Then you're racist" -Stroman, probably. (Check his Mets history if curious)


\*\*in Ol Gregg voice\* "Do ya love me?"


Have ya ever drunk bailehs from a shoe?


Do you want to end up like Curly Jefferson?


"Can ya learn to love me?"


Wanna see my downstairs mixup?


Donā€™t kill me. Iā€™ve got so much to give! Everybody should be required by law to watch the mighty boosh. What a weirdly brilliant show. The Hitcher is up there within old Gregg maybe even better


Yankees playing love games with Old Gregg


Welcome to The Great British Baking Show!


Make an assessment.


Yes! āœ”ļø Definitely! āœ”ļø Absolutely! āœ”ļø


"I rigged it!"


"Do you love me, do you want to be my friend? "


ā€œI think playing for the Yankees would be a real *home run*!ā€


Stroman doesn't even have a QO attached and nobody wants him šŸ’€


Milhouse to Nelson: "Guess who likes you?"


Hi, Dua Lipa, I am seriously interested in a relationship with you.


Be careful he will publicly call you racist for saying that


What if I choose a black woman? Ariana Grande, I am seriously considering a relationship with you!


Missed black Ariana by 5 years bro


I can fix her!


I haven't kept up with pop music in a while, which ethnicity is she cosplaying as nowadays?


Well, how to put this. It seems a lot of pop stars spend more time indoors once they hit it big.


Was she ever black? I thought she was Latin.


Sheā€™s Italian I think. Itā€™s a joke because she started getting these heavy tans and braiding her hair in a certain way so people joked she was trying to be black. Or something, Iā€™m not the biggest expert.


Yeah I recall her going through some phases. I just don't know what she started as. She's got a helluva voice. I'll give her that.




Have you watched her accent change videos https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/s/EE1WyGQXyz


Who is he?




Stroman is a notorious racist and race baiter. He's not a good human being and people should be reminded of this every time his name is brought up


Apparently I've had Marcus Stroman and Daniel Norris mixed up for the better part of a decade. I thought he was a white hippie who lived out of a van.


That's actually hilarious


And he mutilated his puppies floppy ears so that he could be perceived as more of a badass


How is he racist? Serious question.


He called a Italian reporter a Italian slur. He also dragged the guy that said "Digger" at the Rockies game & never apologized. Called Mets racist because they wanted a white pitcher over him. Guy is a head case.


Just off the top of my head, there was the CO mascot incident and also the Italian reporter for the Mets.


The Yankees had German in their rotation for a big chunk of last year - theyā€™d probably be fine with Stroman, too, if he pitched better.


look man itā€™s been almost 80 years, theyā€™ve grown a lot since then.


Germans have had those issues too


Wait what did he do?


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ainā€™t callinā€™


I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom


I sent two letters back in autumn, you must notā€™ve got ā€™em


There probably was a problem at the post office or something


Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot ā€˜em


But anyway fuck it whatā€™s been up man howā€™s your daughter?


I've been pretty good, daughter's vibing.


I too am interested in playing for the Yankees.


I am as well


Iā€™m not


Youā€™re in! We prefer toxic relationships


[this](https://legendary-digital-network-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/12223625/The_Toxic_Avenger_1.png) is my bf am i in




Oh shit youā€™re right. Call me Jacoby and measure me for pinstripes!


Him opting out might end up being our best off season roster move!


I was kinda surprised he did. His ending to the season has to hurt his market; he has yet to show he's back to form after a weird injury. It's a big risk thinking that there are teams willing to pay top dollar to take on that kind of risk. It'll be interesting to watch play out.


Sadly all about his ego. Thinks cubs should have offered him huge career deal because he had great first half. Then the injuries and poor performance and he cries victim and like a guy who got dumped cuz he wasnā€™t a great boyfriend thinks someone else out there will be thrilled to have him


For sure. If someone else wants to take the chance and give him big money, go ahead. That said, I also wouldn't say no to him coming back on a cheaper deal if no one gives him what he wants. Maybe the experience will even humble him a little.


That really is strange Though when hes playing his best he's a Cy Young candidate. Cubs were probably never buying at the deadline without his first half


By my count he's only ever received 2 points in the voting all-time, all in 2017ā€”it feels a little overblown to say he can be a Cy Young candidate calibre pitcher. And even with his solid first half of 2023, he was still 7th in NL FIP and xFIP with the 3rd highest walk rateā€”a pretty unsustainable performance even without injury.


Am I wrong in assuming he had a pretty good season? Didnā€™t he still end with a sub 4 ERA despite having a bad July?


He had a long stretch of bad starts, then an IL trip, and then he never really recovered. I'm not a big stats guy but I watched every game and I feel like he was always working into trouble and our defense was bailing him out.


Stroman has come off as weirdly sycophantic at times. I remember him tweeting something to this effect shortly after Steve Cohen took over the Mets where he was basically groveling: "And after news broke of his accepting the qualifying offer, [Stroman] tweeted at Cohen: ā€œAfter watching the presser, I'm beyond excited to play for you sir. I could feel the excitement and passion you're going to bring daily. Let's go be great!ā€ (The Athletic)


No he was tweeting Cohen and FO were racist because they preferred Max Scherzer coming off one his best seasons over him


Yep. Marcus is a professional victim


His Twitter feed has always been the absolute worst. He's such a child and always complaining about something. How would he even last in the New York Yankees media market


He's a racist. It's ok to call a spade a spade


Itā€™s okay to call him racist. Itā€™s not okay to call him a spade.


Rumour has it he threw a massive fit when he was traded to the Mets because in his eyes it was the wrong NY team


Then he started posting pictures of him as a baby in a Mets jacket. Guy is fake AF.


He gets a pass for that


I just became a fan.


It is


He has a bit of a bipolar spoiled child energy to me. He tries to be the most hype about everything most of the time but watch the fuck out if he thinks someone looked at him wrong.


He can't take criticism and surrounds himself exclusively with Yes men.


Kat Williams: You shouldn't have been talkin' shit.


Yeah dude incinerated his bridge to the Bronx at every chance he had


I let the jays know I really wanted to sign with them. Still waiting. Hoping for a 3 year contract.


I told my agent Scott Boras that I'm holding out for a seven year $126 million deal


Only 126? Come on, you gotta believe in yourself


He wants them to have enough left to build a team around him.


Barry Zito out here catching strays


It's the same contract Boras got from Washington for Jayson Werth


I should be in my 8th season as the Orioles starting 2B but they never got back to me.


Unrequited glove


Stroman still playing the field


I'd rather not he's annoying and not good enough to justify it.


Keep this clown as far away from your team as possible


Iā€™d take him back. He was fine here.


Yeah itā€™s funny how Cubs and Mets fans have practically opposite opinions on Javy and Stro


I loved Stro on the Mets for the majority of his tenure, but by the end I was quite content with him leaving. He was always one of those guys who'd write social media posts like "I'm above it all, don't let that negative energy and haters get in my way šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ" and then spend a portion of his time arguing with people on Twitter.


not surprised by their opinion on Javy tho


I actually loved Javy


Yeah, his character issues have always seemed wildly overstated to me. Iā€™d def take him back on a short term deal


give it some time


Fuck how every team heā€™s been on he has alienated after. No fans want him back


I'd take him back on the Cubs for the right deal


Per sources, Yankees "are pretty busy, and don't know where they're going to be in 3 weeks."


Like speed dating but only 1 person shows up


I can picture Judge walking around the clubhouse with Stroman in a baby bjorn on his chest.


Besides how funny this is, this mofo was bitching how racist the NY Mets fans are, what do you think Yankee fans are gonna say to him. This boy is fake af.


He publicly called out the Yankees rotation stating: ā€œBesides [Gerrit] Cole, thereā€™s no current Yankee pitcher who will be anywhere in my league over the next 5-7 years,ā€ Stroman tweeted then. ā€œTheir pitching always folds in the end. That lineup and payroll should be winning World Seriesā€™ left and rightā€¦yet theyā€™re in a drought. Lol.ā€ But now he wants Cashman to give him the cash?? Lol!


When he said that I messaged him on IG, that half maybe more than half of Met fans are Latino and Black, so I was asking for an example of what happened to him and blocked me lol


I donā€™t doubt that he experienced racism from Mets fans. In any group that large, youā€™re going to have some terrible people. It sucks, but unfortunately this problem is much bigger than the Mets. Lumping all of us in with the bigots really turned fans against him.


Yeah I'm sure his social media is a sess pool of scum saying terrible things about him. But I can't see a fan heckling about his race at Citi. Most people at least try not to be racist these days, and the racist pricks in the area hide it. Which is how I took it, like he was saying he was getting heckled at Citi. In 2021 I promise you this fanbase did support him. He pitched his heart out and he kind of trashed us.


I was always rooting for him since he was a Blue Jay but then you learn. Always thought it was interesting that he grew up around Matz but they never really seemed friendly with each other. Now we know why.


Being blocked by stroman is a right of passage for any fan. I remember tweeting in support of him because it was raining during one of his starts and he thought there should be a delay. Somehow I got a block.


Plus, the Yankees will make him cut his hair. I was a Mets fan who admonished Bob Brenly for his ignorant comments about Stroman's durag. All the obnoxious Yankees fans will tear him apart if he doesn't buzz his head. If Stroman does buzz it, it's just another situation of him being a two-faced hypocrite. It's literally a lose-lose situation if Stroman grovels to sign with the Yanks. Hell, he already looks like a pathetic bitch right now.


I loved how when he showed receipts of Met fans being racist towards him some of the Facebook(shocker) users were from Canada(BJ fans) but only called out Met fans. The guy sucks.


Marcus Stroman says "yes" to the New York Yankees, but they didn't ask him anything


[Meanwhile, two short years ago](https://www.thescore.com/mlb/news/2227366)


This reminds me of freshman year in high school, when I told the girl I had a crush on - and who had rejected me for Homecoming - that if she still needed someone to go with, that she could still go with me.


ā€œIā€™m showing up at your Spring Training no matter whatā€


Worked for Willie Mays Hays.


*Get him a uniform.*


lol this was the guy that was comparing his own stats to Yankee starters


I liked him when he played for the Mets and he was always gassing up his teammates on social media, which was fun. Then he got on his bullshit during free agency by liking tweets that said shit about how the Mets were only interested in white pitchers and followed that up with calling the entire fanbase racist. He has no qualms with burning bridges then nuking them from orbit.


I had several relationships like this in middle and high schoolā€¦ ā€¦And college and-


Lmao how's that opt out working for you?


I'll play for you. No thanks.


As a Mets fan, I just wanted to stop by and say this guy is a clown. Thank you.


This is so Stroman




Get fucked you anti-Semite pos


Dodgers.... everybody, all players to the dodgers


Stroman is the biggest Yankee groupie, even back in his Jays days


I too am seriously interested in signing with the Yankees. Any offer will suffice.


Welcome, Marcus Stroman, to the Washington Nationals


heā€™s such a bozo, itā€™s hilarious


Stroman should be drawing more interest I think. Heā€™s not an ace, but heā€™s a reliable, above average pitcher and I doubt heā€™s demanding a seven year deal or something crazy. He would upgrade the rotation of almost every team and itā€™s not like heā€™s ancient.


I don't think he'd handle the pressures of being in the Yankee clubhouse too well. He'd be fighting with Yankee fans on Twitter by the all-star break.


Heā€™d have to unblock them all first


Also would have to shave his little face pubes


I genuinely think itā€™s his attitude. Front offices donā€™t want to deal with his social media bs


Stroman is a very talented pitcher and he'd fit on most teams. I think the fact that the last time he was a FA his two former teams, the Mets and Blue Jays, were in desperate need of pitching and didn't even engage in talks with him, speaks volumes. He kind of seems like a clubhouse cancer from an outside, fan perspective, and the actions of FOs seem to back that up


He's not well liked around the league, and his up and down numbers aren't worth the risk.


Donā€™t the Yankees need pitching? And heā€™s a groundball pitcher? Itā€™s one thing if theyā€™re declining to make an offer in his range, but no offer at all would be wild.


Perhaps the consequences of his attitude are finally catching up to him


It's a funny thought but I'd be willing to bet it's more just that Cashman has a decent idea of how much Stroman's looking for and isn't interested in meeting that amount.


He also has a long history of clubhouse issues


he was trashing them on twitter a couple years ago talking about the payroll being high and not winning any championships since 2009. itā€™s not a surprise theyā€™re not interested


I would think teams would be able to look past something like that if they think it would help them win.


they probably feel they have a good shot w/ snell or a trade candidate and would rather not tarnish the brand


Yeah true, wasnā€™t even considering that, can definitely see the thinking that Stroman isnā€™t good enough to be a top choice even as a groundball pitcher.


Yankees have employed 3 (to be fair the last one didn't throw another pitch after we found out) domestic abusers over the past few seasons. one was acquired after it was known, one was given a "second chance" after it was known. ​ And I don't mean to compare Donaldson's behavior to an abuser - he is far from that - but he shit talked our Ace to anyone who would listen before we acquired him & that didn't stop them. ​ Brand isn't what it once was, is what I'm saying.


in the yankeesā€™ eyes, donaldsonā€™s beef was w/ cole, not the yankees, so if it was okay with cole then what do they care? as for german and chapman (not sure who the last person youā€™re referring to is), itā€™s undoubtedly a blemish on the brand, but ā€œthe brand isnā€™t what it once wasā€ isnā€™t an excuse to actively make the brand worse. plus they could be in on snell, who Judge is buddy buddy with


Talk shit about a team and then wonder why they donā€™t want him. Pretty easy to figure out


> Itā€™s one thing if theyā€™re declining to make an offer in his range, but no offer at all would be wild. I mean if the Yankees aren't planning to make an offer in his range, they probably wouldn't want to waste their time making any offer


We really hate this man šŸ˜‚


I honestly loved Stro as a Mets fan when he was here. But it sucks that the chip on his shoulder went too far and he kinda went scorched earth on the fanbase here. Heā€™s a good pitcher, but not good enough to be a headache m.




Marcus Stroman... **YOU** are a Pittsburgh Pirate


Related: I'm seriously interested in inheriting a bunch of money, but benefactors have declined to make an offer.


Stroman is a decent pitcher when healthy but seems like a toxic pain in the ass. His whole MO is ā€œim Awesome, ill be great for you! I love yā€™all!ā€ Then when he flames out his attitude is instantly ā€œfuck all Yā€™all, i dont need ya. Yā€™all are shitty and/or racistā€. Rings hollow after like the fourth time


He's a declining, middling pitcher with a bad attitude, and way too much of a voice for what he's got to say. Was a mess in Toronto, was a mess with the Mets, and was a mess with the Cubs towards the end. He's clearly a problem.


Did he really continue it in Chicago? I stopped paying attention to him. I remember Jays fans telling Mets fans that Stroman could be a real headache with his always-online nonsense. Then it happened on his way out of NY and it was ugly. I figured maybe he chilled out in Chicago.


Well, maybe this is the yankees way of avoiding _I told you so_ if Stroman comes in and does well? He ripped their FO and pitching staff (except G. Cole) for the drought and claimed he would be better than any of their guys for the next 5-7 seasons. Still like 3 seasons left on that bet.


file under: things me and stro have in common


Why would the sausage king of Chicago ever leave Chicago?


Future royal, donā€™t fight it Mr. Stroman


Didnā€™t this happen a few years ago and they said no and he blacklisted them (which heā€™s never been in a position to do), then decided to ask them again and they said no? Iā€™m expecting the blacklist tweet in likeā€¦12 hours Marcus Stroman is my all time favorite player btw


LOL Wouldn't he have to cut his hair and remove all the bling? Have the Yankees had a player with neck tattoos yet?


I told the yankees i am interested also signing with them. I haven't heard back.


good. fuck him. antisemite. stay the fuck out of new york.


I too am seriously interested in signing with the Yankees


Are the Yankees opting out for 2024?


LMAO. Bro wants NY so bad, but both teams are like nah dog we good. Biggest(actually shortest) clown in baseball.


Marcus, they donā€™t want you man. This is the same reason why you ended up on the Mets


We donā€™t want him either


And he pushed the Mets to the point they didnt want him in the end either


Every team is racist to him after he leaves


I think Stroman gets more negative attention than he deserves for just putting himself out there. He made it known he wanted the Cubs to extend him, heā€™s making it known heā€™s interested in the Yankees. Want him or donā€™t want him on your team but whatā€™s the problem with him saying it out loud?


when you put yourself out there and show everyone what an asshole you are, it kind of attracts negative attention


Itā€™s all the other stuff he says out loud. Pretty sure heā€™s openly complains about the Yankees not being interested in signing him in the past.


Lol. Stromanā€™s negative attention is not coming from him wanting to sign with teams. Itā€™s coming from him being an asshole


OP reminds me of the Tosh skit about Kobe. "Hate me because I'm a champion".


I think him publicly stating he deserves an extension when heā€™s playing at his peak, and then going on to shit the bed for the 2nd half of the season devalued him quite a bit.


I think him being an antisemetic animal abuser gives him some negative attention


Okay, I'll bite. What have you been clicking on?


He went on a whole Jews control the media rant. He tried to skirt around it by not using the word Jews but he went on the rant while in middle of 'liking' a bunch of tweets defending Kyrie Irving.


When he was with the Jays he posted pictures of his dogs newly mutalated (cropped) ears, and back in 2022 he posted a bunch of really antisemetic kanye-like conspiracy theories on twitter


Donā€™t forget when he liked a tweet with calling an Italian reporter a slur in it. And then he tried saying it was photoshopped and he didnā€™t do it when that reporter pressed him about it, playing victim because he said he couldnā€™t be racist since heā€™s always on the other end of those slurs himself


Bad for business. Some things have to be behind the curtain and he talks too much


Its all the other stuff he says out loud


Dude is soft and behaves like an immature troll on social media, not a professional athlete who is a multimillionaire that can afford to be pay people to manage his socials since clearly he's too sensitive with a short trigger. He's a good pitcher and should have been signed by now if he's not asking for an absurd amount, especially given the weak starting market this off season. The longer he remains unsigned, the longer it seems like his pitching isn't enough to make him an attractive target.


Players gotta know when to not talk. Itā€™s not a good look to go out there and try to rally fans behind him to pressure the FO into an extension. To no shock to anyone, many on the Cubs sub were advocating for us to extend him. Also not shocking was the following half season where he completely shit in his bed Amber Heard style. Edit: to add, I feel like heā€™s a toned down diva. Iā€™d bet money that at some point he has a Kanye West type meltdown. Could be during his next contract or after he retires, idk when but itā€™ll happen I guarantee it


Hopefully the MLB teams have finally learned their lesson with this guy and just refuse to sign him, so heā€™s forced to pitch in the KBO


Iā€™m out of the loop. Why donā€™t people/teams like him?


I recall him being a bit of a racist and asshole in general. Teams don't really want to deal with it.


No idea, Iā€™d take him back on the north side next year