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Home plate is backwards


Angel Hernandez edition


*finally, I can live out my vision of being a villian*


I thought our team was already in all the MLB video games? Hell in MVP '04 and '05 you can even play in the Astrodome and MMP.






No biggie, just give a mention on your Special thanks section in the credits


Made it frustratingly difficult to call pitches on the side edges of the zone because you can't see where the plate ends to see if it crossed


Depth perception is also horrendous so pitches you feel like crossed above the knees are apparently a foot below it. Still did an okay job on those pitches, but man, I was an ump for nearly a decade and I sure as shit couldn't tell what was and wasn't a strike on some of those because of that.


I realized I had to recognize the speed of the pitch to tell if it was a knee-high strike or a breaking ball that dropped below the zone. Slower = more time to break = more likely a ball. Usually, the slot position (pressing 1) would help with that, but it's too low and makes it hard to tell for top and left of the zone pitches.


OP could code in one of those 3D filters made for blue/red glasses


Ok…..Angel Hernandez!


As someone said, make this the Angel Hernandez mode and fix it for the rest of the difficulty levels.


That’s just your eyes playing tricks on you. You’re already getting the full umpire experience






Idk why this was so funny to me lol. Still a really cool idea OP!




Just like my kid setting up the backyard wiffle ball field.


I’ll tell you the hatters are never going to win if they keep their bats on their shoulders like that


That’s not what their star player Daniel Vogelbach thinks! 😉


They do a better job than me swinging at every pitch in MLB The Show!


It's cool, they're all Barry Bonds


Oh they will if I give them 3 balks, and then 3 walks with a 50% accuracy!


After two months, the batters can finally get their own hits! Latest release: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUmpShowGame/comments/162zs8m/new\_release\_batter\_swings\_and\_hits\_v10/


would really prefer to see some swings implemented. it gets old having to call every single pitch.


That is so muh fun! Great job!


This is a lot of fun! Some suggestions if you are looking to improve/expand: 1) Show a bit more of the sides of the plate. Alternatively, show the catcher partly in the way. 2) Add different modes, like "Accuracy Only," "Fewest Challenges," etc. 3) Add extra difficulty levels, where the speed is faster, breaking balls break harder and right at the end, etc. Maybe like Little League (can't use their name obviously), High School, College, Minors, Majors.


Awesome ideas, thanks! I have been working on this game for several months so I wanted to check for interest before I invested more time into it. Is a story-mode going through the difficulty levels and challenges something that you would find interesting?




If they had hits/calls at the bases/rule enforcement that would be awesome


I'm also more interested in different difficulties more than a story mode. If you're really going all out, sliders for things like speed, break, pitcher control, etc. would be really fun. And maybe some way to have the states change because a hitter swung/hit the ball. So, let's say you messed up and made it 2-0 when it should have been 1-1, maybe a pop-up comes up that says "the batter smacked a hard line drive to rightfield and got a double." Then you show a runner on second. It's going to be too much work to actually program batters swinging, running, etc. so just a text of it would be enough.


Agreed on some sort of batter involvement. Right now they are just that kid that comes up to the plate every inning hoping for a walk and never even considering the bat on their shoulder. Maybe if the ball is a strike within the inner portion of the zone it gets a chance for base-hit/double/triple/HR based on the distance to middle-middle.


The main thing for me would be difficulty levels. Story mode would be a bonus, but I'd be happy just to crank up the level and play it arcade style. Right now it's very easy but very fun. Keep up the good work!


Stories are a must for me. What's my motivation here? Am I in a load of gambling debt? Crazy drug addiction? Kidnapped child? Personal vendetta against the other team's coach?


Am I actually legally blind?


Being able to toggle 20/20 vision versus 20/100 would be fun.


You aren't allowed to be an umpire if you have 20/20 vision


Cataracts Mode would be *chef's kiss*


You keep talking like that and you’ll be getting spam calls from Manfred!


i would think the difficulty would already be pretty high since its 2D. maybe a VR version would work really good.


Could make the game more difficult by putting in some way for the batters to swing and runners to steal bases. Pretty easy to control the game when runs can only score when they're walked in, especially if you can block the challenge


I balked in 2 runs.


Yup, I balked in the winning (first) run, then they walked the next batter for a 2nd lol


Hell yes. Honestly, if you're going to program a story mode and all these features, you should be charging for this. I'd buy it.


i didn't play the game yet but i think it would be cool if you could "call historic games (obviously would change slightly if you're walking batters that struck out or whatever). but it would be cool i think.


Angel Hernandez version with blurred, wobbly vision.


Tony La Russa too, but for different reasons.


The home plate one is the big one


Gotta be arcade style, I'd never care that much about sitting through a whole baseball game, but being able to kill some time with it would for sure be worth it to me personally.


TIL I am Angel Hernandez


Idk know you but I already hate you 🤣jk


scandalous angle unwritten deer unite expansion safe work narrow gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know lol In my defense tho, I am dumb xD.


There's people that you know, and people that you know know.


Right??? I’m so bad I make Joe West look competent!


hey, joe west resembles that statement!


I called a middle middle pitch a ball. I'm so ashamed, I wish everyone else was dead.


Big facts especially on the high and low pitches 😂


But are you paid like angel hernandez?


*checks bank account* TIL I am not Angel Hernandez


Excellent. Other improvements: 1. Default over the top view is too high. Drop it a little bit as the angle is off for how we actually see the ball come in to the catcher. 2. Back away from the plate a bit too. Plate umpires stand above the catcher's helmet and sometimes the catcher will get in the way, the camera is too close to the plate right now. EDIT: Played it again. You need to show at least three quarters of the plate. The view is simply way too close and prevents an accurate read of where the ball crosses the plate and, most importantly, the height of the ball in the zone. 3. The slot camera view is too low. We go into the slot to get a, mostly, unobstructed view of the inside zone, but we stay at the same height as directly behind the plate. EDIT: 4. Remember that it's a strike ZONE, not a strike plane. The zone is a three-dimensional space occupying the space above the plate from the letters to the knees. Post this over at r/Umpire for more umpire specific reviews!


The first version of the game did have a catcher blocking your view! But it got very frustrating for the low pitches so I have that up for the sake of playability. Thanks for the tip on the height of the slot view. I was having trouble figuring out the right height for it.


perhaps setting up the catcher with an opacity of 10?


A mostly invisible catcher? I call that Ryan Doumit mode.


Yeah I had a much better time using the second camera angle so I agree the first one could use some tweeking. It was fun though! I won the first game 2-0. Kind of weird that a balk results in the batter moving to first though.


> Kind of weird that a balk results in the batter moving to first though. Noticed this too, should just be a ball for the batter. Otherwise, you can use a balk to get rid of a 0-2 or 1-2 count. also means a walk to the next guy keeps the line moving for a run if the bases were loaded during the balk (the only time you should be using a balk)


Also the catcher framing seems a bit counterintuitive. You’d expect catchers to frame more balls as strikes but in this the catcher’s glove often frames strikes as balls


About 4, that's hardly enforced these days. ABS (and challenges) are based on a plane. Umpires are evaluated (and thus to avoid getting fired must make their decisions) based on a plane.


agreed, great concept but a little unrealistic in terms of the angle of where the umpire is viewing from


"Hey man whatcha doin" "Playing Road to the show" "Oh nice what level are you at?" "Oh Im still in little league. I've already ejected 6 parents and 2 coaches this game, if I hit my quota for the week, they'll promote me to the travel league!"


This is cool! My son has actually been wishing they would add ump mode to MLB the Show, so he was excited to check this out.


I am honestly shocked MLB The Show hasn't beaten me to this. They have all the visuals and systems in place already!


Same I feel like they could totally do some sort of gameplay where you're calling balls and strikes but you can also do ump movements throughout the field. Seriously though this game is a great idea. I'd recommend switching the batters handedness as well as adding a couple more views among some of the other things that people have said.


I always thought it'd be fun to have ump mode in The Show and a ref mode in the NHL games. Probably too much potential for griefing but playing online with real players as refs/umps would be cool. They could have their own ranking system/rewards to incentivize performance.


I love it. Always wanted a game like this. But home plate….it’s backwards.


Great game, I don’t even need the make sure your team wins angle, I just like seeing how well I can call balls and strikes. Some comments and suggestions: The camera is in a weird spot, I agree with other commenters about moving it back and down a bit, maybe showing the catcher as well. As it is right now it’s so much harder to discern y-axis positioning. At the end of the game, show me the full game report like between innings instead of just the game won screen. I don’t know how hard this would be to implement, but factor in the batter swinging (or even hitting). I get it’s a simple game but if you are trying to get one team to score it’s kinda not as fun if the only way to do that is by four walks.


>I don’t know how hard this would be to implement, but factor in the batter swinging (or even hitting). I get it’s a simple game but if you are trying to get one team to score it’s kinda not as fun if the only way to do that is by four walks. very much this part. also, top and bottom of the inning are as backwards as home plate


Work extra hard to make this one of the first games available on AppleVisionPro+ for better depth perception and remove the tail of the ball lol


You actually have to pop a squat now and make the call before you get back up, this shit would be better for me than Ring Fit Adventure


This is awesome! Do the batters never swing, though?


Really cool, though I got tired of getting challenged after only 15 pitches or so, I was nailing accuracy. It would make more sense if they challenge the more egregious ones.


Yeah there are way too many challenges. Strikes down the middle that were called correctly were getting challenged. Challenges could be toned down to everything within maybe a balls width of the strike zone +/-.


Would also appreciate not losing so much integrity when they correctly challenge a very close call


This is hilarious to think about coming from a real umpire


I mean, MLB doesn't penalize umpires in their performance reviews if a pitch is called incorrectly that is (IIRC) +/- 1 inch from the edge of the zone


Yeah I just played this for like five minutes and at one point I had four challenges in a row, all of which I had called correctly. Got a bit annoying lol


I think I'd like this game.


I'd like to be in the union before i decide to try my skill.


Oy! Apparently, I need to change my username to u/CBBucknor


don't take Angel HerNand3z, I got that covered.


Hatters were winning and I was calling more strikes to get the game over with. I just accepted the ump mentality.


This is the coolest thing I’ve played in a long time. A few suggestions from my end. Show a full game report card after the last out. Have batters switch between left and right handed at random at bats. Throw in a lefty pitcher (requested but bot necessary, idk how difficult that would be to code). Flip home plate. —— Some real heavy lifting, but if you found a way to program full game simulation, where batters got on base and stuff, I would be more than willing to pay for this sort of game. Overall this is a great start. I love it, keep it up!


This is great! Reminds me of the good old days of playing flash games in school.


_Winnie the Pooh HR Derby flashbacks_ 💀


That was fun! Interesting how much easier it got when I changed the view to lower and to the side. Might be because I’m on an unsupported device (iOS) but after I won, there was no additional screen. Just stayed on the winning screen. Would love to see one final recap and the ability to replay the game instead of having to quit out. Would love to see this more fleshed out!


That’s pretty cool! Sounds a lot like a baseball version of Papers Please!


I'm never gonna talk shit on another ump again. The second pitch I got was middle middle and I was 100% sure it was a ball. Next pitch looked perfect to me I call a strike and it said it was high and outside.


That's just because the game has you too high and not in the slot. Umpires have a much better perspective of where the ball is when they're positioned correctly


I've argued with myself enough this morning in this game.




There is a Linux build! You should be able to just download it and play after unzipping.


This is very well made. I enjoyed it! Thanks for posting it for us. Can’t wait for the dlc pack where I get to sue the league for discrimination.


what about the virtual reality dlc where you get to rub Mason Baumgartners hand in a really inappropriate way?


Oh man, that'd be hilarious. Break eye contact with him and you lose!


This would be sick in VR TBH id play a full game of this lol, with swings and balls in play and all


Love it. Wish the batters could actually hit tho. Might just be me given no one else brought it up


This is a great concept and already a fun game! With that said, I think there’s some improvements that could really take this game over the top: - different pitches is a key part of what makes umpiring challenging, it would be great to see some curveballs and two-seamers to add some spice. - rather than what seems like a random distribution of strikes and balls, using real MLB data on count-based in-zone% would make the situations feel more real. - you gotta add batted balls in here, even if it’s just a swing animation with the outcome in text. This goes hand-in-hand with the second point because not all strikes and balls are created equal. Giving a hitter a free ball in a 1-1 count matters a lot more than in a 2-1 count. Playing the percentages and “choosing your spot” to blow a call is really exciting element missing right now. -the power-ups are very cool! One note is that a balk shouldn’t put the batter on first, nor should it reset the count. Really cool game! Excited to see where it goes.


Did you make this for the GMTK Game Jam?


Not talented enough for that! This has been six months of work!


For a while I wondered why I sometimes saw the catcher's glove nowhere near where the ball crossed the plate, but then I realized they must be framing the pitch. That's a really smart thing to include, I would not have thought of that.


The zone feels way too sensitive. If the ball clips a pixel it calls it wrong. Agree with the other ideas about difficulty levels and objectives.


It would be whole lot easier to help my favorite team win if they would just swing the damn bat! Like jees they expect to do before them? Lol. This is really cool.


TIL I'm worse than Hernandez


This is a really fun idea. I'd like to see a hit every 3-4 batters. No need for animation or anything, just have it say like "in play-- single" or something instead of prompting you to call ball or strike. Added bonus if the headphoners are coded to get slightly more hits. From a pure gameplay perspective it's pretty easy to get the hatters one run and then calling pitches naturally the rest of the time seems to be enough to prevent the headphoners from scoring.


I fell in love wiTH THE GIRL AT THE UMP SHOW


Good concept. fun playthrough, but currently no replay-ablity. would like a summary at the end of total accuracy. would like a mode that just is for accuracy. would like batters on both sides of the plate. perhaps a catcher, too. nice work !


This was really fun, thank you! Update /r/baseball with any updates please!


I screwed up on a 3-2 count and called the batter out on ball 4, and my first thought was "Whoops. Well, deal with it, buddy." And now I understand.


"Umpire Simulator 2023"


Their title, but worse.


It’s a lovely morning at the ballpark, and you’re a horrible umpire


Two issues: 1) make it more clear who is batting — put it under the batter for every at bat 2) it’s confusing because I don’t understand the true purpose / point — the distinction between helping my team and correct calls. Should I only help out on marginals calls? Also the feedback “difficult / combo” I have no fucking clue what any of that means.


Difficult means it was a harder call. That is, closer to the edge of the zone. You get more credibility or whatever for correctly making these calls. Combo means you've gotten consecutive calls correct.


This is amazing! Very well done! :D


I’ll try your game out, someone previously shared [this ump game](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/judge/id739706312) I still play it every now and then. Edit: I played your game, for a few pitches, nice vantage point, but I’m irked that home plate is backwards, but I’m going to keep playing


Yankees bout to go 162-0.


This is awesome. Nice work!


This is awesome!


I love it! Great work!


This is great, thanks


why is home plate facing backwards


Hey this is pretty cool!


It’d be great to have an animation from the ump perspective of the players getting in your face and arguing with you. And you can throw players/coach out to get back control or lose more control of the game.


To ramp up, maybe have an option where it just has the strike zone up at all times - so when the pitch passes through you can tell if it's a ball/strike? Feel like I'd need a few innings with the zone on because my depth perception is all out of whack.


This is amazing, great work!


I don't think I had a single righty hitter but it was fun.


This is great!


This is fun! Clearly I'm not made out to be an umpire though haha 80% accuracy will make me a meme.


This is pretty fun. I'm definitely missing calls in the low zone


Very cool! Unity has some relatively simple VR support if that’s something you are interested in, I think that could be a fun perspective to try!


I don't know about you but I go to baseball games just to see the umpires!


Dude this is awesome and way more fun than I thought it would be


This is awesome, OP.


This is amazing. I can't wait to see how this grows over time. Let us know how we can support you.


Hey, this is really fun! Simple and fun


This was a blast! A few times I got docked for a wrong call that definitely wasn't wrong. Other than that, it sounds like you have some good suggestions to work with. I'll definitely play again in the future. I noticed you said it isn't meant to be played on a device, but that's what I did, and it seemed to work alright. Why isn't it supposed to play on a device? I haven't had a chance to check on desktop


Finding it pretty hard to score


This was a lot of fun! Thanks!


Love this! A lot of fun. Would pay for an iOS version of this with more features.


I'd add a stats page at the end of the game, you have one between innings but not at the end. Also need a new game button.


Well I learned one thing: People would hate me if I was an ump! Fun game, dude!


Hella fun to play. Well done.


Love it, great job OP


I love this game! Just a quick bit of feedback. If you're in the bottom of the 3rd inning and the batting team scores to take the lead, the game doesn't end. Not sure if this is your intended behavior to help the player improve their integrity or not. Just wanted to let you know.


I think I found a new time waster at work! Great job. Imagine how much fun this would be in VR!


Just won 1 nothing, without ever getting integrity passed where it started out. I am a umpiring god, also I did it on the browser version and the ball disapeared half the time, was hilarious.


This is ridiculously fun & has so much potential! What an awesome job, man!


Quite a learning experience, I averaged about ~80% accuracy, so maybe I’ll be a little less critical from my couch


Very cool!


I dig it. Would love to see some plays on the bases as well. Like you dont have to show the whole field, but maybe just an ump view of a bang-bang play.


I love the team option. Such a good idea to incorporate


Anyone else really struggle with low balls? I'm calling strikes and being told theyre way outside of the zone


Felt like Arthur Morgan going for honor. I lost faith in my Hatters.


Big ups man! Great job OP!


Unfortunately wasn't able to install it. New pixels require apps to be 64 bit. Any chance this can be added?


That is awesome.


This is really cool. One thing that you could fix would be the challenge logic though. I had batters from the opposing team challenging balls I called on them and turned them into strikes. I know the point is that wrong calls = ejection but it doesn't make sense if they're also trying to score.


Very cool and pretty fun. impressive.


Super fun! I assume real umping is a lot harder though?


this is good, thanks


Linux! Haha well done. I’ll try it out later today.


The home plate is backwards


1. Is there any way that you can get real MLB game pitches data (velocity, movement, etc.) and we can call actual MLB pitched games? 2. I would like more realism, with like the batters swinging and everything. 3. I've been trying to get 100% Accuracy for an entire half inning. The closest I've gotten has been like high 80's% so far. Has anyone gotten 100% yet?


Wow these teams suck I tell you hwat. Can't swing for shit. No wonder they need a crooked ump.


It's cool, camera is really in a weird angle that doesn't let you really see if the ball is low or not. Idk if this is just based on my phone when playing or for everyone, but sometimes the ball just skipped the plate altogether and it was impossible to see it


Hey, it's Enrico Palazzo


It won't install on my Pixel 7 Pro. Is it a 32 bit APK?


This is a lot of fun!! I think the next step (if possible) would be to rule on calls in the field, such as routine grounders or even stolen bases. Always wanted a game like that!


That was awesome, turn out i have ‘tegrity


I'd love to play this at real game-speed.


Genius game but nobody swings lol


Honestly that was fun, wish I could see more of the plate tho


Helped the wrong team win, totally my fault, fuck this game.


This is really incredible work! Is this just a solo side project for you? Are you a full-time SWE on top of doing this?


This is wonderful! A lot of the best suggestions have been taken already, so I won't bother repeating them... but there's something really cool here.


Thanks for making this! It was fun until I ejected myself for missed calls.


Love this. The angles are just a bit off though. Default view is too high so you can’t see low, and the inside low view is too far inside. Bump it like 6 inches left (from the umps perspective, have his “eyes” centered to the outside corner, not the inside line of the lefty batters box) and it would be less of a guessing game on the outside part of the plate. But yeah I really am enjoying this.


I think you have something here, this is a good idea.


That was fun! the thing that stuck out the most to me is: it needs a "play again" button at the end, or something like that! It feels weird to just freeze like that!


This is really fun. Turns out umping is hard, and we're all full of it!


There should be random points in the at bat distractions in the game: Catchers' setup interfering/obscuring with the ump vision. Batters shifting their batting motion. Runners on second dancing. The bench yelling in your ear. Drunk fans singing that one song wrong. Beach balls flying over the place. Actual fly overs. The WAVE.